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This is police brutality

Do more research. There's a reason why the African American community, as a whole, has suffered.

Like I said in the other thread times like these show me why it's best to stay off the site...

Consider me on vacation.

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Agreed. Because they keep being suckered to vote Democrat’s.
I’ll never pretend to walk in another mans shoes,.....but listening to Candace Owens speak educates me. Does she speak for all,...**** no. But I feel her words and they are impactful. I would vote for this women in a second if she ever ran for president, as I said in another thread.
My God, I feel so badly for the Portland Police department. They have no leadership, no friends in their local government & only just have a ****-ton of Antifa ******** to deal with on a daily basis now:

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Portland Police released video showing rioters using lasers to blind them before launching bottles, rocks & other weapons. This was recorded overnight on 5–6 June outside the Justice Center. <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/Antifa?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#Antifa</a> & others have tried for a week to break into the facility. <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/BlackLivesMatter?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#BlackLivesMatter</a> <a href="https://t.co/IjE9T0kZiJ">pic.twitter.com/IjE9T0kZiJ</a></p>— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) <a href="https://twitter.com/MrAndyNgo/status/1269472056464179202?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">June 7, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
My God, I feel so badly for the Portland Police department. They have no leadership, no friends in their local government & only just have a ****-ton of Antifa ******** to deal with on a daily basis now:

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Portland Police released video showing rioters using lasers to blind them before launching bottles, rocks & other weapons. This was recorded overnight on 5–6 June outside the Justice Center. <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/Antifa?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#Antifa</a> & others have tried for a week to break into the facility. <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/BlackLivesMatter?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#BlackLivesMatter</a> <a href="https://t.co/IjE9T0kZiJ">pic.twitter.com/IjE9T0kZiJ</a></p>— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) <a href="https://twitter.com/MrAndyNgo/status/1269472056464179202?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">June 7, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

I'd quit that job because you can't even do it. You're just a pawn.
We look like a third world nation, take it in:

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">This is the most destructive “protesting” I have witnessed across the US in my lifetime. Way too many people willing to burn it all down, steal, and violently attack. <br><br>Now they want to dismantle the police as the solution? Bad idea! No way. Wrong answer. <a href="https://t.co/gfvv9TiKAI">pic.twitter.com/gfvv9TiKAI</a></p>— Lee Zeldin (@RepLeeZeldin) <a href="https://twitter.com/RepLeeZeldin/status/1269473666368184320?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">June 7, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">In Democrat-led cities,<br><br>You can burn churches, but you can’t go to church.<br><br>You can loot stores, but you can’t shop at stores.<br><br>You can destroy businesses, but you can’t run your own business.<br><br>You can break the law because they won’t enforce the law.<br><br>DEMS ARE THE PROBLEM.</p>— Jenna Ellis (@JennaEllisEsq) <a href="https://twitter.com/JennaEllisEsq/status/1269426311606476802?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">June 7, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
Yeah well I don't want to vote for Biden either, my fear is if someone doesn't shut this idiot up he's gonna lose and take the entire Congress down with him.

The clip you showed is accurate, but in the context of the entire speech which is the usual rambling self-aggrandizing bullshit it seemed clear to me that he was saying this was a great day for George Floyd because the economy's turning around.

In any case, like I said, I'm not sure in what context it would be a great day for someone who's dead as a result of excessive police force. And if you were an African American outraged by this murder I don't think you be sitting around parsing exactly what he was referring to and giving him the benefit of the doubt when he said it's a great day for George Floyd. It was an idiotic thing to say no matter what the context or what was meant by it and I expect you'll be seeing it over and over again in some campaign commercials in the not too distant future.

OK............Trump said something stupid. Surprise surprise. I dont care what he says. I care what he does. Do we really need to make another list of all the good things he has done for this country? Do we really need to make a list of what the Dems have done to destroy this country? Do you really think that Trump is a racist? REALLY?
OK............Trump said something stupid. Surprise surprise. I dont care what he says. I care what he does. Do we really need to make another list of all the good things he has done for this country? Do we really need to make a list of what the Dems have done to destroy this country? Do you really think that Trump is a racist? REALLY?

It's kinda hilarious. I've never seen a party so intent on ******* up the entire country just so they can get in power...oh wait, the communists do that. We just don't have the mass executions, starvation and work re-education camps.

In our media all you need is to repeat the same lie over and over again about someone for the ignorant to buy into it.

Even when evidence points in the other direction. Trump is all about this country and it doing well. He is a lousy speaker,an obnoxious new yorker, but he gets **** done.

If not for this corona19 which appears perfectly timed into an election year. We'd just be crushing it economically.
Basically, yep. Can't help but feel for them though.

Oh absolutely. My cousin is a cop. He's quarantined from his family now since he just tested positive for covid-19. Another officer he graduated from the academy was shot and is in critical condition. He's a black officer. I guess no marching for him.
Give the idiots what they want. No police. St. Louis went straight to **** after the last riots they had.
Add Minn to the upcoming cities of sludge as the police leave. Sad days

MINNEAPOLIS — Nine members of the Minneapolis City Council — a veto-proof majority — pledged on Sunday to dismantle the Police Department, promising to create a new system of public safety in a city where law enforcement has long been accused of racism.
Killer of David Dorn Arrested...


Felon Charged with Murdering Retired Police Captain David Dorn in Riots


A convicted felon has been charged with murdering St. Louis, Missouri, 77-year-old retired police captain David Dorn during riots in the city last week.

The St. Louis Police Department announced Sunday that 24-year-old convicted felon Stephan Cannon has been arrested and charged with first-degree murder, first-degree robbery, first-degree burglary, armed criminal action, and unlawfully possessing a firearm after he allegedly murdered Dorn.
Give the idiots what they want. No police. St. Louis went straight to **** after the last riots they had.

Yep, get the police out of there, just like they want. After the entire ******* city burns to the ground within a couple months and only smoking rubble is left, they can brag to the world about how smart they are.
The more I watch democrats talk policy the more it is clear everything they do is based on emotional and quick decisions.

One bad police officer murders a suspect (and will get punished for it). Take away all police. One person goes on a shooting rampage? Take away all the guns. One pipeline spills gas. Take away all fossil fuels.

Their circle of logic is like watching my dog chase its tail. The minute anything bad happens, especially visceral or emotionally charged or caught on video; by God, we better pass a whole bunch of new laws to make it look like we're doing something. No analysis about long-term ramifications. No discussion about whether or not what they propose is even possible. No discussion about whether or not their laws are Constitutional. No discussion about what happened when this was tried before (and likely failed).

And the more we advance into the digital age. The age of social media and constant "travesty of the day" news cycles. The more democrats pander and jump from position to position and govern the way the wind blows.

It's just mind numbing.
It's kinda hilarious. I've never seen a party so intent on ******* up the entire country just so they can get in power...oh wait, the communists do that. We just don't have the mass executions, starvation and work re-education camps.

In our media all you need is to repeat the same lie over and over again about someone for the ignorant to buy into it.

Even when evidence points in the other direction. Trump is all about this country and it doing well. He is a lousy speaker,an obnoxious new yorker, but he gets **** done.

If not for this corona19 which appears perfectly timed into an election year. We'd just be crushing it economically.

What we're seeing is literally the Tet Offensive 2020. Like the communists who breached the US Embassy grounds, they're trying to score a huge psychological victory against the American psyche by breaching the WH grounds or scoring a few Kent States so they can claim moral high ground.

People like Drew Brees are the Walter Kronkites of Tet. Middle American icons coming on the TV and telling us it's futile to resist the communists and we need to get in goose step with their outrage.

It's like this is Tet, Watts, Detroit, etc. all rolled into one and instead of Ho Chi Minh and Saul Alinsky they have George Soros and The Kenyan.
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Just some excerpts from the video all should watch. We need to dispel the lie about black lives and police brutality. It is destroying our nation.

"Why haven’t you been mad at the dozen or two blacks killed in Chicago for the 57th weekend in a row?

In 2018, white people committed violent crimes against black people almost 60,000 times. In the same year, black people committed violent crimes against black people almost 400,000 times.

But ya’ll just wanna talk about the first stat…not the second one. I guess black lives don’t really matter unless they are injured or killed by whites. And then the media tells you to be mad about it.

Have you ever heard of the Barbary Slave Trade? That’s the one where for hundreds of years, millions of white Europeans were kidnapped and enslaved in North Africa. Kinda weird that we never hear or talk about that example of slavery, right?

How about the police killings of Kelly Thomas and Duncan Lemp? Haven’t heard of em? They’re white. I’m not surprised.

Did you know that black on white crime is 9x higher than white on black crime? I bet you didn’t.

That’s because it doesn’t fit the agenda to make you think that black and brown people are the perpetual victim and that white people are the privileged power hungry murderers."

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/0wrzoIBC7KY" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
The more I watch democrats talk policy the more it is clear everything they do is based on emotional and quick decisions.

One bad police officer murders a suspect (and will get punished for it). Take away all police. One person goes on a shooting rampage? Take away all the guns. One pipeline spills gas. Take away all fossil fuels.

Their circle of logic is like watching my dog chase its tail. The minute anything bad happens, especially visceral or emotionally charged or caught on video; by God, we better pass a whole bunch of new laws to make it look like we're doing something. No analysis about long-term ramifications. No discussion about whether or not what they propose is even possible. No discussion about whether or not their laws are Constitutional. No discussion about what happened when this was tried before (and likely failed).

And the more we advance into the digital age. The age of social media and constant "travesty of the day" news cycles. The more democrats pander and jump from position to position and govern the way the wind blows.

It's just mind numbing.

Just like with Covid-1984 psychological operations-induced hysteria, the linchpin is that people now are NEVER at more than an arm's length from their phones or devices. It's a constant bombardment of propaganda.
Just saw that Looney Tunes has edited out Elmer Fudd’s gun in all episodes. Because ThAT is the root of all the evil. A ******* cartoon gun.
Now Drew Brees' wife has groveled to the mob, saying "we are the problem." :


But see, we all know this is a lie. A propaganda machine just trying to save Drew Brees' public image.

And that's fine. Let them do it. The lemmings will likely forget and start buying his jerseys in October when New Orleans is 7-1 and people are debating whether Brees is an MVP candidate.

It's just such hypocrisy.

And the WHOLE time, do you what less Drew Brees learned? I will never voice my opinions in public again. I will keep any conservative thought in my head a secret. I will never tell someone how I voted. He might even be deciding how to retire and pull back out of the spotlight now. Help people with my wealth? If it means I have to talk, no thanks.

This is the world liberal America is making. There isn't a more important part of the Constitution to me than free speech. I think it's the most important part. More than the right to bear arms. More than free press. More than the right to assemble. If I can't stand on a soap box and throw out any crazy idea or opinion in my head. To ask "why". To ask the tough and uncomfortable questions. Then this whole country is lost.

If shaming people becomes the voice of the majority to silence the minority, what hope do we have?
What does Nancy have her mask around her neck. Good look Nancy.