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The Enemy of the People Thread

And not only did a single one of them even raise an eyebrow, but that scumbag host was actually nodding and agreeing. Utterly insane.
Time to grab your assault rifles, put on your MAGA cap & storm the Capitol again? You feel it in your bones

That's Liberalism 101 and has been for decades. Goes all the way back to their Marxist roots.

Yep. And Saul Alinsky brought it to the commie masses here with "Rules for Radicals". I mean they pretty specifically laid out the damn blueprint.

And not only did a single one of them even raise an eyebrow, but that scumbag host was actually nodding and agreeing. Utterly insane.

**** those people. Spreading a bunch of nonsense. We really have irreconcilable differences with these people. We're trying to save the Republic and safeguard its future. They're trying to destroy it and attempting to completely control the democratic process of it.

I've already seen their handiwork from the 2020 election. I got news for them a great many states will NEVER allow them to dictate elections. ******* pipe dream for them. The whole covid thing has got them all giddy with opportunities for unlimited power. Just call it an emergency and the constitution is nullified.

I'm hoping the midterms fubar them into complete irrelevance.
Time to grab your assault rifles, put on your MAGA cap & storm the Capitol again? You feel it in your bones❓

"Cuck boy, cuck boy - whatcha gonna do, whatcha gonna do when they come for you?"

And not only did a single one of them even raise an eyebrow, but that scumbag host was actually nodding and agreeing. Utterly insane.

The first time I heard of the Lincoln Project was a year or two ago when the leftists were claiming it's a conservative site that hates Trump. Guess they were half right.
**** those people. Spreading a bunch of nonsense. We really have irreconcilable differences with these people. We're trying to save the Republic and safeguard its future. They're trying to destroy it and attempting to completely control the democratic process of it.

I've already seen their handiwork from the 2020 election. I got news for them a great many states will NEVER allow them to dictate elections. ******* pipe dream for them. The whole covid thing has got them all giddy with opportunities for unlimited power. Just call it an emergency and the constitution is nullified.

I'm hoping the midterms fubar them into complete irrelevance.
And how will you prevent states from "stopping counting" and secretly finding 10s of thousands of ballots in the middle of the night while they "arent' counting"? Nope, this vote security thing needs to be sorted now, before the mid-terms. At this point it doesn't matter if conservatives come out in insanely record numbers to vote. democrats will just find MORE votes in their mailboxes in the middle of the night.

Sometimes I wonder if people truly understand what happened to America on election night.
Time to grab your assault rifles, put on your MAGA cap & storm the Capitol again? You feel it in your bones❓
wtf is an assault rifle?
And how will you prevent states from "stopping counting" and secretly finding 10s of thousands of ballots in the middle of the night while they "arent' counting"? Nope, this vote security thing needs to be sorted now, before the mid-terms. At this point it doesn't matter if conservatives come out in insanely record numbers to vote. democrats will just find MORE votes in their mailboxes in the middle of the night.

Sometimes I wonder if people truly understand what happened to America on election night.

I fully understand and comprehend exactly what's going on,what they're doing and what they're trying to accomplish. It's been a long drawn out chess game for a good many years now.

And it is a big power game to them and they lust for it above all things.
And how will you prevent states from "stopping counting" and secretly finding 10s of thousands of ballots in the middle of the night while they "arent' counting"? Nope, this vote security thing needs to be sorted now, before the mid-terms. At this point it doesn't matter if conservatives come out in insanely record numbers to vote. democrats will just find MORE votes in their mailboxes in the middle of the night.

Sometimes I wonder if people truly understand what happened to America on election night.
Some of us do.

And not only did a single one of them even raise an eyebrow, but that scumbag host was actually nodding and agreeing. Utterly insane.

that makes no sense. If it does not pass then it’s a win for the right so why would they riot? What part of that bill being defeated would anger the right?

what makes more sense is the commies are planning something and want it blamed on the right. Just laying the groundwork.
that makes no sense. If it does not pass then it’s a win for the right so why would they riot? What part of that bill being defeated would anger the right?

what makes more sense is the commies are planning something and want it blamed on the right. Just laying the groundwork.
The Lincoln Project is a farce. Just another group of actors/useful idiots.
Craig's List ad for employment at the Lincoln Project:

Like kids? Enjoy fondling teenage boys? Want to get a lot of money for doing nothing, become a full-time grifter, a morally-deprived imbecile who spends time paying underage boys for sex and then making up stupid stories imbeciles like Joy Reid repeat like a bleating sheep? Then we have the job for YOU!

Jenn Psaki just said in a "presidential" press conference that the White House coordinates with Facebook about what content should be triggered for blockage and other actions by Facebook in regards to 'Rona information.

Yep... Came right out and said it. The White House is telling FB what content they should track and block per their agenda. Ladies and gentlemen. We are OFFICIALLY East Berlin.

Ladies and gentlemen, the Press Secretary for the President of the United States of America.

How horrible is that scumbag lying gaslighting queef, Jen "Suck It" Psaki?

Ogre is beginning to dislike redheads.

The good news for Ogre is that Psuki's hair color, like everything else about (D)imbos, is fake.
The problem with conservatives is that they generally sit back and stay quiet when the left uncontrollably begins screaming like a spoiled child, reasoning that the tantrum they're displaying will subside. But instead, with the help of the willing media, their behavior gains traction, especially with the sound bite portion of our population.

The left continues to divide based on race, gender, economics, really anything to force a wedge in our society, and while there may be some factual basis for their claims, it's no where near reality. But they keep on pounding, and the right continues to take the punches.

The term white supremacists has been a successful ploy for them, just look at the significant portion of the Caucasian population self-flagellating. It's been said that the left accuses others of things that they are actually doing, and in my opinion this is absolutely true. They self-righteously condemn anyone that does not think as they do, while being light on the facts and heavy on the rhetoric in the process.

There's no such thing as white supremacy, liberal supremacy is a different story.

Liberal Supremacists, telling everyone how to live their lives.
What Rich, White Liberals sayWhat Rich, White Liberals do
Walls are badLive behind walls
Guns are badHave private armed security
Defund the policeHave private armed security
Equity and inclusionLive in areas 99% white
Equity and inclusionMembers of clubs that preclude blacks
Support teacher's union, denigrate school choiceKids always in private schools
Claim to be "anti-racist"Kids in all-white private schools, member of clubs that preclude blacks
Claim Republicans are "anti-science"Think men can have babies