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The Crooked Hillary Thread


FACT: The Wicked Witch of the West is also not currently under investigation by the F.B.I. and Justice Department like Killary Clinton is.
just saying...
drip drip drip

FBI investigating drone emails as part of Clinton server probe

Washington (CNN)A series of emails about the CIA's drone program are among those being investigated by the FBI as part of its probe into Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server while secretary of state, a law enforcement official tells CNN.

Those emails, sent in late 2011 and early 2012, involve a discussion by the then-U.S. ambassador to Pakistan about a planned U.S.-led drone strike in that country, and took place largely on what's called "low side," or non-classified, State Department email system. The planned drone strike was later canceled.

The CIA drone program is covert and considered classified, so while it is widely discussed in public and in media reports, any discussion of the program on a non-classified system is a violation of government rules. For this reason, the CIA insisted that the emails on the subject be retroactively classified.

Team Hillary’s final e-mail defense: mass amnesia


It was another week of news poking fresh holes in Hillary Clinton’s tattered e-mail defense. At this point, the only cover she has left are all the ongoing stonewalls.

One landmark event came Wednesday, when presidential spokesman Josh Earnest for the first time referred to the FBI’s probe of the e-mails as a “criminal investigation.”

Then came a Wall Street Journal scoop: One thing making it criminal is that top State Department aides sent her e-mails on “born classified” discussions of drone strikes in Pakistan. The record already shows that Secretary Clinton’s inner circle knew full well that her private account was run off a home-brewed server — their e-discussions are full of notices that she’s “off e-mail” while the server gets restarted, and even that it’s been taken down because of possible hacker attacks.

Yet they all colluded in her continued use of it — and in e-mailing her info that everyone at that level of government knows is supposed to be kept to secure networks.

Meanwhile, ongoing depositions show Team Hillary continuing its “amnesia” stonewall. None of her ex-aides can recall a thing about the private server. For example, Clinton’s former executive secretary, Stephen Mull, was asked: “Do you know how you learned” about the server? “I can’t recall,” he replied.

Funny: In a 2011 exchange, Mull made specific reference to “her personal e-mail server,” then on the fritz, and offered to get Clinton two Blackberrys, one of them to serve a “State Department e-mail account.”

She rejected that idea, as she did every effort to help her get serious about basic e-mail security.

Meanwhile, ongoing depositions show Team Hillary continuing its “amnesia” stonewall.

Not gonna help, huh Spike. They can stonewall and lie all they want, the jig is up.

I'll repeat this for the libs.....

“All of the materials retrieved from any electronic equipment obtained from former Secretary Clinton for the investigation are evidence, potential evidence, or information that has not yet been assessed for evidentiary value,” the FBI wrote in a filing with a federal court on Monday. The comments do confirm long-held suspicions that the FBI was able to recover material deleted by Clinton or her staff.

The filing is the latest development in the far-reaching investigation of Clinton’s conduct as Secretary of State from 2009-2013, which includes her illegal private email server, her handling of the Benghazi attack, potential disclosure of sensitive information, and the destabilization of several North African and Middle Eastern countries under her term.

All that plus a separate "inquiry" involving the notorious 'Clinton Foundation' has to have them more than a little skidish when answering them pesky questions.


Here's a lesson in politics for you amateurs...

A very simple way to explain How Politics Work.......

I told my son "I want you to marry a girl of my choice!"

He said "NO!" I told him its Bill Gates daughter!!!! He said "OKAY!"

Got in contact with Bill Gates & told him "I want your daughter to marry my son!" He said "NO!"
Told him my son was the CEO of the World Bank! He said "OKAY!"

Went to the President of the World Bank & told him to make my son CEO of the Bank!
He said "NO!"
Told him my son was Bill Gates Son in Law! He said "OKAY!"

That’s Exactly how Politics works….
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I still can't figure out how the hell their foundation is considered a charity. They only give away about 10% of what they bring in. The rest is considered "overhead and operating expenses". Most true charities give away about 80% or more of what they bring in from donations. The Clintons are as crooked as they come.
Julian Assange and wiki leaks are set to release new trove of Hillary emails. This new batch will 'surely lead to her arrest' according to Assange. Will wait and see. Btw this is one of the reasons Bernie hasn't dropped out, imo.
Hillary Clinton said

Yes, I got him off. So what? Who cares? We got the evidence thrown out, so he walked. * Laughs * I mean sure, we knew he did it. * Laughs * but it didn’t matter.

- Hillary Clinton audio recording from 1982 discussing child rapists she defended when she was a criminal defense attorney in Arkansas.
So much for that "it's just a security inquiry" she keeps saying

FBI’s Probe Of Clinton Email Server Is A ‘Criminal Investigation,’ Judge Says

The FBI’s investigation into Hillary Clinton’s private email server is “criminal” in nature, U.S. District Court judge Emmet Sullivan said in a court filing on Tuesday.

Sullivan was responding to a plea from attorneys for former State Department information technology specialist Bryan Pagliano who asked that details of an immunity deal he made with the FBI to discuss Clinton’s server be kept secret.

“The privacy interests at stake are high because the government’s criminal investigation through which Mr. Pagliano received limited immunity is ongoing and confidential,” Sullivan wrote in the new order.

But but, she's got a new line of t-shirts that are cool.

For a mere $27.68 a pop, the overtly pro-Hillary website Wonkette is peddling anti-Trump apparel, complete with Clinton holding The Donald’s severed head. For those who aren’t worried about Geraldo Rivera’s reaction, there is a hoodie version at the bargain price of $55.54.


Luckily, there’s a historical reference to hide behind here, the story of Judith and Holofernes. Whether that will keep the Secret Service at bay is anyone’s guess.

Lovingly designed at Wonkette’s Missoula, Montana fashion studios, there’s no word on how many have sold since it became available a few days ago. Should they run out, however, there are plenty of other items on offer, including “Truck Fump” notebooks, mugs, pillows and of course, T-shirts.

The only item I want to see from the Hildebeast, is this.......

Crooked Hillary...

After 9/11, Saudis Had Huma Abedin-Connected Group Removed from Terror List


Hillary Clinton’s top aide Huma Abedin has deep and, so far, unexplained connections to a Saudi Arabian man who ran a Saudi organization that U.S. intelligence connected to terror funding during both Bill Clinton and George W. Bush’s administrations, but escaped scrutiny after pressure from the Saudi Arabian government.

Details about the group called the Muslim World League were originally published in 2001 and 2004, but their significance was not fully clear until recently, with Huma Abedin acting as co-chairwoman of Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign.

Although Abedin has made headlines in recent months for her central role in the Hillary Clinton email server scandal, as well as a Showtime movie that highlights her husband, disgraced former Democratic Congressman Anthony Weiner’s failed New York mayoral bid, Abedin has managed to avoid any serious scrutiny from the press. However, given the clear danger posed by Islamist terror groups like the Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL), the newly unearthed material about Huma Abedin’s direct connection to a man who ran a group that U.S. intelligence suspected of direct involvement with terrorism raises deeply troubling questions.



That explains a lot.
BREAKING: WikiLeaks Founder Promises Hillary Clinton Arrest And Indictment After Next Leak

Julian Assange is the founder of WikiLeaks, a whistleblowing website, counted on by millions to call out the dirty birds who hold far too much power in our country. Assange says that his next leak will be so damaging for Hillary Clinton, that not only should she no longer be eligible to be President, but she should be arrested and indicted.

According to Assange, he has “enough evidence” for the Department of Justice to indict Hillary Clinton regarding her handling of classified information, which includes directing her staff to remove “classified” labels from emails as a way to casually send pertinent and delicate information via an unsecured public server.

Assange says that, while he believes that some of the rules regarding classified information are silly, he also knows that Hillary Clinton, as well as President Obama, has pushed to get people who break those rules prosecuted for such crimes.

Over 30,000 of Clinton’s emails have already been released by WikiLeaks. Those emails were sent by Clinton over the course of four years, while Clinton served as Secretary of State. While Assange didn’t go into too much detail as to what exactly he would be releasing, he did say that he had “accumulated a lot of material about Hillary Clinton, which could proceed to an indictment.”

Assange does not, however, believe that anyone in President Obama’s administration would actually indict Clinton. Assange said this in an interview with ITV:


This is not the first time Assange has called on President Obama to indict Hillary Clinton. In 2010, WikiLeaks released information that would have had any non-famous politician in serious trouble. That information was soon forgotten, and nothing ever came of an indictment.

Now, many years later, the American public is still talking about Hillary Clinton’s private email server and mishandling of classified information. The public wants the truth.

Assange is viewed as an enemy of the state, keeping sanctuary in the Ecuadorian embassy in London. Ecuador has refused the United State’s request for them to hand over Assange to us.

Watch the interview with Assange here.

The reason Bernie hasn't dropped out is that he is flush with cash and wants to use it to continue
promoting his positions.

All of their audited financials and annual reports are on-line, so you can have at them. They average about 88% of their funds going to
program services, which is a pretty good record for a non-profit.

If the Clintons were money hungry, you'd see them living a luxurious lifestyle. But you mainly see them working. Working floats some peoples boats.
The reason Bernie hasn't dropped out is that he is flush with cash and wants to use it to continue promoting his positions.
"Flush with cash" is a pretty loose term for someone averaging $27 per donation, zero super pac money et al. You can take a swing at Bernie if you want, but characterizing him as some money grubber is off the mark.
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All of their audited financials and annual reports are on-line, so you can have at them. They average about 88% of their funds going to
program services, which is a pretty good record for a non-profit.

If the Clintons were money hungry, you'd see them living a luxurious lifestyle. But you mainly see them working. Working floats some peoples boats.

That's funny, they are the only ones that make that claim.

“Charity Navigator … [has] placed the Clinton Foundation on a watch list,” Willis said. “They think there are problems with this nonprofit. They don’t like the way it runs itself. They say the money is not spent wisely.”

Maybe because they are including their expenses and salaries in that " program services" number.

As for conferences, nearly 98 percent of money spent was tabbed as a programming expense. And when it comes to salaries — which includes pension plan contributions, benefits and payroll taxes — about 73 percent went to program service expenses.

Another site has it

If you define "actual charities not controlled by the Clintons" as "programmatic grants," then it appears the number is 15%, with 85% staying with the foundation itself:

Between 2009 and 2012, the Clinton Foundation raised over $500 million dollars according to a review of IRS documents by The Federalist (2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008). A measly 15 percent of that, or $75 million, went towards programmatic grants. More than $25 million went to fund travel expenses. Nearly $110 million went toward employee salaries and benefits. And a whopping $290 million during that period — nearly 60 percent of all money raised — was classified merely as “other expenses.” ...The Clinton Foundation may well be saving lives, but it seems odd that the costs of so many life-saving activities would be classified by the organization itself as just random, miscellaneous expenses.

and another...

"When anyone contributes to the Clinton Foundation, it actually goes toward fat salaries, administrative bloat, and lavish travel. Between 2009 and 2012, the Clinton Foundation raised over $500 million dollars according to a review of IRS documents by The Federalist (2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008). A measly 15 percent of that, or $75 million, went towards programmatic grants. More than $25 million went to fund travel expenses. Nearly $110 million went toward employee salaries and benefits. And a whopping $290 million during that period — nearly 60 percent of all money raised — was classified merely as ‘other expenses.’ "

The Clinton foundation, on the other hand, gets to its 88 percent going to "life-changing work" by combining the finances of the Clinton Foundation and an affiliated organization, the Clinton Health Access Initiative, that before 2010 had been part of the Clinton Foundation proper

In response to a PolitiFact request, the Clinton Foundation said the expenditures for its programs are "inclusive of salaries for staff, large-scale conferences (which is how the foundation convenes partners to take action such as the Clinton Global Initiative and the Health Matters conference), training for farmers and other beneficiaries, as well as direct program expenses like purchasing seeds and fertilizer for our agricultural programs and medical equipment for our public health work."

Reasonable people can disagree about how to categorize expenses, said Janet S. Greenlee, emeritus professor of accounting at the University of Dayton business school.

BTW 21, your "you'd see them living a luxurious lifestyle" comment is beyond stupid.

watch this...

Wait - it gets better

CNN: Is Hillary Clinton Undermining Our Values And Anti-Terror Strategy For Saying Radical Islam?

A day after President Obama went on a rant about why he doesn't use the phrase “radical Islam," CNN asked if the leaders, like Hillary Clinton who have used the phrase, have undermined U.S. strategy. What should’ve been a relatively straightforward briefing on the threats posed by ISIS turned into a tirade against Republicans and Donald Trump from the president. He also used it as a staging ground to lecture us about reinstating the so-called assault weapons ban

CNN’s Michelle Kosinski pressed the White House on the president’s meltdown, asking why does the Obama White House get so defensive when people criticize him, and members of his administration, for not saying a phrase that accurately describes the threat we face from these organizations, as they are adherents to radical form of Islam.

“Are you sure that anyone sees these magic words as a strategy, though, and they’re not just pointing out the fact that the president hasn’t wanted to say them for a very long time? Even though others have, including Hillary Clinton?” Kosinski asked. “It just seems like when he talks about people painting this with a very broad brush, it seems maybe as if you’re painting this with a broader brush than some of those critics mean from the beginning.”

"Are they then undermining values and strategy?” Kosinski asked.

CNN’s Jake Tapper had a rather damning observation: the president has zero confidence that the inauthentic, scandal-plagued, pre-packaged Hillary Clinton isn’t able to deliver knockout blows against Trump and the GOP.

Clinton Email Scandal: Imminent Document Leak Enough To Indict Her

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is not generally thought of as a friend of Republicans. But what he says is coming soon from his whistleblowing group could endear him to the GOP. Assange claims his "upcoming leaks in relation to Hillary Clinton" are enough to indict her, according to a recent interview with British ITV News.

"We've accumulated a lot of material about Hillary Clinton. We could proceed to an indictment," he said. These emails are "pending publication."

But no matter how damaging the emails are, Assange believes the FBI will give Clinton a pass. Rather than bring criminal charges, it will "push for concessions from the new Clinton government in exchange for its lack of indictment."

If that happens, then the FBI will have committed a criminal offense. Letting a politician escape indictment simply because he or she has power and status is an outrage that every American should strongly condemn. But, as Assange points out, Attorney General Loretta Lynch, an Obama appointee, isn't likely to indict someone who once worked for her boss, and is a fellow Democrat.

Julian Assange and wiki leaks are set to release new trove of Hillary emails. This new batch will 'surely lead to her arrest' according to Assange. Will wait and see. Btw this is one of the reasons Bernie hasn't dropped out, imo.

I think you're right.
What are the chances that Obama's Dept. of Justice would EVER, despite the evidence, move to indict Hillary, for even a parking ticket?
Crooked Hillary is hog tied to Obama, but he could still throw her under the bus

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What are the chances that Obama's Dept. of Justice would EVER, despite the evidence, move to indict Hillary, for even a parking ticket?
See post #193
What are the chances that Obama's Dept. of Justice would EVER, despite the evidence, move to indict Hillary, for even a parking ticket?

Actually I think Trump has a better chance of beating her than he does Bernie or Crazy Uncle Joe.