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The Official Thread Dedicated to "Trump Winning"

I'm laughing at former guy trying to stay relevant. Laughing even harder at watching Indy suck on his tiny, shriveled, purple nutsack.

Aren't you the weirdo who obsesses over gay references? Yeah, you are.

Boy, how the mighty have fallen.

So you admit Trump is mighty?

Who knew all of MAGA would curl up into a whimpering ball of anxiety once former guy got shitcanned out of the WH?

He should still be President, and the nation and her 330 million citizens would be the better for it.

But he has returned to a supermodel wife and a billion dollar industry he runs worldwide, flying in his private jet. I mean, it's not like he's some douchebag who couldn't make it in the greatest nation on earth, fled that great country, went to a mid-sized European nation to make a go of it, saw his small venture fail due to the Chinese flu, probably lives alone in some ****** apartment and who nonetheless sucks the dick of the very criminals who released the virus that killed millions and shut down is tiny little business.

Now THAT would be pathetic.

Have a great evening dude, hope you make it through the night, with all the commies & immigrants lurking beneath your bed. (y)

Do you exercise to work off your worries?


Trumping Jacks!! One, two, three, four ...

Do you count Trumps before nodding off?


Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump ...
Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump
does the illegal immigration effect your sorry *** one goddamned bit?

Love it how you guys chomp down on each & every manufactured crisis the GOP throws your way. I guess this is the latest one flowing from the tap.

What a clownshow. :jagoff:

Love it how you guys chomp down on each & every manufactured crisis the GOP throws your way. I guess this is the latest one flowing from the tap.
Again, none of this affects TiBorat
Love it how you guys chomp down on each & every manufactured crisis the GOP throws your way. I guess this is the latest one flowing from the tap.

What a clownshow. :jagoff:
Says the guy that chomped down on the Russian collusion clown show for two years.
Your lack of self awareness should be a red flag for you. Maybe a family intervention is needed.
Love it how you guys chomp down on each & every manufactured crisis the GOP throws your way. I guess this is the latest one flowing from the tap.

What a clownshow. :jagoff:

for four years, there was an illegal immigration crisis. I seem to recall caravans. kids in cages.

now? not a goddamned ******* peep. even though President Peepads assigned Heels Up Harris to be his point person for the border crisis. She's yet to make a visit to the border. Why, Tibs?
Poor Rudy. What a shocking development.

Official Trump statement regarding the news of Rudy Giuliani’s suspension:

Tina from the Bronx is running against AOC! Kick ***, Tina!

Wow. I don't think you can get more "Bronx" than her. Somebody tell her there are "R"s in the alphabet.

(Love her, by the way.)
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Although I believe it is politically motivated, I am actually okay with Guliani's suspension.I don't think he did the President any favors with the handling of the election investigation. I have read that he is drunk most days after 5pm. He was definitely not at the top of his game.

The Twitter suspension of Trump is definitely politically motivated, and has exposed Big Tech for the corrupt frauds that they are.
Wow. I don't think you can get more "Bronx" than her. Somebody tell her there are "R"s in the alphabet.

(Love her, by the way.)

Know a woman (casual acquaintance) who's Dominican and grew up in the Bronx. I call her "Rosie" (holy crap, the accent is thick).


She actually lives in the Mount Eden area where that guy narrowly missed killing two kids in broad daylight just recently, and she's scared to leave her house besides having to go to work. She said it's insane and the media don't show anything close to how bad it really is there. It's like a war zone. She's trying to relocate to SC and hopes to have everything wrapped up by September. And she's one tough cookie. I sure as hell wouldn't want to get on her bad side.

What's happened to NYC is a travesty.
Although I believe it is politically motivated, I am actually okay with Guliani's suspension.

Agreed. It's high time to round up this crime syndicate & throw away the key.

I feel bad for all the disillusioned far right yahoos with their red hats, Trump & confederate flags. Whining & crying about all that's been taken from them. Poor tormented souls.

Life is much simpler & easier when you're not completely unmoored from reality.

I feel bad for all the disillusioned far right yahoos with their red hats, Trump & confederate flags. Whining & crying about all that's been taken from them. Poor tormented souls.

Life is much simpler & easier when you're not completely unmoored from reality.

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That's a symbol of racism and oppression. And colonialism and Whyte suppremacy. And everything else wrong in the world.
This is what gives the Washington establishment many sleepless nights.....and it should.

Primarily, it gives the FBI sleepless nights...and it should.

Terrorism expert: Trump remains a major ‘national security’ threat to the United States​

Some Republicans recently accused New York Times reporter Maggie Gallagher of suffering from "Trump derangement syndrome" when she reported that according to her sources, former President Donald Trump believes he will be "reinstated" as president by August. But in fact, Gallagher's reporting was accurate, and John Cohen — the top counterterrorism official in the U.S. Department of Homeland Security — believes that Trump's delusion could lead to more political violence in the United States. On June 25, MSNBC host Nicolle Wallace discussed Cohen's warning with MSNBC contributor and former FBI counterterrorism expert Clint Watts, who commented on how much of a national security threat Trump continues to be.

Wallace, a Never Trump conservative who served in the George W. Bush Administration, told Watts, "It's just jaw-dropping that the disgraced, twice-impeached ex-president's utterances are now a national security threat on an hourly, daily basis — to which Watts responded, "It is remarkable that it continues on."

Watts told Wallace, "It's also remarkable because there is still significant online discussion of this, which means —think if you're a believer in this conspiracy, and you've seen everything from QAnon to January 6, the inauguration occurring, ballot recounts failing — and you still are pursuing this fantasy. How would it not lead to violence over time?"

The former FBI counterrorism expert went on to say, "I think one advantage we do have is that the (former) president is not on Twitter, Facebook and much of social media. His website was not particularly successful. So, it has muted his ability to really rally that base. He's been in a limited number of public appearances. If that were to change and the conspiracies started to pick up again — if you start to see a sizable audience gathering, that DHS assessment is right on target. It is actually articulating clear risk. The biggest risk is…. from the last person who was inside the White House."
This is a good read, an important read, to help understand some foundational truths about MAGA & former guy.

Trump’s Presidency Exposed My White Christian Friends​

The previous President has been many things since arriving: a national embarrassment, a global punchline, an environmental disaster, a divider of people, a prolific murderer of the English language.

But he’s also been a floodlight. He’s fully exposed millions of people who’d kept themselves carefully concealed. I can really see them now in ways I never could previously. It’s all out in the open.

Intellectually I always knew that racism was deeply embedded into the fabric of our nation, but I’d convinced myself that it had slowly but certainly begun to unravel, that we weren’t as hopelessly bound by it as our ancestors had been. As a pastor in largely white churches in the south over the past two decades, I told myself the story that the Church was changing. It may have been a combination of privilege and wishful thinking, but I truly thought that we were getting better, that the arc of the moral universe was bending toward justice

I surely never imagined that so many people I loved, lived with, worshipped alongside, or worked next to—were as afflicted with supremacy as they apparently are. I never fathomed that so many people claiming to love Jesus would so resent foreigners, so worship America, and so abhor difference. They were really good at pretending and in my naivety I suppose I was more than willing to believe them even if they weren’t.

I saw the cracks in their facades begin to show when Barack Obama was elected; their carefully coded hate speech begin to surface, their ever more incendiary social media posts from fringe sources, their incessant, desperate search for something to be outraged about, their inability to give him any credit or acknowledge his goodness. They grew more entrenched in their positions, more tribal in their tone.

But even then, they kept their prejudice close to the vest, never really tipping their hand, always dancing around the words without really saying them. The mask was splitting and sliding off, but they would not fully show themselves because it was socially unacceptable (they would call it “politically correct.”)

Then he arrived: someone who gave them what they needed for eight years: permission to be horrible; someone who erased any semblance of decorum, any expectation of decency, any level of accountability. After nearly a decade of pretending, they finally received white Presidential consent to be outwardly racist—and now the dam of their suppressed bigotry has burst and they are letting the toxic hatred flow freely.

White pastors now lob it through incendiary sermons into their congregations, white politicians plaster it upon campaign billboards, white police officers send it out in group emails, white teachers wave it in front of their students, white civilians spit it out in viral videos at coffeeshops and public parks, white terrorists parade it unmasked through city streets.

And my white friends and family members and neighbors are rejoicing in this Renaissance of open ugliness—and I never saw it coming.

And this has been the most disorienting, stomach-turning, sickening part of this terrible season: the realization that I have lived and ministered around people who claimed to believe in Jesus while harboring such corrosive hearts—and that I was oblivious to it all. I am both angry at them and disappointed in myself.

And I suppose that is the small bit of gratitude I have for this malignancy of a movement in America: it has fully revealed people—and this is an unwelcome but invaluable gift.

I know what I didn’t know before.

My eyes are opened and now I’m responsible for what I do and say in response.

We all are.

Regardless of what happens in the future or how the political landscape may change or who we have helming our nation—what has been revealed about us as a nation is going to remain, and we’re going to have to deal with the unmasked, unearthed, illuminated hatred that we are this violently afflicted with.

That might be the departed President’s only worthy legacy.