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The Enemy of the People Thread

Pretty much the entire government bureaucracy is an enemy of the people of the United States.

Pretty much the entire government bureaucracy is an enemy of the people of the United States.
Time to grab your assault rifles, put on your MAGA cap & storm the Capitol again? You feel it in your bones❓
Time to grab your assault rifles, put on your MAGA cap & storm the Capitol again? You feel it in your bones❓
Did I miss something? Please remind me, were there any firearms found in your so called insurrection? When and if we get to the point an insurrection like we had in 1776 is needed we won't show up without firearms. This was a protest that was intentionally provoked to get out of hand. Nothing more nothing less.
Time to grab your assault rifles, put on your MAGA cap & storm the Capitol again? You feel it in your bones❓
George Washington would already have an army in the field. But we are not men of the caliber the founding fathers were. We are still too fat and happy at this point.
George Washington would already have an army in the field. But we are not men of the caliber the founding fathers were. We are still too fat and happy at this point.

Your conceptual understanding of American history leaves a lot to be desired.
Your conceptual understanding of American history leaves a lot to be desired.

Says the trolling cuck hiding away in Hungaristan.
We have something called *elections* to settle political disputes in this country, seems the right needs to be constantly reminded of that.

Seems you constantly need to be reminded you don't live in this country.
Your conceptual understanding of American history leaves a lot to be desired.
My grasp of US history is much better than yours Tiborat.
Seems you constantly need to be reminded you don't live in this country.
How do they put up with you around here? You’re so ******* dull & boring, just a broken record without a síngle, original thought. Every time I see *yet another* flaccid, dumbass post of yours, I yawn and reach for another cup of coffee. You’re like inverse-Viagra, the best sedative around. The board higher ups should pay you a monthly fee to stay the **** away and stop mucking up the forum with your inane trolling. So many losers around here, but you take the cake, hands down. Congrats. 🏆 Not big on blocking people but you may be the first, just so I can stay awake reading this board.
Lebanon >
Also, what you obviously know, 1776 was a fight for independence from Great Britain, not an insurrection against the United States. We have something called *elections* to settle political disputes in this country, seems the right needs to be constantly reminded of that.
You obviously miss the entire point of the second amendment. You also missed the poll showing over 50% of the US feels there was some fraud, therefore we don’t have an elected leader we have a selected leader, or at least one was legitimacy is in question. What is the poin of elections when you don’t trust them.
The board higher ups should pay you a monthly fee to stay the **** away and stop mucking up the forum with your inane trolling. So many losers around here, but you take the cake, hands down. Congrats. 🏆 Not big on blocking people but you may be the first, just so I can stay awake reading this board.


You don't even realize you've just inadvertently looked into a mirror.
You obviously miss the entire point of the second amendment.

He misses the entire point on everything, that's the point of his very existence.

He also missed that point on the map that said United States of America.
You obviously miss the entire point of the second amendment. You also missed the poll showing over 50% of the US feels there was some fraud, therefore we don’t have an elected leader we have a selected leader, or at least one was legitimacy is in question. What is the poin of elections when you don’t trust them.
F-curves don’t lie!
Why would you doubt 125% voter turnout in Democrat run cities in swing state? Just because they caught it on video in Georgia doesn’t mean it happened. Who are you going to believe democrat operatives in the mainstream media or your own lying eyes?
George Washington would already have an army in the field. But we are not men of the caliber the founding fathers were. We are still too fat and happy at this point.

Yep.Fat &happy! The forced taxation of Obama care would have been enough for Washington to fight. We got fined for just being alive and not buying a private product. In fact the taxation and debt would have set them off long ago.

He would also see we traded a king for hundreds of king&queens who have firmly entrenched themselves in power longer than many monarchs throughout the world.
How do they put up with you around here? You’re so ******* dull & boring, just a broken record without a síngle, original thought. Every time I see *yet another* flaccid, dumbass post of yours, I yawn and reach for another cup of coffee. You’re like inverse-Viagra, the best sedative around. The board higher ups should pay you a monthly fee to stay the **** away and stop mucking up the forum with your inane trolling. So many losers around here, but you take the cake, hands down. Congrats. 🏆 Not big on blocking people but you may be the first, just so I can stay awake reading this board.

The preceding message was brought to you by contributions from the Tibilo Institute. "Bringing America back together through juvenile insults, homophobia, said dumb things, and broken parallelism."
Also, what you obviously know, 1776 was a fight for independence from Great Britain, not an insurrection against the United States.

When you write things like that, I wonder if you are simply trolling. The Revolutionary War was not an insurrection?


There was no "United States of America" before July 4, 1776 and the Revolutionary War. See, what happened is that previously the eastern portion of North America, below Canada, running from the precursor to Maine (which was still part of Massachusetts at the time) in the north to Georgia in the south, were part of another nation, England.


The people in those thirteen colonies objected to the manner of governance by those in charge in England, mainly the king and the English parliament, and decided to announce their independence from English rule. Hence, July 4 is "independence day."

Announcing independence from the existing governing body, the established authority in England, is something known as an "insurrection."


in·sur·rec·tion | \ ˌin(t)-sə-ˈrek-shən
An act or instance of revolting against civil authority or an established government

Get it?
if it were a successful insurrection, then we'd have to change the name of the country.

right, Tibs?