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The Democratic mock draft for President. ( funny )

Democrats now have the biggest field of candidates running for the nomination in US history

More than the Republicans had in 2016?

6. Kill newborn babies
They want the most electable? it's HIS turn...lol

and he hasn't even declared yet

Biden has double-digit lead over Dem field in Iowa

A new poll shows former Vice President Joe Biden with a commanding lead over the field of Democratic contenders in the first-in-the-nation caucus state of Iowa.

The survey from Monmouth University finds Biden with 27-percent support, followed by Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders (I) at 16 percent.

Mayor Pete Buttigieg continues his impressive rise in the polls with a third-place showing at 9-percent support.

Rounding out the field are Sens. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass) and Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) at 7 percent, former Rep. Beto O’Rourke (D-Texas) at 6 percent, Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.) at 4 percent and Sen. Cory Booker (D-N.J.) at 3 percent

Watching Trump whack-a-mole 16 also-rans was as much fun as I can ever remember while fully clothed.

and the new Dem agenda of hard core socialism is playing right into his hands

Mitch McConnell on 2020: We need a 'referendum on socialism'

Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) on Thursday said he wants to make the 2020 presidential and Senate elections a “referendum on socialism” by pinning down Democrats on proposals like "Medicare for all" and the Green New Deal.

“We need to have a referendum on socialism,” McConnell told a group of reporters when asked for his assessment of next year’s elections, when Senate Republicans will have to defend 22 seats, compared with12 for Democrats.

“I’m going to be arguing, and I’m encouraging my colleagues to argue, that we are the firewall against socialism in this country,” McConnell added.

He said Republicans need to make the case to the American people, “if you’re uncomfortable with things like the Green New Deal and Medicare for none, the best way to avoid that is to have a Republican Senate."



so Biden will run as a centrist, a moderate.....and the Bernie bots will go full attack mode on him.....and drive the hard core leftists to vote for Jill Stein/Green Party again!


I can't wait for the repeat....

4 more years!

4 more years!
They want the most electable? it's HIS turn...lol

and he hasn't even declared yet

Biden has double-digit lead over Dem field in Iowa

A new poll shows former Vice President Joe Biden with a commanding lead over the field of Democratic contenders in the first-in-the-nation caucus state of Iowa.

The survey from Monmouth University finds Biden with 27-percent support, followed by Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders (I) at 16 percent.

Mayor Pete Buttigieg continues his impressive rise in the polls with a third-place showing at 9-percent support.

Rounding out the field are Sens. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass) and Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) at 7 percent, former Rep. Beto O’Rourke (D-Texas) at 6 percent, Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.) at 4 percent and Sen. Cory Booker (D-N.J.) at 3 percent


It speaks volumes that the Dims frontrunners are a creepy semi-retarded old pedophile, a crazy full-blown socialist and a queen who is mayor of a horribly failing third-tier city. What a mess.
Down with the Centrists!


Go Bernie or Busters Go!


Bernie Sanders Accuses Liberal Think Tank of Smearing Progressive Candidates

WASHINGTON — Senator Bernie Sanders, in a rare and forceful rebuke by a presidential candidate of an influential party ally, has accused a liberal think tank of undermining Democrats’ chances of taking back the White House in 2020 by “using its resources to smear” him and other contenders pushing progressive policies.

Mr. Sanders’s criticism of the Center for American Progress, delivered on Saturday in a letter obtained by The New York Times, reflects a simmering ideological battle within the Democratic Party and threatens to reopen wounds from the 2016 primary between him and Hillary Clinton’s allies. The letter airs criticisms shared among his supporters: That the think tank, which has close ties to Mrs. Clinton and the Democratic Party establishment, is beholden to corporate donors and has worked to quash a leftward shift in the party led partly by Mr. Sanders.

“This counterproductive negative campaigning needs to stop,” Mr. Sanders wrote to the boards of the Center for American Progress and its sister group, the Center for American Progress Action Fund. “The Democratic primary must be a campaign of ideas, not of bad-faith smears. Please help play a constructive role in the effort to defeat Donald Trump.”



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Bernie is a 1% er now, duped Tibs of all his money


Bernie Sanders Released His Tax Returns. He's Part of the 1%.

WASHINGTON — Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont, a leading candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination, disclosed 10 years of tax returns on Monday, providing a more detailed look at his finances than what he offered when he ran for the White House in 2016.

The returns show that Mr. Sanders’s earnings shot up after his first presidential bid, when he built up a vast national following. He and his wife, Jane O’Meara Sanders, reported income that topped $1 million in 2016 and 2017, lifted by proceeds from his books.



Politics done all right by ya bern, picked up a couple vacation houses along the way too

It speaks volumes that the Dims frontrunners are a creepy semi-retarded old pedophile, a crazy full-blown socialist and a queen who is mayor of a horribly failing third-tier city. What a mess.

Biden, Bernie, Betto, Buttigieg, leading Dem polls


Iowans are going for Biden because he seems like the least radical of the bunch. That's probably former repub Warren. She talks a big socialist game but i think its bluster so she doesnt stand out amongst her peers.
The fun is just getting starting

President Trump predicts 'Crazy Bernie Sanders,' 'Sleepy Joe Biden' will be 2 Dem 'finalists' in 2020 race

“I believe it will be Crazy Bernie Sanders vs. Sleepy Joe Biden as the two finalists to run against maybe the best Economy in the history of our Country (and MANY other great things)!” he wrote. “I look forward to facing whoever it may be. May God Rest Their Soul!”



Bring on Creepy Uncle Joe and 1%er Bernie!

The fun is just getting starting

President Trump predicts 'Crazy Bernie Sanders,' 'Sleepy Joe Biden' will be 2 Dem 'finalists' in 2020 race

“I believe it will be Crazy Bernie Sanders vs. Sleepy Joe Biden as the two finalists to run against maybe the best Economy in the history of our Country (and MANY other great things)!” he wrote. “I look forward to facing whoever it may be. May God Rest Their Soul!”



Bring on Creepy Uncle Joe and 1%er Bernie!


That's great, but I wish he would have called him Creepy Uncle Joe.
The fun is just getting starting

President Trump predicts 'Crazy Bernie Sanders,' 'Sleepy Joe Biden' will be 2 Dem 'finalists' in 2020 race

“I believe it will be Crazy Bernie Sanders vs. Sleepy Joe Biden as the two finalists to run against maybe the best Economy in the history of our Country (and MANY other great things)!” he wrote. “I look forward to facing whoever it may be. May God Rest Their Soul!”



Bring on Creepy Uncle Joe and 1%er Bernie!


I said that on post #21 of this thread.

It's Bernie and Biden and the media is going to hate it. They've already destroyed Schultz for not being communist enough and not toting the race, victim class line. You already have Biden on an "apology" tour. Bernie is 79 come election day.

McConnell is setting up the GOP correctly. 2020 is a vote on socialism. Time for the voters to put an end to this nonsense once and for all.
Butt Plug's in. Precinct people are getting the name out.

The Buttplug support described perfectly........

In essence, Buttigieg is basically the “Morning Joe” candidate adored by highly-educated white liberals who have perfected the art of speaking for hours and “sounding smart” without saying anything of substance while making everyone who is taking part in the conversation feel “intelligent” at dinner parties and self-perpetuating conferences.

This is the top skill that is taught at America’s top colleges, graduate schools, and consulting companies populated by Americans from homogenous zip codes who went to similar high schools. And it is arguably the most important trait for getting the lazy and often dimwitted chattering class to take a candidate seriously.
The Buttplug support described perfectly........

In essence, Buttigieg is basically the “Morning Joe” candidate adored by highly-educated white liberals who have perfected the art of speaking for hours and “sounding smart” without saying anything of substance while making everyone who is taking part in the conversation feel “intelligent” at dinner parties and self-perpetuating conferences.

This is the top skill that is taught at America’s top colleges, graduate schools, and consulting companies populated by Americans from homogenous zip codes who went to similar high schools. And it is arguably the most important trait for getting the lazy and often dimwitted chattering class to take a candidate seriously.

And get paid 100k for spending half their week in "meetings". It is unbelievable how much time some of my peers spend in meetings each week and actually not doing anything but talking.