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This is police brutality

It's crazy, isn't it? Only Americans could take unanimous outrage and make it divisive.

BLM and the Black Community as a whole wasted what may have been the first real opportunity to talk about change within law enforcement, the hiring process, the merit board process...etc to really find a way with support from every race that were all outraged by the murder of George. Instead, they allowed themselves to turn violent, they have allowed Antifa to use their protests to incite violence, looting, and rioting, and have lost much of the support they would have originally had. Apparently a free pair of Nike shoes or a Gucci purse was more important than the change they claim to be after.
Saw this anecdote on another board about Detroit's mayor in the mid-'70s. Sounds like he was a believer in the Trump Doctrine that "you have to Dominate."

"Back in 1975 Detroit was burning and the late Frank Rizzo(D-Phluffya) was running for re-election as mayor. A reporter asked The Big Bambino what he would do if rioters started the same rubbish in his city. The Mayor responded with," They don't wanna' come here. If they do I will make Atilla the Hun look like a F(bundle of sticks)aggot)!" DemocRATS aren't made like that anymore."
My close friend has a black son who is a straight A student and athlete and she has to live in fear that he might die if gets pulled over for a traffic stop.

How many bad experiences has she or her son personally had with law enforcement? The statistics don't support that paranoia. PAS against the black population is down 70% in 30 years. It's too easy to play the victim though, that is part of the problem. One of my employees is black, he always has a 9mm on his right hip or thigh, he does most of our affordable housing project presentations in many inner city and rough neighborhoods. He drives a BMW convertible and has been pulled over 18 times in the last 10 years. Not one time has he ever had a negative experience with law enforcement, but then again, he has always shown them respect and he has received it in return. Maybe that has more to do with how you are treated then the color of your skin.
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BLM and the Black Community as a whole wasted what may have been the first real opportunity to talk about change within law enforcement, the hiring process, the merit board process...etc to really find a way with support from every race that were all outraged by the murder of George. Instead, they allowed themselves to turn violent, they have allowed Antifa to use their protests to incite violence, looting, and rioting, and have lost much of the support they would have originally had. Apparently a free pair of Nike shoes or a Gucci purse was more important than the change they claim to be after.

The problem seems to be that, on balance and not without exceptions, they police neither themselves nor their communities very well.

"Physician, heal thyself."

It would be like someone who weighs 400 pounds lecturing the rest of the country on diet, diabetes, and hypertension. It's a little hard to listen to the message with accompanying optics.
BLM and the Black Community as a whole wasted what may have been the first real opportunity to talk about change within law enforcement, the hiring process, the merit board process...etc to really find a way with support from every race that were all outraged by the murder of George. Instead, they allowed themselves to turn violent, they have allowed Antifa to use their protests to incite violence, looting, and rioting, and have lost much of the support they would have originally had. Apparently a free pair of Nike shoes or a Gucci purse was more important than the change they claim to be after.

Posted Carroll Quigley quote earlier on "Future-preference" vs "present-preference" in the overall context of the welfare state dilemma. The problem is that the black community is beset by the malady of present-preference and can't see the forest for the trees when the emotions are tripped by the puppetmasters -- usually in Election years.
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"Back in 1975 Detroit was burning and the late Frank Rizzo(D-Phluffya) was running for re-election as mayor.

Didn't he hit someone in the head with a ratchet wrench once?
BLM and the Black Community as a whole wasted what may have been the first real opportunity to talk about change within law enforcement, the hiring process, the merit board process...etc to really find a way with support from every race that were all outraged by the murder of George. Instead, they allowed themselves to turn violent, they have allowed Antifa to use their protests to incite violence, looting, and rioting, and have lost much of the support they would have originally had. Apparently a free pair of Nike shoes or a Gucci purse was more important than the change they claim to be after.

In New York they looted $2.4 million worth of Rolex watches.
Do you not get it? Elections are about "Is your life better now than it was four years ago." He didn't cause these things but he will be judged on how well he has responded to them. How well he led us through them. Spoiler alert...not very well. If you can't see that you are delusional.

My life IS better than it was 4 years ago. Are you saying that yours is not? What do you think our country would be like if a liberal was in charge? Are you forgetting the riots during the Obama years? Are you forgetting the racist **** that he said? If you want to vote for a liberal, go ahead. At least we will know who to blame when our country goes to ****.

I didnt vote for Trump in the primaries, but I sure the hell didnt vote for Hillary. Are you not paying attention to how corrupt the Democrat party is? Is that what you want running our country?
If Trump said that he sympathized with the black community and wanted to help, he would have gotten excoriated by the black community because they would know he wasn’t 100% truthful. He knows this. So he avoids the commentary and it’s still not good enough- the media made the speech into an “all about me” speech. He was in a lose lose situation.
You're using the childish technique of seizing on one turn of phrase and insisting it meant something it wasn't intended to mean. I have said repeatedly he didn't cause these things. Throughout this thread and previously.

It's childish to assume that you don't know how to write what you mean? Weak. That wasn't an ambiguous turn of a phrase, but I'll accept that you were just being glib in the heat of your anti-Trump disdain; although I think it's probably more accurate that you did mean what your wrote, even if you didn't mean to write it.
They have a constitutional right to peaceably assemble. It wasn't 7 0'clock yet.

The owner of the property you are being permitted to protest on can also determine where and when you may be on the property. No different than a park closing off trails due to poor conditions. They were given 75 minutes to move and chose not to follow directions. Choices have consequences and unfortunately now they want to cry about the consequences.
It would make sense for people living in those war zone liberal cities to protest the state and city leadership that left them unprotected for multiple days while people were killed and injured, and property stolen and ruined.
And you think that has helped the situation? Will it help calm these riots? Did putting these officers' lives at risk do anything useful at all except help Trump create propaganda to pander to his supporters?

Doing what you are told to do by law authority would have eliminated the situation 110%. Why they closed that section off is irrelevant. All about respect for authority...
In New York they looted $2.4 million worth of Rolex watches.

LOL, At least they have good taste.

Go big or go home! Makes more sense then looting a TJ Maxx or Dollar Store.
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Didn't he hit someone in the head with a ratchet wrench once?

Not well-versed on him, but seems to fit based on his quote!
It would make sense for people living in those war zone liberal cities to protest the state and city leadership that left them unprotected for multiple days while people were killed and injured, and property stolen and ruined.

Also makes sense that they would have Stockholm Syndrome and identify with their captors after decades of confinement and being held hostage to national temper tantrums.
Liberals believe that the tail should wag the dog.

Even if their dog is in need of being taken out to the barn. Modern liberalism/progressivism by all rights is feral and should be on its last legs. What does nature tell one to do with feral and rabid animals that are a threat to life, limb, livestock, and industry?

At this point all it does it bite and infect others. Not seeing redeeming qualities on display anywhere it has ascendancy.
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Also makes sense that they would have Stockholm Syndrome and identify with their captors after decades of confinement and being held hostage to national temper tantrums.

Well then we just bus in some conservative agitators and... wait..
That picture of him holding up a Bible in front of a church that didn't want him there after he had peaceful protesters gassed and shot with rubber bullets to do so at will cost him the presidency.

And this is the problem when the sheep automatically believe Fake News and the lying spin statements by libtards. Here's what really happened:


Park Police say DC protesters cleared because they attacked cops, not because of Trump church visit: report

U.S. Park Police reportedly say protesters near the White House were pushed back by riot police on Monday evening because they were attacking police officers, not because of a visit by President Trump to a nearby church that had been set alight the night before.

Trump visited St. John’s Episcopal Church, which had been attacked by vandals on Sunday, moments after he addressed the nation and promised to restore “law and order” amid the protests and riots that have engulfed the country in the wake the death of George Floyd.

But as he did so, protesters were being pushed back by riot police near Lafayette Square who charged the crowds and used what was reported as being tear gas to disperse them. Media outlets connected the pushback with Trump’s visit -- and described the protesters as “peaceful.”

“Park Police Tear Gas Peaceful Protesters To Clear Way For Trump Church Photo-Op,” read a NPR headline.

But on Tuesday morning, Park Police sources told WTOP that this was not the case, arguing that the protesters were not all peaceful, that tear gas was not used, and that officers did not know of Trump’s visit to the house of worship.

“A source says tear gas was never used -- instead smoke cannisters were deployed, which don't have an uncomfortable irritant in them,” reporter Neal Augenstein tweeted. “And, the source says Park Police didn't know President Trump would be walking across the park several minutes later.”

The outlet went on to report that the crowd was pushed back when officers were being hit with water bottles and that protesters had climbed onto the top of a structure at the north end of Lafayette Square that had been attacked and burned a day earlier.”

The Park Police did not immediately respond to request for comment from Fox News.

The protesters had previously been criticized by Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., who said they were “professional agitators.”

“They knew the street needed to be cleared before 7 pm curfew,” Rubio tweeted. “But they deliberately stayed to trigger police action & get the story they wanted, that “police attacked peaceful protesters.”
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This is what strong leadership looks like. Let's hope people listen and de-escalate the violence, stop the vandalism, looting and destruction of their cities. She is right. The best way to protest and 'fight back' is to register to vote and then vote en masse, to achieve the change so badly needed in America right now.
And you know damn well that if Trump came out and said "You are disgracing your city, you are disgracing the life of George Floyd." he'd be crucified for being callous and judgemental.

That in a NUTSHELL is what I hate right now about the democrats. They are so damn subjective in EVERYTHING they do. Whatever THEY do is fine, whatever the opposition does is TREASON! Brett Kavanaugh allegedly messes with some girl 30+ years ago and it's the end of the world. Joe Biden allegedly does it 20 years ago and the lady is a gold-digging *****.

Biden says on film "Drop the prosecutor or I will see to it you don't get your billion dollars." Trump on a phone call says, "Ya, I'd sure appreciate it if you'd look in to that." Biden was diplomatic genious, Trump is a TRAITOR!

democrats can't get out of their own way tripping over their double standards.
Again, the democrats tripping over their own disinformation constructs...

"The WHITE NATIONALISTS and RIGHT WINGERS are fomenting riots!"


"Peaceful Protestors are being TEAR GASSED and INJURED with oppressive rubber bullets!"
Attention rioters/looters, don't make a wrong turn in Philly -
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">White vigilantes patrolling Fishtown in Philly with weapons...cops doing nothing to prevent it...if these were protesters speaking out against police violence, carrying these weapons, they'd be arrested or shot... <a href="https://t.co/nSYjelvaiT">https://t.co/nSYjelvaiT</a></p>— Tim Wise (@timjacobwise) <a href="https://twitter.com/timjacobwise/status/1267621606391721985?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">June 2, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
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And you know damn well that if Trump came out and said "You are disgracing your city, you are disgracing the life of George Floyd." he'd be crucified for being callous and judgemental.

That in a NUTSHELL is what I hate right now about the democrats. They are so damn subjective in EVERYTHING they do. Whatever THEY do is fine, whatever the opposition does is TREASON! Brett Kavanaugh allegedly messes with some girl 30+ years ago and it's the end of the world. Joe Biden allegedly does it 20 years ago and the lady is a gold-digging *****.

Biden says on film "Drop the prosecutor or I will see to it you don't get your billion dollars." Trump on a phone call says, "Ya, I'd sure appreciate it if you'd look in to that." Biden was diplomatic genious, Trump is a TRAITOR!

democrats can't get out of their own way tripping over their double standards.

Is that why women seem to gravitate toward the Democrat mindset? Just asking for a friend..
Attention rioters/looters, don't make a wrong turn in Philly -
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">White vigilantes patrolling Fishtown in Philly with weapons...cops doing nothing to prevent it...if these were protesters speaking out against police violence, carrying these weapons, they'd be arrested or shot... <a href="https://t.co/nSYjelvaiT">https://t.co/nSYjelvaiT</a></p>— Tim Wise (@timjacobwise) <a href="https://twitter.com/timjacobwise/status/1267621606391721985?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">June 2, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

Although he'd probably be furious for using his lyrics as if I'd raised a Bible in front of the Episcopal Church, can't help but think of..

'Cause I live and breathe this Philadelphia freedom
From the day that I was born I've waved the flag