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The Liberals on this board have disappeared...........

Trump survived the witch hunt coup attempt.... Now comes the purge. LOL


I don't know why you think supporting Trump means we don't care about the deficits. Of course I do.

I, of course, am smart enough to realize the tax cut plan is not the main reason for the deficit and that Trump (and the Presidency) has very little to do with spending. The ability of congress to spend above their means and their ability to "pay each other off" for votes with funding for pet projects is abhorrent and has been a part of Congress since the 1980's.

We needed the tax cut on small businesses desperately. To get the votes, Trump had to throw in the top-end tax bracket cut to secure the traditional, far-right wing Republicans in congress. Unlike what the media presented, that was not Trump paying off his buddies. That was congressional republicans paying off their donors. I don't like it and I have contempt to many of them.

Now its on to spending cuts and unfortunately, Trump can't do that alone. Federal revenues are growing. Very well in fact now that the economy is growing 3% rather than Obama's 1.2%. The problem is spending just keeps going up for all sorts of bullshit reasons. Almost 80% of federal spending is already pre-determined. Can't be touched. Can't be corrected no matter how much inefficiency and waste is involved. It's a racket. Everyone knows that.

The corporate tax cut was a good thing. The upper end tax cut I could take it or leave it. Let Congress fight over that through the next couple administrations and I won't care. But we needed something done with corporate tax rates to get us in line with the rest of the world. You know that and we know that.

I mean, it's not like the government was shut down because trump didn't like the way the dems were spending money....oh, wait.
The President Has Given Attorney General Barr Declassification Authority Over the Intelligence Community In Order To Investigate the Origins of the Counterintelligence Investigation Into Russian Interference in the 2016 Election.

It is instructive that he gave declas to Barr rather than Coates (DNI).

The President Has Given Attorney General Barr Declassification Authority Over the Intelligence Community

I agree with both Laurence Tribe & Malcolm Nance on this. Trump opens the gates of hell for Putin to continue to sow discord in 2020 to Trump's benefit, a repeat of 2016. Trump's actions are beyond treasonous and present a clear and present danger to our nation.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Trump’s risking our national security to wreak vengeance on those responsible for investigating his alleged wrongdoing to (a) win the presidency, (b) obstruct inquiry into how a foreign power may have helped him win, and (c) cover up that obstruction is itself clearly impeachable <a href="https://t.co/hLpaouzI2Z">https://t.co/hLpaouzI2Z</a></p>— Laurence Tribe (@tribelaw) <a href="https://twitter.com/tribelaw/status/1131982269110001666?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">May 24, 2019</a></blockquote>
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Yes, I support the Mueller report too



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Trump's actions are beyond treasonous and present a clear and present danger to our nation.

All from his safe space behind a wall in Hungary. You don't pay any American taxes. You don't have to abide by any American laws. Our nation?
Sebastian Gorka the ****-slinging baboon takes his TDS to a whole new level. Has everyone on the right completely lost their minds? Reading this board, it sure seems like it.

Let the James Bond-villain audition tapes begin!

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">This Seb Gorka video is not a parody. Really. <br>Seriously. <a href="https://t.co/oFn2vi06l7">pic.twitter.com/oFn2vi06l7</a></p>— Charlie Sykes (@SykesCharlie) <a href="https://twitter.com/SykesCharlie/status/1131962850828857344?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">May 24, 2019</a></blockquote>
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He’s right, ya know. Grab your shine box.
blah blah blah blah blah blah shifting gears, changing the topic, attacking the messenger blah blah blah

So you agree Trump's actions are beyond treasonous and present a clear and present danger to our nation. Duly noted.
So you agree Trump's actions are beyond treasonous and present a clear and present danger to our nation. Duly noted.

Trump's actions for 2.5 years now have presented a clear & present danger (to you TDS lunatics), while rational people know they haven't been hurt here in the slightest.

Is TDS a treatable disease?
Tibtard, exactly HOW is exposing the criminals behind the witch hunt hoax and bringing them to justice a danger to our country? (ours, not yours). The American people need to see how corrupt the former administration was.
No kidding. Amazing how many supposedly smart & sane people have tied their cart to this horse. The man is a ******* lunatic. And this video is 100% real, not like the doctored Pelosi video Trump, Guiliani and the unhinged far-right were spreading around yesterday.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">This crackpot has the nuclear codes in his pocket. Sleep tight, world. <a href="https://t.co/KBffCkHhlV">pic.twitter.com/KBffCkHhlV</a></p>— Bob Cesca (@bobcesca_go) <a href="https://twitter.com/bobcesca_go/status/1102002322694160386?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">March 3, 2019</a></blockquote>
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Wow, it's a relief that the left is civil and above name calling.
...a danger to our country? (ours, not yours).
Try as you might, you'll never claim America as your own, from any other American. You're a pathetic disgrace, someone who should be ashamed of yourself. But like Trump, you have no shame. No soul, no shame. Thankfully this country is bigger and better than the frivolous right-wing hacks who are doing everything they can to destroy the Republic. In the end, truth, justice and the American Constitution will prevail over Trump and his treasonous sewer rats.
You should ask yourself and the other Trump apologists on the board who've sold their souls down the river.

Yeah, Sarge, OFTB, Zona, myself and many others are big Trump apologists. We've always said we're not the biggest Trump fans, but compared to you lunatics on the left, I'll take him all day every day.

. In the end, truth, justice and the American Constitution will prevail.

Nowhere in the Constitution does it say that he has to show is tax returns.
The Constitution says he as a right to fire Comey.
It also says he has a right to pardon and declassify.
The Constitution created the Electoral College, whic the Dems are ******** on.
The Constitution says I can own an AR-15.

I say he is pretty much sticking to it.
Try as you might, you'll never claim America as your own, from any other American. You're a pathetic disgrace, someone who should be ashamed of yourself. But like Trump, you have no shame. No soul, no shame. Thankfully this country is bigger and better than the frivolous right-wing hacks who are doing everything they can to destroy the Republic. In the end, truth, justice and the American Constitution will prevail over Trump and his treasonous sewer rats.

You didn’t answer the question. Typical... Loser.
exactly HOW is exposing the criminals behind the witch hunt hoax.

Again, you have ZERO understanding of the findings of the Mueller report and that of the US intelligence agencies regarding Russian interference in the 2016 election. ZERO. You simply let the tail wag the dog and buy into the bullshit Trump is cramming down your throat. To call the Special Counsel investigation a 'witch hunt hoax' speaks for itself. You are hereby excluded from participating in the discussion until you get your head out of your ***.

This information is readily available. All you have to do is read, imagine that. Begin by reading the actual Mueller report. It may take you a while, but it'd be time well spent.

Mr. Mueller, the special counsel, laid out how his team of prosecutors wrestled with whether Mr. Trump’s actions added up to a criminal obstruction-of-justice offense. They ultimately chose not to charge Mr. Trump, citing numerous legal and factual constraints, but pointedly declined to exonerate him and suggested that it might be the role of Congress to settle the matter.

The report laid bare that Mr. Trump was elected with the help of a foreign power, and cataloged numerous meetings between Mr. Trump’s advisers and Russians seeking to influence the campaign and the presidential transition team — encounters set up in pursuit of business deals, policy initiatives and political dirt about Hillary Clinton, the Democratic candidate for president.

The special counsel concluded that there was “insufficient evidence” to determine that the president or his aides had engaged in a criminal conspiracy with the Russians, even though the Trump campaign welcomed the Kremlin sabotage effort and “expected it would benefit electorally” from the hacks and leaks of Democratic emails.

<aside class="css-17l9gfh"></aside>Then, after federal investigators opened an inquiry into the extraordinary Russian campaign, the president repeatedly tried to undermine it.

“If we had confidence after a thorough investigation of the facts that the president clearly did not commit obstruction of justice, we would so state,” Mr. Mueller’s investigators wrote. “Based on the facts and the applicable legal standards, however, we are unable to reach that judgment.”

“Russian efforts to influence the 2016 U.S. presidential election represent the most recent expression of Moscow’s longstanding desire to undermine the U.S.-led liberal democratic order, but these activities demonstrated a significant escalation in directness, level of activity, and scope of effort compared to previous operations,” the report said.

How is that a witch hunt in any shape or form? That US intelligence services saw and acted upon clear interference in our election from a hostile, foreign government? Is that not the sole purpose they exists, to thwart and investigate such attacks? The fact Trump has his panties in a bunch and claims this was some sort of partisan, personal attack against him just proves how breathtakingly incompetent he is to serve in the highest office.
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Tibs wont answer the question because the fact is transparency about the illegal spying is Not a threat to National Security. Quite the opposite. It will open a lot of eyes to the corruption on the left. This why they’re all in apeshit panic mode, screaming impeach impeach! Treason, treason! It’s fun to watch. This is a significant part of the Dim party being destroyed due to their own actions and warped globalist/socialist sprint to the extreme left. I laugh at the lunatics who still think Trump colluded with Russia. Stay around Tibs, you’re a funny entertaining idiot.
Tibs wont answer the question because the fact is transparency about the illegal spying is Not a threat to National Security. Quite the opposite. It will open a lot of eyes to the corruption on the left. This why they’re all in apeshit panic mode, screaming impeach impeach! Treason, treason! It’s fun to watch. This is a significant part of the Dim party being destroyed due to their own actions and warped globalist/socialist sprint to the extreme left. I laugh at the lunatics who still think Trump colluded with Russia. Stay around Tibs, you’re a funny entertaining idiot.

As always, it seems I need to write things down for you with crayons in big fat letters on a large sheet of butcher paper. You - and your personal saviour Orange Jesus - claim the entire investigation into Russian interference into the elections is a hoax, a wild goose chase, a witch hunt all brought on and perpetrated by anti-Trump forces within the US government. That is exactly what he - and you - are claiming. All the while ignoring the cold hard truth that actual, proven Russian interference, meddling and hacking of the elections took place, which has been brought to light and verified by Mueller and other agencies.

That is why it's so easy to call you blatantly ignorant.

And that is why the fact Trump has ignored the findings of the Mueller report, blindly ignored this aggressive Russian attack, the fact he's pretended it never happened and kissed up to Putin ever since, has exacerbated the problem and added to the reasons he should be impeached and removed from office. Mueller may not have been able to prove Trump conspired in this attack on our electoral system, but he certainly stood by idly as it took place and has made clear he won't hold Putin or Russia accountable, an open invitation to recieve further, similar help in 2020.

Here lies the problem so many Americans have with this situation, regardless of party or political persuation. And here lies the reason the actions and behavior Trump has exhibited - time and time again - amounts to treason, far surpassing the founding fathers' definition of high crimes & misdemeanors.
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Wait till the Dems get subpoenaed!

Trump will ram all this witch hunt **** down their throats


Trump Advisor Lewandowski: Biden behind Steele Dossier; Comey, McCabe, Strzok and Page will all be on trial "March or April of the next year."

The President Has Given Attorney General Barr Declassification Authority Over the Intelligence Community In Order To Investigate the Origins of the Counterintelligence Investigation Into Russian Interference in the 2016 Election


Well, if it’s on balloon-juice.com, who can question it?
Well, if it’s on balloon-juice.com, who can question it?

Yeah, because the big guns like BuzzFeedNews, the NYT & all the other liberal rags have been so trustworthy and unbiased.
Mueller may not have been able to prove Trump conspired in this attack on our electoral system, but he certainly stood by idly as it took place and has made clear he won't hold Putin or Russia accountable, an open invitation to recieve further, similar help in 2020.

