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The Crooked Hillary Thread

I'm no psychologist, but I find Spike's fetishized lust for Dem-on-Dem violence fascinating, to say the least.

You have to admit that it is hilarious when left wing Neo-Socialist shitbags eat their own. That's funny right there I don't care who you are.
that violence is not isolated to Chicago, either. Though in Memphis, it's at least legal to use a gun to defend yourself.

Charges filed in shooting that killed man at 'Keeping Da Peace' picnic



Police arrested one person after a man was shot and killed in a North Memphis neighborhood.

Nearly a dozen police cars descended on the area Saturday afternoon.

The shooting happened near the 10th annual Smokey City Keeping Da Peace neighborhood picnic, where about 200 people filled the park.

Picnic goers said the man killed was 34-year-old Larry Boyd.

"I just spoke to him before it happened," said neighbor Donald Askew. "We never know when it's our last day."

Memphis police said the shooting started near a playground where several children were playing. No children were injured.

Neighbors at the event say shootings like this are why people felt the need to start the annual event.

"This is why we do this," Askew added. "We can't push the issue enough. Guns don't kill people; people kill people."

Derrick Jefferson is charged with first-degree murder in connection to the shooting.


admittedly, an old article, but Memphis is damn near as corrupt politically as Chicago.
"Most transparent administration ever"


State Department Blocks Release Of Hillary Clinton-Era TPP Emails Until After The Election

By David Sirota @davidsirota On 06/06/16 AT 7:38 AM

Update, 4:35pm ET, June 6: Following IBT's story, Donald Trump's campaign demanded that the State Department release Clinton's TPP-related emails. The Trump campaign referred to Clinton as "the outsourcing candidate" and said she was intent on "ramming TPP down the throats of the American people." Read IBT's story about Trump's statement here.

Original story: Trade is a hot issue in the 2016 U.S. presidential campaign. But correspondence from Hillary Clinton and her top State Department aides about a controversial 12-nation trade deal will not be available for public review — at least not until after the election. The Obama administration abruptly blocked the release of Clinton’s State Department correspondence about the so-called Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), after first saying it expected to produce the emails this spring.

The decision came in response to International Business Times' open records request for correspondence between Clinton’s State Department office and the United States Trade Representative. The request, which was submitted in July 2015, specifically asked for all such correspondence that made reference to the TPP.

The State Department originally said it estimated the request would be completed by April 2016. Last week the agency said it had completed the search process for the correspondence but also said it was delaying the completion of the request until late November 2016 — weeks after the presidential election. The delay was issued in the same week the Obama administration filed a court motion to try to kill a lawsuit aimed at forcing the federal government to more quickly comply with open records requests for Clinton-era State Department documents.

Clinton’s shifting positions on the TPP have been a source of controversy during the campaign: She repeatedly promoted the deal as secretary of state but then in 2015 said, "I did not work on TPP," even though some leaked State Department cables show that her agency was involved in diplomatic discussions about the pact. Under pressure from her Democratic primary opponent, Bernie Sanders, Clinton announced in October that she now opposes the deal — and has disputed that she ever fully backed it in the first place.

While some TPP-related emails have been released by the State Department as part of other open records requests, IBT’s request was designed to provide a comprehensive view of how involved Clinton and her top aides were in shaping the trade agreement, and whether her agency had a hand in crafting any particular provisions in the pact. Unions, environmental organizations and consumer groups say the agreement will help corporations undermine domestic labor, conservation and other public interest laws.

If IBT's open records request is fulfilled on the last day of November, as the State Department now estimates, it will have taken 489 days for the request to be fulfilled. According to Justice Department statistics, the average wait time for a State Department request is 111 days on a simple request — the longest of any federal agency the department's report analyzed. Requests classified as complex by the State Department can take years.

Earlier this year, the State Department’s inspector general issued a report slamming the agency’s handling of open records requests for documents from the Office of the Secretary. Searches of emails “do not consistently meet statutory and regulatory requirements for completeness and rarely meet requirements for timeliness,” the inspector general concluded.

What I want to see is when the Bernie-Bots riot and attack the Clintonistas. I legitimately wonder if the MSM will have the gall to blame it on Trump.
there's video of Bernie Bots fighting each other... not made it MSM yet


Hillary Clinton gives a speech about inequality in an Armani jacket worth '$12,000'

The presumptive Democratic presidential nominee stirs controversy for her choice of jacket

Clinton, who is known for her pantsuit collection, has hired a team of image experts AP

Hilary Clinton has come under fire for giving a speech about inequality in a Giorgio Armani jacket reportedly worth $12,495.

It has emerged the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee wore the tweed jacket during her victory speech in April in which she explored topics of income inequality, job creation and retirement schemes.

Clinton, who is known for her pantsuit collection, has hired a team of image experts which includes Michelle Obama’s former assistant Kristina Schake and has opted for higher end European fashion labels in recent months.

“She’s had to have spent in the six figures on this wardrobe overhaul,” Los Angeles-based political image consultant Patsy Cisneros told The New York Post.

But Clinton has stirred criticism for her choice of jacket on social media since reports emerged yesterday.

“Hilary Clinton is a total hypocrite,” Fox new contributor Richard Grenell wrote on Twitter.

Another user said, “Hillary's jacket is worth almost as much as the annual salary of one minimum wage worker”.

Although not all Twitter users have been negative, one said, “God forbid someone works hard and buys themselves nice things”.

In the past, Clinton’s choice of clothes have been widely mocked, with her colourful pantsuit collection prompting numerous memes.

Donald Trump, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, has also been spotted in designer clothing and has been open about his penchant for Italian-made Brioni suits.
They did a poll and most Dems don't think Hilldog should drop out of the race even if she is indicted. That is how ****** up this country is. Criminals are just fine and dandy with libtards.
Hillary Clinton 'secures Democratic nomination' - AP

Clinton has delegates to win Dem nomination, AP reports; Sanders questions tally

Fight Crazy Bernie, fight!
Odumma said he's ready to hit the campaign trail for Hilldog. That can only mean he has already determined he will not allow and indictment of her to happen. Chicago politics at its finest.
Soon Tibs will jump in and say something more about all of this being a "Witch Hunt"

Weapons flowing from Benghazi to Syria. The Government knew. Clinton knew. Obama knew. And they got caught trying to cover it up.

<iframe src="https://www.facebook.com/plugins/video.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2FOverpassesForAmerica%2Fvideos%2F857870164319219%2F&show_text=0&width=560" width="560" height="315" style="border:none;overflow:hidden" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowTransparency="true" allowFullScreen="true"></iframe>

But, but, but....the Left will say "she's not been convicted of any crime."

Nor was O.J.

Truth is evident.
They did a poll and most Dems don't think Hilldog should drop out of the race even if she is indicted. That is how ****** up this country is. Criminals are just fine and dandy with libtards.

The 47%.

FBI: Records from Clinton's email server being held as 'evidence'

FBI agents have confirmed that they recovered records from Hillary Clinton's private server and other electronic devices, but won't reveal any details about those records because that information is being treated as "evidence" in a "pending investigation."

"[A]ll of the materials retrieved from any electronic equipment obtained from former Secretary Clinton for the investigation are evidence, potential evidence, or information that has not yet been assessed for evidentiary value," the FBI said in documents filed with a federal court Monday.

While media reports last year suggested the law enforcement agency had some success pulling potentially deleted emails off Clinton's private server, which it seized in August, the FBI had previously shied away from confirming the existence of recovered records. It also hadn't revealed any details about what was being considered "evidence" in its high-profile investigation.

"Due to the sensitive nature of the investigation, the number of FBI personnel involved in and having knowledge of the pending investigation is limited," the FBI said in the filing



"OH Huma baby, your ***** tastes like candy.....oohhhhh"

History is made. The first woman presidential candidate.

Wait, better check with our resident liberal freaks. She does identify as a woman right?
History is made. The first woman presidential candidate.

Wait, better check with our resident liberal freaks. She does identify as a woman right?

Ask Markie Post.
Look ....I don't like Hillary . I think she is a rotten person, a liar and is everything that is wrong about politics. However, I've got a secret for all those wringing their hands over her email scandal.....

Shhhh That's just between us. ok?
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History is made. The first woman presidential candidate.

Wait, better check with our resident liberal freaks. She does identify as a woman right?

Actually the Green Party has nominated two already.
Crooked Hillary ... caught red-handed...guilty!

Hillary Admits Some Foundation Donations 'Slipped Through The Cracks'


The Clinton Foundation had “overwhelming disclosure” regarding its donations, Hillary Clinton said Wednesday, defending herself against Donald Trump’s latest attacks on the nonprofit while also acknowledging that “one or two instances” may have “slipped through the cracks.”

Trump on Tuesday accused the former secretary of state of turning the State Department into a private hedge fund, arguing that “the Russians, the Saudis and the Chinese all gave money to Bill and Hillary and got favorable treatment in return.”

Asked by CNN’s Anderson Cooper whether Bill Clinton would divest the Clinton Foundation should the former first lady win the White House, Hillary Clinton demurred.

“We’ll cross that bridge if and when we come to it, but let me just try to set the record straight. We had absolutely overwhelming disclosure,” she said. “Were there, you know, one or two instances that slipped through the cracks? Yes. But was the overwhelming amount of anything that anybody gave the foundation disclosed? Absolutely.”



What's $100 million between her and her Chinese friends
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Emails in Clinton Probe Dealt With Planned Drone Strikes

At the center of a criminal probe involving Hillary Clinton’s handling of classified information is a series of emails between American diplomats in Islamabad and their superiors in Washington about whether to oppose specific drone strikes in Pakistan.

The 2011 and 2012 emails were sent via the “low side’’—government slang for a computer system for unclassified matters—as part of a secret arrangement that gave the State Department more of a voice in whether a Central Intelligence Agency drone strike went ahead, according to congressional and law-enforcement officials briefed on the Federal Bureau of Investigation probe.

Some of the emails were then forwarded by Mrs. Clinton’s aides to her personal email account, which routed them to a server she kept at her home in suburban New York when she was secretary of state, the officials said.

Investigators have raised concerns that Mrs. Clinton’s personal server was less secure than State Department systems.

Under strict U.S. classification rules, U.S. officials have been barred from discussing strikes publicly and even privately outside of secure communications systems. The State Department said in January that 22 emails on Mrs. Clinton’s personal server at her home have been judged to contain top-secret information and aren’t being publicly released.


Emails in Clinton Probe Dealt With Planned Drone Strikes

At the center of a criminal probe involving Hillary Clinton’s handling of classified information is a series of emails between American diplomats in Islamabad and their superiors in Washington about whether to oppose specific drone strikes in Pakistan.

The 2011 and 2012 emails were sent via the “low side’’—government slang for a computer system for unclassified matters—as part of a secret arrangement that gave the State Department more of a voice in whether a Central Intelligence Agency drone strike went ahead, according to congressional and law-enforcement officials briefed on the Federal Bureau of Investigation probe.

Some of the emails were then forwarded by Mrs. Clinton’s aides to her personal email account, which routed them to a server she kept at her home in suburban New York when she was secretary of state, the officials said.

Investigators have raised concerns that Mrs. Clinton’s personal server was less secure than State Department systems.

Under strict U.S. classification rules, U.S. officials have been barred from discussing strikes publicly and even privately outside of secure communications systems. The State Department said in January that 22 emails on Mrs. Clinton’s personal server at her home have been judged to contain top-secret information and aren’t being publicly released.



Newly released State Department emails help reveal how a major Clinton Foundation donor was placed on a sensitive government intelligence advisory board even though he had no obvious experience in the field, a decision that appeared to baffle the department's professional staff.

The emails further reveal how, after inquiries from ABC News, the Clinton staff sought to "protect the name" of the Secretary, "stall" the ABC News reporter and ultimately accept the resignation of the donor just two days later.

Copies of dozens of internal emails were provided to ABC News by the conservative political group Citizens United, which obtained them under the Freedom of Information Act after more the two years of litigation with the government.

A prolific fundraiser for Democratic candidates and contributor to the Clinton Foundation, who later traveled with Bill Clinton on a trip to Africa, Rajiv K. Fernando

The Chicago securities trader, who specialized in electronic investing, sat alongside an august collection of nuclear scientists, former cabinet secretaries and members of Congress to advise Hillary Clinton on the use of tactical nuclear weapons and on other crucial arms control issues.

"We had no idea who he was," one board member told ABC News.

Fernando's lack of any known background in nuclear security caught the attention of several board members, and when ABC News first contacted the State Department in August 2011 seeking a copy of his resume, the emails show that confusion ensued among the career government officials who work with the advisory panel.
