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The Liberals on this board have disappeared...........

Lol, balloon juice.com. That's priceless.

Gave me a chuckle as well. That's what most journalism in this country has degraded into, might a well just highlight the joke they've become.
You should ask yourself and the other Trump apologists on the board who've sold their souls down the river.

President Trump has not done anything to endanger this country. He has gotten us out of some ****** up trade deals and a terrible ******* nuclear deal. Other countries may ***** and moan but their opinions don't ******* matter. FORMER President Obama kissing everyones ***** and ******** on our rights did way more harm. His administration made it fashionable to disparage the police and attack them.

From letting a U.S. Ambassador get murdered and then lying about the cause behind it to letting hillary get away with destroying thousands of emails to avoid being prosecuted for having classified information on an unsecure server, his administration did nothing but divide this country and run the economy into the ground. Jobs he swore were gone for good have returned and unemployment figures are at historically low levels

If the ******* democrats would just do any ******* thing in congress other than try to find ways to impeach President Trump, a lot more positive programs could be in place.

You want to harp on russian interference...well who was in office and did not do anything to stop the russians from doing whatever they did???? oh yeah, just the worst ******* President ever
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Steelworth, based on your response, you scoff at what the Russians did with the elections. You don't think they're willing and capable of continuing attacking us now and in the future. You're sure State & Federal agencies have taken the neccessary steps to strengthen & protect the electoral system - computer systems, servers, etc. You're convinced Twitter and Facebook have done enough to offset whatever illicit activity may well be coming down the pipeline from the Russians. You feel it's perfectly fine Russian hackers attack and compromise computer and voting systems of American politcal parties and local, state election offices. All of that is fine by you, I guess, cause you seem to laugh it off.

I tip my hat to you. You must know stuff I don't.

I know what I expect from my President. To stand up for and protect this country, the values of this country. And yes, that includes the sanctity and fairness of local, state and federal elections. What a slap in the face for all Americans to let a country like Russia come in and **** around in a Presidential election. Anyone who doesn't see that as a problem is missing the point. Trump should have come out with all his swagger and bravado and told the Russians to **** off and bug out of US politics. He'd been an immediate John Wayne, Ronald Reagan legend till the end of time. It was all there for the taking, a slam dunk. Step up for America, announce sanctions, call out and isolate Russia for interfering in our elections.

Donald J. Trump did just the opposite. He reached out and gave Putin a big hug, a big fat kiss.

We should have been up in arms learning how some pissant, ******-up country like Russia could come in and screw around with the election. With Trump & Russia, the devil is in the details. How Trump's devout followers miss the boat on Russia and brush it aside so casually, is beyond me.

No US president should welcome the help of another nation in deciding a Presidential election. Trump did exactly that, and has continued to do so. It's simply not right. That is a fundamental judgement on Trump a lot of you are not ready to make. I am, so shoot me.

I understand this here is mostly a shine-the-turd Trump Go-Go's board. Here at SN, we witness grown men with their hair in ponytails shaking their shiny MAGA pompoms.

For those fence-sitters who claim not to back Trump wholeheartedly, don't forget, witnessing a crime still means something. It puts you on the crime scene.

I don't think criticizing this President is unpatriotic. That's not what this country is about.
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You should ask yourself and the other Trump apologists on the board who've sold their souls down the river.

Tibs the ENTIRE political class has sold us down the river, we've just been rowing back against the tide for decades. This didn't start in 2016. Unfortunately the pols who claimed to represent us were/are not on our side just different sides of the same stinking **** pile that is DC.

God Bless President Trump.
...his administration did nothing but ...run the economy into the ground.
Coolie I appreciate your passion, but you do realize most economic indicators these past two years under Trump are a continuation of the economic growth that began and was achieved under Obama? You do know that, right? The economy was on an upward swing on many fronts. Under Trump those upward numbers have continued on the same projectory.

In other words, we should bow down and give Trump credit for not ******* up the economy, well set on its positive, upwards path by President Obama.

Trump grabassed a bunch of money in his twenties thanks to his slimy, rich dad, good on him. Then he lucked into a strong, surging economy which dropped in his lap as he stepped into the Presidency.

Needless to say, with all his brain farts, thank God Trump hasn't ****** up the US economy, the strong economic growth and job numbers Obama put in motion during his second term.

Though with the deficit at an all-time high, his communist/socialist-era hand-outs to farmers, the self-defeating trade war with China, he's hard at work doing all he can to stir **** up until it all comes falling back down. Like the Trump casinos, Trump vodka, Trump steaks, Trump airlines, Trump University, et al. We're all better off if Trump is off golfing somewhere, trust me. When he's at his desk is the time to worry.

I guess we're here to witness it all. Front row seats. I just hope calmer, cooler, wiser heads prevail and someone gets Trump some help. Like a psychologist, a therapist, someone willing to work with him above and beyond prescribing horse tranquilizers.
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Yeah right, Tibtard. “Those jobs aren’t coming back. Does Trump have a magic wand?” - The Imbecile In Chief. They came back solely because of Trump. Everything you said was a lie.
Everything you said was a lie.

Look at the trajectory on unemployment. Tell me again that I'm lying.



I can make pretty graphs and make up stats also.

All I know is the economy in Texas was still sliding when President Trump entered office. Businesses were either in a holding pattern or shrinking. I was finally let go from a company I put in 20 years with in November of 2017. I had a nice little vacation burning through my savings account until I got the job I am in now....we are growing and finding it difficult to hire quality staff since it seems all engineering firms in the State are fighting for those still available. Out of state plates are in abundance (especially those liberal states) as people are again coming here for work.

This is not made up bullshit, it is fact from my experience. It took a good 12-16 months after President Trump got into office for the economy to start moving in the direction it is today
This is not made up bullshit, it is fact from my experience. It took a good 12-16 months after President Trump got into office for the economy to start moving in the direction it is today
Hey man, no doubt what you're saying is true, as far as what happened with you, in your city. The graphs I posted are on a national level, across the country, over the span of many years.

I can make pretty graphs and make up stats also.
They're not made up, they cite official gov stats, look them up yourself.
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Fake charts. Just like fake news. Ocommie took her family on multiple 11 day Hawaiian vacations on our dime. Trump has never. The Tibtard still has not answered the question of how making the origins of the hoax transparent is a danger to our country.
I agree with both Laurence Tribe & Malcolm Nance on this.

You ******* agree with Michael Avenatti you flaming douche. Do you think anyone values your input? Jesus christ, you called that scumbag an American Hero.

You'd agree with a steaming turd laced with ebola if it said "Trump is Bad."

The funniest part about you posting here is that...you think people care...or value what you type.

Jesus I pray for your family. That they have healthy, outside input.
The Tibtard still has not answered the question of how making the origins of the hoax transparent is a danger to our country.
Simple answer. Because what you refer to as a hoax, is not at all a hoax and never has been. The fact US intelligence services were deeply engaged in following Russian cyber attacks, espionage & sabotage activity before, during and after the elections proves only one thing. They were doing their jobs protecting the country, as they were sworn in to do. We should reject the shameful attacks Trump has launched against these agencies and the people that lead them. That includes Robert Mueller and Dan Coats, Chris Wray, both of whom Trump himself appointed.
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You ******* agree with Michael Avenatti you flaming douche. Do you think anyone values your input? Jesus christ, you called that scumbag an American Hero. You'd agree with a steaming turd laced with ebola if it said "Trump is Bad." The funniest part about you posting here is that...you think people care...or value what you type. Jesus I pray for your family. That they have healthy, outside input.

Oh Timmy, you're back bouncing around in your high chair. How cute. Sure have missed you. When you feel like climbing down from that last standing church tower, painted bright white, warding off hordes of gays, migrants, liberals... and feel like joining the conversation... get back in this thread and post something worthwhile, something of value. Please do. There's a first for everything.
oolie I appreciate your passion, but you do realize most economic indicators these past two years under Trump are a continuation of the economic growth that began and was achieved under Obama? You do know that, right? The economy was on an upward swing on many fronts. Under Trump those upward numbers have continued on the same projectory.

As I remember it, GWB along with Hank Paulson stopped the bleeding. Obama was just the beneficiary of that.
But we need to be fair. What specific policy did Obama put to paper that helped the economy?
Look at the trajectory on unemployment. Tell me again that I'm lying.




But all Obama's numbers are bullshit because they simply stopped counting people as unemployed after they were out of work for a certain period of time. They said they must not be actively looking for work and they stopped counting them. The labor force participation rate went way down under Obama.

Pretty easy to lower the unemployment rate when you just stop counting a bunch of unemployed people.
What specific policy did Obama put to paper that helped the economy?
The policy of recreating the definition of 'job creation' to include jobs that people already had, and call it, "jobs created or saved".

Those charts are a pile of ****, don't care where you got them. We all lived through the Obama years, you can't bullshit us with colorful ******* charts. The Trump administration is completely responsible for this economy, and they achieved it by doing the exact opposite of what the Obama administration was doing.

How can you seriously claim that Obama is responsible for this booming economy when the first thing Trump did once taking office was undoing almost all of Obama's policy. Remember when Trump un-did all those Obama executive orders and you lefties were crying that Trump was undoing Obama's legacy? Well this economy is the direct result of that.
get back in this thread and post something worthwhile, something of value. Please do.

Tibor K, you, the Michael Avenattti-worshipping, TDS-suffering Libtard...says that???


Welcome back Tibtard. Did you bring any of that...


You're batting 0 for 872 lately. Wrong about quite literally everything for the past 2.5 years. Please...state something, anything, of merit and value.

We wait.
But all Obama's numbers are bullshit
You're saying eight years of the federal government's economic reports - including unemployment - are inaccurate? That US jobs reports, financial statments from the Fed, etc. should not be trusted? At least not those during the Obama presidency? Could you elaborate on that, thanks.
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tibbie it is clear that numbers were not reported accurately during FORMER President Obama's administration. There is no ******* way Texas, much less Houston was so far behind the curve recovering from that administration's failed policies. Texas as a whole has one of the better economies in the country and the job market here was sliding even after President Trump entered the office.

I would need the back up data and detailed explanations on how the data is accumulated to explain how the numbers were calculated and how they were not a true representation of the job market during the last part of FORMER President Obama's administration. But it is a ******* fact the economy was still in the *******
Mueller may not have been able to prove Trump conspired in this attack on our electoral system, but he certainly stood by idly as it took place and has made clear he won't hold Putin or Russia accountable, an open invitation to recieve further, similar help in 2020.

Here lies the problem so many Americans have with this situation, regardless of party or political persuation. And here lies the reason the actions and behavior Trump has exhibited - time and time again - amounts to treason, far surpassing the founding fathers' definition of high crimes & misdemeanors.

Mueller couldn't prove it, because it was made up. The man had every unlimited resource and every anti-Trump prosecutor on the case. All they could do is write a biased opinion piece so they would look like they did something worth the $40 mil they spent on it.

Who stood by idly? It took place under Obammy's diligent watch, not Trump's. And if these Ruskies were so horrible, why did the Obama Admin sell them a third of our uranium reserves?

Here lies the problem. You have been hoodwinked by a Pravda media, and the real criminals in this story are going to be going down, and you can't stop it. The axe is about to fall, and it won't be pretty.

Tibs, like your leg tingling for Avenatti, you are wrong again.
Look at the trajectory on unemployment. Tell me again that I'm lying.




The crooked MSM that you love to swallow propaganda from lies to you. You regurgitate them. From 2008 to 2016, PMSNBC wouldn't talk about the Labor Force Participation Rate. The White House and your beloved MSM specifically manipulated what you read and saw on TV.

There are two classes of people without jobs - the unemployed and the "out of the workforce" segment. The latter are those so hopelessly unable to find work they are no longer counted as unemployed.

During Obama's time in office, the unemployment rate declined from 7.8 percent to 4.7 percent. This measure counts those who do not have a job but looked for work in the past month. It does not account for those who have been discouraged and stopped looking for work.

[from Jan 2017] Since President Barack Obama took office in January 2009, the number of employed Americans increased by 9.9 million, but there were 14.6 million more who left the labor force, according to the latest numbers from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

From January 2009 through December 2016, there were 9,959,000 more Americans 16 years and over who became employed. In that same time frame, there were 14,573,000 more Americans 16 years and over who were not in the labor force, which means they did not have a job or look for one in the past four weeks.

The labor force participation rate, which measures the percentage of the population that participated in the labor force by either having a job or looking for one, declined for all Americans during Obama's time in office from 65.7 percent to 62.7 percent. In September 2015, the participation dipped to 62.4 percent—the lowest level seen in recent times since 1977.

During Obama's time in office, the unemployment rate declined from 7.8 percent to 4.7 percent. This measure counts those who do not have a job but looked for work in the past month. It does not account for those who have been discouraged and stopped looking for work.

From the Bureau of Labor: https://data.bls.gov/pdq/SurveyOutputServlet

Under Obama, the LFPR dropped from 66.2% to 62.9%.

The Great Orator and his White House and the media refused to ever discuss the LFPR. When you factor in those who were hopelessly lost to employment under the Black Jesus, well it's a different picture...
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It's not even close. Bathouse Barry fudged his numbers and grew the Government sector while Trump has shrunk the Gov't numbers and boosted the private sector jobs.

The Proof Is In The Numbers – Obama Couldn’t Touch Trump’s First Two Years With A Ten Foot Pole!

From a numbers perspective, 8.9 million people were out of work in January 2015 compared to 6.3 million people in December 2018. And this, despite dire pronouncements by Obama in June 2016 that manufacturing jobs “are just not going to come back.”

A below-4-percent unemployment rate in December is only the 13th time since 1970 that this has occurred, the Bureau of Labor Statistics report indicated, adding that eight of those occurrences have been under Trump’s watch. Low unemployment rate records were also set in individual demographic groups, such as the unemployment rate for Hispanics which “fell to a series low” of 4.4 percent.

And these amazing numbers came amid a non-stop hatefest from the left against the president and his policies, including a notably stressful week amid a partial government shutdown, an incoming Democratic majority on the House and even profanity-laced attacks on Trump by freshman lawmakers.


You're saying eight years of the federal government's economic reports - including unemployment - are inaccurate? That US jobs reports, financial statments from the Fed, etc. should not be trusted? At least not those during the Obama presidency? Could you elaborate on that, thanks.

Yes that’s exactly what happened. Even the propaganda arm of the DNC the MSM said the definitions and accounting had been skewed.
Out of state plates are in abundance (especially those liberal states) as people are again coming here for work.

I find it humorous that Tibs considers himself an expert on the US from half a world away. I travel from Phoenix to Flagstaff on a weekly basis and sometimes wonder if I'm still in AZ with all of the California plates. Actually its become a traveling game counting them all. And before a comment is made to the affect, well they do boarder you, it's never in the 30 years I've made the trip, anywhere near this. Before this year, maybe one or two, yesterday I counted 53. Guess it's not the land of milk and honey anymore.

Not only are both of my kids working, but they're getting raises and multiple job offers from other companies, so tell me again just how bad it is in 2019.
Someone was just saying how when Trumptards have a problem with the facts, they dismiss it as what the MSM would have you believe.

I can only imagine how Trumptards would have reacted if Obama had declared an emergency to sell arms to the muzzles! You know, the people hell bent on destroying us.
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