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This is police brutality

And damn, I know I shouldn't say this, think if I wasn't safe behind this screen the trouble I would be in but...she is also very easy on the eyes.

no doubt, she's beautiful. I don't know why you'd be in trouble, unless your wife/gf is monitoring your posts. lol
I believe fentanyl causes many respiratory issues. And that mixed with meth very well could be the true reason he died. But this ******* idiot cop wanted to be the big man and keep his knee on a guy’s neck so he’s going to jail for being a ******* moron.
I believe fentanyl causes many respiratory issues. And that mixed with meth very well could be the true reason he died. But this ******* idiot cop wanted to be the big man and keep his knee on a guy’s neck so he’s going to jail for being a ******* moron.

And God help us if all 4 officers are not found guilty (not that they have a chance in hell of getting a fair and impartial jury), the rioting you see now will pale in comparison.
Wow. This is set up with a reference to Shelby Steele. She says, "There is something very ugly and broken about our culture. The only way we're going to fix it is being honest about it...something unique about the culture of black Americans that you will not find in any other culture in America, and it is the fact that we cater to the bottom denominator of our society".

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Confession: <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/GeorgeFloyd?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#GeorgeFloyd</a> is neither a martyr or a hero. But I hope his family gets justice. <a href="https://t.co/Lnxz0usrp5">https://t.co/Lnxz0usrp5</a></p>— Candace Owens (@RealCandaceO) <a href="https://twitter.com/RealCandaceO/status/1268280610818101248?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">June 3, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

They do seem to pick the darndest heroes and martyrs these days. Rodney King, OJ, Trayvon, Freddie Gray, Michael Brown, let's throw Ray Lewis in there for fun and now a man high out of his mind who had little to do with his kids. But hey, he rapped some and was friends with a NBA player.
And God help us if all 4 officers are not found guilty (not that they have a chance in hell of getting a fair and impartial jury), the rioting you see now will pale in comparison.

If Ellison and his Commie ilk want a Revolution and blood in the streets, overcharging was a good way to get there.
If Ellison and his Commie ilk want a Revolution and blood in the streets, overcharging was a good way to get there.

It will be interesting if there is more to the story, as Jesse Watters wondered. He said it looked like a hit and the other cops looked the other way, possibly related to something criminal they were both involved in via that shady nightclub where they both worked. I don't know how you arrange a hit based on a random arrest from a store clerk 911 call, but you never know. It seems like it was just a matter of time before George ended up in custody again.
It will be interesting if there is more to the story, as Jesse Watters wondered. He said it looked like a hit and the other cops looked the other way, possibly related to something criminal they were both involved in via that shady nightclub where they both worked. I don't know how you arrange a hit based on a random arrest from a store clerk 911 call, but you never know. It seems like it was just a matter of time before George ended up in custody again.

I got blocked at American Thinker in the comment section by the Editior/author Ms. Widburg. She led in with one of her articles saying the MSM had created "an orgy of disinformation" on Floyd, and then she offered the maxim that "the truth is the first casualty of war."

I said, take that to its logical conclusion and application: If they're feeding you disinformation about the event, Trump, Floyd, etc, and the "protests" and mayhem are "this" coordinated and timed just as the states were opening back up (similar to ramp up of Covid-1984 as soon as impeachment ended), what makes one so sure that the actual event itself is 100% legit and organic as disseminated to the public?

If wars are frequently built on lies, then most certainly the trip wires that precipitate them are also built on lies. Let's see, the USS Maine, the Lusitania, what we did and didn't know about Pearl Harbor, Gulf on Tonkin Incident, WMD narrative, Syrians gassing civilians, etc.

Let's put it this way, it's not outside the realm of possibility this is yet another Deep State Operation in an election year and when some high profile people are under the microscope for Crossfire Hurricane.

Widburg called me a moonbat. I called her naive at best, and controlled opposition at worst. In other words, you can take whatever side of the event fallout you want to, but just don't question the actual event/trigger itself and suggest that our media and government work in concert to lie to us to the point of us living in a matrix.
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They do seem to pick the darndest heroes and martyrs these days. Rodney King, OJ, Trayvon, Freddie Gray, Michael Brown, let's throw Ray Lewis in there for fun and now a man high out of his mind who had little to do with his kids. But hey, he rapped some and was friends with a NBA player.

Look up Dreasjon Reed...here is a Darwin award winner that led police on a high speed chase for 45 minutes, struck numerous cars in the process, got out and ran from the cops, then fired rounds at the police, before he was shot and killed by a black cop. That's one of the names that BLM keeps bringing up in their protests. This has NOTHING to do with justice. What they want is exactly what the protest in CA called for, de-funding the police. They want a society where they can do hat they want with no ramifications.
And God help us if all 4 officers are not found guilty (not that they have a chance in hell of getting a fair and impartial jury), the rioting you see now will pale in comparison.

the main cop is going down no matter what. People will convict to stop a riot. The only way he possibly gets off is if they show evidence of some grand conspiracy where he rats out some bigger name people who ordered him to kill the guy. He’d likely get the Epstein treatment if there’s even a grain of something like that.

for me, I don’t care if he had a heart attack later and that is technically what killed him. You choked a guy out for like 8 minutes. Even if he didn’t technically kill him right there, he damn sure tried.

I do think the others could be found not guilty because they seem to be overcharged. They simply didn’t act. It seems like some kind of negligence to me. I’m no lawyer and don’t know all the possible charges but murder seems to me like they would have to have actively done something to kill him and not just stand back. Also, I think they did call an ambulance. It seems to me if they simply testify that they knew an ambulance was on the way and didn’t realize the prisoner was in so much distress, then they will likely get off.
Not a conspiracy person usually...but this video makes a lot of good points.
Dozens of police officers in Louisville, Ky. reportedly walked out on the city's Democratic mayor, Greg Fischer, as a form of protest, as the Fraternal Order of Police president explained that the officers felt “disrespected” as they struggle to keep the peace after more than a week of fiery protests.

Video obtained by the Courier-Journal shows Fischer standing in the middle of the room at a roll call before the start of a 12-hour shift, as streams of Louisville Metro Police Department (LMPD) officers and detectives silently file out.

FOP President Ryan Nichols, who was not present, said the move was an unplanned reaction to Fischer’s address.

"They feel completely unsupported and disrespected by this administration," Nichols said. "They feel whatever he was going to say would have been nothing more than lip service, and he does not care about them at all."

Look up Dreasjon Reed...here is a Darwin award winner that led police on a high speed chase for 45 minutes, struck numerous cars in the process, got out and ran from the cops, then fired rounds at the police, before he was shot and killed by a black cop. That's one of the names that BLM keeps bringing up in their protests. This has NOTHING to do with justice. What they want is exactly what the protest in CA called for, de-funding the police. They want a society where they can do hat they want with no ramifications.

And of course once the revolution happens they'll be under the boot with everyone else. Useful idiots.
I know this isn't what the emotionally charged protesters want, but I think Chauvin is guilty of second degree murder and should get 15 years in prison, with minimum 10 years before being parole eligible.

The other policemen there should get aiding and abetting charges plead down to felony records and MAYBE 6 months, time served, something like that. Obviously they would be felons for the rest of their lives. Can't be police officers. Stripped of their pensions/benefits.

And here is one thing I DO agree with BLM. That too often police get away with being ******** and jerks to the people they should be serving. I don't think it's always about race. We know black police are more likely to use violence than white police. And there appears no difference in black police vs. black public and white police vs. black public. But unfortunately you get a lot police that treat the badge like it's their personal get-out-of-jail free card to act like they are kings.

There just is not an effective way to turn legitimate complaints against cops into real action (i.e. firing them, demoting them, rehabilitating them, etc.). And there aren't enough new applicants to fill/replace the bad police anyhow so Citys/Towns/States are up against a rock and hard space.
Minneapolis is looking to disband their PD with community oriented, non-violent outreach. Wow.

Put walls up around the city and let them destroy themselves.
I know this isn't what the emotionally charged protesters want, but I think Chauvin is guilty of second degree murder and should get 15 years in prison, with minimum 10 years before being parole eligible.

The other policemen there should get aiding and abetting charges plead down to felony records and MAYBE 6 months, time served, something like that. Obviously they would be felons for the rest of their lives. Can't be police officers. Stripped of their pensions/benefits.

And here is one thing I DO agree with BLM. That too often police get away with being ******** and jerks to the people they should be serving. I don't think it's always about race. We know black police are more likely to use violence than white police. And there appears no difference in black police vs. black public and white police vs. black public. But unfortunately you get a lot police that treat the badge like it's their personal get-out-of-jail free card to act like they are kings.

There just is not an effective way to turn legitimate complaints against cops into real action (i.e. firing them, demoting them, rehabilitating them, etc.). And there aren't enough new applicants to fill/replace the bad police anyhow so Citys/Towns/States are up against a rock and hard space.

I read that Chauvin had been a cop for 19 years and had 18 complaints against him, most were for excessive use of force. I don't know how many of those complaints were from whites and how many were from blacks, but I'd like to know.
Minneapolis is looking to disband their PD with community oriented, non-violent outreach. Wow.


I think this is a way to "break the union", which I am actually fine with. Let them try it their way.

Crime WILL go up but if they are willing to live through that maybe in the end it works.

Again, I am all for trying new things. If people vote without emotion and think it through. If they want to throw the baby out with the bathwater (which it sound like) and start fresh with non-union "police" or "public servants" (whatever they want to call them), go right ahead. Let them be the guinea pig.
Not a conspiracy person usually...but this video makes a lot of good points.

How are you not going to know when a cop lives next door? Chauvin obviously is a very shadowy figure and the fact he had ties over the span of 17 years to Floyd totally pegs the BS meter.

The oriental cop's sister was Miss Minnesota. Floyd was friends with NBAer Stephen Jackson.

Let's get real. Anytime some local story goes viral worldwide, it's because they want it to.