What about the 8mill illegals that got dim voting cards?Trump pulls 20% of the black vote it won’t matter.
What about the 8mill illegals that got dim voting cards?Trump pulls 20% of the black vote it won’t matter.
They want jobs and they’re not real big on the gay and transgender thing so it may not go the way the Dims think.What about the 8mill illegals that got dim voting cards?
Niggaz 4 Trump is apparently a new thing.
Is this a flog and tibs home movie?
Squeal like a pig.......squeal like a pig!
Hilarious rant on illegals taking over NY
This is ******* priceless and should be running on all networks..haha.
Hey man, come on! It's Bidenomics at work here.
I've watched this the last 2 years and now that it's finally hitting the NE it's a problem? I also realize that Texas has taken a hit more the AZ has, but that still doesn't prevent 200+ of them in the parking lot every time I go to Home Depot. Bus them all to LA, Chicago and NYC.
Just listen, it’s not even funny people are this. I know this goes both ways I’m sure but damn. When /what made so many people brain dead? Social media and the media should be abolished