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The Crooked Hillary Thread

Hillary supporters are ******* clueless. and hopeless.

Poll: Half of Americans Think Hillary Should Still Run If Charged

Breaking News at Newsmax.com http://www.newsmax.com/Politics/americans-hillary-run-charged/2016/05/31/id/731537/#ixzz4AMQnc8Tm

Some 50 percent of Americans say Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton should continue her campaign for the presidency even if she is charged with a felony in connection with her use of a private e-mail server while she was secretary of state, according to Rasmussen Reports.
This despite the fact that nearly two-thirds of likely voters believe that Clinton did indeed break the law in the scandal, according to the poll.

The survey was taken after the State Department's Office of Inspector General report said that Clinton knowingly broke department regulations by using her private e-mail server for official duties, including those that were top secret.

Other details of the poll include:

71 percent of Democrats say she should continue her presidential campaign if indicted, 46 percent of unaffiliated agree, while among Republicans it is only 30 percent.
40 percent of all voters say the e-mail issue makes them less likely to vote for Clinton, while 48 percent say it will have no impact on their choice.
65 percent say it is likely that Clinton broke the law, while only 30 percent say it is unlikely.
Only 30 percent give Clinton a good or excellent grade for her handling of questions on the issue, while 49 percent say her performance is poor.

The survey of 1,000 likely voters was conducted on May 29-30 by Rasmussen Reports. The margin of sampling error is +/- 3 percentage points with a 95 percent level of confidence.


Even when you do give Hillary Clinton a clear "no," what she hears is, "Try again in eight years."



Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton Go Ice Fishing…

How do you settle a presidential election when the vote is too close to call?

With an ice fishing contest, of course!

After the first round of votes were counted, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump were deadlocked.

Instead of going through a recount, the two agreed to a week-long ice fishing contest to settle the election. Whoever caught the most fish at the end of the week would be the President.

The candidates decided a remote frozen lake in northern Wisconsin would be the ideal place. No observers on the fishing grounds, but both candidates would need to have their catches verified and counted each night at 5pm.

After Day 1, Trump returned with a total of 10 fish, Hillary came back with nothing.

Day 2 finished, and Trump caught another 20 fish, but Hillary once again came back with nothing!

That night, Hillary and her cronies got together and accused Trump of being a “low-life, cheatin’ son-of-a-gun.” Instead of fishing on Day 3, they were just going to follow Trump to spy on him and figure out how he was cheating.

Day 3 finished up and Trump had an incredible day, adding 50 fish to his total!

That night, Hillary and her democratic buddies got together for the full report on how Donald was cheating. Hillary stood up to give her report and said, “You are not going to believe this, he’s cutting holes in the ice!”
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The latest in the "Crooked Hillary" campaign is in the DNC itself. Evidently there are more than a few restless natives.

Twenty Thousand Committed To Anti-Hillary ‘Occupy DNC’ Protest

More than twenty thousand people have committed to protest Hillary Clinton’s likely nomination at the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia — and that number is quickly growing.

The protesters are united in their support for Bernie Sanders, as well as their opposition to “a fraudulent Hillary nomination,” according to the group’s website. Protesters are encouraged to read documents shared within the group. One document is titled “Civil Disobedience Training.” Another is titled “Health and Safety at Militant Actions” and includes tips on first-aid and withstanding teargas.

One document, titled “Why ‘Occupy DNC Convention’?” explains the protesters’ mission: “we are contesting Hillary’s nomination on the grounds of fraud, voter suppression, and corruption. We show them who we want.”

One smaller group of black activists, the Philly Coalition for Real Justice, has planned a “resistance march” against the Democratic party for allegedly breaking its promises to black voters. Local news coverage describes the group as an affiliate of Black Lives Matter but the activists declined to either confirm or deny that fact.

How's that song go ?.....chickaboom chickaboom

Albright: 'Nobody is going to die' from Clinton emails - http://www.politico.com/story/2016/06/madeleine-albright-clinton-email-223861
"She has said she made a mistake, and nobody is going to die as a result of anything that happened on emails," Albright told CNN's Chris Cuomo on "New Day," after the host broached the multifaceted criticism and concerns about Clinton's foreign policy from opponents and supporters alike.

So Madeline NotSoBright doesn't think that making top secret information vulnerable to our enemies doesn't put American lives at risk. The cabinets of these dems are such a bunch of morons.

allow me to try my liberalese...

so you're upset that he was trying to help those less fortunate get an education and improve their lot in life? why do you hate poor people? why do you want poor people to remain poor?
Albright: 'Nobody is going to die' from Clinton emails - http://www.politico.com/story/2016/06/madeleine-albright-clinton-email-223861

So Madeline NotSoBright doesn't think that making top secret information vulnerable to our enemies doesn't put American lives at risk. .

That's not the story on the street............Here's a couple snippets of the latest findings from the Judge.

Hillary on the Ropes

Late last week, the inspector general of the State Department completed a yearlong investigation into the use by Hillary Clinton of a private email server for all of her official government email as secretary of state. The inspector general interviewed Clinton’s three immediate predecessors — Madeleine Albright, Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice — and their former aides about their email practices. He learned that none of them used emails as extensively as Clinton, none used a private server and, though Powell and Rice occasionally replied to government emails using private accounts, none used a private account when dealing with state secrets.

The report rejects Clinton’s argument that her use of a private server “was allowed.” The report makes clear that it was not allowed, nor did she seek permission to use it. She did not inform the FBI, which had tutored her on the lawful handling of state secrets, and she did not inform her own State Department IT folks.

Here is what is new publicly: When her private server was down and her BlackBerry immobilized for days at a time, she refused to use a government-issued BlackBerry because of her fear of the Freedom of Information Act. She preferred to go dark, or back to the 19th-century technology of having documents read aloud to her.

We know that Clinton’s own camp finally recognizes just how dangerous this email controversy has become for her. Over the Memorial Day weekend, John Podesta, the chairman of Clinton’s campaign, sent an email to her most important donors. In it, he recognizes the need to arm the donors with talking points to address Clinton’s rapidly deteriorating support with Democratic primary voters.

The inspector general who wrote the report was nominated by President Barack Obama and confirmed by the Senate in 2013, after Clinton left office. There was no inspector general at the State Department during Clinton’s tenure as secretary — a state of affairs unique in modern history; and she knew that. How much more knowledge of her manipulations will the Justice Department tolerate before enforcing the law?


Judge orders Obama administration to release new Clinton emails

A federal judge has ordered the Obama administration to release new emails connected to Hillary Clinton before Democratic National Convention in July.

In an order late on Wednesday, Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson told the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) to hand over to the Republican National Committee (RNC) whatever records it could as part of an RNC’s open-records lawsuit on July 11.

After that, USAID will need to consult with the State Department about hundreds of other pages of documents, which could be released at some point in the future.


OK Louie, one order of Arkansas suicide with a slab of clear wipe...stat.



Sat Jun 04 2016 18:03:18 ET

Posted directly outside President Clinton's Oval Office, Former Secret Service officer Gary Byrne reveals what he observed of Hillary Clinton's character and the culture inside the White House while protecting the First Family.

Coming in 3 weeks his tell-all book: 'CRISIS OF CHARACTER!'

The secret project is causing deep concern inside of Clinton's campaign, sources tell the DRUDGE REPORT.

Specific details of the agent's confessional are being held under tight embargo.

"What I saw in the 1990s sickend me," Byrne explains. "I want you to hear my story."


'CHARACTER' is set for release June 28. [It ranked #60,436 on AMAZON's bestsellers list late Saturday.]
Hillary's got bigger problems right now

Sanders: "The election is not over on June 7th. No candidate can declare victory"

"The election is not all over on Tuesday night. At the end of the nominating process no candidate will have enough pledged delegates to call the campaign a victory. Super delegates make their final decision on who to support at the convention on July 25th. Super delegates can and have changed their candidate choice in the past. In other words the Democratic convention will be a contested convention."


The Clinton's are paying a lot of money to suppress crooked Hillary searches on the web.
I'm no psychologist, but I find Spike's fetishized lust for Dem-on-Dem violence fascinating, to say the least.
Blood in the streets!

Go Crazy Bernie!


Sanders supporters planning to rally at convention

Sen. Bernie Sanders' presidential campaign is seeking a demonstration permit for the day before the Democratic National Convention kicks off in Philadelphia.

The Sanders campaign wants to hold a "traditional Bernie campaign rally" July 24 at FDR Park in South Philadelphia, campaign spokesman Michael Briggs said.

He also has requests for the campaign, in particular that the rally be open to everyone with March for Bernie, a group of supporters not affiliated with the campaign.

The rally was approved under a demonstration permit for 30,000 people

Read more at http://www.philly.com/philly/news/p..._rally_at_convention.html#cAQIzeflKAiaOKk6.99

I'm no psychologist, but I find Spike's fetishized lust for Dem-on-Dem violence fascinating, to say the least.
That's the way the dems express disagreement. Don't like the views of a trump supporter? Punch them. Don't agree with Hillary or Bernie supporters? Sucker punch them. And they convince themselves that it's justified because, " hey. Different opinion"
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I'm no psychologist, but I find Spike's fetishized lust for Dem-on-Dem violence fascinating, to say the least.

At least he's got you acknowledging Dem violence.

A good first step, but Spike's work here is not done!

Could I get you to agree that if all the violence attributed to liberals at Trump rallies were instead Conservatives rioting at Sanders rallies, the mainstream media coverage would be in attack mode and unrelenting?
I'm no psychologist, but I find Spike's fetishized lust for Dem-on-Dem violence fascinating, to say the least.

How does one categorize your lust for R on D violence?
I'm no psychologist, but I find Spike's fetishized lust for Dem-on-Dem violence fascinating, to say the least.

Has little to do with psychology, so even a layman like you may understand. I consider it less of a fetish, and more of a public service.......reporting what the MSM refuses to.
. I consider it less of a fetish, and more of a public service.......reporting what the MSM refuses to.

I read my first Abnormal Psychology college textbook when I was 5.

Vis is my personal lab rat - watch how I get him to vote for Trump by nibbling at the cheese in the maze! hahahahahaha
I'm no psychologist, but I find Spike's fetishized lust for Dem-on-Dem violence fascinating, to say the least.

You do realize dem on dem violence is a lot more common than you think? Dems/libs are violent people. I get the whole making your voice heard thing. But if you're gonna protest, do it peacefully. Don't be over there attacking cops, burning **** down and destryoing infrastructres benefitting your community. Dems and libs are hurting themselves unconsiously and want to blame republicans, etc


Ahead of California, Sanders Warns Media Against Preemptive Coronation of Clinton

Addressing concerns that the media may preemptively announce his rival Hillary Clinton as the "presumptive Democratic Party nominee" even before she has won the requisite numbers of pledge delegates, Bernie Sanders over the weekend indicated that such reporting would be both wrong and irresponsible and held to his commitment to take his campaign all the way to the national convention when so-called superdelegates will finally—and for the first time, in fact—be able to cast their vote for who they believe will make the best nominee.

"It is extremely unlikely that Secretary Clinton will have the requisite number of pledged delegates to claim victory on Tuesday night," Sanders said at a press conference in California on Saturday. "Now I have heard reports that Secretary Clinton has said it’s all going to be over on Tuesday night. I have reports that the media, after the New Jersey results come in, are going to declare that it is all over. That simply is not accurate."

You do realize dem on dem violence is a lot more common than you think? Dems/libs are violent people.

You don't mean, like...Chicago do you?


A Weekend in Chicago: Where Gunfire Is a Terrifying Norm

Three days, 64 people shot, six of them dead: Memorial Day on the streets, and the violence that has engulfed families and neighborhoods.

From Friday evening to the end of Monday, 64 people will have been shot in this city of 2.7 million, six of them fatally. In a population made up of nearly equal numbers of whites, blacks and Hispanics, 52 of the shooting victims are black, 11 Hispanic and one white. Eight are women, the rest men. Some 12 people are shot in cars, 11 along city sidewalks, and at least four on home porches.

It is a level of violence that has become the terrifying norm, particularly in predominantly black and Latino neighborhoods on the South and West Sides. With far fewer residents, Chicago has more homicides than Los Angeles or New York.
At least he's got you acknowledging Dem violence.

A good first step, but Spike's work here is not done!

That's right - these socialists are putty in my hands!

Now to get them in the streets fighting the Philly turf war!

Tribal street fighting hippies in Philly in July!

I can't wait!

Bernie Sanders Fans Plan to ‘Occupy’ Democratic Convention

Fans of Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) are planning to occupy the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania this July.



ha ha

The Bernie bot crying jags have begun!

Hillary Clinton Should Concede to Bernie Sanders Before The FBI Reveals Its Findings

Millions of Democrats are voting for a presidential candidate linked to an FBI criminal investigation. These voters either don’t know there’s been a year-long FBI investigation of Clinton’s emails, don’t care, or would vote for Clinton even she faced Espionage Act indictments. Potentially our next Commander in Chief will be interviewed by the FBI soon, as will her top aides. This state of affairs would never take place in any other leading democracy, but American politics is unique.

What happens if Clinton wins the nomination, and the FBI recommends indictments after July 25, 2016?

If the FBI recommends indictments, and the DOJ indicts Hillary Clinton, the Democratic Party would be handing Donald Trump the White House by nominating the former Secretary of State.

The FBI will eventually disclose its findings. To pretend like this will never happen, or that these revelations won’t have an impact, is ludicrous. Democrats will need Bernie Sanders, when Clinton faces the political ramifications of this scandal. If criminal indictments hit, rest assured that many of her supporters will argue that she should still be Commander in Chief, even risking possible jail time.

This depressing state of affairs could be on the horizon, which is why Clinton should concede to Bernie sooner, rather than later
