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The official thread dedicated to "Biden saving us"

Still waiting for the FIRST post by a Sloppy Joe supporter, explaining one thing - ONE. GODDAMN. THING. - he has done to improve this country.


Tibilo, Floggy, 21IQ, Poopon ... nothing. Not one goddamn thing.

Trump's first 9 months? Let's compare, shall we?
  • Vastly reduced regulation.
  • Approved Keystone pipeline.
  • Sped up approval process for North Dakota fracking sites.
  • Approved development of petroleum reserves in Alaska.
  • Re-worked ****** trade deals with China.
  • Began re-working ****** NAFTA deal.
  • Oversaw economic growth after taking over another Obama mini-recession.
  • Appointed more than 50 excellent Federal court judges.
  • Implemented tax cut that led to BOOMING economy.
  • Got the US out of bullshit "Paris accords," a.k.a., China and India spew trillions of tons of CO2 and the United States takes it in the ***.
  • Ended the bullshit "Iran deal," and lo and behold, Iran working on nuclear weapons the entire time. Who'd a thunk it?
  • Drastically reduced illegal immigration.
  • Began work on actual walls to secure border, not walls around his private residence.
  • Began pressure on Mexico that resulted in "remain in Mexico" policy.
And on and on.

So Sloppy Joe fans - name one goddamn thing improved under Sloppy Joe.

You simple minded MAGA tools are ruining America. Wanna see what this Assministration is doing for all of us???? JUST Look at this! These are our leaders, on stage. Dementia Joe campaigning for Terry McAulife and man....can...he....dance

You simple minded MAGA tools are ruining America. Wanna see what this Assministration is doing for all of us???? JUST Look at this! These are our leaders, on stage. Dementia Joe campaigning for Terry McAulife and man....can...he....dance

MacAuliffe wins after the main-in ballots are counted.
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MacAuliffe wins after the main-in ballots are counted.

I posted this on Meta (formerly known as Facebook). Youngkin is up 8 points.

Overnight mail in balloting gonna fix that. Just wait.
Still waiting for the FIRST post by a Sloppy Joe supporter, explaining one thing - ONE. GODDAMN. THING. - he has done to improve this country.


Tibilo, Floggy, 21IQ, Poopon ... nothing. Not one goddamn thing.

Trump's first 9 months? Let's compare, shall we?
  • Vastly reduced regulation.
  • Approved Keystone pipeline.
  • Sped up approval process for North Dakota fracking sites.
  • Approved development of petroleum reserves in Alaska.
  • Re-worked ****** trade deals with China.
  • Began re-working ****** NAFTA deal.
  • Oversaw economic growth after taking over another Obama mini-recession.
  • Appointed more than 50 excellent Federal court judges.
  • Implemented tax cut that led to BOOMING economy.
  • Got the US out of bullshit "Paris accords," a.k.a., China and India spew trillions of tons of CO2 and the United States takes it in the ***.
  • Ended the bullshit "Iran deal," and lo and behold, Iran working on nuclear weapons the entire time. Who'd a thunk it?
  • Drastically reduced illegal immigration.
  • Began work on actual walls to secure border, not walls around his private residence.
  • Began pressure on Mexico that resulted in "remain in Mexico" policy.
And on and on.

So Sloppy Joe fans - name one goddamn thing improved under Sloppy Joe.


No mean tweets.
Does that count?
No mean tweets.
Does that count?

Yeah, you may have a point there but Sloppy Joe tries to make up for his inability to use Twitter by simply saying stupid things out loud. Some of his greatest hits:

"Look, fat"
"I don't work for you." Uhhh ....
"You’re a damn liar, man."
“I probably have a much higher IQ than you do, I suspect.”
“You cannot go to a 7-Eleven or a Dunkin’ Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent. And I’m not joking.”
“Clap for that, you stupid ********,” when talking to our troops in the Middle East.
“Man, you are a dull bunch,” to the same troops.
“Poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids.”
“You’re full of ****" and "you're a horse's ***" to another voter.

Huh. Look at that.

In closing, FJB and Let's go, Brandon!
I posted this on Meta (formerly known as Facebook).

"Metaverse"? Yeah, more like "metadata." How about "Westealyourdataandsellit"? Too long.

Fakebook not hiding any more. Metadata is the information stored in your electronic devices, showing what you have done and the sites visited. Fakebook makes billions by stealing that information and selling it to advertisers.
Yeah, you may have a point there but Sloppy Joe tries to make up for his inability to use Twitter by simply saying stupid things out loud. Some of his greatest hits:

"Look, fat"
"I don't work for you." Uhhh ....
"You’re a damn liar, man."
“I probably have a much higher IQ than you do, I suspect.”
“You cannot go to a 7-Eleven or a Dunkin’ Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent. And I’m not joking.”
“Clap for that, you stupid ********,” when talking to our troops in the Middle East.
“Man, you are a dull bunch,” to the same troops.
“Poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids.”
“You’re full of ****" and "you're a horse's ***" to another voter.

Huh. Look at that.

In closing, FJB and Let's go, Brandon!
You forgot "Dog faced pony soldier."
I posted this on Meta (formerly known as Facebook).

"Metaverse"? Yeah, more like "metadata." How about "Westealyourdataandsellit"? Too long.

Fakebook not hiding any more. Metadata is the information stored in your electronic devices, showing what you have done and the sites visited. Fakebook makes billions by stealing that information and selling it to advertisers.
"Metaverse"? Yeah, more like "metadata." How about "Westealyourdataandsellit"? Too long.

Fakebook not hiding any more. Metadata is the information stored in your electronic devices, showing what you have done and the sites visited. Fakebook makes billions by stealing that information and selling it to advertisers.

Is there an echo in here? Or did you forget your meds this morning Jimmy?
Look, fat, I am so entertaining that my replays are better than most originals.
The twitter link So0p provided includes a "warning" about potentially offensive speech that you have to acknowledge before reading these "potentially offensive" tweets:

"OMG that was hilarious. 🤣"

"Why are these people all so awkward??!! 🤣"

"Love this one. Can I get it on ITunes?"

"It's on Spotify"

"Think the banned it there. I think you can get it on the rappers web site."

Oh. My. God. The utter HORROR of those responses.


Thank GOD for the warning!

And of course, anybody who thinks twitter and its leftist staff are suppressing conservative speech is a conspiracy nut. You betcha, yep. No siree, no evidence to back up that claim.
Yeah, you may have a point there but Sloppy Joe tries to make up for his inability to use Twitter by simply saying stupid things out loud. Some of his greatest hits:

"Look, fat"
"I don't work for you." Uhhh ....
"You’re a damn liar, man."
“I probably have a much higher IQ than you do, I suspect.”
“You cannot go to a 7-Eleven or a Dunkin’ Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent. And I’m not joking.”
“Clap for that, you stupid ********,” when talking to our troops in the Middle East.
“Man, you are a dull bunch,” to the same troops.
“Poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids.”
“You’re full of ****" and "you're a horse's ***" to another voter.

Huh. Look at that.

In closing, FJB and Let's go, Brandon!

You forgot the mother of them all.
Biden describing this black guy Obama from Chicago running for president:

"I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that's a storybook, man." -Joe Biden.

"The first articulate, clean African American is storybook"? Said by a Republican would have drawn outrage across the board and eventually lead to his demise.
See Trent Lott.
Don't forget "I'll lead an effective strategy to mobilize trunalimunumaprzure!"
I posted this on Meta (formerly known as Facebook). Youngkin is up 8 points.

Overnight mail in balloting gonna fix that. Just wait.
They are desperate and pushing the white supremacist crap again with commercials with klansmen conveniently posing in front of Youngkin signs and photos from Charlottesville and Jan 6th. This BS is getting old...