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This is police brutality

I agree. And here’s the bigger issue- if there is not enough evidence to convict him of felony murder, he has to be found not guilty. Finding him not guilty would cause riots and more unrest. Do you think that the officer gets a fair trial? Absolutely not. Why? Because those jurors will have it in the back of their minds that a not guilty verdict would cause unrest and more violence- something the nation doesn’t want. Scary times we are in.

Only chance he has to get a fair trial , will be a change of venue request.
Only chance he has to get a fair trial , will be a change of venue request.

I don’t think he would get a fair trial even with a venue change. The seed of possible violence has already been planted.
I’ve said before. I have many family members that are blue. Their wife’s worry daily. Will they come home, will they be the same....now? ****. “Leave”....”what the **** you want me to do, how do fuq we going to provide”...etc. and this is those in. There will no zero new recruits. Who wants a job where you are **** on by the public, by you govt, **** ******* pay, may not live another day. **** that. Good luck folks. Good luck. Your going to get what you want.

A job where if you have to defend yourself your life is over. Even if it was completely justified. Look at Darren Wilson.
A job where if you have to defend yourself your life is over. Even if it was completely justified. Look at Darren Wilson.

Yeah **** that. I'll shoot first and ask questions later. Well make note of the towns defunding /dissolving/demoralizing their police force. I'd avoid those places like the.plague.
I didn't see if this was posted but, it's a pretty smooth encounter up until the last 3 minutes of the video.

A job where if you have to defend yourself your life is over. Even if it was completely justified. Look at Darren Wilson.

Think about that? He got up and went to work that day as a productive member of society sworn to protect and serve the public. In this case taking a drunk driver off the street -- who was on probation at that due to prior offenses and discipline by the penal system. Was professional and courteous in a lower level DUI arrest. Gets attacked by Rayshard, takes initiative compared to the other cop, has a taser fired at him at close range, and is now on trial for murder with a DA basically saying in the King's English "Rayshard dind't do nuffin'."

A cop is a heartbeat or one interaction with a black feral away from the mark of Cain and going viral at any moment.

I remember I was in a weather-related chain reaction fender bender on the interstate back in the '90s. 3-4 of us were standing there watching the State Trooper manage the scene, sliding cars, and general chaos in the rain. The guy beside me said, "I wouldn't do that job for anybody's money."

Certainly no money is worth it now.

It's a little like the multiple deployments in endless neocon wars in the age of the volunteer military. At some point, society is asking too much of the people in uniform and sharing little to none of the burden of defense collectively. Similarly, the ROE and second guessing of their decisions in war zones is another sickness and hypocrisy at least in this case.

Maybe there should be a local, universal draft and every fit male serve 1-2 years in a police force or as a PT reserve. Society is so far divorced from the burdens and realities of policing otherwise.
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The DA is saying that the one officer kicked him after he was shot and the other cop kneeled on his shoulder without giving aide for 2 minutes. I saw a clip that the cop was giving CPR for Brooks to breathe. Also, the third bullet hit a car, near their gas tank and was wreckless and endangered a family sitting in line at the drive-thru.
It's kinda weird to call Brooke "jovial" after being asleep in the drive-thru line, but dismiss the officers' calm nature until he fiought and ran. GBI is not pleased with the charges coming out before they completed their investigation. Going to be interesting how this plays out.
The DA is saying that the one officer kicked him after he was shot and the other cop kneeled on his shoulder without giving aide for 2 minutes. I saw a clip that the cop was giving CPR for Brooks to breathe. Also, the third bullet hit a car, near their gas tank and was wreckless and endangered a family sitting in line at the drive-thru.
It's kinda weird to call Brooke "jovial" after being asleep in the drive-thru line, but dismiss the officers' calm nature until he fiought and ran. GBI is not pleased with the charges coming out before they completed their investigation. Going to be interesting how this plays out.

Maybe it's time to initiate some Civil Rights Marches for the Police.
From the Zuck book of Faces...

JUST IN: Statement from former APD Officer, Garrett Rolfe's, new criminal defense team:"I’ve been prosecuting or defending Georgians in the criminal justice system for 25 years. But never in my career have I seen a District Attorney act so unethically without regard for his professional obligations in pursuit of reelection. Twice in the past few weeks Paul Howard has put his own ambitions ahead of the good of his constituents as he seeks to capitalize on a series of national tragedies. Under Georgia’s Rule of Professional Conduct 3.8, Paul Howard is prohibited from making “extrajudicial comments that have a substantial likelihood of heightening public condemnation of the accused.” In fact, he is only permitted to inform the “pubic of the nature and extent” of his actions “that serve a legitimate law enforcement purpose.” He has violated that rule today and also made blatant false statements. He has also acted rashly, before the official investigation has been completed by the Georgia Bureau of Investigation (GBI). Had Paul Howard waited for the GBI to complete its investigation he would have learned that while Rayshard Brooks’ death was tragic, Officer Garrett Rolfe’s actions were justified under Georgia law and that there is no legal basis to charge him with 11 felonies. On June 12, 2020, Officer Brosnan responded to a call that a person was passed out in a car at a Wendy’s. Suspecting that the driver, Rayshard Brooks, was drunk, Officer Brosnan requested the assistance of an officer with specialized training in conducting DUI investigations: Officer Rolfe. The DUI investigation that followed was routine, and at the end of it, Officer Rolfe determined that he had probable cause arrest Mr. Brooks. No one is disputing that probable cause existed for Mr. Brooks’ arrest. And there is no argument that Officer Rolfe was anything other than courteous to Mr. Brooks over the course of their encounter. There is also no dispute that, up until the moment of his arrest, Mr. Brooks, too, was polite and cooperative. Suddenly, something changed. Mr. Brooks began to struggle with, and attack, both Officer Brosnan and Officer Rolfe. Under Georgia law, Mr. Brooks’ forceful resistance to arrest, and his attack on the officers, constituted felony obstruction. All Georgia citizens, including police officers, are entitled to use force to defend themselves from forcible felonies. Over the course of the encounter, Officers Brosnan and Rolfe attempted to use the least amount of force necessary to end the encounter and ensure their safety, while Mr. Brooks continued to escalate, until he at last he punched Officer Rolfe in the face, a second felony. Then, Mr. Brooks took Officer Brosnan’s TASER, a third felony. A TASER is an offensive weapon under Georgia law and has been declared to be a deadly weapon by Paul Howard; in fact, one of his investigators swore that a TASER is a deadly weapon before the Honorable Belinda Edwards on June 2, 2020.
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One video shows Mr. Brooks pointing the TASER at Officer Brosnan’s head, and Officer Brosnan’s lawyer stated that Mr. Brooks shot Officer Brosnan with the TASER, a fourth felony. At that point, Officer Rolfe deployed his TASER, but it had no effect. Mr. Brooks began running through the parking lot armed with Officer Brosnan’s TASER. But he wanted to deter pursuit. So instead of continuing to run, he paused, reached back, pointed, and fired what we now know was Officer Brosnan’s TASER at Officer Rolfe; this was an additional aggravated assault, a fifth felony. Officer Rolfe heard a sound like a gunshot and saw a flash in front of him, and so he did what any officer in that situation would do: he dropped his TASER, pulled his gun, and fired it at Mr. Brooks. Mr. Brooks fell to the ground, Officer Rolfe gathered himself, and then he immediately called for EMS and began life-saving measures. That Officer Rolfe was justified is clear under Georgia law. A police officer may use deadly force to apprehend a suspected felon when the officer reasonably believes that the suspect possesses a deadly weapon or any object, device, or instrument which, when used offensively against a person, is likely to or actually does result in serious bodily injury; when the officer reasonably believes that the suspect poses an immediate threat of physical violence to the officer or others; or when there is probable cause to believe that the suspect has committed a crime involving the infliction or threatened infliction of serious physical harm. When Mr. Brooks chose to attack two officers, to disarm one of them, and to point and fire a deadly weapon at Officer Rolfe, he took their lives, and his own, into his hands. He took the risk that their justified response might be a deadly one. Nobody is here to applaud the death of Mr. Brooks. He was a father, he was a member of his community, and his death was a tragedy. But not every tragedy is a crime. Time and again in this country, we have used tragic deaths to push for new and harsher prosecutions and for less empathy for the accused. But following every sad event with yet another prosecution isn’t an end to this cycle— it is simply another aspect of its continuation. Although we can all understand the grief of Mr. Brooks’ family, Officer Rolfe’s actions were justified by the law. But Paul Howard’s choice to charge him is justified only by his hopes to improve his performance against Fani Willis in the upcoming runoff election. I will be joined by Bill Thomas of the W.H. Thomas Firm in defending Garrett Rolfe in reference to the criminal charges and we will announce the rest of our team at a later date."

Noah H. Pines Ross & Pines, LLC
Again, I ask - what is the end game here? What's the point? Charging two officers with ******* CAPITAL MURDER where the two were (1) doing their job, (2) had eminently good cause for the investigation, (3) good cause for the attempted arrest, (4) are then attacked, punched, their weapons grabbed at, (5) weapon stolen, (6) chasing a fleeing, dangerous felon [dude who punches two cops and steals one of their weapons is the ******* DEFINITION of a dangerous felon], (7) shot at with taser, and (8) fire only AFTER being attacked, punched, assaulted, weapon stolen and fired at is insanity.

The end game once again is the destruction of the police. Liberals distrust the police. Police tend to like guns, own guns, not take ****, not live as soy-boy ******* with nose rings. Liberals hate, hate, hate that. So destroy the police.

And anybody who thinks liberals actually give a flying **** about "black lives" is just living a lie. Blacks are getting killed BY OTHER BLACKS and not one goddamn liberal says one useful ******* thing about that, ever. This has nothing at all to do with cops or racism or "systemic racism" in some unidentified system.

It is about crushing a political enemy and gaining more control. A few white guys get assaulted and killed, a few women get raped? Ehh, **** happens.
Just saw that Rolf's stepmother was fired today. No reason given, just that they had to sever ties with her. I believe they said she was head of an HR department for a mortgage company.

What we are seeing here is the damage done by promoting *** licking incompetents whose only qualifications are being able to place blame on others to get ahead.

When will adults take control again?
Let's just throwdown now and get it over with. There's never going to be a meeting in the middle again. Those days are done. Oregon and Washington State as far as I'm concerned are no longer part of the United States and are working to undermine the country.

California isn't far behind.

I've chosen my side. He was standing behind a shield last in full riot gear protecting us

from these little commie shitheads.

1776 will not go silently.

Our media better get it's head out of its *** soon.
Our media better get it's head out of its *** soon.

Media are G-O-N-E. They are conspiring with big tech - Google/YouTube, twitter, Fakebook - to kill speech and criticism of lefties. They do not permit debate or alternative views. They are puppets of the billion dollar corporations, ***-deep in Chinese money and always looking out for Chinese interests, that tell the sniveling dogs when and how to dance.

National news is 100% propaganda. All of it furthers a narrative. Every. Single. Story.

Look for it. The "news," i.e., bootlicking propagandists, interview some guy brought water to the protesters, describing them as "very nice people." Interview some professor of racial racialing about racism. You know, a black guy earning $150,000 per year and living in greater wealth than 99.9999% of humanity has ever seen, lecturing us on how racism is at the heart of America. Then on to a story about a black single mother, allegedly called the "N" word at work in 2012 and her ongoing lawsuit for that event. Next, an overview of white supremacy groups that apparently are so numerous that they disappear and cannot be found.

So what do the network lackey water-carrying butt-gerbils seem to miss? How many released from jail and supposed to remain good citizens instead are burning, looting, stealing? How many police officers were spit on, and by whom? Who the **** is that stupid 130 lb. **** wagging her finger at a police officer and spewing profanity, where does she work, and why hasn't SHE been targeted to be fired?!?

Yep, those stories somehow never see the light of day, do they? Ever. NOT ONCE.

**** the media. Worthless China bootlicking apologists who seem intent on destroying the 1st amendment, and with any luck, America. I hope they burn to the ground.
Media are G-O-N-E. They are conspiring with big tech - Google/YouTube, twitter, Fakebook - to kill speech and criticism of lefties. They do not permit debate or alternative views. They are puppets of the billion dollar corporations, ***-deep in Chinese money and always looking out for Chinese interests, that tell the sniveling dogs when and how to dance.

National news is 100% propaganda. All of it furthers a narrative. Every. Single. Story.

Look for it. The "news," i.e., bootlicking propagandists, interview some guy brought water to the protesters, describing them as "very nice people." Interview some professor of racial racialing about racism. You know, a black guy earning $150,000 per year and living in greater wealth than 99.9999% of humanity has ever seen, lecturing us on how racism is at the heart of America. Then on to a story about a black single mother, allegedly called the "N" word at work in 2012 and her ongoing lawsuit for that event. Next, an overview of white supremacy groups that apparently are so numerous that they disappear and cannot be found.

So what do the network lackey water-carrying butt-gerbils seem to miss? How many released from jail and supposed to remain good citizens instead are burning, looting, stealing? How many police officers were spit on, and by whom? Who the **** is that stupid 130 lb. **** wagging her finger at a police officer and spewing profanity, where does she work, and why hasn't SHE been targeted to be fired?!?

Yep, those stories somehow never see the light of day, do they? Ever. NOT ONCE.

**** the media. Worthless China bootlicking apologists who seem intent on destroying the 1st amendment, and with any luck, America. I hope they burn to the ground.

My meaning on the media getting it's head out of it's *** is they're going to help usher in some serious conflict we're barreling down the tracks at full steam. I guess they probably want that.
IMHO the country is already too far gone. Dividing the country up is now the only way to save part of the country. It's really the only alternative left.

It is. Nothing lasts forever. We didn't make it all that long. Just your average 200+years. Nothing like the Roman Empire.