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Tomlin returning for another season

This here Steelers fan has not and will not overreact to this news. A part of me expected this to be the announcement. It’s like we’ve been watching a bad movie or listening to a horrid song on repeat, for as long as we can remember, and we’re strapped in to a chair, forced to watch/listen. And we're told to like it.

Since the SB loss to GB it has been a downward spiral into mediocrity (by Steeler standards) and the billionaires who own the team care not to address the obvious shortcomings of MT as a head coach, a job held by only 32 men in the world whose sole requirement should be to put the hundreds employed by the organization (players, coaches, scouts, administrative staff, contract employees, and other support personnel) into the absolute best position to succeed and placate the millions of fans whose hard-earned middle-income money (including the millions subsidized by taxpayers to pay for the stadium!) help pay for all those salaries. If the powers that be are satisfied with THEIR product, why should this little ole fan in west Texas rend his garments and gnash his teeth when his favorite team fails? I’ll root from afar and without much invested until I see a return to a product we common folk can be proud of. Until then, que sera, sera....
That bullshit about taking some time and talking things over with his family was a joke. That ****** knew he was coming back next year, hell why not who wouldn't want a few million free dollars for doing a ****** job. I'm so over this piece of **** **********. That also includes the piece of **** ********** that runs this **** show of a team.

I can't even stand to see his smug *** on the sideline, and walking off after the reporter tried to ask about his contract shows his true character, he could have just as easy said I'm not gonna address that at this time.

The only difference between Tomlin and Jim Jones is skin color both were and are smooth talkers that led their followers to a slow painful death. Fifty plus years of bleeding black and gold and today this teams coaching and ownership make me sick.
On social media all you hear is the regurgitation of the same crap talking points all the talking heads use on TV

1. Never a losing season
2. Who are you going to find that's better?
3. Do you know how many teams would kill to have a coach that produces more than 3-14, etc.
4. The players respond to Tomlin like almost no other coach.(This one is laughable. They do enough to keep their jobs and kiss Mikey's behind in the media because they get away with all kinds of crap)

So it's like someone here said: It's like they are patting you on the head and saying there, there, be happy with what you got it could be worse...yeah, it could be better as well.

The Mike Tomlin substandard standard is B.S. It's like someone handing you a **** sandwich and telling you how good it smells and tastes everytime you flip on ESPN or go on the net....LOL.
I've never been through divorce but plenty of friends have. This is like a bad marriage that will inevitably end but scared to pull the plug. But the reality is the sooner the split the sooner life goes on.
welp, I guess that's that, then . . .

Bummer. I can only guess that an extension is just around the corner. Stability and all, right smack in the middle of mediocrity.
You know it is. Mediocrity is rewarded by AR2, otherwise he would have been gone a few years ago.
Bills pressure rate was 57% yesterday

Allen chance of scoring on that rushing TD was .2%. You read that correctly not 2% but odds of him scoring were 500 to 1

Thanks minkah
Two things had a huge impact on Allen’s TD run:
1. He slowed up, which the D interpreted to mean he was going to slide. you can’t tee off on a running QB, because at any timethey can START to slide, then you get a 15yd’r AND a huge fine. As a Defender in TODAYS game, I am going to ease up and protect my wallet EVERY TIME.
2. Minkah is still playing hurt, and with a club hand to boot. Without a good pair of 100% hands, tackles are much more difficult.
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For the first time I saw comments from other AFC North fans celebrating Tomlins' return. That speaks volumes.

On a side note, is there a reason offensive captain Kenny Pickett didn't speak to the media today? We heard from Watt and Heyward along with others, but not the quarterback.
He didn’t play, why should he be speaking?
93.7 The Fan reporting that Tomlin held a players meeting today and informed them of the rumors of his stepping away were "unfounded" and he intends to coach again next season.
Great, another wasted season coming our way.
Are you kidding me
We all knew you weren’t going anywhere Mike

Cue extension in 3,2,1 the greatest coach ever over achieved and got his guys to the playoffs single handed despite all the obstacles in his way, his sheer brilliance has put the Steelers as a shining beacon atop the league once again for all to behold

Another playoff participation 🏆
Winning!!! Tomlin Style
Aka “the standard”

Cam approves this message
He didn’t play, why should he be speaking?

He’s talking about the locker clean out day. Both defensive captains (TJ WATT who didn’t play either) addressed the media, it’s an expected curtesy.

To just not show up, no excuses given, is NOT a good picture for Kenny. Add in the Not wanting to be a back-up to Mason debacle and you now have a trend. Know though that the STEELERS PR will come up with something to save grace.

Kenny has the off-season to work on his skills and I hope like hellA he does.

Salute the nation
Are you kidding me
We all knew you weren’t going anywhere Mike

Cue extension in 3,2,1 the greatest coach ever over achieved and got his guys to the playoffs single handed despite all the obstacles in his way, his sheer brilliance has put the Steelers as a shining beacon atop the league once again for all to behold

Another playoff participation 🏆
Winning!!! Tomlin Style
Aka “the standard”

Cam approves this message

Is 0-2 against 2-10 teams part of that standard? Asking for a friend………….

Salute the nation
Tomlin did what he needed to do to meet his contract terms for next season.

I am unsure what the next few days brings from Steeler ownership, but it's unlikely that all Steeler fans will be pleased regardless of direction.
OK, then the entire O staff should be fired today and we should start the interview process for a new outside OC and staff. Right???????
This team does nothing with a sense of urgency.

Kenny has the off-season to work on his skills and I hope like hellA he does.

Salute the nation
I've been a QB coach for many years and there is one trait that Kenny doesn't have that all the great QB's have, and that is the ability to stand in the pocket and be willing to take the hit. I attended Phil Simm's QB camp when I was in High School and he drove this point home repeatedly and it really stuck with me all these years. I'm not saying that the QB is a statue mind you, but he needs to feel the pocket, climb the pocket and let the routes develop as the he goes through his read progressions. In my mind, Kenny needs to grow a set of balls and settle his nerves. If he can do that, he will be a solid starter in the NFL.
MT you gotta know that these are excuses
And either way it doesn't sound better that they were outwitted or injured
And Minkah didn't even bother getting close so of course he hits the gas and runs in the end zone of guys aren't gonna bother. What a huge gift

If this is your standard in D we are never going to win another ring

Injured? Please.
I've been a QB coach for many years and there is one trait that Kenny doesn't have that all the great QB's have, and that is the ability to stand in the pocket and be willing to take the hit. I attended Phil Simm's QB camp when I was in High School and he drove this point home repeatedly and it really stuck with me all these years. I'm not saying that the QB is a statue mind you, but he needs to feel the pocket, climb the pocket and let the routes develop as the he goes through his read progressions. In my mind, Kenny needs to grow a set of balls and settle his nerves. If he can do that, he will be a solid starter in the NFL.
Thing is he did exactly that in first couple games. Problem was he was getting murdered. They started rolling him out more and I believe coaching caused the issue. Think about the beautiful throw he made to Muth in the Jets game where he gets crushed as he threw it. Fix the blocking scheme and he may get comfortable again. We have to find the happy middle ground between him bailing and Mason not moving at all.
Mr. Tomlin is overstaying his welcome, which will probably negatively affect his long term legacy with the organization.

Comes a time for all of us to move on/retire....I am in that boat currently. so I can relate.

Mr. Tomlin, your smarter than this.
If the bungles can get right with good drafting and developing a QB so can we it just takes time

The bungles have been crap for decades, despite always drafting high.
You can argue it's more the case of the blind squirrel finding the nut, rather than some sort of prowess in acquiring talent.
The bungles have been crap for decades, despite always drafting high.
You can argue it's more the case of the blind squirrel finding the nut, rather than some sort of prowess in acquiring talent.
Maybe they found the right coach that is better at acquiring and using that talent.
Maybe didn't notice but bungles have been better than us for years now. If Mondays game didn't wake you up let me have the honor of telling you we suck from top to bottom. Typical bottom feeder team with a poor product on the field and piss poor results. Drama in house and players staying honestly that more structure is needed

And this reload not rebuild strategy is nonsense when there are holes everywhere. Stuck with Minkah due to dead cap but they need to rebuild and they need to figure out the QB situation quickly. Ravens looking amazing just take a look at the neighbor and emulate. Depth everywhere stellar draft and develop at QB and lots of actual winning not just winning record

Someone needs to rip off the band-aid or we're having the same conversation in 5 years if you're ok with that well OK. I'm not