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The Enemy of the People Thread

C'mon man, everybody just havin' a good time. Hard hittin' journalism right there.
This guy has been on a tear lately. Good for him (and the truth):

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The "Club" having a grand ole time. It's a party, and we sure as hell ain't invited.
Gee, look at that. People that disagree with or even loathe others, but respect their first amendment right:

More & more coming forward to defend this piece of ****'s right to troll. Crazy concept, but allow these idiots to show the world what they're really about and let practical adults make adult decisions about them. Like has been mentioned, there is a block button:

To the legion of wanna-be lawyers who routinely opine that twitter and Fakebook can block anybody they want, including to limit conservative, non-violent views, I say: shut up. You're an imbecile. The issue is much, much more refined than your claim, "Oh, they're private companies, they can block anybody they want, McDonalds doesn't have to let Burger King advertise in their stores."

Law school is a trade school. It teaches us the skills needed to be an actual lawyer, not some ****-for-brains wanna-be spouting nonsense because he (*cough* Tibilo) read it on Media Matters. In particular, as to limiting speech by Fakebook and twitter, you might want to, oh, I don't know, pull your head out of your ***.

The Chair of Loudoun County Board of Supervisors blocked a constituent on her official Facebook page. While the block was temporary, Davison, the constituent, filed a lawsuit, and prevailed after a bench trial. The Fourth Circuit affirms the main points.

The court then turns to the merits, and specifically whether the trial court erred in concluding that the Chair’s Facebook page was a “public forum”. The government’s ability to restrict speech is most limited in a “public forum,” so this was a key question. The court says that the page bears “hallmarks” of a public forum. The stated purpose of the page was “public discourse,” and the Chair did not impose any topical limitations on what could be discussed on the page. And sure enough, the actual discourse on the page was wide-ranging. The court says, citing to Zeran and Packingham, that the forum is particularly compatible with expressive activity, so it makes sense that it’s a public forum.

The Chair made two arguments against the applicability of the public forum doctrine.

First, she said that Facebook is a private website, and the property in question is not “public property”. The court says that the forum doctrine has never hinged on ownership of the property in question; and in any event, the space where people comment is in the grey area. Sure, Facebook owns the servers, but the page itself “encompasses a web of property rights.” Moreover, the court says that the Chair effectively controlled access to the page, including maintaining authority to ban commenters. The court analogizes Facebook comments to public access channels which courts have said constitute a public forum.

Finally, the court says that it need not examine what type of public forum the page is because it was undisputed the Chair engaged in viewpoint discrimination, which is never allowed:

Put simply, Randall unconstitutionally sought to “suppress” Davison’s opinion that there was corruption on the School Board. Cornelius, 473 U.S. at 812–13; see also, e.g., Rossignol, 316 F.3d at 521 (holding that sheriff’s deputies engaged in viewpoint discrimination when they seized an issue of a newspaper that criticized the county sheriff’s and his deputies’ performance of their official duties); Putnam Pit, Inc. v. City of Cookeville, Tenn., 221 F.3d 834, 846 (6th Cir. 2000) (holding that a municipality engages in viewpoint discrimination if it refuses to link newspaper webpage to the city’s website solely because the newspaper sought to expose municipal corruption); Knight, 302 F. Supp. 3d at 575 (holding that the President engaged in viewpoint discrimination when he blocked individuals from his Twitter account because the individuals “posted tweets that criticized the President or his policies”). 7 That Randall’s action targeted comments critical of the School Board members’ official actions and fitness for office renders the banning all the more problematic as such speech “occupies the core of the protection afforded by the First Amendment.” Rossignol, 316 F.3d at 521 (quoting McIntyre v. Ohio Elections Comm’n, 514 U.S. 334, 346 (1995)).


When you're boot-licking the surveillance state, big tech, Pravda, the elitists etc., you're not "fighting the power".

Who knew the tables would flip like they did, but here we are.

I had to laugh when I saw the blurb under the Maddow interview that some report "appears to be 99.35% accurate" on Cohen.

You sure it wasn't 99.45%? And Stelter and Lemon really are a special kind of cuck.
TSF gets credit for hitting the topic perfectly in his thread title:

58% Of Voters Agree: Media Are ‘Enemy of the People’​

Friday, July 09, 2021
Voters overwhelmingly believe “fake news” is a problem, and a majority agree with former President Donald Trump that the media have become “the enemy of the people.”
A new national telephone and online survey by Rasmussen Reports finds that 58% of Likely U.S. Voters at least somewhat agree that the media are “truly the enemy of the people,” including 34% who Strongly Agree. Thirty-six percent (36%) don’t agree, including 23% who Strongly Disagree.

TSF gets credit for hitting the topic perfectly in his thread title:

Beat me to it. I was just going to publish that link.

Nearly 60% of Americans believe the media is lost.

100% of Liberals here believe in THAT media as fair and honest.

Tells you all you need to know.
Where are the other fit types. Sexist arseholes

Men,Women, The mentally ill 50 million flavors of ****** in the head,Pat,Unicorn, Fluid cupcake weirdos, "It" Sewer Clowns Need Love Too.
  • Haha
Reactions: MTC
I’ve seen too much
No you haven't!!!!!

I'm extremely glad you have your eyes open at a relatively early age and you give me hope for the future of the country. I'm not over exaggerating that statement.. I'm dead serious.

Watch how things progress. Witness how mass media tries to control the population. Go to the school board meetings and definiely attend your county supervisory meetings. If you do not, the country will continue down the hole you are witnessing.

I'm sorry but my generation as well as the generations after WWII let things slide on cruise control. The JFK, MLK, and RFK assassinations should have been HUGE awakenings,,but no and the populace was also lied to. They/we were unsuspecting, BUT you all know better. I sincerely hope your generation and your kids generation can pull this country out of the tailspin our generation's overall indiference has caused you and yours. I sincerely doubt I can do anything at this point other than to carry on the die hard spirit of my parents who lived through the depression and WWII. Then improvise with my opinions of the country through Korea, JFK, MLK, RFK, Vietnam, 80s stock meltdowns, Challenger, Libya, the Gulf War, 911, GWII, Columbia :( , all the race **** for the past 12+ years, the fake news, curious election results, etc. etc.

Keep those eyes open MTC!!! Engage your friends, neighbors and county boards!!! No matter if it pisses them off or not!!!! What have you got to lose but your Freedom!!!!!!

I know my great great great uncle Thomas Jefferson would appreciate it.
No you haven't!!!!!

I'm extremely glad you have your eyes open at a relatively early age and you give me hope for the future of the country. I'm not over exaggerating that statement.. I'm dead serious.

Watch how things progress. Witness how mass media tries to control the population. Go to the school board meetings and definiely attend your county supervisory meetings. If you do not, the country will continue down the hole you are witnessing.

I'm sorry but my generation as well as the generations after WWII let things slide on cruise control. The JFK, MLK, and RFK assassinations should have been HUGE awakenings,,but no and the populace was also lied to. They/we were unsuspecting, BUT you all know better. I sincerely hope your generation and your kids generation can pull this country out of the tailspin our generation's overall indiference has caused you and yours. I sincerely doubt I can do anything at this point other than to carry on the die hard spirit of my parents who lived through the depression and WWII. Then improvise with my opinions of the country through Korea, JFK, MLK, RFK, Vietnam, 80s stock meltdowns, Challenger, Libya, the Gulf War, 911, GWII, Columbia :( , all the race **** for the past 12+ years, the fake news, curious election results, etc. etc.

Keep those eyes open MTC!!! Engage your friends, neighbors and county boards!!! No matter if it pisses them off or not!!!! What have you got to lose but your Freedom!!!!!!

I know my great great great uncle Thomas Jefferson would appreciate it.

Well JMM,

being a father of two young boys, I see the stuff that affects us. Not just as men, women, as a family unit. A freedom lover.

There seems to be a growing rise in marxism. When I attended UGA and when I got back to NM and got to vist the UNM campus, the communist manifesto was a book many students were into. It’s definitely being indoctrinated within our education systems.

Those we vote for should be held liable.
I’d like my freedoms/rights protected.
I like to know where my taxes are going, I’d like better civilization.

Here in NM, a lot of the people I graduated with have their eyes open as well. So don’t lose hope. There are alternative outlets online, etc that they take their business too, because mainstream media does ignore people like us
Well JMM,

being a father of two young boys, I see the stuff that affects us. Not just as men, women, as a family unit. A freedom lover.

There seems to be a growing rise in marxism. When I attended UGA and when I got back to NM and got to vist the UNM campus, the communist manifesto was a book many students were into. It’s definitely being indoctrinated within our education systems.

Those we vote for should be held liable.
I’d like my freedoms/rights protected.
I like to know where my taxes are going, I’d like better civilization.

Here in NM, a lot of the people I graduated with have their eyes open as well. So don’t lose hope. There are alternative outlets online, etc that they take their business too, because mainstream media does ignore people like us
Thanks MTC...

My wife keeps asking me why we can't go into Charlottesville to go to eat, or purchase "whatever" in that town, and I tell her that I will absolutely not support a town that is wholeheartedly communist/socialist. I'm sorry if there are businesses there that do not support what their communist/socialist town council supports but that is the way it goes. I'm not going to lift an arm against one of my fellow citizens regardless of their politics, but I also will be extremely careful of the businesses that I do support. To do otherwise grates me to the friggin bone. It is a damn shame that TJs town has become such a socialist/communist haven and I know that was manufactured from way back. It is the end game... Make the founders appear to be white supremacists, etc. and then the populace can denounce the very doctrines that made this country as great has it has become.

So when you encounter someone whose only virtue in life is to suck the lifeforce out of the patriots of a just country which enabled her citizens who only want to work hard and make something for themselves successful, you must make their lives a living hell... Fight them at every corner, at every town hall, at every soccer game, etc....Shine the light of freedom on those Communists whose orders are to take us back to a time where the elites have total control. If we do not, the alternative is to retreat to being an extension of a country where a NAME is the only thing going for them (cough--you know who I'm referring to pal)

I do not understand why someone who is not actually an American can go against those ideals but they are out there. We see them here everyday when they make their strafing runs. Its a damn shame but its a free country and there is freedom of speech. So, take the experiences that you have you have learned, KNOW the history of this country and work with them the best you can. Try and help them see the light, my friend. If that fails,,then...

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