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The Enemy of the People Thread

What a list of utter horseshit, Steeltime. No wonder you guys are lost and so easily led by your noses.

Right wing propaganda dumbing down complex issues into binary, yes or no statements is truly a sight to behold. Also explains how Trump got elected and continues to garner support.

For a lawyer, you sure get mesmerizimed by shiny objects and settle for quick, easy answers instead of seeking deeper understanding of issues. MAGA is like politics for dummies.
Vile Comrade Tibs, useful idiot,

which of the statements is untrue and why?
Vile Comrade Tibs, useful idiot,

which of the statements is untrue and why?

Yep. Every fact listed in the series of tweets - every last one - is true and easily proved. You call out Tibilo, tell him to identify one - ONE - fact that is not true. He goes to Google to find out proof that a fact listed is not true and learns to his horror, every goddamn one is 100% true. So he pretends he did not see your post.

Hey Tibby ... clock's ticking, *****. Answer Confluence's question.

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What a list of utter horseshit, Steeltime. No wonder you guys are lost and so easily led by your noses.

Right wing propaganda dumbing down complex issues into binary, yes or no statements is truly a sight to behold. Also explains how Trump got elected and continues to garner support.

For a lawyer, you sure get mesmerizimed by shiny objects and settle for quick, easy answers instead of seeking deeper understanding of issues. MAGA is like politics for dummies.
So, you gonna refute any of those or.......
As I have said NUMEROUS times President Trump never said anything worse than what the political left says with regularity. In fact things President Trump says are quite a bit tamer than what the looney left says usually, the reason the left and GOPe hate him is not because of what he says but because he had the balls to fight back.
The irony...

Let's Go Brandon will usher in the reign of Kamala Harris along with her landslide "reelection" while the house and the senate remain surprisingly "balanced" and not one ******* thing changes.
As I have said NUMEROUS times President Trump never said anything worse than what the political left says with regularity. In fact things President Trump says are quite a bit tamer than what the looney left says usually, the reason the left and GOPe hate him is not because of what he says but because he had the balls to fight back.

The incompetents in the White House called on the person with the biggest balls on staff to respond to Trump tweets ...

A guy named "Rachel."
Let's Go Brandon will usher in the reign of Kamala Harris along with her landslide "reelection" while the house and the senate remain surprisingly "balanced" and not one ******* thing changes.

I'm not so sure she'd win in a landslide. Hell, she may not even get close. She might be more disliked than Hildabeast (if that's possible).

And impeach his *** already, set a precedent and show you actually care about this country. So sick of 99% of these politicians just talking and getting on the social media & meme bandwagon. Do something already. At least show We The People somebody in Government still gives a ****.
I'm not so sure she'd win in a landslide. Hell, she may not even get close. She might be more disliked than Hildabeast (if that's possible).
It seems as though you assume whether people vote for her or not has anything to do with how many votes she will win by...
See Newsome, Gavin.
Biden, Joseph.
goddamned Project Veritas and their bullshit exposing Phil Murphy wanting to enact mandates... **** them.

right, @Troglodyte?

Vile, disgusting (D)imbos. They belong in hell. They had five well-known (D)umbfucks attend a Youngkin rally in Charlottesville, wearing white shirts and carrying tiki torches (*sob* tiki torches, waaaah) in front of the Youngkin campaign bus.

They pretended to be white supremacists supporting Youngkin, until JewishDeplorables uncovered them for the filthy, lying frauds they are. JD2 began a search and found this:

Just you wait for NBC, CBS, CNN, PBS, ABC, FUCKYOU, etc. to out these filthy, vile, contemptible liars.

(D)imbos ... they deserve everything they are about to get.
Vile, disgusting (D)imbos. They belong in hell. They had five well-known (D)umbfucks attend a Youngkin rally in Charlottesville, wearing white shirts and carrying tiki torches (*sob* tiki torches, waaaah) in front of the Youngkin campaign bus.

They pretended to be white supremacists supporting Youngkin, until JewishDeplorables uncovered them for the filthy, lying frauds they are. JD2 began a search and found this:

Just you wait for NBC, CBS, CNN, PBS, ABC, FUCKYOU, etc. to out these filthy, vile, contemptible liars.

(D)imbos ... they deserve everything they are about to get.

Have you seen the Leftist Talking heads losing their **** over Tucker Carlson's Patriot Purge docuseries? It's as if they expect people not to notice obvious glow worm activity.
It seems as though you assume whether people vote for her or not has anything to do with how many votes she will win by...
See Newsome, Gavin.
Biden, Joseph.

Denial is a helluva thing.
Vile, disgusting (D)imbos. They belong in hell. They had five well-known (D)umbfucks attend a Youngkin rally in Charlottesville, wearing white shirts and carrying tiki torches (*sob* tiki torches, waaaah) in front of the Youngkin campaign bus.

They pretended to be white supremacists supporting Youngkin, until JewishDeplorables uncovered them for the filthy, lying frauds they are. JD2 began a search and found this:

Just you wait for NBC, CBS, CNN, PBS, ABC, FUCKYOU, etc. to out these filthy, vile, contemptible liars.

(D)imbos ... they deserve everything they are about to get.

But it worked so well 4 years ago...
Oh look lying and cheating scumbag rats caught again.

McAuliffe and the his pathetic campaign organization claimed they had nothing to do with it, but were caught promoting the fake event all day on Facebook and Twitter, once they were found out they spent the next hour in a panic deleting messages and making their accounts private.

******* party of criminals.


McAuliffe spokesperson, who also worked for Harris and Biden campaigns, accused of racist tweets, which he has since admitted posting and is now apologizing for.​

I'm not so sure she'd win in a landslide. Hell, she may not even get close. She might be more disliked than Hildabeast (if that's possible).

And impeach his *** already, set a precedent and show you actually care about this country. So sick of 99% of these politicians just talking and getting on the social media & meme bandwagon. Do something already. At least show We The People somebody in Government still gives a ****.

The demoncrats have full control. Illegitimate Joe could cut the throats of babies on tv and they wouldn't impeach him. They'd call it retroactive abortion and say what a brave amazing person he was.
The demoncrats have full control. Illegitimate Joe could cut the throats of babies on tv and they wouldn't impeach him. They'd call it retroactive abortion and say what a brave amazing person he was.
Sad but true.