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The official President Donald J. Trump Thread

ha ha

Britain, France and Hungary snub EU’s emergency Trump meeting

Hailed by diplomats as a chance to “send a signal of what the EU expects” from Mr Trump, the plan fell into disarray after foreign ministers from the bloc’s two main military powers declined to attend the gathering demanded by Berlin and Brussels.

British foreign secretary Boris Johnson dropped out of the Brussels meeting, with officials arguing that it created an air of panic, while French foreign minister Jean-Marc Ayrault opted to stay in Paris to meet the new UN secretary-general. Hungary’s foreign minister boycotted the meeting, labeling the response from some EU leaders as “hysterical”.

They said **** that. Not gonna piss off the US President Elect by attending some stupid symbolic meeting.
This is awesome:

What has Trump done??

Last night a friend claimed that Donald Trump wouldn’t make a good president; he is brash, he is racist, he is a loudmouth; you know the normal things people learn to recite after being programmed by television news.

The one I loved was that, “Trump is arrogant.”
My friend questioned if one man could make “that much difference in the world today.” To my friend's credit, she was respectful enough to let me respond when she asked, “Really, what has Trump done?”

I said, “In June of last year, Trump entered the race for president. In just a little over a year, Trump has single handedly defeated the Republican party.

He did so thoroughly. In fact, he did so in such a resounding way that the Republican Party now suffers from an identity crisis. He literally dismantled the party. Trump even dismantled and dismissed the brand and value of the Bush family.

Trump has Obama petrified that Trump will dismiss programs that weren’t properly installed using proper law.

Trump has single handedly debunked and disemboweled any value of news media as we knew it—news now suffering from an all-time level of distrust and disrespect.

Trump has leaders from all over the world talking about him, whether good or bad. Trust me, powerful men who have been president before weren’t liked by the global community. I doubt Mikhail Gorbachev liked Reagan when Reagan said, "Tear down that wall."

Trump has expressly disclosed the fraud perpetrated on the American public by Hillary Clinton. He has, quite literally, brought Hillary to her knees—if you believe that nervous tension and disorders offer physical side effects and damage.

Trump has unified the silent majority in a way that should be patently frightening to “liberals.” As the press accuses Trump of being a house of cards, Trump has proven the press is the real house of cards. He has whipped up the entire establishment into pure panic. Trump has exposed them for who they are and worse, what they are. George Clooney was right when he said Trump draws live news coverage of his podium that he’s not yet approached. Thanks, George, you were perfectly correct.

What we see as headline news today are actually the last bubbles from the ship that is now sunk—meaning the standard news media, as a propaganda machine, has been exposed. They have no more value.

In the same way Trump asked the African-American community this question, I asked you my friend, ”At this point, what do you have to lose?” We have mass cop shootings, riots in our streets, ambushed cops, double digit inflation, bombs blowing up in our cities, targeted police, a skyrocketing jobless rate, no economic growth, privately owned land being seized by the federal government, the worst racial tension in my lifetime, no God in schools, more abortions than ever, illegal aliens pouring into our country, sick veterans receiving no care, and a debt that doubled in seven years to $19 trillion. Are you really happy with the condition of the current system?

One man has done all of this in one year—one guy, and on his own dime. And with everything I’ve written above, you believe Trump hasn't done anything? You claim that you are afraid of Donald Trump? No wonder we’re in trouble.

You can say that Trump is a lousy presidential candidate. That’s your right. Just don’t ever say he’s not effective.

That Megan Kelly, FOX News, CNN, MSNBC, Washington Post, Rachel Maddow, the Huffington Post, the New York Times, Raleigh’s News and Observer, the AP, Don Lemon, Jake Tapper, and many more, failed to implement their collectively orchestrated lie on the American people against Trump, is actually a massive testament to Trump. The press colluded pure propaganda to accomplish his demise … and they have collectively failed and miserably.

Here's just one example of how badly America is injured right now. There are high school football players on their knees during the national anthem simply because the press used as propaganda to program those kids to do that very thing. But, these kids are mimicking NFL stars the same way the same kids choose which brand of football shoe to purchase—they're overtly brain-washed to do that very thing.

Now, we have a generation of children who hate America.

America’s problem isn’t that little children are on their knee in collective disrespect of America. Our problem is that America is on her knee from collective disrespect by Americans.

You can disrespect America all you want. But, it’s high-time you respect the silent majority. Because they’re not simply the “silent majority” as you’ve been trained to believe when Hillary calls them “deplorables.” The fact is, they are simply the majority. And now they're no longer silent either. Donald Trump changed all of that, single-handedly and within one year."
This really is a replay of 1980. Everything they say about Trump they also said about Reagan. Everything they are saying about Trump’s appointments, they said about Reagan’s.
Trump just said a bunch of nothing in an hour long 60 Munutes interview, aside from saying his Supreme Court nominees would be pro life... only to then insist that an abortion ban is a long way away.

Ho-hum. Why bother, I knew it before it started

Gay Marriage
You’re a racist

Exactly the reason he won, the liberal elitist media is so full of hate they dug up Stahl from her crypt, she would never have conducted such an interview with Obama

The Trump family was spectacular though

No other election will ever be as important or have as much impact as this one. Trump/Pence was one for the ages, and what a ride it was. It was Historic, it was crazy and we all were a part of it.

The gift that keeps on giving... watching all the crybabies and listening to and seeing the MSM implode all around.

Who else can Smug Crooked Hillary throw under her bus?

And what about her minions now that it's apparent she didn't actually win the Popular Vote, not if you disqualify Bammy's illegals. They are gonna be as irritating as hell, just like a mosquito, easily swatted.
He hasn't even been sworn in yet and your already trying to second guess him. Enjoy, that's what comes with being the damn President of the United States !

How is that **** sandwich your eating now by the way ?
This is awesome:

What has Trump done??

Last night a friend claimed that Donald Trump wouldn’t make a good president; he is brash, he is racist, he is a loudmouth; you know the normal things people learn to recite after being programmed by television news.

The one I loved was that, “Trump is arrogant.”
My friend questioned if one man could make “that much difference in the world today.” To my friend's credit, she was respectful enough to let me respond when she asked, “Really, what has Trump done?”

I said, “In June of last year, Trump entered the race for president. In just a little over a year, Trump has single handedly defeated the Republican party.

He did so thoroughly. In fact, he did so in such a resounding way that the Republican Party now suffers from an identity crisis. He literally dismantled the party. Trump even dismantled and dismissed the brand and value of the Bush family.

Trump has Obama petrified that Trump will dismiss programs that weren’t properly installed using proper law.

Trump has single handedly debunked and disemboweled any value of news media as we knew it—news now suffering from an all-time level of distrust and disrespect.

Trump has leaders from all over the world talking about him, whether good or bad. Trust me, powerful men who have been president before weren’t liked by the global community. I doubt Mikhail Gorbachev liked Reagan when Reagan said, "Tear down that wall."

Trump has expressly disclosed the fraud perpetrated on the American public by Hillary Clinton. He has, quite literally, brought Hillary to her knees—if you believe that nervous tension and disorders offer physical side effects and damage.

Trump has unified the silent majority in a way that should be patently frightening to “liberals.” As the press accuses Trump of being a house of cards, Trump has proven the press is the real house of cards. He has whipped up the entire establishment into pure panic. Trump has exposed them for who they are and worse, what they are. George Clooney was right when he said Trump draws live news coverage of his podium that he’s not yet approached. Thanks, George, you were perfectly correct.

What we see as headline news today are actually the last bubbles from the ship that is now sunk—meaning the standard news media, as a propaganda machine, has been exposed. They have no more value.

In the same way Trump asked the African-American community this question, I asked you my friend, ”At this point, what do you have to lose?” We have mass cop shootings, riots in our streets, ambushed cops, double digit inflation, bombs blowing up in our cities, targeted police, a skyrocketing jobless rate, no economic growth, privately owned land being seized by the federal government, the worst racial tension in my lifetime, no God in schools, more abortions than ever, illegal aliens pouring into our country, sick veterans receiving no care, and a debt that doubled in seven years to $19 trillion. Are you really happy with the condition of the current system?

One man has done all of this in one year—one guy, and on his own dime. And with everything I’ve written above, you believe Trump hasn't done anything? You claim that you are afraid of Donald Trump? No wonder we’re in trouble.

You can say that Trump is a lousy presidential candidate. That’s your right. Just don’t ever say he’s not effective.

That Megan Kelly, FOX News, CNN, MSNBC, Washington Post, Rachel Maddow, the Huffington Post, the New York Times, Raleigh’s News and Observer, the AP, Don Lemon, Jake Tapper, and many more, failed to implement their collectively orchestrated lie on the American people against Trump, is actually a massive testament to Trump. The press colluded pure propaganda to accomplish his demise … and they have collectively failed and miserably.

Here's just one example of how badly America is injured right now. There are high school football players on their knees during the national anthem simply because the press used as propaganda to program those kids to do that very thing. But, these kids are mimicking NFL stars the same way the same kids choose which brand of football shoe to purchase—they're overtly brain-washed to do that very thing.

Now, we have a generation of children who hate America.

America’s problem isn’t that little children are on their knee in collective disrespect of America. Our problem is that America is on her knee from collective disrespect by Americans.

You can disrespect America all you want. But, it’s high-time you respect the silent majority. Because they’re not simply the “silent majority” as you’ve been trained to believe when Hillary calls them “deplorables.” The fact is, they are simply the majority. And now they're no longer silent either. Donald Trump changed all of that, single-handedly and within one year."

A must share....coming to a Facebook page near you.
So there's lots of information rolling in on Trump's appointments. Most I generally love at this point. Post 'em if you got em:

Projection: Laura Ingraham for White House Press Secretary

This is huge. She's FANTASTIC. Remember her speech from the RNC? She blew the roof off the venue. I'd love this if it came true.


Projection: Rudy Giuliania for Secretary of State.

Again, huge. While I wanted him to be the AJ, this is absolutely perfect as well.


Reince Priebus selected as White House Chief of Staff

Steve Bannon, Chief Strategist and Senior Counselor


I like the Reince selection. Personally, I may have steered clear of Bannon. But Trump doesn't operate that way as we know. The Left is having a field day showing outrage over Bannon (misplaced outrage).

Major cabinet positions he needs to staff:


Chief of Staff: Reince Priebus
Senior Counselor to the President: Steve Bannon

Secretary of State: TBD [Newt Gingrich, Bob Corker, John Bolton] <--- See Rudy G. from above
Treasury Secretary: TBD [Steven Mnuchin, Jamie Dimon]
Attorney General: TBD [Rudy Giuliani, Pam Bondi, Chris Christie]
Defense Secretary: TBD [Kelly Ayotte, Jeff Sessions, Michael Flynn]
Health and Human Services Secretary: TBD [Ben Carson, Rick Scott]
Interior Secretary: TBD [Lucas Oil, Sarah Palin, Robert Grady, Jan Brewer]
Agriculture Secretary: TBD [Sid Miller, Sam Brownback, Dave Heineman]
Labor Secretary: TBD [Victoria Lipnic]
Commerce Secretary: TBD [Wilbur Ross, Chris Christie, Dan DiMicco]
Education Secretary: TBD [Ben Carson, William Evers]
Energy Secretary: TBD [Harold Hamm, Robert Grady]
Homeland Security Secretary: TBD [David Clarke, Michael McCaul]
Veterans Affairs Secretary: TBD [Jeff Miller]
Environmental Protection Agency Administrator: TBD [Myron Ebell, Jeffrey Holmstead, Joe Aiello]
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That's all speculation

all we know for sure is Priebus and Bannon

Yep, that's exactly what I posted, speculation - predictions the news media is currently covering.

Speculation is HEAVY right the moment for Ingraham and Rudy. And I love it.

The rest of the list needs to be filled out and I'm anxious to see how it plays.

EDIT: I see how what I posted may have made it look like Rudy and Laura were the choices. They are not. I'll edit it.
Sounding like Rudy will be Secretary of State. I'd prefer him as AG and Jon Bolton as Secretary.
Sounding like Rudy will be Secretary of State. I'd prefer him as AG and Jon Bolton as Secretary.

I've never been able to get behind Bolton. The man seriously lacks charisma. I know, I know, you should have knowledge, experience, etc and that should trump charisma. But charisma matters. Someone who could, in the face of another 9/11 (God forbid) or a pending military conflict, stand in front of a microphone and rally Americans. Rudy can do that. Bolton is Mr. Rodgers, just less exciting.
I'd rather have Bolton as SOS than Rudy. I am having a hard time seeing Rudy as a good SOS but I'd give him the benefit of the doubt if selected.
I've never been able to get behind Bolton. The man seriously lacks charisma. I know, I know, you should have knowledge, experience, etc and that should trump charisma. But charisma matters. Someone who could, in the face of another 9/11 (God forbid) or a pending military conflict, stand in front of a microphone and rally Americans. Rudy can do that. Bolton is Mr. Rodgers, just less exciting.

I dunno, I saw him speak once at the GOP state committee and he was very engaging and funny as hell. Maybe it just doesn't come across on TV.
I would like to see a General as SOS. Whatever happened to Gowdy as AG? Rudy as AG works too, I just don't see him as SOS. Even Newt would be more qualified for that.
Chinese media praise Trump's 'experience and ideology'

Beijing (AFP) - Chinese state-run media lauded Donald Trump Tuesday after a phone call between him and President Xi Jinping, saying that the president-elect's emergence could mark a "reshaping" of Sino-American relations.

The pair spoke Monday, when Xi said that the two powers needed to co-operate and Trump's office said the leaders "established a clear sense of mutual respect for one another".

Tuesday's editorial in the government-published China Daily newspaper called the Xi-Trump chat "propitious", noting that Beijing is "understandably relieved that the exclusive, economically inefficient, politically antagonising TPP is looking ever less likely to materialise".



First it was Mexico and Canada rushing to the microphones expressing their willingness to work with Trump and now here comes China praising Trump.
Congressman Chris Collins will serve as liaison to the Trump Administration's transition team

Congressman Chris Collins (NY-27) today released the following statement after Speaker Paul Ryan announced Collins will serve as Congressional Liaison to the Trump Administration's transition team.

"I am honored and humbled to serve President-elect Trump in this capacity," Collins said. "Throughout the campaign I have worked very closely with President-elect Trump and Speaker Ryan, and I look forward to continuing that work as we look to put forth an agenda that will ‘Make America Great Again’ for all Americans."

In his role as liaison, Collins will work with the Republican Conference membership and relay their ideas on legislation, staffing and any additional concerns to the Trump transition team.

Collins was the first member of Congress to endorse Trump for president and was recently named as a member of the Presidential Transition Team Executive Committee.



Trump takes 57% in Staten Island


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