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The Official Thread Dedicated to "Biden Destroying Us"

Now this is a bit of revisionist history at it finest. Trump was not solely or even primarily responsible for this bloated spending he just couldn't stop it and had to go along with it thanks to the panicked reactions of the left worldwide in closing everything down and creating more issues than we should have had. In hindsight we should never have shutdown any economies only protected the most vulnerable. We did far more damage than we did good with the very overreactions Trump tried to tamp down by keeping people calm from the beginning and being crucified for it. Trump does bear some of the blame as he could have refused to sign anything but that would have made things even worse as the damage had already been done in shutdowns. Many Republicans tried to control the relief bills spending but people were panicked and it would have been political suicide at the time.

I know you know all this but it is easier to blame Trump than to look in the mirror and blame the overreaction on Congress and many liberal and even some Republican Governors for panicked shutdowns. Again you know this.
you spitt'n too much troof!!
Seems like a case of misplaced animosity.

"One of President Donald Trump’s lesser known but profoundly damaging legacies will be the explosive rise in the national debt that occurred on his watch. The financial burden that he’s inflicted on our government will wreak havoc for decades, saddling our kids and grandkids with debt.

The national debt has risen by almost $7.8 trillion during Trump’s time in office. That’s nearly twice as much as what Americans owe on student loans, car loans, credit cards and every other type of debt other than mortgages, combined, according to data from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. It amounts to about $23,500 in new federal debt for every person in the country.

The growth in the annual deficit under Trump ranks as the third-biggest increase, relative to the size of the economy, of any U.S. presidential administration, according to a calculation by a leading Washington budget maven, Eugene Steuerle, co-founder of the Urban-Brookings Tax Policy Center. And unlike George W. Bush and Abraham Lincoln, who oversaw the larger relative increases in deficits, Trump did not launch two foreign conflicts or have to pay for a civil war."

Well would you look at that, Johnny CovidSeed has returned from the dead.
Well would you look at that, Johnny CovidSeed has returned from the dead.
Funny that Liberals only care about government debt when they’re not running the government.
what in the wide world of TDS is this?

Funny that Liberals only care about government debt when they’re not running the government.
well, to be fair, when they're not running the goobermint, they do force those running the goobermint to give us "money"

well, to be fair, when they're not running the goobermint, they do force those running the goobermint to give us "money"

If you don't then you're racist.
Since about Reagan, deficit spending has been ridiculous. Whole lotta people to blame for that, and they aren't just Presidents, Republicans or Democrats. What makes me laugh, though, is this fantasy you Libs have that everything was just hunky-dory before Trump. Nation never had a problem before Trump. Ridiculous.

The government has been out of control with spending and for as much as Republicans like to talk about being for small govt. and fiscal responsibility - I have yet to see it in action. They all like to spend the people's money like drunken sailors, and if there isn't enough of that, **** it, let's print more!!!

I have yet to see a reason to do anything but oust every single one of them out for the liars and thieves that they are.
Now this is a bit of revisionist history at it finest. Trump was not solely or even primarily responsible for this bloated spending he just couldn't stop it and had to go along with it thanks to the panicked reactions of the left worldwide in closing everything down and creating more issues than we should have had. In hindsight we should never have shutdown any economies only protected the most vulnerable. We did far more damage than we did good with the very overreactions Trump tried to tamp down by keeping people calm from the beginning and being crucified for it. Trump does bear some of the blame as he could have refused to sign anything but that would have made things even worse as the damage had already been done in shutdowns. Many Republicans tried to control the relief bills spending but people were panicked and it would have been political suicide at the time.

I know you know all this but it is easier to blame Trump than to look in the mirror and blame the overreaction on Congress and many liberal and even some Republican Governors for panicked shutdowns. Again you know this.

Now, I'm not going to blame Trump for all things related - but I don't think he gets a pass at all on the lockdowns and the out of control spending that has been ongoing. He is just as guilty as the rest of them.

Now, I'm not going to blame Trump for all things related - but I don't think he gets a pass at all on the lockdowns and the out of control spending that has been ongoing. He is just as guilty as the rest of them.

I think he read the political tea leaves at the moment. He initially tried the other route and was pilloried for it so he was swept along in the current. He figured wrongly that by caving to the left on this and bailouts he could somewhat mitigate the damage and gain voters in the process. They still blamed him for everything and the damage was done. SO yes I do blame him to a degree but I understand why. Hindsight he should have stuck his original ground and just fired Fauci instead. It is still far better than what would have happened had Joe been in then.
I think he read the political tea leaves at the moment. He initially tried the other route and was pilloried for it so he was swept along in the current. He figured wrongly that by caving to the left on this and bailouts he could somewhat mitigate the damage and gain voters in the process. They still blamed him for everything and the damage was done. SO yes I do blame him to a degree but I understand why. Hindsight he should have stuck his original ground and just fired Fauci instead. It is still far better than what would have happened had Joe been in then.

See, this is where I just disagree, and the fact is Trump won't even admit he made any kind of mistake as he still pushes blame to others. He didn't need to fire Fauci - and I don't think he could, but he could have not elevated him and as Fauci says to this day "Trump did everything we told him to do". Trump still praises "his" Operation warp speed as just so awesome and the vaccines are still the best. Yes, he was against mandating the vaccines, but he still won't admit what an issue they are as according to him, and this was recent, they saved millions of lives. His Cares act gave incentives for states to keep shut down - and yes, I'm calling it his Cares act - the biggest wealth transfer ever wrought with fraud and payoffs. This started the road to high inflation and incentives to just not work.

Oh, and let's not forget the commendation he gave Fauci and company at the end of his term for their COVID work.

You say he should have stuck to his original ground - but that is the issue, he doesn't do that and is easily swayed by those around him - whether they are "swamp" or not. I need someone that sticks to their guns and does the right ******* thing even if it means fighting everyone over it.
The government has been out of control with spending and for as much as Republicans like to talk about being for small govt. and fiscal responsibility - I have yet to see it in action. They all like to spend the people's money like drunken sailors, and if there isn't enough of that, **** it, let's print more!!!

I have yet to see a reason to do anything but oust every single one of them out for the liars and thieves that they are.

The only thing anyone does about debt is raise the limit. We're at 32 trillion and growing. At some point we will reach critical mass.

There's no amount of taxation that will fix endless deficit spending.

We would need to slash the entire government by 50% and all of the freebies are bye bye, just to get back in the green in 20 years.

There's so much stuff we need to do to unfuck our country it will be a miracle to make it out.

The only thing that could save us is a states convention and a Constitutional Ammendment that balances the budget, sets term limits and ensures our border security and sovereignty is enshrined in the constitution. The presidential executive office needs reevaluated on just how much power it wields.

The office has really ****** over the country on many occasions. The current is allowing 10-15 million people into the country ignoring law.

Personally I think we're ****** because I just don't see those things happening.
And the slimy ******* communists impeached Trump for simply asking Ukraine to look into the Biden’s fraud. This could open the dam to drain the swamp. Investigate all those mf’er including the Rinos.
While Ioathe the guy as much as anyone, Washington DC is "The Capitol".

It could be interpreted that way.
Yeah, I suppose. Joe is cognizant as ever. N n n No joke.