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Transgenderism - A Thread of Its Own

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Tibs was right.

Yet another example of how we "conservatives" are obsessed with this trans ****.

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The trannies most definitely target kids in schools. Why is it that they don’t flaunt their sick **** at nursing homes or hospitals? It’s because they’re mentally ill pedos.
The trannies most definitely target kids in schools. Why is it that they don’t flaunt their sick **** at nursing homes or hospitals? It’s because they’re mentally ill pedos.
or ... prisons?
Musk thinks Target shareholders will sue. Shareholders should sue. These board members have a fiduciary responsibility to make money, not to promote ESG.

Yup. Also shareholders should pay more attention to who they vote onto the boards of their companies.
Get your kids and grandkids the hell away from public educators:

Once upon a time, we told our children to be wary of anyone who told them not to tell their parents about an activity.

Anything that couldn’t be shared with your nearest and dearest was worrisome. That warning has now gone out the window. Some school boards are telling staff not to reveal a student’s transgender identity to parents or guardians without the explicit consent of the child.

In Ontario, the Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board sent a memo to all staff recently underlining that point.

“All students have a right to privacy. Unless specifically directed by the student, schools must keep a student’s trans identity confidential,” the memo reads.

A school should never disclose a student’s gender identity to the student’s guardian(s)/caregiver(s) regardless of age or grade, even in elementary,” it said.

Such a memo undermines the rights of parents as the most important caregivers to their children. It presupposes kids are the property of the school. No one should ever encourage such a life-changing decision be taken at an early age behind the backs of parents.

In this Pride month, we encourage everyone to respect the rights and dignity of every human being, be they gay, trans or any other gender identity included in the Pride rainbow. Flying the Pride flag in support of those students is a gesture of inclusion.

That doesn’t mean that community groups should decide for themselves how those celebrations should take place in schools. Drag Queen story time may be appropriate for older students in high schools — outside school hours. They’re not age appropriate for children in elementary classrooms.

In which part of the curriculum do they fit and what will they replace? Most school boards have strict guidelines about how subjects are taught and who can teach them.

A public school board must be a place where all families are welcome, where no one is mocked for their views and where young people are taught to respect and appreciate other people’s views.

If we bring U.S.-style culture wars into our schools, it will alienate the middle class and weaken the public school system. Parents who are able to afford alternatives will vote with their feet and move their children into the private system.
I sooooo hope there is a Hell.

They certainly prove what many of us have been saying as society clearly allows this demented culture to imbed itself as normal. It's twisted and evil. It needs a big bright light shined on it constantly.

They ****** up pushing it onto peoples children.
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Transgenderism is not a mental disease, nope, no siree, not at all. Just listen to Ellen Page, an attractive, diminutive female who decided to become a tiny, unattractive, androgynous female pretending to be a male:

One night, he tried to knock himself out. Took his knuckles to his face and pounded over and over until bruises formed. For days after, he sat in a lawn chair on the porch, ashamed, his face sore. And then he heard a voice.
“You don’t have to feel this way.”

Goddammit, sane people punch themselves in the face and hear voices all the time! No way this is a sign of mental illness!!

It was a small voice, barely discernible. But it kept echoing in his head. A way out. “It was as if something in my brain turned around,” recalls Page, now 36. “The agonizing voice saying, ‘No, you’re not,’ ‘No, you can’t’ just switched and became very gentle and loving. ‘Oh, maybe I’m trans. Why don’t I explore that?’”

Well, I guess the imaginary voice is somebody to be trusted so when she ... he ... xe says, "Go trans, man!" you have to listen.

Within weeks, he’d [sic - yeah, right. He. You bet. Sure. Right. Vagina and breasts? Gotta be a guy] scheduled a Zoom consultation with a doctor to discuss top surgery. The procedure was scheduled for November. A month later, he announced to fans on Instagram, who have known him since the release of “Juno” 13 years prior, that his name was Elliot.

No sign of mental illness at all, none, zero. This completely refutes claims by Neanderthals that men who claim to be women and women who claim to be men are simply nuts and need psychiatric help.

I mean other than the punching yourself in the face and hearing voices.
No sign of mental illness at all, none, zero. This completely refutes claims by Neanderthals that men who claim to be women and women who claim to be men are simply nuts and need psychiatric help.

I mean other than the punching yourself in the face and hearing voices.
Matt Walsh producer goes undercover and after a 20 minute online consult, he is approved for a procedure to get his junk removed along with the supporting documents to commit insurance fraud

Moms for liberty has been labeled a hate and extremist organization.

These ladies are what our government labels hate groups and extremist. See website below for names and pictures.

It's OK, anyone not a leftist will be labeled an extremist before long. Which is well over half of this country and growing daily.

All walks of life are clearly seeing them for what they are. The **** they've done and keep doing to Trump isn't going to work in their favor.

Even the people who really don't pay attention to politics and have normally voted Democrat are turning because of it.