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The Enemy of the People Thread

Bravo, sir.
The problem with conservatives is that they generally sit back and stay quiet when the left uncontrollably begins screaming like a spoiled child, reasoning that the tantrum they're displaying will subside. But instead, with the help of the willing media, their behavior gains traction, especially with the sound bite portion of our population.

The left continues to divide based on race, gender, economics, really anything to force a wedge in our society, and while there may be some factual basis for their claims, it's no where near reality. But they keep on pounding, and the right continues to take the punches.

The term white supremacists has been a successful ploy for them, just look at the significant portion of the Caucasian population self-flagellating. It's been said that the left accuses others of things that they are actually doing, and in my opinion this is absolutely true. They self-righteously condemn anyone that does not think as they do, while being light on the facts and heavy on the rhetoric in the process.

There's no such thing as white supremacy, liberal supremacy is a different story.

Liberal Supremacists, telling everyone how to live their lives.

This is why they and the GOPe hate Trump and America 1st Republicans to a man. Trump was the 1st Republican in my lifetime to fight back and to lead other Republicans to find their spines.
This is why they and the GOPe hate Trump and America 1st Republicans to a man. Trump was the 1st Republican in my lifetime to fight back and to lead other Republicans to find their spines.

It should always be country over self. So many are only concerned with staying in office for as long as possible.

They all get rich and get drunk on power. It has to be addicting wielding so much control over millions of people for so long.
It should always be country over self. So many are only concerned with staying in office for as long as possible.

They all get rich and get drunk on power. It has to be addicting wielding so much control over millions of people for so long.
Sadly this is true
It should always be country over self. So many are only concerned with staying in office for as long as possible.

They all get rich and get drunk on power. It has to be addicting wielding so much control over millions of people for so long.

That's why these 'Republicans' infuriate me. They're all talk and no action, minus maybe a couple. Private citizens are basically having to take it upon themselves to fight back.

Dave Rubin was 'accidentally' suspended on Twitter. How do you 'accidentally' take direct steps to suspend someone's account?
Dave Rubin was 'accidentally' suspended on Twitter. How do you 'accidentally' take direct steps to suspend someone's account?

Twitter has "accidentally" suspended conservative commentators dozens of times, liberals never.

So I'm gonna go out on a limb here and suggest it's no accident.
Twitter has "accidentally" suspended conservative commentators dozens of times, liberals never.

So I'm gonna go out on a limb here and suggest it's no accident.

Of course it isn't. Just like all the bullshit numbers they put out on Covid etc. that they eventually get called out on and have to retract, all just harmless accidents.
The leader of the Taliban is still allowed to tweet.

They probably support that the taliban at this very moment is snatching out of houses, 12-45 year old women to be married or raped is more like it, as spoils of war.

Twitter is run by a bunch of scumbags too, so they're brothers to these oppressive little perverts who **** kids.
The real concern here is that nothing whatsoever is stopping the Taliban from rounding up the thousands of American civilians still stuck in Afghanistan and pulling a move that makes the Iran Hostage crisis look like a cake walk. Imagine if you will thousands of hostages instead of hundreds.

And this administration literally has no spine. And the media won't touch it with a 10 foot pole.
The real concern here is that nothing whatsoever is stopping the Taliban from rounding up the thousands of American civilians still stuck in Afghanistan and pulling a move that makes the Iran Hostage crisis look like a cake walk. Imagine if you will thousands of hostages instead of hundreds.

And this administration literally has no spine. And the media won't touch it with a 10 foot pole.

They probably wont do it for a while, while most foreigners get out; then it would be surprising if they didn't consider trading foreign lives for stuff. The Russians and the Chinese will fake helping the Westerners for a bit.

That's what I do if I was a 14th century barbarian with internet access, who managed to accumulate a massive amount of arms, with zero investment. EBay for Infidels, or Allah's Infidel Auction and Arms Testing Videos or something similar. To them, it might seem like the Twin Towers have been delivered to Kabul.

Thank heaven that Biden ok'd Reagan's space lasers when he was young.
Or not. The guy running that clown show stole money from the company and has plagiarized at least 50 articles from others.

And we should believe him as to whom to believe. Riiiiiight ...

so he has the same resume as Biden?
The real concern here is that nothing whatsoever is stopping the Taliban from rounding up the thousands of American civilians still stuck in Afghanistan and pulling a move that makes the Iran Hostage crisis look like a cake walk. Imagine if you will thousands of hostages instead of hundreds.

And this administration literally has no spine. And the media won't touch it with a 10 foot pole.
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That's why these 'Republicans' infuriate me. They're all talk and no action, minus maybe a couple. Private citizens are basically having to take it upon themselves to fight back.
Look at how many "retired" in the Trump era to take TV gigs or write books. Did anybody ever make as much noise as Trey Gowdy for someone who didn't move the needle? They have mastered the art of squawking in a losing effort.
GREAT read

The problem lay in the reason the error spread, which happens to be the same reason underlying innumerable other media shipwrecks in the last five years. These include everything from wrong reports of Russians hacking a Vermont energy grid, to tales of Michael Cohen in Prague, to the pee tape, to Julie Swetnick’s rape accusation, to the Covington high school fiasco, to Russian oligarchs co-signing a Deutsche Bank loan application for Donald Trump, to Bountygate, to the “mass hysterectomies” story, and dozens beyond: the media business has become a machine for generating error-ridden moral panics.

News has become a corporatized version of the “Two Minutes Hate,” in which the goal of every broadcast is an anxiety-ridden audience provoked to the point of fury by the un-policed infamy of whatever wreckers are said to be threatening civilization this week: the unvaccinated, insurrectionists, Assadists, Greens, Bernie Bros, Jill Stein, Russians, the promoters of “white supremacy culture,” etc. Mistakes are inevitable because this brand of media business isn’t about accuracy, but rallying audiences to addictive disgust. As a result, most press people now shrug off the odd error or six — look at Maddow leaving her tweet up — so long as they feel stories are directionally right, i.e. aimed at deserving targets.


We know of someone here who's believed every, single, solitary one of these stories and never said "whoops" to any of them...don't we??
Great read, indeed. Thanks for sharing.

And Matt Taibbi isn't even close to what you'd call a conservative. But he's honest about the bullshit he sees, along with a few others.