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Tomlin returning for another season

For the first time I saw comments from other AFC North fans celebrating Tomlins' return. That speaks volumes.

On a side note, is there a reason offensive captain Kenny Pickett didn't speak to the media today? We heard from Watt and Heyward along with others, but not the quarterback.
If true, my fandom will take a serious hit.
The Steelers have become the Pirates.
If the owner doesn’t care if the team wins, why should I?
Bills pressure rate was 57% yesterday

Allen chance of scoring on that rushing TD was .2%. You read that correctly not 2% but odds of him scoring were 500 to 1

Thanks minkah
I don't blame the refs at all for us losing. That said something I didn't notice myself but have seen shown in film was his almost fake slide. This QB slide **** has got to be changed. It cost us twice in that game. There Kazee has admitted he pulled up some as he thought he was starting to slide and being a repeat "offender" he might have been suspended for a long time if e had hit him while sliding. Then when he ran again and got hit Jack was worried about what happened before. QB's should not be given the slide protection once they pass the line of scrimmage on scramble and not at all on a designed run. Too hard for defenders to think about.
The one thing I have a lot of trouble discounting is the Watt endorsement. He will be hitching the last good years of his career and a high likelihood of like his brother being best defensive player of his generation yet ringless.
Ok let's do this. Gotta have faith they can help Pickett reach his potential and have a couple great draft classes in a row. Could contend for division next season and SB within 3 years

Trading Watt has to be on the table due to the complete cluster they've created so far. He will bring a ton of draft capital and what's the point of having all world guy when the team isn't contending
Trade Pickens, trade anyone they can for draft capital, so in 2 years when we have a real coach, he can draft the players he wants for the rebuild.
His ego tells him that he must surpass Chuck Noll in the win column before he walk away, so another 5 years or so.

He will never beat his playoff record though.
That would be a tall task for most coaches in the era of free agency. Hard to even try to compare what we did then to what you can do now.
The one thing I have a lot of trouble discounting is the Watt endorsement. He will be hitching the last good years of his career and a high likelihood of like his brother being best defensive player of his generation yet ringless.
It's all he knows at the NFL level. At lower levels I've seen athletes or members of a team swear by a coach who had lower standards because that's what they knew. I know it's a different level, but what else was Watt going to say? Sometimes you need to make guys uncomfortable to get results. They got rid of Ben's friend who was going to put him on the IR every year in Arians and he grew as a QB under Haley. Maybe they didn't win a title after that, but we saw him improve as a QB.
This isn't news. The standard is the standard. Mediocrity.
I don't blame the refs at all for us losing. That said something I didn't notice myself but have seen shown in film was his almost fake slide. This QB slide **** has got to be changed. It cost us twice in that game. There Kazee has admitted he pulled up some as he thought he was starting to slide and being a repeat "offender" he might have been suspended for a long time if e had hit him while sliding. Then when he ran again and got hit Jack was worried about what happened before. QB's should not be given the slide protection once they pass the line of scrimmage on scramble and not at all on a designed run. Too hard for defenders to think about.
Can we place some blame on KP8 for this? How ironic... 😆
Watt will be 30 next season
8 years no rings
If you love him and the team you trade him and load up in the draft because we're at least 2 years away
You bring back Tomlin and they will be far way from accomplishing anything notable. 2 years and they will be sitting at pretty much where they are at now. If not worse.
That bullshit about taking some time and talking things over with his family was a joke. That ****** knew he was coming back next year, hell why not who wouldn't want a few million free dollars for doing a ****** job. I'm so over this piece of **** **********. That also includes the piece of **** ********** that runs this **** show of a team.

I can't even stand to see his smug *** on the sideline, and walking off after the reporter tried to ask about his contract shows his true character, he could have just as easy said I'm not gonna address that at this time.

The only difference between Tomlin and Jim Jones is skin color both were and are smooth talkers that led their followers to a slow painful death. Fifty plus years of bleeding black and gold and today this teams coaching and ownership make me sick.
Kool-Aid Jim and Cool Shades Mike. World class snake oil salesmen.
You bring back Tomlin and they will be far way from accomplishing anything notable. 2 years and they will be sitting at pretty much where they are at now. If not worse.
Team never gets to another SB with Shades.
Mark it down.
If he knew how to build a championship team he’d have done it by now.
He could still be traded for a pick or two. That wouldn’t happen yet anyhow. FWIW: Tomlin’s biggest faults year were not firing Canada sooner and not benching Mitch sooner. The players lost the game yesterday, not the coaches.
He could still be traded for a pick or two. That wouldn’t happen yet anyhow. FWIW: Tomlin’s biggest faults year were not firing Canada sooner and not benching Mitch sooner. The players lost the game yesterday, not the coaches.
Hiring Canada in the first place was a huge fault. Not recognizing the mistake until year 3 is a borderline fireable offense. It completely destroyed the development of a first-round quarterback, causes internal dissension within the offense, and put forward one of the least entertaining products in the league. It also affects next year because the Steelers have a huge question mark at the most important position.
For the first time I saw comments from other AFC North fans celebrating Tomlins' return. That speaks volumes.

On a side note, is there a reason offensive captain Kenny Pickett didn't speak to the media today? We heard from Watt and Heyward along with others, but not the quarterback.
I’d say Kenny is pissed and that’s putting it mildly.
Most likely was told when he was ready he’d be back in so he proceeded to have the surgery thinking he’d expedite the process and then sat on the bench. Cannot be happy!
So let’s see what happens this off season with QB situation.
Trubisky hast o be gone. They should and will try to sign Mason. Kenny should be planning to get with a QB Coach and work on his mechanics, specifically learning to stay and step up in the ******* pocket.
Steelers can’t afford to spend high draft choice on a QB with too many other needs so I think maybe free agency they bring in a vet.
Did Tomlin meet with Rooney prior to the statement?
It's all he knows at the NFL level. At lower levels I've seen athletes or members of a team swear by a coach who had lower standards because that's what they knew. I know it's a different level, but what else was Watt going to say? Sometimes you need to make guys uncomfortable to get results. They got rid of Ben's friend who was going to put him on the IR every year in Arians and he grew as a QB under Haley. Maybe they didn't win a title after that, but we saw him improve as a QB.
Heyward I get he maybe has a year left. Would probably prefer to stay in Pittsburgh so he will tow the line. Watt could have said something PC without coming out as strong. That guy wants to win a title guarenteed. But he is still blind in my opinion. I agree with Burgandy. Little more chance than zero with Tomlin.
I still want to hear it from Tomlin's mouth. I guess AR3 is taking a hands-off approach. So I guess the announcement of the dual offensive coordinators becoming permanent will be soon.
For the first time I saw comments from other AFC North fans celebrating Tomlins' return. That speaks volumes.

On a side note, is there a reason offensive captain Kenny Pickett didn't speak to the media today? We heard from Watt and Heyward along with others, but not the quarterback.

I had read that he was just a no show, no excuse given. I’m sure the Steelers will come up with some excuse as it plays out. He is the team offensive captain and to not show……… Doesn’t give him a good look. Couple that with his not dressing fiasco and to many things don’t add up

But don’t fear, the popcorn will get buttered and our player’s coach will say “It’s alright”

Salute the nation
He could still be traded for a pick or two. That wouldn’t happen yet anyhow. FWIW: Tomlin’s biggest faults year were not firing Canada sooner and not benching Mitch sooner. The players lost the game yesterday, not the coaches.
So for almost a decade it's always the players fault that this team gets blown off the field in the first quarter? Vastly different rosters, same exact result. And who is responsible for those players? Like why is there a freaking punter who physically can't punt on the team? Further, year 17 and Tomlin still can't manage a friggen clock. Keep taking those timeouts into the half, Mike, go on. And then spout some bullshit about how a game isn't won or lost in the early portions. And don't get me started on how Mr Defense gives up 30 or more every friggen playoff. His high price defense gets smoked every single time. This guy sucks.
This owner is content. We all know Tomlin has pretty much final say. He’s the head coach of the Pittsburgh ******* Steelers. His job is as prestigious and historic within any facet of life. He is not going anywhere.

I’m not excited about next season but I’m also not dreading it. It’s all out of my control