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Trump 2020: Keep America Great!


Maddow should take a 'suppository' for 'Trump Derangement Syndrome'

Former White House Communications Director Anthony Scaramucci said Rachel Maddow and other liberals should take "maybe a suppository" to treat what he characterized as "Trump Derangement Syndrome" after the MSNBC host called President Trump's decision to sit down with North Korea leader Kim Jong-un as "particularly risky" and "an unwise move."

Scaramucci's remarks come after the MSNBC host asked whether Trump meeting Kim could be "a particularly risky or even unwise move."

"The President has a great relationship with President Xi. They obviously don’t like talking about that. And the combination of those forces have now allowed for this opportunity to take place for the world," Scaramucci said. "So it’s more complicated story than what she is saying."

"But you can tell she has a little bit of that Trump Derangement Syndrome which I like. I’m hoping one of these comedians will come up with an anti-anxiety medication for these liberals, Just take one tablet a day, maybe a suppository, and take it easy. It's morning, had to wake everybody up with that," Scaramucci added.


LOL, on CNN this morning all you saw plastered everywhere was "RISK", "VERY RISKY", and "TRUMPS RISKY MOVE". Oh the RISK!!! My GOD...would you people think of the RISK!?!?

They all have the same play sheet and they beat it into you until you believe it. Or not if you have half a brain.
LOL, on CNN this morning all you saw plastered everywhere was "RISK", "VERY RISKY", and "TRUMPS RISKY MOVE". Oh the RISK!!! My GOD...would you people think of the RISK!?!?

They all have the same play sheet and they beat it into you until you believe it. Or not if you have half a brain.

Goebbels would be proud... What was it "Repeat a lie often enough and most will believe it." I paraphrase.
Huh... who'd a thunk all it took to stand up to a spoiled brat was to not be a ***** like Obama.

Funny how that works. And funny how Trump's successes continue to expose how much of a failure at diplomacy Obama/Clinton/Kerry really were.

I've never been on The Facebook.

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It's filled with leftist trolls without a real picture who do nothing but piss people off. Think of elfpig x 1000.That's if you follow any news or political pages. For business it can be great for some to reach the masses.
Huh... who'd a thunk all it took to stand up to a spoiled brat was to not be a ***** like Obama.

Funny how that works. And funny how Trump's successes continue to expose how much of a failure at diplomacy Obama/Clinton/Kerry really were.


I think Trump really leaned on China who have been busted breaking the sanctions against NK. Those spy planes and satellites don't lie.
Some days, I think 'Trump Derangement Syndrome' is a two way street.

On one side, you have those that think he never does anything wrong. Ever.

On the other side, you hove those that think he never does anything right. Ever.

In the middle are the rest of us that are just tired of politics in America where everything is a non starter because of the retarded political divisions in this country.

That is ******* garbage.

This is much deeper than just "political divisions". We have those on the right defending the president from what amounts to nothing but a hate group on the left....attacking, ridiculing him for any and everything imaginable, giving him no credit for anything whatsoever.

Nobody is saying Trump can do no wrong, but the immense success Trump has had is unprecedented for a first term president....that's what we're talking about.
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LOL, on CNN this morning all you saw plastered everywhere was "RISK", "VERY RISKY", and "TRUMPS RISKY MOVE". Oh the RISK!!! My GOD...would you people think of the RISK!?!?

They all have the same play sheet and they beat it into you until you believe it. Or not if you have half a brain.


That all went down after they got the memo.

An honest sincere comment initially reported by ERIN BURNETT: It’s an extraordinary evening — and, of course, opening the door to the big question. President Trump can truly solve this problem. That would be going down as a great president. And there’s no way around that. That is the reality here.

We'll have none of that! ...they got the memo and lefty **** hits the fan...

JIM ACOSTA: Reality TV-style meeting between very different and in some ways, very similar leaders.

ANDERSON COOPER: Would Kim Jong-un view this as a major victory?

LEON PANETTA: He’s kinda figured out Donald Trump and, duh, what makes him tick.

NICHOLAS BURNS: This president doesn’t read and he doesn’t study and he doesn’t prepare.

JEREMY BASH: The president kind of got boxed in here.

JOHN KIRBY: He’s going into this with a bit of an upper hand. To some degree, he’s kinda running the table here.

MICHAEL BESCHLOSS: For Kim, this is a dream come true. He’s going to be dealing with a neophyte president.

WILL RIPLEY: Kim Jong-un has been studying President Trump.

JAMES CLAPPER: Kim Jong-un sees an opportunity here.

ELISE LABOTT: If President Trump were to sit down with Kim Jong-un tomorrow, what would he say?

PAULA HANCOCKS: Is the U.S. president walking into a massive trap?

The one and only Rush..

James Clapper: “Kim Jong-un sees an opportunity here.”

Rush: Kim Jong-un sees an opportunity! For what? What’s he gonna get out of this that you haven’t already given him! What’s Kim Jong-un gonna get? “Oh, he’s going to get… He’s going to get fame. He’s going to get stature. Trump willing to meet him means that he is going to gain credibility as a world leader.” No. That would only happen if you guys did it. Kim Jong-un is doing this because he doesn’t know what Donald Trump’s gonna do and is a little frightened, not because he’s confident!

Leon Panetta: “He’s kind of figured out Donald Trump and what makes him tick.”

Rush: You haven’t figured out Trump yet, Leon!
None of you people have figured out Trump! None of you yet know what you’re dealing with! You’re so damned arrogant and condescending, you think you know who Trump is and how he operates because you think he’s an idiot and stupid and unable to compete in your league, and you haven’t…

Because of this arrogance, you haven’t even begun to understand who Donald Trump is, how he thinks, or how he does things. And you’re not even willing to look at Donald Trump’s immense success in the private sector and acknowledge that he knows what he’s doing. This is…
It’s embarrassing to have this kind of shallowness and genuine ignorance, and I’ll tell you why. It’s ’cause these people have been poisoned by hatred.

Their hatred for Trump because he beat them, hatred for Trump because he’s continuing to outsmart them and succeed in spite of them, hatred because they haven’t been able to get rid of him.

Nicholas Burns: “This president doesn’t read, and he doesn’t study, and he doesn’t prepare.”

Rush: Oh, and you guys do, and that’s gotten us what? Enmeshed in a bunch of hoaxes and things that are gonna damage this country like this stupid climate change garbage? Wind power? Solar power?

You’re willing to wreck this nation’s economy for your own stupid, feel-good connecting idealistic, stupid ideas? You read? You study? Well, you don’t learn anything.

Jeremy Bash: “The president kind of got boxed in here.”

RUSH: The president got boxed in? The president got bo? So you see the theme here. Kim Jong-un is brilliant, the smartest man in the world now, outsmarting Donald Trump —

The real idiots are previous presidents who gave North Korea money and know-how to develop nuclear weapons under the guise that we were only giving them nuclear power equipment so that we could show we liked them.

It’s the previous presidents that put this country at risk by assuming they were so much smarter than Kim Jong-un, by assuming he’s nothing more than a back-alley thug. It’s every other administration that’s been manipulated and embarrassed, including the media by the North Korean leadership.
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I would NEVER be this much of a Trump supporter if I didn't see and react to the CONSTANT bias of our media. The above is a PERFECT example of how everything he does is spun into the narrative they have promoted from day 1: that he is an imbecile and not only the worst President of all time, but the worst person.

I reject that with all my being. And I will continue to get more and more angry the more the left-wing media perpetuates this myth.

Trump hasn't won my vote for 2020. The media has just made me so angry at them, I will vote for Trump if I have to crawl over 20 dead bodies to do it. Hell, if they impeach him, I'm writing his ******* name on the ballot in 2020. I am that pissed off at what has become "journalism" in this country and how they whine and whine about THEIR ******* freedom of the press being "infringed" on because I have the gall to question their motives and truthfulness after MOUNTAINS of proof they are nothing more than propaganda machines.

**** our media and everything they are right now. This week has made me so pissed off it's just unbelievable.
That is ******* garbage.

This is much deeper than just "political divisions". We have those on the right defending the president from what amounts to nothing but a hate group on the left....attacking, ridiculing him for any and everything imaginable, giving him no credit for anything whatsoever.

Nobody is saying Trump can do no wrong, but the immense success Trump has had is unprecedented for a first term president....that's what we're talking about.

That's fine. I am gonna disagree though. I see it at work, on the street, here. There is no middle ground anywhere. And the derangement goes both ways. Hell, just read the posts in this forum. You have people that find fault in everything Trump does, and there are people that cheer for stupid tweets that piss off liberals. It's childish. On both sides.

I agree about the media. They are dishonest at best, criminal in some cases. But that isn't what I'm talking about. If you can't see that it goes both ways, that's ok. But don't tell me what I see.
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That's fine. I am gonna disagree though. I see it at work, on the street, here. There is no middle ground anywhere. And the derangement goes both ways. Hell, just read the posts in this forum. You have people that find fault in everything Trump does, and there are people that cheer for stupid tweets that piss off liberals. It's childish. On both sides.

I agree about the media. They are dishonest at best, criminal in some cases. But that isn't what I'm talking about. If you can't see that it goes both ways, that's ok. But don't tell me what I see.

I fully admit I'm being childish about it. 100% true....and I don't care in the least. It's gotten to the point that I just want to see everything the lying, corrupt media and the PC everything ******** hate, jammed right in their faces on a daily basis. Those ***** are everywhere in society trying to guilt people into buckling to their every whim.....mostly in the name of money....and I ******* despise them. In fact that's reason #1 why I voted for Trump. I knew he'd be an ******* right back to them and wouldn't give two ***** what they think. Some of the things Trump does are petty and schoolyard silliness but I don't see it as anything but a reaction to the petty silliness that is coming from the other side. **** 'em. Maybe dealing with Trump for 4 or 8 years will give them a reality check and force them to come back around to thinking the average American in flyover country isn't a deplorable dirt bag and maybe should be considered once in awhile.
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That's fine. I am gonna disagree though. I see it at work, on the street, here. There is no middle ground anywhere. And the derangement goes both ways. Hell, just read the posts in this forum. You have people that find fault in everything Trump does, and there are people that cheer for stupid tweets that piss off liberals. It's childish. On both sides.

I agree about the media. They are dishonest at best, criminal in some cases. But that isn't what I'm talking about. If you can't see that it goes both ways, that's ok. But don't tell me what I see.

Middle ground? There is no middle ground anymore, its come down to right and wrong, good and evil...

You would rather conservative folks take the high road and just shut up? What a coincidence, liberals want for us to just shut up too...been trying to silence us for quite some time now.

Call it childish if you like...but I couldn't care less if Trump retaliates against the media or some liberal feminazi...what I find childish is his delivery, his language....if he only could be as articulate as someone like liberal killer Newt Gingrich.
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The corrupt fake news media doesn’t even try to hide their bias. They trashed Reagan and the Bushes and they just turtled and took it. They worshipped Bubba and the terrorist and rebublicans said nothing to the contrary. Now when they lie Trump punches them in the mouth and tells them to **** off. And it’s fricking awesome! I love every second of it. He drives those ******* liars nuts. TDS baby! Only lefties are afflicted with it. The key word is derangement . It’s a beautiful thing, watching them all constantly melt down.
I fully admit I'm being childish about it. 100% true....and I don't care in the least. .

Because you've grown weary trying to get through to these leftist knuckleheads using reason and logic...happens to the best of us.
Like fighting fire with fire.

You're accused by leftists of being a homophobe, Islamaphobe, racist, misogynist ,....yet people like Sarge think that we're really all the same?...that there is some sort of "middle ground" here?

The only corruption/collusion uncovered comes from the left...paid for fake dossier, unlawful FISA warrants, Russian Uranium deal, Hillary emails, weaponizing the IRS and FBI, DNC conspiring against Bernie Sanders ect.......and we're supposed to find some middle ground Sarge?

No need to address the media, you did that quite well.
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Middle ground? There is no middle ground anymore, its come down to right and wrong, good and evil...

You would rather conservative folks take the high road and just shut up? What a coincidence, liberals want for us to just shut up too...been trying to silence us for quite some time now.

Call it childish if you like...but I couldn't care less if Trump retaliates against the media or some liberal feminazi...what I find childish is his delivery, his language....if he only could be as articulate as someone like liberal killer Newt Gingrich.

I didn't say anything about shutting up. Christ people are always so over the top.

This has already gone off the rails and turned into something stupid because I think there are some people that are deranged in their love of Trump. God forbid.

Sorry, I'll go ahead and get right back into conservative lock-step. Crazy me, thinking for myself. I'll be at the re-education camp first thing Monday morning.
There isn't a person here that's married that approves of 100% of their spouse. Not one. We all have differences, etc. We all practice patience and tolerance - well some of us.

I've got all sorts of issues with Trump. A ton.

But I'm about results. My first month on my job, my boss's boss looked me in the eye and said "never confuse efforts with results."

Trump is getting results. It comes in a package I sometimes don't like.

But to the points of others in this thread, Trump is pushing back not just on the media, but on Washington and the Left in General, and damnit it is working. I love those results. This is a fantastic article I urge on all both sides to read from the WSJ:

The Exhaustion of American Liberalism
White guilt gave us a mock politics based on the pretense of moral authority.


By Shelby Steele
Updated March 5, 2017 6:20 p.m. ET

The recent flurry of marches, demonstrations and even riots, along with the Democratic Party’s spiteful reaction to the Trump presidency, exposes what modern liberalism has become: a politics shrouded in pathos. Unlike the civil-rights movement of the 1950s and ’60s, when protesters wore their Sunday best and carried themselves with heroic dignity, today’s liberal marches are marked by incoherence and downright lunacy—hats designed to evoke sexual organs, poems that scream in anger yet have no point to make, and an hysterical anti-Americanism.

All this suggests lostness, the end of something rather than the beginning. What is ending?

America, since the ’60s, has lived through what might be called an age of white guilt. We may still be in this age, but the Trump election suggests an exhaustion with the idea of white guilt, and with the drama of culpability, innocence and correctness in which it mires us.

White guilt is not actual guilt. Surely most whites are not assailed in the night by feelings of responsibility for America’s historical mistreatment of minorities. Moreover, all the actual guilt in the world would never be enough to support the hegemonic power that the mere pretense of guilt has exercised in American life for the last half-century.

White guilt is not angst over injustices suffered by others; it is the terror of being stigmatized with America’s old bigotries—racism, sexism, homophobia and xenophobia. To be stigmatized as a fellow traveler with any of these bigotries is to be utterly stripped of moral authority and made into a pariah. The terror of this, of having “no name in the street” as the Bible puts it, pressures whites to act guiltily even when they feel no actual guilt. White guilt is a mock guilt, a pretense of real guilt, a shallow etiquette of empathy, pity and regret.

It is also the heart and soul of contemporary liberalism. This liberalism is the politics given to us by white guilt, and it shares white guilt’s central corruption. It is not real liberalism, in the classic sense. It is a mock liberalism. Freedom is not its raison d’être; moral authority is.

When America became stigmatized in the ’60s as racist, sexist and militaristic, it wanted moral authority above all else. Subsequently the American left reconstituted itself as the keeper of America’s moral legitimacy. (Conservatism, focused on freedom and wealth, had little moral clout.) From that followed today’s markers of white guilt—political correctness, identity politics, environmental orthodoxy, the diversity cult and so on.

This was the circumstance in which innocence of America’s bigotries and dissociation from the American past became a currency of hardcore political power. Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, good liberals both, pursued power by offering their candidacies as opportunities for Americans to document their innocence of the nation’s past. “I had to vote for Obama,” a rock-ribbed Republican said to me. “I couldn’t tell my grandson that I didn’t vote for the first black president.”

For this man liberalism was a moral vaccine that immunized him against stigmatization. For Mr. Obama it was raw political power in the real world, enough to lift him—unknown and untested—into the presidency. But for Mrs. Clinton, liberalism was not enough. The white guilt that lifted Mr. Obama did not carry her into office—even though her opponent was soundly stigmatized as an iconic racist and sexist.

Perhaps the Obama presidency was the culmination of the age of white guilt, so that this guiltiness has entered its denouement. There are so many public moments now in which liberalism’s old weapon of stigmatization shoots blanks— Elizabeth Warren in the Senate reading a 30-year-old letter by Coretta Scott King, hoping to stop Jeff Sessions’s appointment as attorney general. There it was with deadly predictability: a white liberal stealing moral authority from a black heroine in order to stigmatize a white male as racist. When Ms. Warren was finally told to sit, there was real mortification behind her glaring eyes.

This liberalism evolved within a society shamed by its past. But that shame has weakened now. Our new conservative president rolls his eyes when he is called a racist, and we all—liberal and conservative alike—know that he isn’t one. The jig is up. Bigotry exists, but it is far down on the list of problems that minorities now face. I grew up black in segregated America, where it was hard to find an open door. It’s harder now for young blacks to find a closed one.

This is the reality that made Ms. Warren’s attack on Mr. Sessions so tiresome. And it is what caused so many Democrats at President Trump’s address to Congress to look a little mortified, defiantly proud but dark with doubt. The sight of them was a profound moment in American political history.

Today’s liberalism is an anachronism. It has no understanding, really, of what poverty is and how it has to be overcome. It has no grip whatever on what American exceptionalism is and what it means at home and especially abroad. Instead it remains defined by an America of 1965—an America newly opening itself to its sins, an America of genuine goodwill, yet lacking in self-knowledge.

This liberalism came into being not as an ideology but as an identity. It offered Americans moral esteem against the specter of American shame. This made for a liberalism devoted to the idea of American shamefulness. Without an ugly America to loathe, there is no automatic esteem to receive. Thus liberalism’s unrelenting current of anti-Americanism.

Let’s stipulate that, given our history, this liberalism is understandable. But American liberalism never acknowledged that it was about white esteem rather than minority accomplishment. Four thousand shootings in Chicago last year, and the mayor announces that his will be a sanctuary city. This is moral esteem over reality; the self-congratulation of idealism. Liberalism is exhausted because it has become a corruption.
Toot Toot!

President Donald J. Trump and Congressional Candidate, Republican, Rick Saccone. Big political rally, today, Moon Township, PA starting at 7:00PM local time. Doors to hangar open at 4:00PM, local time.

Rally will be carried in full by Fox New Network


“An anchor on CNN — fake as hell...”

"Sleepy eyed Chuck Todd that son of a *****"

"Maxine Waters Low IQ"

Crazy Bernie and Pocahontas!


New slogan for President Trump in 2020,



It's amazing to me how we all (as a society) seem to forget our simple fable stories that have taught life lessons for generations.

The left right now is clearly both Chicken Little AND the Boy Who Cried Wolf and the lessons of those important stories is completely lost on everything they do. If they cry "the sky is falling" (like the News media), those that follow that path will be miserable (and indeed, people ARE miserable over Trump even though he has very little impact on their daily lives). And the race-based left has been crying wolf about every slight ever done by white men, that they have tuned out the very audience they need when/if something REALLY does need to be changed.

And don't even get me started about how every ******* person in Puerto Rico needs to read the story of the "Three Little Pigs" again. They decided to build their electrical infrastructure out of straw and when the ******* wolf came (i.e. the hurricane), they expect the world to not only house them and protect them (which we did) but to rebuild THEIR house out of brick free of charge.

And then there is the vanity of Hollywood, who with one voice say "don't sexualize me" but continue to promote themselves with fancy cloths, sexual photo shoots and reward each other on looks alone.

It really is hypocrisy at its finest. And yet they yell at ME (and anything conservative, right-wing, overly Christian or pro-constitution/pro-law) as the morally corrupt. As the intolerant. As the reason for our society's ills.

They just don't get it.
The left's hatred of their political opposition - not their enemies, but merely those who hold different political views - dates back to Reagan. The left vilified him as a bigoted, spiteful warmonger who had absolutely no concern for 90% of Americans. The actual truth was that Reagan came from extremely modest economic circumstances, was a genuine and warm man, and somebody who sought to raise the prospects for all Americans. As is also true with Trump's presidency so far, Reagan's policies led to significant economic gains for minorities and women - just as he predicted.

How did the left react to the undeniable fact that Americans benefited from his economic policies? The usual way - with lies and insults. Only the rich benefited (wrong - middle class earnings, home ownership boomed), minorities were hurt (wrong - black unemployment waaay down, business ownership waaaay up), women were hurt (wrong - women's earnings exploded under Reagan's 8 years).

So after listening to this bullshit for 8 years, I expected a change in at least the tone towards George H.W. Bush. Wrong, wrong, wrong. Mocking his name? Referring to him as interested only in helping only the rich (this tired ******* meme is trotted out every four years by the same limousine liberals who take private jets to million dollar fundraisers attended by other multi-millionaires), despite the fact that H.W. lied about his age to join the air force at age 17 and fight in WWII. Does that sound like a man who is selfish, and interested only in increasing his profits on the backs of the "poor"?? He also founded an oil business that employed hundreds in well-paying jobs. And yet ... the same vitriol, the same hate, the same poisonous bile was spewed at H.W. as was directed at Reagan.

I learned at an early age that the left deals in ad hominem attacks, and that such attacks are always an unmitigated lie. So Clinton becomes President, has sex with any number of women while President, is caught diddling a young girl on Air Force One when Hillary charges aboard the plane and screams at him, gets blow jobs from an intern, but hey ... "that's personal," the left told us. The same left that harangued Reagan for "harming women" was waving its hands at Clinton's "exploits" and giving this political Weinstein a pardon for his behavior. Wait, what? And the same left that was screaming and shrieking at Quayle for "avoiding military service" by using his "influence" to get a position with the National Guard was now not in the least interested with the fact that Clinton, oh, I don't know, ACTUALLY used the influence of Henry Britt and William Armstrong to avoid service and was an ACTUAL draft-dodger.

So Trump is nominated, then elected. Here we go, the left thinks, the "racist, hates women, interested only in the rich, blah, blah" bullshit is trotted out yet again. (Seriously, if I were to remove the name of the candidates and publish the montage of accusations from Jim Wright, and Nancy Pelosi, and Chuck Schumer, etc. about the candidates, I wager nobody could match up the actual candidate with the accusation. "He is an ideologue interested only in helping his rich supporters, on the backs of the American working poor." Uhh, Reagan? Nope. H.W. Bush? Nope. Trump? No. W. Bush? Yes, yes. But didn't you say the EXACT same thing about Reagan, H.W., etc.?? Yes, of course they did, but hey, they all don't care about America or Americans.

So when the left accuses Trump of being a hot-head, or thin-skinned, or not prepared for the job - accusations which have merit if we are honest - I just cannot give a ****. The same lying liars accused two of the most decent, genuine people to hold the position of Presidency - Reagan and H.W. - of the same flaws. The Dims and their leadership cried wolf, then werewolf, then dragon, then murderous superwolf-dragon hybrid about every Republican to run or serve. EVERY ... LAST ... ONE. Their accusations are simply meaningless now.

And the American public realizes that, and simply ignores these criticisms and the liars behind them.