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Transgenderism - A Thread of Its Own

Doesn't George Soros support woke-*** **** like this? I'm pretty sure Bill Gates does. POTUS and VPOTUS do. Nancy Pelosi does.

Many of the wealthiest people in America are simultaneously supporters of He/She/They/Them/Zhe/We/Rheeeeeeeeeeeee pronouns.

The Left can't meme.
Who is saying those are the "real problems"? Those things are annoyances. I think it's stupid to call someone "they" but I will do it if they request it. I don't care what grown adults choose to look like, dress like or do to their bodies. I will respect their requests on what to call them and I will treat them with kindness and tolerance.

On the other hand, teaching kindergardeners they might be transgender is a problem. Sterilizing kids with puberty blockers and hormones after one or two short counseling sessions and mutilating their breasts and genitals when barely out of their adolescence is a problem. Creating lifelong medical complications and loss of sexual and reproductive function in otherwise physically healthy kids is a problem. The fact that there has been a literal explosion in transgenderism and clusters among friend groups is a problem. There is no actual scientific evidence that transing kids improves their mental health outcomes and growing evidence that it causes irreparable harm to some. Which is why a lot of European countries are putting the brakes on it. Yet parents are strong armed and told if they don't go along with it their child will die. That is a problem. I remember when those seeking gender reassignment surgery had to go through months of counseling and live at least a year as the other gender before anything irreversible would be done to them. Heck, most gynecologists will refuse to tie the tubes of young adult women who say they don't want kids because people change their minds. But a kid can be put on puberty blockers and hormones that will change aspects of their bodies and affect their fertility for the rest of their lives.

Having biological men compete with women for scholarships, championships, Olympic medals etc. is a problem. Forcing girls and women to accept people walking around their locker rooms and bathrooms with naked penises is a problem. I can recall a few short years ago we were scoffed at, told that we were being ridiculous because transwomen in sports would be so rare it was a nonissue. Now we hear about a new transwoman dominating a women's sport almost weekly.

Most of us were prepared to live and let live. Then they came for women's sports. Now they're coming for our children. Why on earth are grown men who like to dress as women and perform risque material so obsessed with getting themselves in front of children? I could not have cared less about drag queens and drag shows until they started shaking their fake **** and twerking their thong wearing ***** in the faces of children. The "drag show bans" are not drag show bans at all. They are laws that say sexualized material cannot be performed in front of children, or in public places where children are present. Who could be opposed to that, and why?

How did we go from being asked for acceptance and tolerance to being forced to allow this to infiltrate almost every aspect of daily life from the time a child is very young? That is not ok. These are adult issues, confusing and difficult for adults to wrap their brains around for that matter. Children are very impressionable. Leave kids out of this, preserve fairness in womens' sports and you won't have a problem with me.
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Who is saying those are the "real problems"? Those things are annoyances. I think it's stupid to call someone "they" but I will do it if they request it. I don't care what grown adults choose to look like, dress like or do to their bodies. I will respect their requests on what to call them and I will treat them with kindness and tolerance.

On the other hand, teaching kindergardeners they might be transgender is a problem. Sterilizing kids with puberty blockers after one or two short counseling sessions and mutilating their breasts and genitals when barely out of their adolescence is a problem. Creating lifelong medical complications and loss of sexual and reproductive function in otherwise physically healthy kids is a problem. The fact that there has been a literal explosion in transgenderism and clusters among friend groups is a problem. There is no actual scientific evidence that transing kids improves their mental health outcomes and growing evidence that it causes irreparable harm to some. Which is why a lot of European countries are putting the brakes on it. Yet parents are strong armed and told if they don't go along with it their child will die. That is a problem. I remember when those seeking gender reassignment surgery had to go through months of counseling and live at least a year as the other gender before anything irreversible would be done to them. Heck, most gynecologists will refuse to tie the tubes of young adult women who say they don't want kids because people change their minds. But a kid can be put on puberty blockers that will change aspects of their bodies and affect their fertility for the rest of their lives.

Having biological men compete with women for scholarships, championships, Olympic medals etc. is a problem. Forcing girls and women to accept people walking around their locker rooms and bathrooms with naked penises is a problem. I can recall a few short years ago we were scoffed at, told that we were being ridiculous because transwomen in sports would be so rare it was a nonissue. Now we hear about a new transwoman dominating a women's sport almost weekly.

Most of us were prepared to live and let live. Then they came for women's sports. Now they're coming for our children. Why on earth are grown men who like to dress as women and perform risque material so obsessed with getting themselves in front of children? I could not have cared less about drag queens and drag shows until they started shaking their fake **** and twerking their thong wearing ***** in the faces of children. The "drag show bans" are not drag show bans at all. They are laws that say sexualized material cannot be performed in front of children, or in public places where children are present. Who could be opposed to that, and why?

How did we go from being asked for acceptance and tolerance to being forced to allow this to infiltrate almost every aspect of daily life from the time a child is very young? That is not ok. These are adult issues, confusing and difficult for adults to wrap their brains around for that matter. Children are very impressionable. Leave kids out of this, preserve fairness in womens' sports and you won't have a problem with me.
to your point, this was discussed on this very board many years ago with the exact same thing you said - we were told it was so miniscule that it wouldn't matter and we're bigots for thinking it did matter.

btw - Ogre's pronoun is "it". Use that going forward so as to not offend it.
Who is saying those are the "real problems"? Those things are annoyances. I think it's stupid to call someone "they" but I will do it if they request it. I don't care what grown adults choose to look like, dress like or do to their bodies. I will respect their requests on what to call them and I will treat them with kindness and tolerance.
I f*ckin won't. Note, I won't insult them, I won't argue with them. But, If someone starts the conversation with their pronouns, the conversation is over right then and there. I not going to misgender you because I'm not entertaining a discussion with a mental patient
Just give it one second, Tibilo is about to break into a litany of all the great things Dementia Joe has accomplished. My God, the list is so freaking long!!!
  • Deficit under contr ...
  • Uhh, national debt reined ...
  • Inflation is ...
  • I mean interest rates ...
  • Border is secu ...
  • Illegals no longer in cage ...
  • The flood of illegals stopp ...
  • Manufacturing is boom ...
  • Russia has not invade ...
  • China is held in abey ...
  • Military enlistment explod ...
  • Crime is way down, ehh, level, uhh ...
  • Big cities run by (D)imbos safe ...
  • Housing prices increas ...
  • Real income increas ...
  • Government not spying on Americ ...
  • Uhh, I mean FBI not engaged in political arres ...
  • Government not banana-republicing by arresting aversar ...
  • Epstein client list expos ...
  • Supreme Court leaker found and punish ...
  • Things are going GREAT in Ukrain ...
  • Not one bit of evidence Hunter Biden a grifter frontman for Dementia J ...
  • Goddammit, no more mean tweets!!
I f*ckin won't. Note, I won't insult them, I won't argue with them. But, If someone starts the conversation with their pronouns, the conversation is over right then and there. I not going to misgender you because I'm not entertaining a discussion with a mental patient
I worked as a florist for years, I have three children in their 20s, a couple of whom who have spent a lot of time in music and arts. I encounter all kinds of people. I don't find it hard to respect someone's wishes. No skin off my nose.

I'm just glad my kids aren't little any more because I would have definitely pulled them from public school if I was raising them in this day and age. The explosion of this stuff in recent years in their age group and younger is unbelievable. Currently I would say at least a third of my one daughter's friends are trans or nonbinary. Gay is so 2010. There is just literally no way this is some kind of innate condition they were all born with and not at all influenced by social factors. Absolutely no ******* way. And to see what is happening to kids based on what may very well be a trend or fad is just heartbreaking to me.
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This isn't transgenderism related but kind of funny. We belong to a country club. It's not a fancy chi chi country club, it's not exclusive or expensive or anything. But my husband is in a meeting tonight because two women who are both married to men, have children with their husbands and live with their husbands/children in two different households, joined the club claiming they are a lesbian couple. They've been attending for a couple years but got caught and now they are claiming they live an alternative lifestyle where they are in a lesbian relationship just living with the fathers of their children and thus should be allowed to have one "family" membership between the two of them. :ROFLMAO: I can't wait to hear how this meeting went.
I f*ckin won't. Note, I won't insult them, I won't argue with them. But, If someone starts the conversation with their pronouns, the conversation is over right then and there. I not going to misgender you because I'm not entertaining a discussion with a mental patient
*****. Please.

You are wearing a dress right now. Aren't you?

I'm trying to envision what a JohnnyCovidSeed dress would look like?!?!
Who is saying those are the "real problems"? Those things are annoyances. I think it's stupid to call someone "they" but I will do it if they request it. I don't care what grown adults choose to look like, dress like or do to their bodies. I will respect their requests on what to call them and I will treat them with kindness and tolerance.

On the other hand, teaching kindergardeners they might be transgender is a problem. Sterilizing kids with puberty blockers and hormones after one or two short counseling sessions and mutilating their breasts and genitals when barely out of their adolescence is a problem. Creating lifelong medical complications and loss of sexual and reproductive function in otherwise physically healthy kids is a problem. The fact that there has been a literal explosion in transgenderism and clusters among friend groups is a problem. There is no actual scientific evidence that transing kids improves their mental health outcomes and growing evidence that it causes irreparable harm to some. Which is why a lot of European countries are putting the brakes on it. Yet parents are strong armed and told if they don't go along with it their child will die. That is a problem. I remember when those seeking gender reassignment surgery had to go through months of counseling and live at least a year as the other gender before anything irreversible would be done to them. Heck, most gynecologists will refuse to tie the tubes of young adult women who say they don't want kids because people change their minds. But a kid can be put on puberty blockers and hormones that will change aspects of their bodies and affect their fertility for the rest of their lives.

Having biological men compete with women for scholarships, championships, Olympic medals etc. is a problem. Forcing girls and women to accept people walking around their locker rooms and bathrooms with naked penises is a problem. I can recall a few short years ago we were scoffed at, told that we were being ridiculous because transwomen in sports would be so rare it was a nonissue. Now we hear about a new transwoman dominating a women's sport almost weekly.

Most of us were prepared to live and let live. Then they came for women's sports. Now they're coming for our children. Why on earth are grown men who like to dress as women and perform risque material so obsessed with getting themselves in front of children? I could not have cared less about drag queens and drag shows until they started shaking their fake **** and twerking their thong wearing ***** in the faces of children. The "drag show bans" are not drag show bans at all. They are laws that say sexualized material cannot be performed in front of children, or in public places where children are present. Who could be opposed to that, and why?

How did we go from being asked for acceptance and tolerance to being forced to allow this to infiltrate almost every aspect of daily life from the time a child is very young? That is not ok. These are adult issues, confusing and difficult for adults to wrap their brains around for that matter. Children are very impressionable. Leave kids out of this, preserve fairness in womens' sports and you won't have a problem with me.

Currently I would say at least a third of my one daughter's friends are trans or nonbinary. Gay is so 2010. There is just literally no way this is some kind of innate condition they were all born with and not at all influenced by social factors. Absolutely no ******* way. And to see what is happening to kids based on what may very well be a trend or fad is just heartbreaking to me.

OFTB, be warned - you share that opinion with extreme right-winger Bill Maher!

Most of us were prepared to live and let live. Then they came for women's sports. Now they're coming for our children. Why on earth are grown men who like to dress as women and perform risque material so obsessed with getting themselves in front of children? I could not have cared less about drag queens and drag shows until they started shaking their fake **** and twerking their thong wearing ***** in the faces of children. The "drag show bans" are not drag show bans at all. They are laws that say sexualized material cannot be performed in front of children, or in public places where children are present. Who could be opposed to that, and why?

How did we go from being asked for acceptance and tolerance to being forced to allow this to infiltrate almost every aspect of daily life from the time a child is very young? That is not ok. These are adult issues, confusing and difficult for adults to wrap their brains around for that matter. Children are very impressionable. Leave kids out of this, preserve fairness in womens' sports and you won't have a problem with me.
Saw a meme on FB yesterday that asked why drag queens don't want to read to old people in nursing homes?