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Tibs ... about the Kenosha shooting by the 17-year old


They killed Kenny!
Apr 9, 2014
Reaction score
The nearest Steelers bar.
Author Larry Correia responds:

All of the newly minted Internet Lawyers who just got their Use of Force Degree from the University of Facebook [nice ... NICE!!] really should slow their roll and read the statement from the Kenosha kid's lawyers... Because holy ****. And keep in mind this comes from MEGA LAWYER, who now has **** You Money courtesy of CNN and the WaPo.

As a guy who taught this stuff for a living, I rarely comment on actual shooting because most of the info available to the public is crap, and I've never once in my entire life seen the news get the facts even sort of accurate about a violent encounter.

However, in this case, I will comment, and that comment is daaaaaaaaamn. Some DA is about to get force fed a **** sandwich.

That wasn't a statement, that was a warning shot. That was very much a Dear Fuckface, we've got everything on video, all day, documented, in triplicate, and now we're going to make you choke on it. Good luck getting a Wisconsin jury to root for the wife-beating, pedophile, arsonists who just burned their town down because the local cops shot a rapist who wouldn't drop his knife...

VERSUS the local lifeguard. Who had such premeditated murderous intent that he's on video giving first aid to the protesters right before, but he suddenly morphed into a white supremacist when he extinguished the fire the "mostly peaceful" mostly imported hooliganry set to the place with the massive gas tanks.

Oh yeah, and his "fled the state" sounds like he ran for Mexico, but in reality it means that after the Kenosha PD told him to keep moving, he drove a shorter distance than it takes the average American to get to the grocery store to turn himself in to the cops there that same night. So either the kid is the worst fugitive ever, or your narrative is trash.

If this makes it to trial, that DA is going to experience whole new levels of rectal discomfort, the likes of which the world has never seen before.

And that's before the law suits begin.

This **** is complicated. I keep seeing morons posting their meme level hot takes about situations they know **** all about. No facts. No context. Just team sports.

As for the shooting which started it all, which has NFL players wearing the name of a sex offender on their helmets, the memes everybody is regurgitating thoughtlessly are that he was innocent and just minding his own business, unarmed! but got shot by the cops seven times! in the back! in front of his children! Why didn't the cops do something else! OUTRAGE!!! HURRY AND LOOT AND BURN THESE BUSINESSES THAT HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH IT!!!!

Except... if the statement from the police union is even a tiny bit accurate, the memes are horseshit. He wasn't some innocent guy standing on the corner minding his own business. There was a 911 call, apparently from the woman he'd allegedly raped, how he was harassing her, had just stolen her car keys, and she thought he was going to steal her car. He wasn't unarmed. He had a knife. (and it was a karambit, which anybody who knows anything about knives can tell you, is designed to slash arteries and tendons, and can **** you up). He had a warrant anyway. He didn't comply with the cops at all. They tased him and it didn't work (because in real life tasers aren't magic). Apparently they wrestled him even and at one point he got a cop in a headlock(?) (I've not seen that myself, just going off the statement today). AND they finally shot him when he reached into his car, because they thought he was going for a gun, and up to this point the guy hadn't exactly demonstrated himself to be a calm and rational sort.

Seven shots sounds like a lot. It ain't. Handguns suck. And that's basically a second and a half of adrenalinized OH **** HE'S GOING FOR A GUN!

But that's cool. Hash tag METOO goes right out the window, whenever its convenient for leftist narratives. So just assume all cops are racist murderers and put the sex offender's name on your helmets, you ******* heroes. But what do I know? I'm not in the NFL or a movie star!


Still waiting for you to provide evidence the 17-year old is a "white supremacist."

Lucky you hide behind an anonymous internet name as otherwise your *** might get sued for libel.
Tibs is in a tizzy because the President, IN JEST, told his followers to go ahead and vote twice. Because Trump knows and every sane person in this country knows that once we allow full-on vote-by-mail for any reason you want, this election is going to be one big ******* clusterfuck.

You want to talk about an institution that is about to lose all credibility to the American public in one fell swoop? Let the Democrats push their vote-by-mail initiatives all over the country.

And once voting and vote counting loses credibility, we're in for a world of ******* craziness come December and January. We might as well let the Supreme Court pick our President in 2021 and skip the whole ******* nonsense in November and the new media applying TONS of gasoline to the fire with their great, impartial, analysis.

What Trump said was a joke. But as with all of Trumps jokes that rile up the left, this one hits VERY CLOSE TO HOME on a VERY IMPORTANT ISSUE. Just like his tongue-in-cheek comment about millions of illegals voting.

He raises a hell of a good point. WHAT IS PREVENTING PEOPLE from voting by mail and again on election day, EXACTLY? Are we really prepared or have enforcement ready to prove all this malice and arrest and prosecute potentially thousands of people that try it? What is to prevent "Oops, I didn't mean to. I was confused." as the default defense?

See, this is where democrats arguments break down. "No one would do that!" they say. "No one would harvest voter ballots for nursing homes or assisted living centers or apartment complexes in big cities!" "That would never happen!". But when confront with a simple, "Why wouldn't all this happen"? They don't have a reason other than relying on some imaginary goodness in people that clearly is NOT shown at all, on either side, in our political climate.

We should not have mail-in-votes EXCEPT for absentee ballots for people that can't be home, in their districts on voting day.

In fact, to allow for this, Trump should make an executive order that no one should work on election day this year except essential personnel. Make it a national holiday just for 2020 because of the special circumstances.

If we have this type of mail-in-voting, it's going to be a mess. Tibs knows it. I know it. Everyone knows it.
Tibs is in a tizzy because the President, IN JEST, told his followers to go ahead and vote twice. Because Trump knows and every sane person in this country knows that once we allow full-on vote-by-mail for any reason you want, this election is going to be one big ******* clusterfuck.

You want to talk about an institution that is about to lose all credibility to the American public in one fell swoop? Let the Democrats push their vote-by-mail initiatives all over the country.

And once voting and vote counting loses credibility, we're in for a world of ******* craziness come December and January. We might as well let the Supreme Court pick our President in 2021 and skip the whole ******* nonsense in November and the new media applying TONS of gasoline to the fire with their great, impartial, analysis.

What Trump said was a joke. But as with all of Trumps jokes that rile up the left, this one hits VERY CLOSE TO HOME on a VERY IMPORTANT ISSUE. Just like his tongue-in-cheek comment about millions of illegals voting.

He raises a hell of a good point. WHAT IS PREVENTING PEOPLE from voting by mail and again on election day, EXACTLY? Are we really prepared or have enforcement ready to prove all this malice and arrest and prosecute potentially thousands of people that try it? What is to prevent "Oops, I didn't mean to. I was confused." as the default defense?

See, this is where democrats arguments break down. "No one would do that!" they say. "No one would harvest voter ballots for nursing homes or assisted living centers or apartment complexes in big cities!" "That would never happen!". But when confront with a simple, "Why wouldn't all this happen"? They don't have a reason other than relying on some imaginary goodness in people that clearly is NOT shown at all, on either side, in our political climate.

We should not have mail-in-votes EXCEPT for absentee ballots for people that can't be home, in their districts on voting day.

In fact, to allow for this, Trump should make an executive order that no one should work on election day this year except essential personnel. Make it a national holiday just for 2020 because of the special circumstances.

If we have this type of mail-in-voting, it's going to be a mess. Tibs knows it. I know it. Everyone knows it.

Yeah, ;the libtards still lose their **** every time Trump trolls them with sarcasm. They're so gullible, and dumb.
Tibs ... about the Kenosha shooting by the 17-year old

Attention ***** much? Why not post this in the multi-page thread already on the subject? Don't turn into Coach, you're better than that.

As far as the shooting, the kid was arrested and charged w multiple homicide charges. We'll just have to wait to see happens in the courts.

Based on his online activity, Rittenhouse clearly matches the typical red-hat, far-right numbnuts profile. Perhaps he wasn't a card-carrying klan member, but clearly sided with Blue Lives over Black Lives, or even All Lives. His personal beliefs led him to gun up and play weekend warrior Rambo on that fateful evening. Maybe I'm wrong, and he's a kumbaya, peace-loving, open-minded individual who respects people equally, of all creeds and races.
Attention ***** much? Why not post this in the multi-page thread already on the subject? Don't turn into Coach, you're better than that.

As far as the shooting, the kid was arrested and charged w multiple homicide charges. We'll just have to wait to see happens in the courts.

Based on his online activity, Rittenhouse clearly matches the typical red-hat, far-right numbnuts profile. Perhaps he wasn't a card-carrying klan member, but clearly sided with Blue Lives over Black Lives, or even All Lives. His personal beliefs led him to gun up and play weekend warrior Rambo on that fateful evening. Maybe I'm wrong, and he's a kumbaya, peace-loving, open-minded individual who respects people equally, of all creeds and races.

Seems you made up the claim he is a white supremacist.

And maybe he shot three felon dumbfucks who attacked him.

Video evidence proves one of these statements, and internet postings the other. Guess which is which.
Perhaps he wasn't a card-carrying klan member, but clearly sided with Blue Lives over Black Lives, or even All Lives.

Wait...so someone who aligns themselves with the brave men and women who leave their homes and their children and families and risk their lives every single day to keep people like Jacob Blake's ex girlfriend safe is a white supremacist?
Wait...so someone who aligns themselves with the brave men and women who leave their homes and their children and families and risk their lives every single day to keep people like Jacob Blake's ex girlfriend safe is a white supremacist?

That's a rather perfunctory analysis. Dig a little deeper into the blue lives movement, and you'll see it's not as clear cut as it may seem on the surface.

Let me be perfectly clear. I honor and respect our police officers, firefighters, EMT's, all doing yeoman's work on the front lines to keep citizens safe and out of harm's way around the country. Unfortunately, there are also too many bad apples, who abuse their power, overstep boundaries and bring shame to their profession. Those are the bad cops I rally against, who have caused so much pain and suffering due to their actions. But the large majority of police I believe are decent, law-abiding professionals. From what I've researched, the blue lives movement is tenuous at best, with unclear origins and even murkier intentions, as far as what it really stands for. I would support a truly non-partisan, non-political group which shows appreciation for the work and bravery that our police, fire and EMT put on the line, day in and day out. Perhaps blue lives matter is such an organization, but it seems more of a reactionary movement to counter BLM on the political, cultural front. Which is not helping anyone, frankly.


What is Blue Lives Matter and why do some people consider it racist?

Blue Lives Matter has been slammed as a knee-jerk reaction to the anti-racism movement and for equating a removable uniform with a person's race, as well as disregarding the disproportionate deaths of black Americans.

The Blue Lives Matter flag replaces the red of a traditional American flag with black and incorporates a blue band. This represents cops' "line of duty" and the “thin blue line" that keeps society from erupting into chaos. But it has also has some racist connotations after being spotted alongside Confederate flags at the deadly white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, in 2017, reported NPR.

Despite Blue Lives Matter supporters claiming the "Thin Blue Line" stands for professional pride, some consider the countermovement to be racist because its flag has been flown by white supremacists.
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I looked for a single racist creed, policy position, statement, etc. from Blue Lives Matter itself and found literally nothing to support any "racist" claim. The same is NOT true for BLM.

You offer not a whit of criticism of BLM, a group that actually states in its manifesto that it deems race a crucial, indeed dispositive, factor and wants to destroy the nuclear family, but propagate silly claims of "white supremacy" against people and groups without any actual evidence and where the allegations are so vapid that even the blatantly corrupt Southern Poverty Law Center cannot support the allegation.

"Protesters at the Charlottesville rally carried Blue Lives Matter flags." Wait, what? If they carried "Biden for Dementia" flags would that make Biden a white supremacist? The claim is so silly as to be laughable - except some take the allegation seriously.

Look at it this way. If some nutjob has a Steelers logo on his car, and then kills three co-workers, does that mean that the Steelers organization is in favor of mass murder?
Tips, we don't need a group of politicians to do anything here. Just citizens being great to cops.
That's a rather perfunctory analysis. Dig a little deeper into the blue lives movement, and you'll see it's not as clear cut as it may seem on the surface.

Let me be perfectly clear. I honor and respect our police officers, firefighters, EMT's, all doing yeoman's work on the front lines to keep citizens safe and out of harm's way around the country. Unfortunately, there are also too many bad apples, who abuse their power, overstep boundaries and bring shame to their profession. Those are the bad cops I rally against, who have caused so much pain and suffering due to their actions. But the large majority of police I believe are decent, law-abiding professionals. From what I've researched, the blue lives movement is tenuous at best, with unclear origins and even murkier intentions, as far as what it really stands for. I would support a truly non-partisan, non-political group which shows appreciation for the work and bravery that our police, fire and EMT put on the line, day in and day out. Perhaps blue lives matter is such an organization, but it seems more of a reactionary movement to counter BLM on the political, cultural front. Which is not helping anyone, frankly.


What is Blue Lives Matter and why do some people consider it racist?

Allow me to cut through all your bullshit...

Blue Lives Matter means we should care at least as much about the police officer who was called to protect a young woman from her abusive ex-boyfriend as we do about the drugged up felon with a felony sexual assault warrant who was violating a protective order and then tried to attack police with a knife in front of his three children.
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Allow me to cut through all your bullshit...

Blue Lives Matter means we should care at least as much about the police officer who was called to protect a young woman from her abusive ex-boyfriend as we do about the drugged up felon with a felony sexual assault warrant who was violating a protective order and then tried to attack police with a knife in front of his three children.

That's far too logical for a Liberal to understand.

Any person who supports the police in today's society is a racist who hates minorities. Blanket, unabashed reality for the Left.

Any person who supports and feels empathy for a Jacob Blake (a child sexual abuser, a female sexual abuser, a man with a warrant for his arrest, a man who assaults the police, a man who was in the act of digitally raping a woman) is a compassionate Liberal.

Sad, sad world.

As Candace Owens stated, repeating Sidney Steele....the African American community is the only American community that celebrates its lowest common denominator. Now Liberals have championed this thinking, and therefore they too celebrate the worst among us. Heroes are no longer and the lowest among us are those we should lift up to sainthood.
That's a rather perfunctory analysis. Dig a little deeper into the blue lives movement, and you'll see it's not as clear cut as it may seem on the surface.

Let me be perfectly clear. I honor and respect our police officers, firefighters, EMT's, all doing yeoman's work on the front lines to keep citizens safe and out of harm's way around the country. Unfortunately, there are also too many bad apples, who abuse their power, overstep boundaries and bring shame to their profession. Those are the bad cops I rally against, who have caused so much pain and suffering due to their actions. But the large majority of police I believe are decent, law-abiding professionals. From what I've researched, the blue lives movement is tenuous at best, with unclear origins and even murkier intentions, as far as what it really stands for. I would support a truly non-partisan, non-political group which shows appreciation for the work and bravery that our police, fire and EMT put on the line, day in and day out. Perhaps blue lives matter is such an organization, but it seems more of a reactionary movement to counter BLM on the political, cultural front. Which is not helping anyone, frankly.


What is Blue Lives Matter and why do some people consider it racist?

You may as well have typed, "I am a moronic *******". It would've been more concise and equally effective.

That post, and all its quotes and citing, is a complete pile of ****. Its the equivalent of the Nazis trying to brand the American flag a symbol of hate and oppression during WW2.
Yeah and about the kid..............



Based on his online activity, Rittenhouse clearly matches the typical red-hat, far-right numbnuts profile. Perhaps he wasn't a card-carrying klan member, but clearly sided with Blue Lives over Black Lives, or even All Lives.

Wow. I knew you were a delusional, self-important troll, but didn't fully realize the extent of your unabashed bigotry.

There isn't a 'Blue Lives' over 'Black Lives' or 'All Lives' in critically-thinking people's minds, there's just human beings either being inherently good or bad. And based on his online activity? (to which I haven't seen anything extreme or hateful)

How about you just watch the video proof of what happened that night and form an intellectually honest thought for once?
One of the chants that the BLM thugs chant is "Death To America!" It's true.

"It was a fiery but mostly peaceful 'Death to America' chant".
This is the board of Blue Lives Matter. So murky and tenuous! What unclear origins!

Founder - Joseph Imperatrice
Joseph brings over 13 years of Law Enforcement experience to BLUE LIVES MATTER-NYC. From Impact Foot Patrol, to Sector-Car, SNEU (Street Narcotics Enforcement Unit) to Supervisor of Plain Clothes Anti-Crime and Sergeant of Detectives.

Joseph has been a frequent contributor on Fox News to discuss issues affecting Law Enforcement and Blue Lives Matter-NYC.

Joseph & Chris each host their PODCAST "The Archangel Hour" speaking about current events with new guests each episode.


Co-founder - Christopher Brinkley
Chris hails from Long Island and was assigned to Anti-Crime with Joe and Carlos where they founded Blue Lives Matter NYC. Chris has been a Police officer for 10 years and is a decorated Iraqi war veteran having served 2 year long deployments to Iraq with the 10th Mountain Division 1-87 Infantry Regiment in 2004 and 2005.

Chris has been featured on Fox and Friends, Tomi Lahren and Dr Laura.


Co-Founder - Carlos Delgado
Carlos works in the 1st Precinct Detective Squad and is a native of Manhattan. You can find Carlos at a NYC FC soccer game or taking in a Yankee game as a die hard fan. From the start Carlos was part of the machine driving Blue Lives Matter NYC to become what it is today.

^ Downright scandalous!
In each thread Tibs tries two things:
- to demonstrate he is a good guy, middle of the road, common values, etc. He is attempting to establish credibility, bona fides.
- he completely smashes sensibilities, as above, by suggesting TBL is racist because of pics from several years ago. Further, he antagonizes the many here with the distinct purpose of moving the line of acceptance further and further towards his position, regardless of topic.

This style of iterative, creeping acceptance of lesser standards should not be acceptable to good folks.
With apologies to djfan, Tibs is vile. Many here have attempted to engage in discussion, debate, rationale common ground, only to find him uncommunicative on facts, but well able to spew hatred at that which does not fit his "views".

His record here speaks for itself.

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