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The official President Donald J. Trump Thread

Trump picks Steubenville theology grad to lead health care transition team

Senate Majority Leader advisor Andrew Bremberg will lead president-elect Donald Trump’s healthcare transition team, according to Inside Health Policy.

Bremberg currently advises Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and was an advisor for Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker during his presidential bid. Bremberg was part of the transition team for former GOP president candidate Mitt Romney, according to the Washington, D.C.-based publication.

For eight years, Bremberg served in the Department of Health and Human Services. From 2005 to 2007, he was special assistant to the Immediate Office of the Secretary and from 2001 to 2005, he was special assistant to the executive secretary.

His Wikipedia entry notes that he is a graduate of Catholic University (School of Law, 2002-2006) and Franciscan University, Steubenville (B.A., Psychology & Theology, 1997–2001)


Catholics for Trump!
That's all speculation

all we know for sure is Priebus and Bannon

Bannon might have helped Trump put down the twitter and reclaim " Reagan Democrats " in key states like PA, WI, and MI. Libs are after Bannon because he's very talented.

Alan Dershowitz, a staunch Democrat and emeritus law professor at Harvard University, is hitting back against the smears claiming White House appointee Steve Bannon is anti-Semitic, arguing it is “not legitimate to call somebody an anti-Semite because you might disagree with their policies.”

Please pass on Sarah Palin!
Please pass on Sarah Palin!

No, we need to drive the Dems crazy. Then lay the smackdown with executive orders. Be good times.
FWIW - Ted Cruz was just seen entering Trump Tower.
Pamela Geller: As a Jew, I Stand with Steve Bannon”

"I am fortunate to say that I have known and worked with Steve Bannon ever since the tragic passing of Andrew Breitbart. While he was at Breitbart, he would ask me to write articles on pressing issues — usually several times each week. Longtime readers who are deeply familiar with my work know that I am a fiercely proud Jew and unapologetic Zionist. As long as I have known Steve, he has been an unabashed supporter of Israel, and of those of us who fight against Jew-hatred and racism. Unequivocally."



Israel Celebrates Trump's Victory

Netanyahu calls Donald Trump ‘true friend’ of Israel, Israeli politicians offer congratulations


All this BS on Bannon is just that, BS. The libtards are trying to say since some of the writers on Brietbart are controversial, then Bannon is. You know, typical liberal labeling and divisiveness.

Speaker Paul Ryan defends Steve Bannon as crucial to Trump's victory

House Speaker Paul D. Ryan (R-Wis.) defended Steve Bannon as a top advisor in Donald Trump's White House, praising the political strategist

"This is a person who helped him win an incredible victory," Ryan said Tuesday. "We’re confident about moving forward. We’re confident about the transition."



good boy
FWIW - Ted Cruz was just seen entering Trump Tower.


Ted Cruz visits the new President-Elect in Trump Tower

"Sen. Cruz is pleased to have the opportunity to meet with President-elect Trump in New York today. The American people issued a clear mandate to 'drain the swamp' in Washington, repeal Obamacare and start over with cost-effective, patient-centered health care reform, appoint constitutionalist judges to the Supreme Court, secure our southern border and enforce immigration laws, and enact policies that will create more good-paying jobs for the American people. On behalf of the 27 million Texans he represents, the senator looks forward to assisting the Trump Administration in achieving these objectives"



good pup
Fox News reporting this morning that Cruz would be a shoo-in as AG because the Senate would be happy to get rid of him.
This morning they were saying Ted Cruz for possible Attorney General. And, Rudy may now be on the outside looking in at SOS due to his companies ties with foreign governments. We shall see. My guess is he has to start naming some of these positions before the end of this week.
Ted Cruz for the Supreme Court.

Cruz would be a shoo-in as AG because the Senate would be happy to get rid of him.

that's been a running joke for years, everybody wants to get him off the Senate floor by appointment
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ha ha

Rand Paul defends top Trump aide Steve Bannon

Paul told Yahoo News that criticism of Trump’s decision to make the former Breitbart News CEO his chief counselor was “sour grapes by people who lost.”

“When people lose, they look for a scapegoat or they try to caricature people, and I think [Bannon is] a human being,” he said. “I think they’re making him a scapegoat and a caricature of something they want to be their enemy, and I don’t think any of it’s true.”

“I’ve met him. I don’t believe him to be a racist. I don’t believe him to be someone who characterizes people on race, gender, religion, you name it,” Paul said. “I think he ought to be judged by how well he performs.”

Rand defends Bannon but says he will filibuster Rudy and Bolton for SOS. WTF! That dude is almost as crazy as his father.
Rand defends Bannon but says he will filibuster Rudy and Bolton for SOS. WTF! That dude is almost as crazy as his father.

I agree with him, there are much better choices
Wow, Kushner's dad is a real sleazeball! And it appears Kushner is a bit vindictive and blood is thicker than water to Trump. I'm surprised nobody brought this up during the campaign.

One week in, can't imagine what will happen over four years of media scrutiny.

Trump, meeting with Federalist Society, indicates he won't veer from Supreme Court shortlists

President-elect Trump's advisers are indicating he will likely stick to the shortlists released during the presidential campaign when given the chance to name a Supreme Court nominee.

Trump met with Leonard Leo, the executive vice president of the right-leaning Federalist Society, at Trump Tower on Wednesday and discussed the evaluation process for filling the vacancy created by Justice Antonin Scalia's death. Leo and top Trump aide Kellyanne Conway addressed reporters after the meeting, insisting Trump's list of 21 potential Court nominees has not changed.



Trump’s Victory Ensures A Conservative Majority On The Supreme Court

WOO HOO!!!!!!!!!!
Wow, Kushner's dad is a real sleazeball! And it appears Kushner is a bit vindictive and blood is thicker than water to Trump. I'm surprised nobody brought this up during the campaign.

One week in, can't imagine what will happen over four years of media scrutiny.

Somebody that voted for Hilliary calling someone else a sleazeball. You gotta be freaking kidding me. The lefty media will stop at no end to try and smear him the next 4 years, because he made them look like total fool's this election. Let them right there **** then you can go to Brietbart and read the truth.
Trump election: The people around the president-elect


Vice-President elect Mike Pence

The Indiana governor, 57, is charged with leading the team deciding the key appointments in the new administration.
He is a favourite among social conservatives who boasts considerable experience in Washington.

Reince Priebus - chief of staff

Mr Trump's White House gatekeeper is 44 years old.

As chairman of the Republican National Committee, he was a bridge between the Republican nominee and a party establishment

Jeff Sessions - defence secretary?

The US senator from Alabama is being touted as a possible Pentagon chief.
At his victory bash in New York, Mr Trump said of Mr Sessions, "he is highly respected in Washington because he is as smart as you get".

Michael Flynn - national security adviser?

The retired three-star US Army lieutenant-general helped Mr Trump connect with veterans despite the candidate's lack of military service.
He says he was forced out of his role as director of the Defense Intelligence Agency from 2012-14 because of his views on radical Islam.

Steven Mnuchin - treasury secretary?


Stephen Bannon - chief strategist

Though not a cabinet appointment, Mr Bannon, 62, could wield immense influence behind the scenes as one of Mr Trump's key advisers
Mr Trump himself floated the idea of naming his finance chairman for the post of treasury secretary.

Kellyanne Conway - White House press secretary?

The 49-year-old Republican strategist and veteran pollster was promoted as Mr Trump's third campaign manager in August as part of another staff shake-up.

Hope Hicks - senior adviser?

Ms Hicks, 27, served as Mr Trump's press secretary and handled media requests during his campaign.

Dan Scavino - director of White House social media?

Mr Scavino and Ms Hicks were two of the only aides to remain by Mr Trump's side
Stephen Miller - national policy adviser?

Mr Miller, 30, was a top aide to Senator Sessions before he joined the campaign.
He often warmed up crowds before Mr Trump took the stage at rallies on the campaign trail and was recently named the national policy director for Mr Trump's transition team.

Jason Miller - White House communications director?

He was recently named Mr Trump's communications director for his transition team, but served as a senior communications adviser throughout his campaign.


Somebody that voted for Hilliary calling someone else a sleazeball. You gotta be freaking kidding me. The lefty media will stop at no end to try and smear him the next 4 years, because he made them look like total fool's this election. Let them right there **** then you can go to Brietbart and read the truth.

I didn't vote for Hillary and it was none other than Trump's fat boy Christie who "smeared" him - 11 years prior. A fool can't resist Twitter at 3:00 AM.
Nobody cares what losers think

Trump Transition To Announce Landing Teams To Liaise With Govt Agencies

In a conference call with reporters Wednesday evening, Donald Trump spokesman Jason Miller said that the President-elect's transition team will make an announcement Thursday about the first wave of "landing teams" that will interact with federal agencies.

Miller told reporters that the first of four "waves" of landing teams will be announced on Thursday morning and will focus on national security, liaising with the State Department, the Justice Department, the Defense Department, and the National Security Council.

The following three waves will address economic agencies, domestic policy, and independent agencies, Miller said.
