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This is police brutality

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Burke County, Georgia, Sheriff Alfonzo Williams says the shooting of Rayshard Brooks was “completely justified.”<br>“There's nothing malicious or sadistic in the way these officers behaved,” he says, adding that this case can't be compared to those of Ahmaud Arbery and George Floyd. <a href="https://t.co/Px6hwdffZN">pic.twitter.com/Px6hwdffZN</a></p>— CNN Newsroom (@CNNnewsroom) <a href="https://twitter.com/CNNnewsroom/status/1272958183540219905?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">June 16, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

Briana Keilar is a pretty girl, such a shame she ****** herself out to CNN.
On the SE side of Indy, 80% of all gang related crimes are tied to the Latin Kings. Whenever there is a call for gang related incidents, IMPD's gang unit almost automatically starts questioning those close to the Kings. Is that racial profiling or historical and statistical data leading someone to make informed decisions based on experience?

**** man, I didn't even know we had Latin Kings here. Like in the Beech Grove area?
**** man, I didn't even know we had Latin Kings here. Like in the Beech Grove area?

BG, Wanamaker, Franklin Township. It's about the only real substantial gang activity they have down there.
As much as BLM and the left want to denounce racial profiling, statistics say that there is a very good reason that it should be used in crime prevention and detection. Until the minority community as a whole takes some time to reflect on their own behaviors, take some self responsibility, and accept accountability for their own actions, don't expect that "bias" to go away anytime soon.

That's easy to say when you aren't the one being profiled (or you don't have a father or a husband or a son who is being profiled).

I'm trying to understand the human side of this, the pain of being followed around in a store or being pulled over way more often because of your skin color. Yeah, I get crime is more prevalent in minority communities and criminals are to blame but innocent people are not responsible for the behavior of "the minority community as a whole" any more than all white people are responsible for what a few redneck racists do. Whether profiling is a good crime detection tool or not, those of us who really believe in limiting government overreach should agree that policing should be without racial bias, right? No one should be interacted with and harassed by law enforcement without good cause, and being black is not in and of itself good cause.
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I watch on the news as they say his daughter Blessing will now have to remember her birthday as the day her father died. I agree. It’s a shame. His selfish decision to run instead of complying led to that memory.

So basically, Dad of the Year was passed-out-drunk on her birthday!

Threw the book at the cop.

Case seems thin but the cop didn't help his case by stating "I got him", kicking Brooks when he was down, and waiting more than 2 minutes to render medical assistance. They are saying he was motivated by anger not fear of death or injury. Also being charged for hitting two other cars with bullets, as well as failing to tell him he was under arrest before cuffing him.
The Brooks case is probably another example of bad policing but I'm not sure how criminal it is. I think it is a 50-50 case. Very tough to know at this point because I can see both sides of it and I don't have 100% of the facts and/or video. Supposedly the stop lasted for like 40 minutes before the shooting. No way it should take that long. At that point it's harassment even if justified.

You know, I was ALWAYS taught that even if you are drunk or buzzed driving and realize it after half way home from the bar and attempt to pull over to "sleep it off", you can get cited and arrested for DUI if a cop pulls over and sees you sleeping in the car. That's like DUI 101 rules.

This country decided a LONG time ago (something I don't necessarily agree with 100%) to really come down hard on drunk driving. I mean, the policies in the U.S. on drunk driving are STRICT thanks to years of lobbying from groups like MADD and many others. Think of the dollars spent on advertising over our lifetimes on drunk driving. It's been a HUGE campaign. Millions if not Billions of dollars.

But I read today in an Op-Ed that the Police could/should have just let him walk home. I mean, every statistic out there says people that drive drunk are likely to drive drunk in the future if they aren't caught and punished. It is often a lifestyle choice and repetitive offense. Those that drink and decide to drive home will almost ALWAYS do it again under the same circumstances. But I guess all that data should have been thrown out the window why? Because he's black? Because he lived close to home and could walk? Because we're in the middle of a debate over policing? What is M.A.D.D.'s position on that exactly? I would be curious.

Who knows. I don't like cops but they have a hard job. We don't get the best people for that job. We make the job too hard to find mentally stable people that WANT to do that job.

It's just a vicious circle. But I'm not convinced bad policing and bad police and bad recruits and inability to create a job that can be done effectively is a race issue. In fact, the more you dig into statistics of policing, the more socioeconomic and crime rates and neighborhood statistics mean a hell of lot more than the race of those involved (both perpetrator and police officer).
I don't know how you charge him with felony murder. They kept saying Brooks never presented himself as a threat. Huh? I guess attacking cops, punching them, stealing their taser and pointing at them is not threatening? Will see if they are able to get an indictment and conviction. These charges are to quiet the mobs.
I don't know how you charge him with felony murder. They kept saying Brooks never presented himself as a threat. Huh? I guess attacking cops, punching them, stealing their taser and pointing at them is not threatening?

All about race. If a black cop kills a white citizen, you won't hear a syllable about it. Protests? Looting? More like, "silence!" The entire ******* thing right now has NOTHING to do with police brutality, the value of black lives, or any of that. Those claims are provable lies.

Specifically, if the burning, looting, rioting, driving drunk, getting into brawls with the police, grabbing an officer's weapon, fleeing, etc. had one goddamn thing to do with "black lives," then I submit that blacks would have burned down Chicago twenty times by now. Chicago, you know, where blacks kill each other 5, 6, 7 times per day.

So black lives has not one thing to do with protecting black citizens. Instead, the entire battle is over control of law enforcement. Hey, lots of money in those budgets for a service that a government is actually supposed to provide, unlike the endless litany of services that a government has no goddamn business doing, so time to put that giant straw into the massive cup and slurp away!
I’m not certain BLM speaks for all minorities. I feel there are a lot of black people who are going to be pissed that their neighborhood is left in shambles and businesses that were burned decide they aren’t coming back.

The cops who shot Rayshard Brooks has now been officially charged with felony murder....
Anyone ever been around a spooked horse in a paddock or stall? Very dangerous for all concerned.

Brooks got "spooked" and caused the tragedy. With the exception of the Chauvin reel, about 98% of these chosen flashpoint, viral incidents feature this same basic problem: Lack of self-control by the unbroken colt or feral humans who apparently cannot live by the same basic rules as the rest of society and are a danger well beyond themselves.

They are "socially dangerous" to quote Carroll Quigley -- former Dean of Georgetown School of Foreign Service. Once again, Quigley is prophetic in his last chapter of 1966's "Tragedy and Hope" entitled "The Future in Perspective" :

"Most crucial have been the demands of the modern industrial and business system, because of advancing technology, for more highly trained manpower. Such training requires a degree of ambition, self-discipline, and future-preference that many persons lack or refuse to provide, with the result that a growing lowest social class of the social outcasts (the Lumpenproletariat) has reappeared. This group of rejects from our bourgeois industrial society provide one of our most intractable future problems, because they are gather in urban slums, have political influence, and are socially dangerous.

In the United States, where these people congregate in the largest cities and are often Negroes or Latin American, they are regarded as a racial or economic problem, but they are really an educational and social problem for which economic or racial solutions would help little. This group is most numerous in the more advanced industrial areas and now (in 1966) forms more than 20% of the American population. Since they are a self-perpetuating group and have many children, they are increasing in numbers faster than the rest of the population. Their self-perpetuating characteristic as a group is not based on biological differences but on sociological factors, chiefly on the fact that disorganized, undisciplined, present-preference parents living under chaotic economic and social conditions are most unlikely to train their children in the organized, disciplined, future-preference and orderly habits the modern economic system requires of its workers, so that the children, like their parents, grow up as unemployables. This is not a condition that can be cured by providing more jobs, even if the jobs are in the proper areas, because the jobs require characteristics these victims of anomie do not possess and are unlikely to acquire."
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Charging murder for a cop involved in a brutal physical altercation with a suspected drunk driver, where the criminal resisted, punched the cop three times in the face, tried to grab his gun, tried to grab a taser, grabbed the taser, fled and shot the taser at the cop is the beginning of the end. Police are the "thin blue line" between society and anarchy, between protection and destruction.

When we make it not worthwhile for police to do their ******* jobs, guess what? They won't do their ******* jobs.

Who benefits? Criminals. Who pays? The 95% of society trying to go to work, earn a living, pay our bills and raise a family. And no, the scum criminals who get involved in these altercations are not the goddamn choir boys, "benefit to society" that the media try to play them out. They pretty much always have children they don't care for, bills they pay through crime or just don't pay. They don't have resumes, they have rap sheets.

And now we expect them to monitor their behavior when confronted with "social workers" and vegans who can barely lift their non-dairy creamers every morning to "spice up" their chai latte and the hair gel to slather their manbuns.

So the criminals will do what criminals do: Punch them. Try and take their weapons. Flee. Kill people while fleeing. Commit more crimes. And on and on and on and on.

The goddamn problem is not and never has been a few dozen cops going over the line; the problem is tens of thousands of violent thugs, destroying people and property and never contributing a goddamn nickel or ten seconds of productive time to society.

The lesson to be learned is this: ******* carry, every goddamn day. If the ******* police are not going to do their jobs, I don't recommend we as a society simply let garbage thugs continue their ways. Does it work? Think about this: the Rodney King beating was vicious, over-the-top, criminal. But cops called it "stick time" when a suspect fled.

Guess what happened after the Rodney fiasco and cops getting tried not once but twice and two winding up in jail? Shocking, criminals began fleeing at a much, much, MUCH greater rate, and those ******* car chases became a television staple. Go figure.
Bs. Political show.

Okay. Sure. Meanwhile, the cop's life is over.

Hey, if he had simply attacked a police officer, punched the officer, tried to steal his gun, stolen the cop's taser, and fled, his family would be rich.

Instead, he is going to be bankrupted. But hey, no possible negative consequences on law enforcement, right?
Okay. Sure. Meanwhile, the cop's life is over.

Hey, if he had simply attacked a police officer, punched the officer, tried to steal his gun, stolen the cop's taser, and fled, his family would be rich.

Instead, he is going to be bankrupted. But hey, no possible negative consequences on law enforcement, right?

Not in dim cities.

Fats fwd sometime. Who da **** is signing up to be a police officer after this? No one. Well, the lowest of low.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Every single Atlanta cop should walk off the job<br><br>This is actually a bipartisan position<br><br>The left wants to defund, disband, or abolish police<br><br>Conservatives want to see cops stand up for themselves<br><br>****, roll with it <a href="https://t.co/j7R7QCx10F">https://t.co/j7R7QCx10F</a></p>— Tim Pool (@Timcast) <a href="https://twitter.com/Timcast/status/1273398057930014721?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">June 17, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

100% agree.
I’ve said before. I have many family members that are blue. Their wife’s worry daily. Will they come home, will they be the same....now? ****. “Leave”....”what the **** you want me to do, how do fuq we going to provide”...etc. and this is those in. There will no zero new recruits. Who wants a job where you are **** on by the public, by you govt, **** ******* pay, may not live another day. **** that. Good luck folks. Good luck. Your going to get what you want.
Felony murder? That's a huge overreach.

I agree. And here’s the bigger issue- if there is not enough evidence to convict him of felony murder, he has to be found not guilty. Finding him not guilty would cause riots and more unrest. Do you think that the officer gets a fair trial? Absolutely not. Why? Because those jurors will have it in the back of their minds that a not guilty verdict would cause unrest and more violence- something the nation doesn’t want. Scary times we are in.