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The Liberals on this board have disappeared...........

Care to explain how we are doing worse now than under Obama? In any aspect, except for libtard butthurt.

The Federal deficit increased 17% in 2018 ($800/taxpayer), its projected to increase 40% in 2019 ($2,100/taxpayer). But none of this is “real” to you, only your tax cut is real. Much like the balance on your credit card isn’t real, just the convenient minimum monthly payment is real.
Right back at ya. How many were indicted in the Russian probe? Tell how trump was exonerated again? Yeah, he wasn't. What has ivanka done with her emails? Why wasn't an investigation launched into that? Bill Clinton at least perjured himself because he testified. When did trump testify under oath? How many hours did he testify? Oh that's right, he got to write his answers and they were "I don't know" and "not helpful" in the investigation. Hahaha the perjury would be off the charts and everyone around him knows it. What should also concern you is the lawlessness this one shows daily. I thought no one was above the law. That precedent should concern every American as well, no? LOL Uranium One. Good Lord I'm talking to another right wing conspiracy theorist. Yep, hold on to your Clinton, Obama and everyone else did wrong but this unhinged lunatic lifelong grifter is just a poor victim. That says all I need to know about you. One sided ignorance? LOL what was your post? Just more of the same right wing talking points. As for me, I prefer my presidents don't "fall in love" with murderous dictators and who acts like one himself. Jesus, no wonder no one with other views posts here. It's a joke.

None that had anything to do with Russian collusion.

For what reason should Trump be testifying? What are the charges?
None that had anything to do with Russian collusion.

For what reason should Trump be testifying? What are the charges?

LOL omg, are you for real? Did you read anything past barr's spin? Had everything to do with Russia. When asked if he would testify in front of Mueller he said “I'm looking forward to it, actually.” Then of course didn't, hence the "I can't remember" questions he was allowed to answer in writing. Charges? Apparently can't indict a sitting president so all irrelevant.
The Federal deficit increased 17% in 2018 ($800/taxpayer), its projected to increase 40% in 2019 ($2,100/taxpayer). But none of this is “real” to you, only your tax cut is real. Much like the balance on your credit card isn’t real, just the convenient minimum monthly payment is real.

None of this matters. It's not a democrat increasing the deficit. Suddenly the conservatives aren't so conservative. It's all just laughable, truly.
His tax returns are none of your ******* business.

Inasmuch as Orangeman is under constant audit by the IRS, and they have no problems with his presidency, there is nothing to see here.

And what was that groupchubby the left got when the NYT 'released' his returns? This is all theater. Orangeman would be wise to put his returns on the table next to the returns of every member of the house and senate. Full disclosure. Everybody. The stink that rises from those houses betrays them.
This is all theater.

To wit...

If You Believe Pelosi and Schumer, I Want to Sell You a Bridge
By David Limbaugh May 24, 2019

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi says she's praying for the president. Well, so am I, the difference being that I really am, whereas she's cynically pretending to, to show her mock concern over his mental state.

Pelosi, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer and the rest of the congressional Democratic cabal have treated President Trump abominably, and it's getting old. Do they assume Americans have endless patience for their ongoing investigation charade?

Consider the latest brouhaha between Trump and the Democratic leaders. They were scheduled to meet at the White House on a $2 trillion infrastructure plan when Pelosi decided to poison the punch bowl.

Ahead of the meeting, Pelosi and five investigative committee leaders spoke with other Democrats who had called for an impeachment inquiry. Afterward, she made an unsolicited public statement.

"We do believe it's important to follow the facts," she told reporters. "We believe that no one is above the law, including the president of the United States, and we believe that the president of the United States is engaged in a cover-up."

And she feigns outrage that Trump cut the meeting short?

What an unprovoked slap in the face -- and right before she was to meet with Trump! If I were getting ready to negotiate a contract for a client, would it be wise for me to publicly trash the opposing attorney in advance of the meeting? How would that work out for my client?

Democrats and the liberal media ceaselessly complain about Trump's demeanor and manners, yet they treat him like a twice-removed criminal stepchild. Why don't more people talk about their ill-mannered behavior and incivility? Or are they entitled to a pass for any level of abuse toward Trump because they have so consummately dehumanized him among their base? It's to the point where Trump haters consider rudeness toward him a badge of honor.

The Democrats are a one-note samba. They have no positive agenda -- nothing constructive in their arsenal. They have staked their entire political fortune on destroying, discrediting and removing Trump, and, having failed at every turn, they are in denial. They will not give up the ghost.

They had an entire cadre of deep-state Obama administration FBI and DOJ officials on a mission to frame Trump as a treasonous rogue who conspired with Russia to steal the election from the unelectable Hillary Clinton. Their abject failure to bring home the bacon didn't deter them one bit, for they kept the conspiracy alive into the Trump presidency, even manufacturing a factual scenario that gave them colorable grounds to call for the appointment of a special counsel to investigate.

This anointed special counsel enlisted some 20 left-leaning investigators, cloaked with carte blanche authority and a virtually unlimited budget, to bring down -- er, fairly and objectively investigate -- the president. They pulled no punches. They engaged in no half measures.

When this august group also failed to bring home the bacon, the monomaniacal Democrats still would not give up the ghost. Ever since they took control of the House, they've been engaged in an investigatory orgy against Trump. With their media co-conspirators, they are continuing their farcical witch hunt, dishonestly interpreting Robert Mueller's flat-out negative finding on collusion and his ill-conceived rope-a-dope on "obstruction" to mean that Trump actually engaged in obstruction.

Everyone knows they are keeping these investigations alive to kill Trump's presidency by a thousand cuts. If they truly have abandoned the impeachment fantasy, it is only because they have nothing, and they know it would backfire in 2020. Sadly for them, most Americans are surely not muddled enough to believe that President Trump or his confidantes obstructed an investigation into something of which he knew he was innocent.

Pelosi said she was ready to give Trump a once-a-century win on his infrastructure plan. But Schumer said that Trump came prepared to quickly end the meeting, implying he wasn't sincere about working on the plan. "He is looking for every excuse. ... Now that he was forced to actually say how he would pay for it, he had to run away."

This doesn't pass the laugh test. Pelosi and Schumer know better. Trump campaigned on a grandiose infrastructure plan. Please Google it. It is Schumer, Pelosi and their fellow Democrats who will never give Trump a victory on anything, let alone a once-a-century win. Even if Trump were to give them everything they wanted, they would not sign off on it, because their sole agenda -- still, after they've struck out every step of the way -- is to destroy Trump. It's a fool's errand.
LOL omg, are you for real? Did you read anything past barr's spin? Had everything to do with Russia. When asked if he would testify in front of Mueller he said “I'm looking forward to it, actually.” Then of course didn't, hence the "I can't remember" questions he was allowed to answer in writing. Charges? Apparently can't indict a sitting president so all irrelevant.

Way to deflect. Never mind that a sitting president cant be indicted. Again, what are the charges? For what reason should Trump be testifying?

That's right you can't answer that. The fact remains that you and your kind can't stand that a guy you hate got elected, and that isn't an answer.

Yes I am for real. There were certain people indicted only for LYING about their contacts with Russians, why is that so difficult to understand? Their actions did not sway the results of an election an any way shape or form, nor were they directed by Trump which was proven after two years of this investigation.

The only party that a case could be made for colluding with Russia in hopes of swaying an election was Hillary and the DNC. But not a peep out of you loonies regarding that.

What would you say if it was clearly evident that Trump that had obtained a fake dossier through a spy associated with the Russians, then used it to obtain FAISA warrants to spy on the Hillary campaign.


Nothing to see here???

Answer that or gtfo and stop wasting our time.
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None of this matters. It's not a democrat increasing the deficit. Suddenly the conservatives aren't so conservative. It's all just laughable, truly.

Anything is possible in the alt-right universe. When facts interfere, it’s merely what the damn MSM would have people believe.
Way to deflect. Never mind that a sitting president cant be indicted. Again, what are the charges? For what reason should Trump be testifying?

That's right you can't answer that. The fact remains that you and your kind can't stand that a guy you hate got elected, and that isn't an answer.

Yes I am for real. There were certain people indicted only for LYING about their contacts with Russians, why is that so difficult to understand? Their actions did not sway the results of an election an any way shape or form, nor were they directed by Trump which was proven after two years of this investigation.

The only party that a case could be made for colluding with Russia in hopes of swaying an election was Hillary and the DNC. But not a peep out of you loonies regarding that.

What would you say if it was clearly evident that Trump that had obtained a fake dossier through a spy associated with the Russians, then used it to obtain FAISA warrants to spy on the Hillary campaign.


Nothing to see here???

Answer that or gtfo and stop wasting our time.

I'll do what I damn well please lol. Wasting time with a bunch of brainwashed numskulls? Impossible to do. He obstructed justice. He does it in broad daylight. The report did NOT exonerate him of obstruction. It exonerated him of criminal collusion. He was asked to meet with Mueller to answer questions regarding the investigation. He didn't. Instead they played to his 12-year-old self and let him answer written questions to which his answers were "I don't remember". Shocking I tell you, shocking! LOL yeah Hillary and the DNC...they were the ones who were hurt in this. Makes no sense what you believe. I would LOVE to know how you would feel if your two whipping people, Hillary and Obama, were not exonerated of obstruction of justice, a crime. LOL, don't even bother answering that, I already know. The rest of your post, right wing garbage delusions you want so badly to be true you actually believe it, that's your problem. Loonies? Looking in the mirror I see.
Anything is possible in the alt-right universe. When facts interfere, it’s merely what the damn MSM would have people believe.

Yep. Everything is the MSM's fault. Never mind what comes out of his own lying mouth, very Jim Jones like. It would be hysterically funny if it wasn't so tragic. I'm too young to remember Nixon. This makes him look like a choir boy. I'd prefer 25th amendment over impeachment any day. He needs to be in a psych ward.
Anything is possible in the alt-right universe. When facts interfere, it’s merely what the damn MSM would have people believe.

I don't know why you think supporting Trump means we don't care about the deficits. Of course I do.

I, of course, am smart enough to realize the tax cut plan is not the main reason for the deficit and that Trump (and the Presidency) has very little to do with spending. The ability of congress to spend above their means and their ability to "pay each other off" for votes with funding for pet projects is abhorrent and has been a part of Congress since the 1980's.

We needed the tax cut on small businesses desperately. To get the votes, Trump had to throw in the top-end tax bracket cut to secure the traditional, far-right wing Republicans in congress. Unlike what the media presented, that was not Trump paying off his buddies. That was congressional republicans paying off their donors. I don't like it and I have contempt to many of them.

Now its on to spending cuts and unfortunately, Trump can't do that alone. Federal revenues are growing. Very well in fact now that the economy is growing 3% rather than Obama's 1.2%. The problem is spending just keeps going up for all sorts of bullshit reasons. Almost 80% of federal spending is already pre-determined. Can't be touched. Can't be corrected no matter how much inefficiency and waste is involved. It's a racket. Everyone knows that.

The corporate tax cut was a good thing. The upper end tax cut I could take it or leave it. Let Congress fight over that through the next couple administrations and I won't care. But we needed something done with corporate tax rates to get us in line with the rest of the world. You know that and we know that.
Well then good, if he did nothing wrong, let's see his taxes. Like he said he would (lie #5,209). You do know they can be released even while under audit, right? So nothing to hide, show 'em. You're really stuck on the fact that I owe the IRS, a fact that I even stated I didn't care about, not outraged about and not shocked about. It will get paid when they bill me. Because I follow the laws. And please explain to me this stupid saying "TDS" cause it literally makes no sense, not shocking that it doesn't make sense though coming from a trumpanzee. See the truth is YOU suffer from TDS. I mean trump is deranged. You support derangement. So doesn't that mean YOU indeed have trump derangement syndrome? I'm glad you care about me cause I give two ***** about anyone who supports this clown.

Wow! Major TDS happening right here.

No, he does not HAVE to release his taxes. No Presidential candidate has to. It is not a rule or a law. It was just something that most started doing. But, since there are so many on the left that don't understand our tax system and how it works for a business man, they (and sounds like you) would try to demonize someone for their business taxes flowing through to their personal taxes. Demonrats are just looking for something to try and demonize him for in the coming election. It has nothing to do with him committing a crime. It's 100% politics and TDS.
I'll do what I damn well please lol. Wasting time with a bunch of brainwashed numskulls? Impossible to do. He obstructed justice. He does it in broad daylight. The report did NOT exonerate him of obstruction. It exonerated him of criminal collusion. He was asked to meet with Mueller to answer questions regarding the investigation. He didn't. Instead they played to his 12-year-old self and let him answer written questions to which his answers were "I don't remember". Shocking I tell you, shocking! LOL yeah Hillary and the DNC...they were the ones who were hurt in this. Makes no sense what you believe. I would LOVE to know how you would feel if your two whipping people, Hillary and Obama, were not exonerated of obstruction of justice, a crime. LOL, don't even bother answering that, I already know. The rest of your post, right wing garbage delusions you want so badly to be true you actually believe it, that's your problem. Loonies? Looking in the mirror I see.

Please explain how he "obstructed justice"? He can fire anyone for any reason at any time and he can say anything he wants. And, in your explanation, make sure to include examples of how Odumma obstructed justice as well because all examples thrown around by those with TDS can be laid at the feet of every President we've had. So, have at it. Curious to see how bad your TDS is.
Please explain how he "obstructed justice"? He can fire anyone for any reason at any time and he can say anything he wants. And, in your explanation, make sure to include examples of how Odumma obstructed justice as well because all examples thrown around by those with TDS can be laid at the feet of every President we've had. So, have at it. Curious to see how bad your TDS is.

I already explained to you the TDS goes the other way. Second the report says he is not exonerated from obstructing justice. Jesus did anyone read this for themselves or you all just listening to your faux ****? Third, I have learned on this board you cannot possibly have any reasonable conversation with a right wing nut. This has been proven over and over. Therefore I won't. You want to keep sounding like a trump ******* with your silly name calling and dumb *** TDS stupidity, have at it. It's typical and expected. I'll believe what I read, what other federal judges have said and what the report says about not exonerating. You keep clinging to your "but Hillary, but Obama".
Wait till the Dems get subpoenaed!

Trump will ram all this witch hunt **** down their throats


Trump Advisor Lewandowski: Biden behind Steele Dossier; Comey, McCabe, Strzok and Page will all be on trial "March or April of the next year."

The President Has Given Attorney General Barr Declassification Authority Over the Intelligence Community In Order To Investigate the Origins of the Counterintelligence Investigation Into Russian Interference in the 2016 Election

I already explained to you the TDS goes the other way.

No kidding. Amazing how many supposedly smart & sane people have tied their cart to this horse. The man is a ******* lunatic. And this video is 100% real, not like the doctored Pelosi video Trump, Guiliani and the unhinged far-right were spreading around yesterday.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">This crackpot has the nuclear codes in his pocket. Sleep tight, world. <a href="https://t.co/KBffCkHhlV">pic.twitter.com/KBffCkHhlV</a></p>— Bob Cesca (@bobcesca_go) <a href="https://twitter.com/bobcesca_go/status/1102002322694160386?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">March 3, 2019</a></blockquote>
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Nancy is such a tease, she just dumped on all the lefties wanting impeachment, again! LOL

Pelosi says Democrats "not on a path to impeachment"

"Impeachment is a very divisive place to go in our country," said Pelosi, reiterating her long-held position.

Her comments to reporters come one day after a bipartisan meeting on infrastructure at the White House collapsed, with the president incensed by comments Pelosi made Wednesday morning. After a meeting with Democratic lawmakers prior to the meeting, Pelosi said the president was engaged in a "cover-up" by fighting congressional subpoenas.

Sebastian Gorka the ****-slinging baboon takes his TDS to a whole new level. Has everyone on the right completely lost their minds? Reading this board, it sure seems like it.

Let the James Bond-villain audition tapes begin!

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">This Seb Gorka video is not a parody. Really. <br>Seriously. <a href="https://t.co/oFn2vi06l7">pic.twitter.com/oFn2vi06l7</a></p>— Charlie Sykes (@SykesCharlie) <a href="https://twitter.com/SykesCharlie/status/1131962850828857344?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">May 24, 2019</a></blockquote>
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