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This is police brutality

It is. Nothing lasts forever. We didn't make it all that long. Just your average 200+years. Nothing like the Roman Empire.

Same type of thing happened to Rome. Rome was destroyed from the inside.
And then there's this:


Remember how I talked a few pages back about how a taser could be used to disable a cop and take his gun... yup. this guy just uses a rock and takes the cops weapon, kills the cop and another lady. But a rock isn't a deadly weapon... right? Some people and media should STFU because they don't know what they are talking about.
My meaning on the media getting it's head out of it's *** is they're going to help usher in some serious conflict we're barreling down the tracks at full steam. I guess they probably want that.

Want that? They are dumping gasoline and lighting matches while pretending to be concerned about the "needless fires." They are the idiot who gets wasted and drives to a MADD meeting, who shrieks about gun control while being protected by four guys with GUNS.

I repeat, as to modern media - I want to see it burned to the ground.
And then there's this:


Remember how I talked a few pages back about how a taser could be used to disable a cop and take his gun... yup. this guy just uses a rock and takes the cops weapon, kills the cop and another lady. But a rock isn't a deadly weapon... right? Some people and media should STFU because they don't know what they are talking about.

My wife is absolutely convinced the Atlanta cop should not have shot the guy. "He's drunk, let him run. He won't get far."

I ask, "Okay, and if he instead carjacks somebody and the guy whose car is stolen is badly injured? Or he breaks into a home to try to evade police and the homeowner gets killed?"

Wife: "Oh, that wouldn't have happened." Uhh, yeah, it wouldn't happen because they shot the guy.
Same type of thing happened to Rome. Rome was destroyed from the inside.

Yes,sir. That is exactly what we are allowing to happen at this very moment. They're killing the golden goose ,all of it's offspring and the history.

Foolish pawns.
IMHO the country is already too far gone. Dividing the country up is now the only way to save part of the country. It's really the only alternative left.

Yep. The left is too far gone, WAY too far gone, for anything to be legitimately salvaged.
My wife is absolutely convinced the Atlanta cop should not have shot the guy. "He's drunk, let him run. He won't get far."

I know I'll continue to get **** on this, but blast into those legs until the chamber is empty. And don't talk to me about anatomy or the bullets ricocheting, that **** is futile. I mean I really want to blast through the ******* chest, but to try to satisfy the women in our lives who want peace and harmony (and busted up arteries, potential paralysis), and red roses w/ some white tulips etc. I'm just not making a dent.
I know I'll continue to get **** on this, but blast into those legs until the chamber is empty. And don't talk to me about anatomy or the bullets ricocheting, that **** is futile. I mean I really want to blast through the ******* chest, but to try to satisfy the women in our lives who want peace and harmony (and busted up arteries, potential paralysis), and red roses w/ some white tulips etc. I'm just not making a dent.

If it hits the femoral artery in the leg he will bleed out in a couple minutes most likely. Some folks are rare exceptions.

I had a client of mine who is a Marine Vietnam Veteran. He got shot 7 times with an Ak-47, 4 down the inside of the right leg that missed the artery and exited on the outside of the leg which is pretty safe,one through his right side just below the liver that tore out a big chunk(he told me that one hurt the most),one through the bottom of his left foot that while exiting pushed the bone out mid fibula and one through his butt cheek that clipped his testicle. He laid in the mud for some 30 hours and still survived. Though he did lose his right leg and had to wear a lower brace on his left.

Miracles do happen.
Am I the only one who hadn’t really heard of Juneteenth until this year??? I mean- I heard of it but thought it was a typo. How could you NOT know the exact day the slaves were freed? I lived in the south most of my life and never heard a THING about it. Now all of a sudden this year, Juneteenth is EVERYWHERE.
Am I the only one who hadn’t really heard of Juneteenth until this year??? I mean- I heard of it but thought it was a typo. How could you NOT know the exact day the slaves were freed? I lived in the south most of my life and never heard a THING about it. Now all of a sudden this year, Juneteenth is EVERYWHERE.

I've seen it listed on my work and phone calendars the past year or two but I had no idea what it was until this week.
Am I the only one who hadn’t really heard of Juneteenth until this year??? I mean- I heard of it but thought it was a typo. How could you NOT know the exact day the slaves were freed? I lived in the south most of my life and never heard a THING about it. Now all of a sudden this year, Juneteenth is EVERYWHERE.

I used to work at a fast food restaurant as an assistant manager in college. Many of our employees came from "Jesse Jackson Townhomes." One time, when the staff were being particularly recalcitrant when it came to following instructions and referring to me as 'cracker,' one of the black girls quipped to me, "well you gotta understand, 'Roots' be on this week."

It's a focus when they want it to be a focus, lol.
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Am I the only one who hadn’t really heard of Juneteenth until this year??? I mean- I heard of it but thought it was a typo. How could you NOT know the exact day the slaves were freed? I lived in the south most of my life and never heard a THING about it. Now all of a sudden this year, Juneteenth is EVERYWHERE.

I was familiar with the name but didn't know about it in detail until several years ago when I became away of a Juneteenth special put on every year in Texas. I believe it was on PBS or another similar station.
The most disturbing thing in that video is all the nooses suspended from the upper bars.

Kidding aside, WHY DO ******* CONTINUE TO FIGHT POLICE?

They were never taught to do anything different in their home. Lack of knowledge.
The most disturbing thing in that video is all the nooses suspended from the upper bars.

Kidding aside, WHY DO ******* CONTINUE TO FIGHT POLICE?

If only one of us could get close enough to ask this question. For instance, if one of us had the courage to march or protest beside someone we could ask. Does anyone here know anybody like that?
The police brutality thread seems like just as good of a place as any to post this article.


WILMINGTON — “We are just gonna go out and start slaughtering them fu—– ni—–. I can’t wait. God, I can’t wait.

These are the words of a now-former Wilmington Police Department officer Kevin Piner.

He, along with two other officers, have been fired from the department after dash-cam footage recorded two phone conversations — accidentally — and a supervisor conducting a routine audit of the videos found the disturbing content.

Michael ‘Kevin’ Piner, James ‘Brian’ Gilmore, and Jessie E. Moore II were all terminated from the force. The announcement came from the new Chief of Police Donny Williams — not even 24-hours into his first day as chief.

On Wednesday afternoon, members of City Council along with Williams held a press conference to address the conduct of the former police officers. Williams, a nearly 30-year veteran at the department said he was saddened by the actions of the officers, but would have no tolerance for this type of behavior.

“Today is a challenging day for me because as your police chief, one of my first major tasks is to announce the termination of three veteran police officers,” Williams said.

Related: Three Wilmington police officers off the force after they were recorded making racist comments [Free]

In North Carolina, public records laws typically prevent government agencies from handing out information on personnel; however, in extraordinary circumstances, details can be released to the public.

The former officers actively tried to prevent a release of the information, and an attorney filed an apparently unsuccessful motion for a temporary restraining order, but ultimately the city decided it was the right thing to do.

“Why are we releasing this information this way and at this time? Because it is the right thing to do. Normally, personnel laws allow only a very small amount of information to be made public. However, in exceptional cases, when it is essential to maintain public confidence in the administration of the City and the Police Department, more information may be released. This is the most exceptional and difficult case I have encountered in my career. We must establish new reforms for policing here at home and throughout this country,” Williams said.

As far as the video goes, Williams said the police would be working with a judge to determine if that footage can be released.

“Lastly, we will be filing a petition in which we will ask the Court to review whether or not some or all of the video, in this case, should be released. The law requires that a judge make that determination and we will support the judiciary by bringing the matter before the Court and supplying any information or other documents that Court may desire,” Williams said.

Williams and Saffo both stressed the importance of not placing the blame of the three officers on the hundreds of other officers in the department.

The recordings
On June 4, just days after protests began in Wilmington regarding the murder of George Floyd in Minnesota, a Sergeant Heflin was conducting monthly video audits — a routine part of her job — when she came across what was labeled as ‘accidental activations’ from Piner’s car.

Apparently, the car’s camera system was recording despite not being ‘activated’ for an incident (typically cameras are recording at all times but will not keep the recordings unless an officer triggers the system).

After skipping through the video, which was largely video of his backseat, she found a conversation between Piner and Corporal Jessie Moore — a police officer with the department since 1997.

As she reviewed the conversation, she “heard comments, extremely racist comments made by both Piner and Moore,” according to a summary provided by police.

The video also recorded a conversation with Officer Gilmore who apparently had pulled up next to Piner’s car.

Both conversations were explicit and racist in content.

According to the investigation summary, at 6:51 a.m., on a date not listed, Piner and Gilmore are recorded having a conversation.

Their conversation eventually turned to the topic of the protests against racism occurring across the nation. Piner tells Gilmore that the only thing this agency is concerned with is “kneeling down with the black folks.” Gilmore then said that he watched a video on social media about white people bowing down on their knees and “worshipping blacks,” according to the summary.

The conversation then turned to other police officers in the Wilmington Police Department — black officers.

The audio has Piner calling one of the officers ‘bad news’ and a ‘piece of ****.’

“Let’s see how his boys take care of him when **** gets rough, see if they don’t put a bullet in his head,” Piner said about a fellow officer.

That conversation ends as Piner goes to respond to an alarm call.

‘A civil war is coming’
The second of the two conversations that day happened after Piner received a phone call from Moore.

According to the summary, “Moore began telling Piner about an arrest he had made at work the day before. During that conversation, Moore refers to the female as a ‘negro’ and a ‘ni—-‘ on multiple occasions.”

He also referred to a magistrate judge, who is also black, as a ‘******* negro magistrate.’

“At one point, Moore states, “She needed a bullet in her head right then and move on. Let’s move the body out of the way and keep going.” Piner responds, ‘That’s what I have been trying to tell you,'” according to the documents.

After more derogatory comments about the arrestee and the magistrate, the conversation takes an even bleaker turn, as the two officers discuss an upcoming ‘civil war.’

“Piner tells Moore later in the conversation that he feels a civil war is coming and he is ‘ready.’ Piner advised he is going to buy a new assault rifle in the next couple of weeks. A short time later Officer Piner began to discuss society being close to ‘martial law’ and soon ‘we are just gonna go out and start slaughtering them ******* ni—–. I can’t wait. God, I can’t wait.’ Moore responded that he would not do that. Piner stated, ‘I am ready,'” according to the summary.

“Officer Piner then explained to Cpl. Moore that he felt society needed a civil war to “wipe ’em off the ******* map. That’ll put ’em back about four or five generations.'”

After the conversations were discovered police launched their own investigations into the incidents. None of the officers involved denied saying the things they said, according to WPD.

“Each officer admitted it was their voice on the video. They did not deny saying any of the things heard on the video. Each officer pointed to the stress of today’s climate in law enforcement as a reason for their ‘venting,'” according to the investigation.

Chief Williams took the following corrective actions for the three officers.

Termination of employment, each not eligible for rehire with the City of Wilmington.
Notification to the North Carolina Criminal Justice Education and Training Standards Commission in regards to their behaviors. These individuals should not be allowed to practice law enforcement again, he said.
Consultation with the District Attorney’s Office regarding these officers being used as witnesses in cases and reviewing any previous cases they might have testified in to determine any bias that might have been exhibited.
Bad cops. No one should talk that way about anyone even in frustration and anger.

I still ask, what pool of candidates do you want to make into police officers? Who wants this job now?

This is an article I found on "Needed Characteristics of a Police Officer":


Honestly, is our society producing ANYONE that fits this description anymore?

And this doesn't even talk about basic stuff: physical fitness requirements, clean criminal record, past employment history.

Then you throw in the possibility of polygraph tests, psychological profile tests, some have tattoo limitations, constant continuing education and "classes".

Who the **** wants this job? I would not recommend to ANYONE to become a police officer. Not one person. If my son expressed any interest in this at all, I would say no. Period. I would much rather he go into the military than the police.

And remember, these criteria have to exist mostly in a non-college level person. The great push towards college education means that if you DO have the criteria above, you can get into college (albeit with huge debt) and you get a degree and you go do a job in your degree.

Policing is a blue-collar job in a country that has **** on blue-collar jobs for the last 50 years. We don't even teach blue-collar jobs or talk about them in high school anymore. We don't encourage any of that. Every guidance councilor is singularly focused on college educations - even if it is ******, liberal arts community college degrees that don't do anything.

So again, who is your IDEAL CANDIDATE for policing? Where are they?
The police brutality thread seems like just as good of a place as any to post this article.


WILMINGTON — “We are just gonna go out and start slaughtering them fu—– ni—–. I can’t wait. God, I can’t wait.

These are the words of a now-former Wilmington Police Department officer Kevin Piner.

He, along with two other officers, have been fired from the department after dash-cam footage recorded two phone conversations — accidentally — and a supervisor conducting a routine audit of the videos found the disturbing content.

Michael ‘Kevin’ Piner, James ‘Brian’ Gilmore, and Jessie E. Moore II were all terminated from the force. The announcement came from the new Chief of Police Donny Williams — not even 24-hours into his first day as chief.

On Wednesday afternoon, members of City Council along with Williams held a press conference to address the conduct of the former police officers. Williams, a nearly 30-year veteran at the department said he was saddened by the actions of the officers, but would have no tolerance for this type of behavior.

“Today is a challenging day for me because as your police chief, one of my first major tasks is to announce the termination of three veteran police officers,” Williams said.

Related: Three Wilmington police officers off the force after they were recorded making racist comments [Free]

In North Carolina, public records laws typically prevent government agencies from handing out information on personnel; however, in extraordinary circumstances, details can be released to the public.

The former officers actively tried to prevent a release of the information, and an attorney filed an apparently unsuccessful motion for a temporary restraining order, but ultimately the city decided it was the right thing to do.

“Why are we releasing this information this way and at this time? Because it is the right thing to do. Normally, personnel laws allow only a very small amount of information to be made public. However, in exceptional cases, when it is essential to maintain public confidence in the administration of the City and the Police Department, more information may be released. This is the most exceptional and difficult case I have encountered in my career. We must establish new reforms for policing here at home and throughout this country,” Williams said.

As far as the video goes, Williams said the police would be working with a judge to determine if that footage can be released.

“Lastly, we will be filing a petition in which we will ask the Court to review whether or not some or all of the video, in this case, should be released. The law requires that a judge make that determination and we will support the judiciary by bringing the matter before the Court and supplying any information or other documents that Court may desire,” Williams said.

Williams and Saffo both stressed the importance of not placing the blame of the three officers on the hundreds of other officers in the department.

The recordings
On June 4, just days after protests began in Wilmington regarding the murder of George Floyd in Minnesota, a Sergeant Heflin was conducting monthly video audits — a routine part of her job — when she came across what was labeled as ‘accidental activations’ from Piner’s car.

Apparently, the car’s camera system was recording despite not being ‘activated’ for an incident (typically cameras are recording at all times but will not keep the recordings unless an officer triggers the system).

After skipping through the video, which was largely video of his backseat, she found a conversation between Piner and Corporal Jessie Moore — a police officer with the department since 1997.

As she reviewed the conversation, she “heard comments, extremely racist comments made by both Piner and Moore,” according to a summary provided by police.

The video also recorded a conversation with Officer Gilmore who apparently had pulled up next to Piner’s car.

Both conversations were explicit and racist in content.

According to the investigation summary, at 6:51 a.m., on a date not listed, Piner and Gilmore are recorded having a conversation.

Their conversation eventually turned to the topic of the protests against racism occurring across the nation. Piner tells Gilmore that the only thing this agency is concerned with is “kneeling down with the black folks.” Gilmore then said that he watched a video on social media about white people bowing down on their knees and “worshipping blacks,” according to the summary.

The conversation then turned to other police officers in the Wilmington Police Department — black officers.

The audio has Piner calling one of the officers ‘bad news’ and a ‘piece of ****.’

“Let’s see how his boys take care of him when **** gets rough, see if they don’t put a bullet in his head,” Piner said about a fellow officer.

That conversation ends as Piner goes to respond to an alarm call.

‘A civil war is coming’
The second of the two conversations that day happened after Piner received a phone call from Moore.

According to the summary, “Moore began telling Piner about an arrest he had made at work the day before. During that conversation, Moore refers to the female as a ‘negro’ and a ‘ni—-‘ on multiple occasions.”

He also referred to a magistrate judge, who is also black, as a ‘******* negro magistrate.’

“At one point, Moore states, “She needed a bullet in her head right then and move on. Let’s move the body out of the way and keep going.” Piner responds, ‘That’s what I have been trying to tell you,'” according to the documents.

After more derogatory comments about the arrestee and the magistrate, the conversation takes an even bleaker turn, as the two officers discuss an upcoming ‘civil war.’

“Piner tells Moore later in the conversation that he feels a civil war is coming and he is ‘ready.’ Piner advised he is going to buy a new assault rifle in the next couple of weeks. A short time later Officer Piner began to discuss society being close to ‘martial law’ and soon ‘we are just gonna go out and start slaughtering them ******* ni—–. I can’t wait. God, I can’t wait.’ Moore responded that he would not do that. Piner stated, ‘I am ready,'” according to the summary.

“Officer Piner then explained to Cpl. Moore that he felt society needed a civil war to “wipe ’em off the ******* map. That’ll put ’em back about four or five generations.'”

After the conversations were discovered police launched their own investigations into the incidents. None of the officers involved denied saying the things they said, according to WPD.

“Each officer admitted it was their voice on the video. They did not deny saying any of the things heard on the video. Each officer pointed to the stress of today’s climate in law enforcement as a reason for their ‘venting,'” according to the investigation.

Chief Williams took the following corrective actions for the three officers.

Termination of employment, each not eligible for rehire with the City of Wilmington.
Notification to the North Carolina Criminal Justice Education and Training Standards Commission in regards to their behaviors. These individuals should not be allowed to practice law enforcement again, he said.
Consultation with the District Attorney’s Office regarding these officers being used as witnesses in cases and reviewing any previous cases they might have testified in to determine any bias that might have been exhibited.

Scumbags, plain and simple. .
Scumbags, plain and simple. .

Ayep. You would hope that sort of thing would be less pervasive than it is, but here we are. And it feels like we are just scratching the surface. It's sad.
Ayep. You would hope that sort of thing would be less pervasive than it is, but here we are. And it feels like we are just scratching the surface. It's sad.

And these are the type of folks that have no buisness in law enforcement. I can't imagine how jaded a person would become if they worked in some of these high crime violent cities seeing the same things over and over again year after year.