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The Enemy of the People Thread

Corporate media deserves to die. Not a slow death, but a spectacular, immediate, painful and gruesome death. Something involving 5.56 and fire would be nice.

Most recent example - lapdog bootlickers don't bother to ask where tens of millions of dollars in donations to Buying Large Mansions winds up. Not a word. Money just disappears, ugly extortionist who runs the blackmail operation spends millions buying real property and not a peep from corporate media. Silence.

Independent journalists - those who are the only ones who still matter - access public records and find that Patrice "Extortionist" Only-one Cullours founded a "non-profit" in 2012 that received AT LEAST $225,000 in donations in 2016. The problem? The non-profit (yeah, sure) told the IRS in 2017 that it received less than $50,000 total in donations for 2016 so it did not have to account for a nickel of where the money went and justify its "non-profit" status.

So in other words, the person set up a money-laundering operation and is using the "non-profit" as her personal piggy bank.

Corporate media, Decaf, 21IQ? Silence. Nothing. Grotesque shill stealing donations, pretending to run a "non-profit" but instead profits greatly from her theft?
From that crazy right-winger Glenn Greenwald:

It's starting to pay off, I guess you could say.

Trust in the news is the lowest in the world in the USA.

It's starting to pay off, I guess you could say.

Trust in the news is the lowest in the world in the USA.

How does the media stay afloat? Newspapers are dying off left and right and record numbers of people are cutting ties with cable, satellite and even over the air broadcasting.

What do you expect when Baghdad Bob and Tokyo Rose are giving us their opinion on everything.... Nobody in their right mind is going to pay to listen or read that nonsense.
How does the media stay afloat?

There's a Twitter user named catturd who has a larger audience than Brian Stelter of XiNN. Let that one sink for a moment.
There's a Twitter user named catturd who has a larger audience than Brian Stelter of XiNN. Let that one sink for a moment.

Catturd is awesome. He deservedly has a vastly larger audience than Commie News Network.
Maybe they're taking donations, who the hell knows these days.

No, catturd is just a fairly popular follow on the Twitter. And Stelter is a blubbering hack. I just find it delicious that a handle named "catturd" has a larger audience than that POS.
No, catturd is just a fairly popular follow on the Twitter. And Stelter is a blubbering hack. I just find it delicious that a handle named "catturd" has a larger audience than that POS.
No I meant maybe the mainstream media (US Pravda) is taking a cut under the table from the DNC, foreign interests etc. to stay afloat.

Maybe it's all just be big name companies advertising and the media in one big viscous circle.

How do you stop the snowball effect?
Ah, gotcha.
Ah, gotcha.
So how do you cut the head off this media monster or at least get them back to reporting the news and not interjecting opinion at every possible opportunity or worse yet, just making up ****?

Obviously not buying papers and cutting the cable is not having any effect.

The old adage "money talks and bullshit walks" is accurate 9 times out of 10 except when the media and politics are involved. Then it's just "money talks".
So how do you cut the head off this media monster or at least get them back to reporting the news and not interjecting opinion at every possible opportunity or worse yet, just making up ****?

Well, personally, I think anyone who intentionally misleads/deceives that directly causes any harm to law-abiding, tax-paying citizens should be put behind bars, for starters.

But we all know that's a pipe dream, so I'm about as verklempt & befuddled as you are at this point.
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Couldn't happen to a more deserving group of scumbags.
Don't shoot the messenger:

Don't shoot the messenger:

See all it takes is one group to come into power and all of these agencies turn into weapons against citizens. Which was Barry the marxist who really turned them hard.

Who's to hold them accountable for anything? There's no consequences when you control everything. The constitution doesn't mean anything to them,unless it serves their purpose at the time.

You pretty much have to just erase the entire chalkboard when it comes to federal agencies. Dissolve some of them completely.
The people of California follow the laws, want to recall the Governor, go through the correct process. Dems don't like the result, so just a select few of them, not representative of the majority, work to change the laws to **** the majority.

Sounds right.

Steeltime advises, for at least the fourth time, until some of these politicians are genuinely held to account, nothing will change.