maybe it's those elastic waist pants that the old people wear to look cool and hip.His wife and people had to know that. Someone had to buckle his belt in the back.
Jimmy can shine some light on it for us.
maybe it's those elastic waist pants that the old people wear to look cool and hip.His wife and people had to know that. Someone had to buckle his belt in the back.
maybe it's those elastic waist pants that the old people wear to look cool and hip.
Jimmy can shine some light on it for us.
This picture is most likely fake and its over a year old. There are videos of him from that trip that show his pants on correctly. It would be near impossible to put dress pants on backwards without help.His wife and people had to know that. Someone had to buckle his belt in the back.
This picture is most likely fake and its over a year old. There are videos of him from that trip that show his pants on correctly. It would be near impossible to put dress pants on backwards without help.
Great point. You know why nobody puts pants on backwards any more? The prohibitive cost for the help putting on the pants.
That cost? Yep, $50. And I think all of us know somebody who values $50 more than putting on pants backwards!
I got $50 on the under.And some things will stay with us until the end of time or we choose to make them right.
What further evidence exactly do leftists need to convince them the dude is not capable of driving a car, let alone running the most powerful nation on earth?!?!?
Quiet everyone, the oracle is about to speak!
Doesn’t matter. Orange Man Bad.
What further evidence exactly do leftists need to convince them the dude is not capable of driving a car, let alone running the most powerful nation on earth?!?!?
Still wondering why nobody in the secret service has been fired or written up for their glaring incompetence.All of the top quality drugs can be found in D.C. They'll even deliver cocaine to the white house if you want them to.
All of the top quality drugs can be found in D.C. They'll even deliver cocaine to the white house if you want them to.
need to work in dogged faced pony soldier in there someplace.Joementia was asked to comment on Orange Man Bad and before hisnursehandlers could intervene replied, "I had an orange cat once, a tabby, and he almost caught fire when lightning struck a lake, or more like a pond, because Dr. Jill - I'm her husband - and the lightning strike, a sign from God about how much he loves me, caused an inferno the consumed the entire house and killed the cat and killed my first wife, who was in the house and fled with the kids in the car and a drunk trunk driver ran into her, and I had to face down Corn Pop, he's a bad dude, at the funeral and I was going to be an All-American football player at the Naval Academy and you ain't black."
Realizing that there are those that live and breathe based solely on their ideology, if the CDC or Fauci comes out and says everyone needs to mask up and shelter in place, they will do it. Hell, I still see people wearing masks in stores. We can only hope that we don't get fooled again.Wendy Bell in Pittsburgh was saying yesterday that Biden and the Dims have no re-election apparatus in place.
This could mean:
1. The Dim Party knows Biden isn’t going to be the nominee.
2. The Dims will use the new Covid as a means to cancel the election (her opinion).
3. They know they can phony up enough votes that they don’t need to have a campaign.
She has an app, Wendy Bell Radio.
Wendy Bell in Pittsburgh was saying yesterday that Biden and the Dims have no re-election apparatus in place.
This could mean:
1. The Dim Party knows Biden isn’t going to be the nominee.
2. The Dims will use the new Covid as a means to cancel the election (her opinion).
3. They know they can phony up enough votes that they don’t need to have a campaign.
Why does anybody doubt this any more? Seriously, Katie Hobbs - the worst kind of loser cowardly excrement ever to stain Arizona - hid for eight months, barely campaigned, and supposedly "beat" a candidate who traveled to every square mile of Arizona, challenged the contemptible Hobbs to debates, went on every interview offered, took on every question, never shied away from explaining her positions ... and supposedly lost.
Yeah, sure. Just surprised Cowardly Katie didn't get 81 million votes.
Elections just don't matter any more. Sorry, they don't. We have VIDEOTAPES of a van delivering tens of thousands of ballots to a Detroit polling station at 3:30 a.m. - when only (D)imbos were on site - and VIDEOTAPES of a Georgia poll worker feeding the same ballots through the tabulator MULTIPLE TIMES, and VIDEO of the Georgia poll workers dragging ballots out from under a table after (R) monitors were sent home and yet all we hear is, "yOu hAvE nO PrOoF oF VoTeR fRaUd."