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Transgenderism - A Thread of Its Own

Oddly, most of the comments are from Libs (who you KNOW aren't NASCAR fans), along the lines of "How you like it now you MAGA idiots?"
I’d say most nascar fans don’t do social media stuff

Boys beating up girls in a girls school restroom is ok with Oklahoma?
Their Governor signed legislation that you use the bathroom of the gender you were born with. A lot of Our schools are as corrupt as the democrat party.
Where are we heading as a Country?

Good question...where are we headed ? Hopefully the Republican Gov shoots this insanity down.

Nevada Democrats To Fine Schools $5,000 Per Day That Do Not Allow Biological Males To Compete In Girl’s Sports​

What is being called ‘the Bud Light Amendment’ by some was passed on Friday without a hearing. The amendment places an administrative penalty of $5,000 per day on school board in Nevada that don’t allow students to participate in “school activities” based on their “gender identity or expression.” The amendment to the bill that was passed with unanimous, bipartisan support received zero Republican votes. The only support the amendment received was courtesy of Democrats.

I’d say most nascar fans don’t do social media stuff
No, a lot of them follow their favorite drivers.
I have a Twitter account but only so no one else can use my real name. I mostly use it to follow a few Steelers and NASCAR drivers.
That said, Space Force: Chepo Team is easily the best feed on Twitter. Fake Trump account, has me ROFL'ing every time I read it.

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They call us "Breeders "..lol. All of them should thank the breeders for their very existence.
People can **** who they want to **** (as long as it's legal) but I object to the moral superiority that the gay activists convince themselves that they have.
Documentary - What is a Woman? Online for free for 24 hours. What’s great about it is Walsh just let’s people talk and it’s their own nonsense that gets exposed.

Conservatives: Sexuality and gender identity is not appropriate material for elementary schoolers Liberals: "Homophobe/Transphobe!"
Conservatives: Sexually explicit books do not belong in elementary and middle schools Liberals "Book banners!"
Conservatives: Men who like to dress as women seem far too invested in putting themselves in front of little children Liberals: "Bigots!"
Conservatives: Parents have the ultimate responsibility for their child's health and well-being and therefore should be kept informed of any life altering decisions their children are making in school. Liberals: "Transphobes!"
Conservatives: Girls should not have to train their entire lives to excel at a sport only to be dominated by men dressed as women. Liberals: "Transphobes!"
Conservatives: It is possible that men might dress as women opportunistically to violate and abuse women in private female spaces like rest rooms, locker rooms, prisons, etc. oops it has actually already happened. Liberals: Transphobes!
Conservatives: Why would someone need to have "pride" in who they choose to sleep with/identify as? These are private matters and we don't care. Liberals: If you don't like that we march down the street in bondage gear, fishnets and thong panties waving sex toys you're a bigot! If you don't like that we market transgenderism to kids you're a bigot!

Who is the reasonable rational group here and who is bizarrely irrational? Seems pretty obvious.
Look, if you wanna pretend you are a boy or a girl after 18, and have yourself mutilated to boot, I don’t care and I don’t think anyone else cares either. Just leave kids alone.

We are in the process of surgically and chemically castrating an entire generation of kids. And roughly half the nation supports it, most of which are advocating for it. Our nation is sick. I mean mentally off the ******* rails. To me, the only difference between this and the Nazi medical experiments is that mentally ill Americans are doing it willingly.

Can you give us an example?
Liberals can't meme because they are wrong on virtually everything.
Did you LOL because this is so stupid maybe?

Isn't everything racist to you guys?

1) The A-OK sign: How did the OK sign become a symbol of white supremacy? (Despite the fact most people now seem aware that this is a 4chan hoax, liberals STILL bought into it.)

2) Babies: Google ‘Antiracism’ Training Says 3-Month-Old Babies Are Racist

3) Ben Shapiro: Leaked Docs at Google Expose 'Anti-Racism' Initiative: Ben Shapiro Listed in 'White Supremacy Pyramid'

4) A black, conservative commentator: Candace Owens Is At It Again, Coming Out Her Black Face to Whitesplain Away the Impact of White Supremacy

5) Black holes: Now Space Is Racist: Ivy League Class Highlights Connection Between Black Holes and Black People

6) A black Republican running for governor: CNN's Stelter allows guest to call Larry Elder a 'white supremacist' unchallenged

7) A black Republican woman who became the Lieutenant Governor of Virginia: Liberal MSNBC guest calls Winsome Sears a 'Black mouth' for 'White supremacist practices'

8) Calling the COVID-19 virus, which is from China, the “China Virus:” NFL exec apologizes for saying words ‘China Virus’ after meaning of ‘racist slur’ is redefined

9) Capitalism: Report: Verizon Diversity Training Teaches America, Capitalism Are Racist

10) Colorblindness: Colorblindness: the New Racism?

11) Dr. Seuss: Is It Time to Cancel Dr. Seuss Due to Racist Imagery?

12) Enforcing immigration law: Institutional Racism in Enforcing Immigration Law

13) Farmer’s markets: OH, COME ON! Farmer’s Markets Now Being Called Racist!

14) The FIFA soccer video game: ‘FIFA’ Soccer Video Game Promotes Racism

15) The flag and police: University of Alabama Dean: American Flag and Police Represent ‘Systemic History of Racism’

16) Hoop earrings: A Message From the Latinas Who Made the ‘White Girl, Take OFF Your Hoops’ Mural

17) Hospitals: Actor Jodie Turner-Smith Gave Birth at Home Because of ‘Systemic Racism’ in Hospitals

18) Jingle Bells: 'Jingle Bells' rooted in racism, Boston University professor says

19) Legal votes: Leading ‘anti-racist’ prof calls the term ‘legal vote’ ‘racist’

20) Abe Lincoln (Of course, he freed the slaves.): San Francisco Wants to Rename Abraham Lincoln High School: Former POTUS ‘Stained by Racism’


21) Math
: Is mathematics racist? California could blaze pathway with woke math

22) Merit: Why Calling Merit Racist Erases People of Color

23) The National Anthem: Is the US national anthem a racist song?

24) National parks: National Parks Are Latest Target of Systemic Racism Claim in America

25) Niggardly (Which predates the N-word and means miserly.): Is using this N-word (niggardly) a firing offense?

26) Perfectionism and a sense of urgency: University faculty training lists 'perfectionism,' and 'sense of urgency' as indicators of 'white supremacy'

27) Pointing out when people of color are being divisive: Dear White Gay Men: Labeling People of Color "Divisive" Isn't a Critique — It's Racism

28) Rocks: ‘Racist’ rock removed from University of Wisconsin Madison campus

29) Saying you’re not racist: Don’t say ‘I am not a racist’

30) Science, statistics, and technology: According to this professor, 'Science, statistics, and technology are all inherently racist'

31) Single-family home neighborhoods: Academics Claim Single Family Home Neighborhoods Have Legacy of Racism

32) Skiing: How Skiing’s Whiteness Has Affected Me, and How We Can Change It

33) Standard English: Race radicals want to abolish standard English

34) Trees: Racist Trees to Be Removed in Palm Springs

35) The COVID vaccine mandate: Black Lives Matter threatens ‘uprising’ over NYC Mayor de Blasio’s ‘racist’ vax mandate

36) Violence against Asians from non-white people: Prof claims that violence against Asians from non-white people is still caused by ‘white supremacy’

37) Voter ID: How racism underlies voter ID laws: the academics weigh in

38) Wearing a Make America Great Again! hat: Why Trump’s MAGA hats have become a potent symbol of racism

39) White people: Yes My Dear, All White People Are Racists

40) White people reproducing: Professor Claims It’s RACIST For White People To Reproduce

41) Brown paper bags:
42) White milk:

43) The phrase "inner city crime"
Can you give us an example?

Nice attempt to obfuscate. Just read through any of the threads on this board.... who's calling for a boycott of Bud Light, Target, and anything else that even remotely hurts your feelings, puts out a rainbow this or that, represents something 'woke' that causes your collective panties to bunch up? Can't run away from that... 🤷‍♂️
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Morality, facts and common sense greatly offends Tibtard the transtard.
Nice attempt to obfuscate. Just read through any of the threads on this board.... who's calling for a boycott of Bud Light, Target, and anything else that even remotely hurts your feelings, puts out a rainbow this or that, represents something 'woke' that causes your collective panties to bunch up? Can't run away from that... 🤷‍♂️

Obfuscate? You just did it again by essentially repeating your meme.

Let me help you rephrase it for clarity.

.....who's calling for a boycott of Bud Light, Target, or anything wokeness related that hurts your feelings.

That stupid meme of yours clearly suggests that if I hate the liberal climate change agenda it must mean that climate change is a subject of wokeness you idiot.

"Woke" was coined by you people, not by us.
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Nice attempt to obfuscate. Just read through any of the threads on this board.... who's calling for a boycott of Bud Light, Target, and anything else that even remotely hurts your feelings, puts out a rainbow this or that, represents something 'woke' that causes your collective panties to bunch up? Can't run away from that... 🤷‍♂️
Do you think it’s normal to make a toddler so ashamed of having a normal healthy penis that he would want to “tuck” it? Or are you one of those stupid enough to believe a toddler is capable of having such thoughts without someone else planting them there? Will you respond specifically or just keep making general “panties in a wad” comments?
I don’t think Bud Light was even the result of some kind of organized boycott. Bud Light chose to make a transgender person the face of its brand and most straight men don’t want to be associated with that. And liberals’ panties are in a wad that they can’t make them.
Unless conservatives, which from my point of view I'll deem rational people, comply and accept the ever changing acts that continue to push just a little bit outside the accepted norms of a society, they are labeled with the latest slur of the day. And they keep pushing. Are only those on one side of an issue allowed to have an opinion?

It's OK to boycott Chick-Fil-A or Goya foods because they support a particular way of life, but it's not OK to boycott Budweiser or Target because everyone must fall in line?

There must be massive amounts of $$$$$ in the divisive business that none of us are sharing, but are certainly paying for.

So, libs, you do you, just don't think you have the right to force me to obey.