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The Crooked Hillary Thread

I would love if this was possible, but I am not sure it is. I am not even sure the Trump doesn't serve the same agendas as the rest. He could be a plant to give us the illusion that we have a choice. We don't.

No, Trump running for President in this crowd is kinda like Rodney Dangerfield showing up at the Bushwood Country Club in Caddyshack.
After watching the total cave in by the FBI today, how much more frustrated can you feel about the accountability by our government agencies in charge of protecting us. One can leak top secret messages not once but hundreds and nothing to happen, a guy mistaking takes finger nail clippers on an airplane and off to jail. Sad day for our country. How dumb does the FBI think we are, interview Hillary on Saturday and they make an announcement today, like we believe that all sat around a table Sunday and Monday to decide she should not be prosecuted. A Holiday weekend. totally unacceptable and not one member of congress has come out behind their hiding to blast the FBI and Hillary. By God she was States Attorney, in government surroundings for ever, placing our country in jeopardy by emails with top secret items and it is ignored. Not enough evidence, what are we talking about. How anyone can vote for her is just mind boggling.
I think this will help Trump. People should be disgusted by this corruption. What this election boils down to right vs. wrong. Right = The Trump Manifesto vs. Wrong = Clinton and corrupt politics as usual, and terrorism, and the death of America.
It's mind boggling to me that they can claim this woman who is an attorney and spent 8 years in the White House was just "careless". Anyone who thinks she didn't have very good reasons for doing this, or that she didn't realize it was a problem, is a complete idiot.
Rudy Giuliani: "Today Hillary Clinton Was Put Way Above The Law"

Paul Ryan‏@SpeakerRyan
While I respect the professionals at the FBI, this announcement defies explanation. No one should be above the law.

Let the backlash begin
Even though I was pretty sure this would happen, I did get my hopes up that the Clinton's would finally get caught at something. Dammit.

Gotta beat her at the ballot box. It is all we have left.
**** Hillary. **** Bill. **** the Clinton machine.


There....I said it!!!!
If you are going to make the leap that this lawyer/senator/sec of state, who spent 8 years in the White House, was only extremely careless, that there was no intent - just 8 years of incredibly stupid handling of top secret information, then she should at the very least have her clearance revoked - or security clearance is a joke.
Another thing I don't understand is why she was allowed to withhold half of her emails which she claims were personal or private. She was Secretary of State and she sent an equal number of private emails as work related ones? That's bullshit. And if you are going to combine your personal emails with all of your State Department work emails. tough **** if they were private! I think you lose the right to decide which ones are private and which ones aren't. This "investigation" wasn't an investigation at all if she was allowed to decide which emails they could look at and which ones they couldn't.
the whole thing is a joke... common person does this and it is jail time. Clinton does it and it is supposed to just go away
6 MILLION views on Facebook, twitter etc. - her political indictment is just beginning

Another thing I don't understand is why she was allowed to withhold half of her emails which she claims were personal or private. She was Secretary of State and she sent an equal number of private emails as work related ones? That's bullshit. And if you are going to combine your personal emails with all of your State Department work emails. tough **** if they were private! I think you lose the right to decide which ones are private and which ones aren't. This "investigation" wasn't an investigation at all if she was allowed to decide which emails they could look at and which ones they couldn't.

additionally - Huma's emails contained some received from Hillary that Hillary didn't turn over and Hillary's emails contained some of Huma's that were not turned over.

so now our elected officials should show some backbone and pass some legislation that would prevent someone from skirting the law without being reprimanded.


Everyone Is Missing The Most Troubling Part About Hillary's Email Audit!

by Tyler Durden
May 28, 2016 8:40 PM
Submitted by Rachel Stockman via LawNewz.com,

Here is the bottom line about the U.S. Department of State’s Office of Inspector General’s Report regarding the use of email by the Secretary of State’s Office: It does not look good for Hillary. Not just in the political sense, but in the legal sense as well. The pundits seem concerned that Clinton refused to be interviewed by OIG investigators. Sure it’s troubling, but she’s involved in a FBI investigation, and her attorneys likely advised her not to talk. That’s not the issue.

In addition, conservatives have said over and over again that the difference between Clinton’s email usage and that of former Secretary of State Colin Powell is that she had a private server. But again, the pundits are missing the point. The fact that she kept a server made it worse, but both Clinton and Powell clearly violated federal record keeping rules by not turning over copies of their emails when they left office.

“Secretary Clinton should have surrendered all emails dealing with Department business before leaving government service, and because she did not do so, she did not comply with the Department’s policies that were implemented in accordance with the Federal Records Act,” the audit report said. Bottom line: Mrs. Clinton violated the Federal Records Act.

However, what is probably the most troubling about all of this is that, despite these blatant violations, there will be absolutely no legal repercussions for Mrs. Clinton for this offense. She’s off the hook! Why aren’t all the pundits screaming about that?

As LawNewz.com‘s contributor, Dan Metcalfe, wrote about several weeks ago, anyone who violates this law (and leaves office) will face zero consequences. That’s because it is a civil law, not a criminal law, and penalties only apply to current federal employees. Employees, like Clinton and Powell, who leave office, can skirt punishment. The Federal Records Act is in place not only to provide the American public with some level of transparency but also “to protect the legal and financial rights of the Government and of persons directly affected by the agency’s activities.”

“There are absolutely no penalties provided by law for this misconduct,” Metcalfe said. He would know, Metcalfe was the founding director of the Justice Department’s Office of Information and Privacy. He was essentially “the federal government’s chief information-disclosure ‘guru.’”

“This report unsurprisingly finds gross violations of the Federal Record Act’s requirements by then-Secretary Clinton and her personal staff, not to mention inexplicably poor oversight by State’s top records-management officials as they simply let her do as she pleased,” Metcalfe told LawNewz.com, “Even taking a charitable view, it serves as an indictment of Ms. Clinton’s conduct on the civil side of her ledger, documenting misconduct that would surely lead to dismissal were she still employed there.”

As Metcalfe pointed out, The Federal Records Act, if violated in this way, does allow action to be taken against a government employee– but only administrative action. Both Clinton and Powell are not in office, so they can’t be punished. As for the Freedom of Information Act, there are sanctions provided under (a)(4)(F)(1), but again, those penalties only apply to someone who is still working for the federal government. While there are consequences if you are found to have intentionally destroyed federal records, the audit did not make a finding that this happened.

In response to the audit, House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wis., said in a statement: “Think about this, the highest ranking diplomat in the United States – the Secretary of State – deliberately broke agency policy to serve her own interests.”

Clinton’s spokesperson, of course, downplayed the report saying, “the Inspector General documents just how consistent her email practices were with those of other Secretaries and senior officials at the State Department who also used personal email.”

So maybe that’s true, yes, even Colin Powell violated the rules, but the real problem that neither Ryan nor Clinton will address is that there is nothing to prevent this from happening again!

This law was put in place to ensure we have a proper record of how our politicians are handling the most important matters that concern every citizen, and, maybe more importantly, to promote transparency. Ryan is quick to condemn what she did as “deliberately” breaking the rules. But, if it’s so bad, why aren’t politicians like Ryan pushing for sanctions that would hold her (and other politicians) accountable even after they leave office?
So, what position does Comey get in a Hillary administration?
After watching the total cave in by the FBI today, how much more frustrated can you feel about the accountability by our government agencies in charge of protecting us. One can leak top secret messages not once but hundreds and nothing to happen, a guy mistaking takes finger nail clippers on an airplane and off to jail. Sad day for our country. How dumb does the FBI think we are, interview Hillary on Saturday and they make an announcement today, like we believe that all sat around a table Sunday and Monday to decide she should not be prosecuted. A Holiday weekend. totally unacceptable and not one member of congress has come out behind their hiding to blast the FBI and Hillary. By God she was States Attorney, in government surroundings for ever, placing our country in jeopardy by emails with top secret items and it is ignored. Not enough evidence, what are we talking about. How anyone can vote for her is just mind boggling.

This proves that Clintons is an untouchable person, above the law and part of a new world order cutting deals with nations and factions who really don't; like us.

What happens? Bill meets with Lynch ( Terrible conflict of interest ) , Hillary spends 3 hours talking about very little and the FBI who spent months and 100+ people on this say there's not enough evidence. How convenient for them, of course, their director works for Obama.

I'm more than sure both groups will have pre-drawn out media responses.

The hope is for a rat or Snowden like a hacker to emerge and produce the emails for the public to view. If there's nothing to see here, then let the public see it. It would do wonders for Clinton's untrustworthiness among the masses.

I'm told the left, anyone, who will listen. This 21 century Lady MacBeth is not who you think she is. She's pro-war, pro banks, a member of the top 1% with the highest level of legal and illegal privileges, and pro-globalization of government.
From a Fox News Alert:

FBI Director James Comey is being called to testify Thursday morning before the House Oversight Committee to explain his decision not to prosecute former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton for keeping a private email server, which the FBI's investigation found to contain classified material -- including some that were 'top secret.'

I hope they grill the **** out of him.
FBI Director to Testify

FBI director Comey to get grilled by House Oversight panel tomorrow for letting Hillary off the hook

'Comey said short of prosecution some kind of administration action should occur bringing consequences. I think the DNI, the director of national intelligence, should block her access to classified information given how recklessly she handled this during the presidential campaign,' Ryan said.



Deny her security clearance, make her ineligible for any government position
Do you guys suck your thumbs when your crying?

There never was a possibility of an indictment. All these fake Clinton scandals are way blown out of proportion.
IndySteel said:
From a Fox News Alert:

FBI Director James Comey is being called to testify Thursday morning before the House Oversight Committee to explain his decision not to prosecute former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton for keeping a private email server, which the FBI's investigation found to contain classified material -- including some that were 'top secret.'
I hope they grill the **** out of him.

I wonder if Comey did what he had to do but with a deliberate rope-a-dope so the investigative material got out there anyway. He looked as comfortable as a ***** in church.
There never was a possibility of an indictment. All these fake Clinton scandals are way blown out of proportion.

LOL, she's about as close to being indicted as someone can be without being actually indicted. Indictment or not the report certainly doesn't make her look good. She's either a criminal or completely incompetent and ignorant of government protocol and national security matters (despite being a lawyer and having lived in the White House for 8 years.) Which one do you want running the country?
LOL, she's about as close to being indicted as someone can be without being actually indicted. Indictment or not the report certainly doesn't make her look good. She's either a criminal or completely incompetent and ignorant of government protocol and national security matters (despite being a lawyer and having lived in the White House for 8 years.) Which one do you want running the country?
Comey was explicit about her crimes -
There is no way of getting around this: According to Director James Comey (disclosure: a former colleague and longtime friend of mine), Hillary Clinton checked every box required for a felony violation of Section 793(f) of the federal penal code (Title 18): With lawful access to highly classified information she acted with gross negligence in removing and causing it to be removed it from its proper place of custody, and she transmitted it and caused it to be transmitted to others not authorized to have it, in patent violation of her trust. Director Comey even conceded that former Secretary Clinton was “extremely careless” and strongly suggested that her recklessness very likely led to communications (her own and those she corresponded with) being intercepted by foreign intelligence services. Yet, Director Comey recommended against prosecution of the law violations he clearly found on the ground that there was no intent to harm the United States.

He just made up some additional **** that is not in that statute about intent to harm. Obviously added after they beat up Petraeus for not acting right.

Even though I was pretty sure this would happen, I did get my hopes up that the Clinton's would finally get caught at something. Dammit.

Gotta beat her at the ballot box. It is all we have left.

We won't beat anything. They will be using voter fraud to get her in. It's so obvious.