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The Official Thread Dedicated to "Trump Winning"

Possibly related to this, I've just realised it's been quite a while since my Facebook feed was clogged up with Washpo's and NYT's (or anyone else's) anti-Trump rhetoric.
Bad Orange Man is gone so they have nothing else to write about that interests their readers.
Bad Orange Man is gone so they have nothing else to write about that interests their readers.
Travis and Sexton touched on that. The Washington Compost is a feeding place for those afflicted with TDS. Only thing out there anti-Trump is this absurd classified document BS.
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I discovered, by accident, how to make Siri cuss. Finally! if I ask her to say **** you, or if I cuss her out she’ll say “I won’t respond to that.” So Sunday morning GF and I are on the way to breakfast and I have my phone hooked up to Apple Play in the car. I hit voice command and told her to play Eagles Fly by Sammy Hagar. The first line of that song is ”Sunday morning, 9am” and that’s exactly what time it was. We came upon an intersection with The Monon Trail, a miles long biking and walking path that spans from downtown Indianapolis to further north than where I am. They are supposed to yield to traffic but there are yellow caution lights to be aware, maybe knock it down a couple mph. The car in front of me came to a complete stop with no pedestrians in sight. I yelled “It’s not a stop sign, you f uckhead!!!” Next thing I hear is Siri, in her female Aussie accent, say “Sorry, I couldn’t find Eagles Fly by Sammy Hagar it’s not a stop sign you f uckhead.” Made my day. Gotta take pleasure in the little things.