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The Enemy of the People Thread

The demoncrats have full control.
I hear dat.....

Governor Gavin Newsom signed laws governing ketchup packets, condom use and outlawing gender marketing on children's toys. There's nothing like more regulations to halt the statewide exodus. The difference between the Titanic and California is, the Titanic went down with its lights on.


Georgia Bulldogs quarterback JT Daniels has made one million dollars this month in endorsements and YouTube ad revenue under the new college rule. The money has a downside. No sex, no drugs, no alcohol or they lose their endorsements, and no Republican viewpoints or they get kicked off You Tube.

Once again we see that the leftists in the media are useful idiots and shills for the socialists. Also the irony of these asshats being offended by everyday people expressing their displeasure at the inept administration of an illegitimate executive after all the hate and lies they spewed against Trump and the GOP is not lost.

**** Joe Biden and **** all leftists in the news media. If both Biden and all the leftists in media spontaneously combusted and burned down to a pile of ashes it would be a net positive for humanity.

If both Biden and all the leftists in media spontaneously combusted and burned down to a pile of ashes it would be a net positive for humanity.

People could warm their hands over the burning remains - which would clearly be the most positive things those vile grifters have ever done for humanity.
"This is extremely dangerous to our financial corporate interests"

The state of our corporate media:

The Washington Compost is preparing a hit piece....get this...

To go after the groups opposing Fauci's cruel treatment of animals (beagles/dogs) in testing.

Let this sink in.

View attachment 6853

Unleash (see what I did there) PETA
Imagine the media assplosions if Trump said negro.


Published 30 mins ago

Biden calls Satchel Paige 'the great negro' in latest gaffe​

Paige played in the so-called 'Negro leagues' before moving on to MLB in the late 1940s​

By Jessica Chasmar | Fox News

President Biden referred to the late baseball player Satchel Paige as "the great negro" before correcting himself during his Veterans Day address at Arlington National Cemetery on Thursday.
Biden was honoring former U.S. Ambassador to Hungary Donald Blinken, an Army veteran and father of Secretary of State Antony Blinken, during his speech when he launched into a story about Paige, who played in the so-called "Negro leagues" before moving to to Major League Baseball in the late 1940s.

"I’ve adopted the attitude of the great negro at the time, pitcher of the Negro leagues, who went on to become a great pitcher in the pros — in Major League Baseball — after Jackie Robinson. His name was Satchel Paige," Biden recalled.
Two very different sides of a coin:


In the YT video, the guy on the left (not sure the name) makes a great point at 7:40 which expands on Steeltime's point he made of essentially Prosecutorial Immunity and going up against the state. Trevor Noah might be more ridiculous and unfunny than Samantha Bee. I don't know, it's a tight race.
In the YT video, the guy on the left (not sure the name) makes a great point at 7:40 which expands on Steeltime's point he made of essentially Prosecutorial Immunity and going up against the state.

So you're saying even a blind sow finds an acorn now and then?

P.S. I am forever angry at my parents for failing to name me "Robby Soave."
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Trevor Noah might be more ridiculous and unfunny than Samantha Bee. I don't know, it's a tight race.
There isn't a single leftist out there that's funny, only garnering cheap laughs with asinine comments to the choir.
Tibs, Flog, 21, these are your people, name one that is actually a comedian?

From someone with moderate TDS who voted for Biden. Someone having a little buyer's remorse?
There isn't a single leftist out there that's funny, only garnering cheap laughs with asinine comments to the choir.
Tibs, Flog, 21, these are your people, name one that is actually a comedian?
Why late night TV ratings are in the tank.
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Why late night TV ratings are in the tank.

I love comedy so I'm honestly trying to think of a funny leftist, and nothing. Is Jon Stewart a leftist or more a classical liberal? And is he even that funny?

Maybe Lenny Bruce, but his main beef was with organized religion IIRC.
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Trump was right, in the end, about the dodgy dossier; he was right about the duped FBI’s original overreach; and the mass media — Rachel Maddow chief among them — were wrong. And yet the dossier dominated the headlines for three years, and the “corrections” have a fraction of the audience of the errors. Maddow gets promoted. And the man who first published it, Ben Smith, was made the media columnist for the NYT.

Think of the other narratives the MSM pushed in recent years that have collapsed. They viciously defamed the Covington boys. They authoritatively told us that bounties had been placed on US soldiers in Afghanistan by Putin — and Trump’s denials only made them more certain. They told us that the lab-leak theory of Covid was a conspiracy theory with no evidence behind it at all. (The NYT actually had the story of the leak theory, by Donald McNeil, killed it, and then fired McNeil, their best Covid reporter, after some schoolgirls complained he wasn’t woke.) Wrong. Wrong. Wrong.

The MSM took the ludicrous story of Jussie Smollett seriously because it fit their nutty “white supremacy” narrative. They told us that a woman was brutally gang-raped at UVA (invented), that the Pulse mass shooting was driven by homophobia (untrue) and that the Atlanta spa shooter was motivated by anti-Asian bias (no known evidence for that at all). For good measure, they followed up with story after story about white supremacists targeting Asian-Americans, in a new wave of “hate,” even as the assaults were disproportionately by African Americans and the mentally ill.

As Greenwald noted, the NYT “published an emotionally gut-wrenching but complete fiction that never had any evidence — that Officer Sicknick’s skull was savagely bashed in with a fire extinguisher by a pro-Trump mob until he died.” The media told us that an alleged transgender exposure in the Wi Spa in Los Angeles was an anti-trans hoax (also untrue). They told us that the emails recovered on Hunter Biden’s laptop were Russian disinformation. They did this just before an election and used that claim to stymie the story on social media. But they were not Russian disinformation. They were a valid if minor news story the media consciously kept from its audience for partisan purposes.

More recently, the MSM were telling us for months that inflation is a phantasm. We were told that the “2021 Inflation Scare is another in a series of false alarms going back several decades.” We were assured that “the numbers at least for now are on the side of those expecting the trend to subside and then stabilize at lower levels.” Any concern was “fearmongering politics.” And now we wake up to the highest inflation in 30 years, counter-balancing wage increases. Still, they tell us, all will be well.
Remember when we were told the burgeoning border crisis was just “seasonal variation?” That was a claim trotted out in the Washington Post which the President himself quickly repeated. It wasn’t true, but most of the media never really leaned into the border story. Last fiscal year was the highest number of encounters at the southern border ever recorded and you barely hear about it in the news. Unless some member of the border patrol can be accused of whipping migrants (which didn’t happen) it’s usually on the back burner.

There’s also the issue of Critical Race Theory in schools, which the entire national media has decided is a lie despite the fact that there’s plenty of evidence CRT has taken over many college campuses and has a foothold in private schools. It’s already a part of public school teacher training and is working its way into curriculums in California, in Loudoun County, Virginia and elsewhere.

There are other examples of this, significant ones, that Sullivan doesn’t mention. Remember last year when Andrew Cuomo was made the hero of the pandemic by an adoring media (especially CNN which had him do interviews with his own brother)? It turns out he wasn’t a hero and one dumb decision involving nursing homes probably led to hundreds of additional deaths, deaths that he then tried to cover up.

Corrupt media: Wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, again and again and again, with every mistake favoring liberals and (D)imbos.

Awesome, Steelr4evr. Let's give a couple examples, shall we?
  • $2 billion in fires, damage, at least 12 dead: "Mostly peaceful"
  • Gas prices exploding, food prices rocketing up, getting worse every month: "Temporary price increases"
  • Massive spending triggers worst inflation in 31 years: "Solved with even more massive spending"
  • Labor participation cratering, median income falling, real wages falling, GDP stumbling: "Biden economic plan is working"
  • No guns, nobody killed apart from an unarmed 115 lb. female protester, nobody charged with insurrection: "Armed insurrection"
  • Rape suspect torments rape victim, fights two police officers, shakes off taser, goes to car to get knife: "Wrongful shooting"
  • DNC paid-for bogus rumors, lies, gigantic hoax, bullshit investigation for years: "Deserves impeachment"
  • Video of poll workers pulling out boxes of ballots in the middle of the night after poll watchers sent home: "Most secure election ever"
  • Dullard plagiarist dementia patient bumbles around, bites wife's finger, can't get 100 people to appear for a single event: "81 million votes"
  • Kids ordered to wear masks, people giving order never bother with masks: "It's for safety"
Okay, that's more than a couple.
Awesome, Steelr4evr. Let's give a couple examples, shall we?
  • $2 billion in fires, damage, at least 12 dead: "Mostly peaceful"
  • Gas prices exploding, food prices rocketing up, getting worse every month: "Temporary price increases"
  • Massive spending triggers worst inflation in 31 years: "Solved with even more massive spending"
  • Labor participation cratering, median income falling, real wages falling, GDP stumbling: "Biden economic plan is working"
  • No guns, nobody killed apart from an unarmed 115 lb. female protester, nobody charged with insurrection: "Armed insurrection"
  • Rape suspect torments rape victim, fights two police officers, shakes off taser, goes to car to get knife: "Wrongful shooting"
  • DNC paid-for bogus rumors, lies, gigantic hoax, bullshit investigation for years: "Deserves impeachment"
  • Video of poll workers pulling out boxes of ballots in the middle of the night after poll watchers sent home: "Most secure election ever"
  • Dullard plagiarist dementia patient bumbles around, bites wife's finger, can't get 100 people to appear for a single event: "81 million votes"
  • Kids ordered to wear masks, people giving order never bother with masks: "It's for safety"
Okay, that's more than a couple.

So basically the United States is under full attack from the inside. I don't see us voting away the inevitable. Much like the founders met before we had a country.

All things come to an end sooner or later. We have reached the point of having American citizens as political prisoners.

Well,they have at least 3 years to tighten down on the population. At the going rate it could get very uncomfortable and actually force action, not words.
y'all hear about Iran striking one of our military outposts? what about the drones sent towards naval ships? no? wow.
