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Trump Bans Transgender Military Recruits

You realize that nothing actually changed. He just went back to the policy that was in effect before Obama's Defense Department decided to change it, and that change was still under final review when Trump killed it.

And I really don't care, it doesn't impact my life in the least. But the Republicans will own this now and whatever comes with it.
Yea, because that's why people want to join the army...


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Again you demonstrate negative knowledge. People join the military for nothing but pay and benefits all the time. If you have ever been in a unit that gets a WARNO for a possible deployment you have seen the mass of shitbirds trying to duck out. It's usually about 10% of the junior enlisted that try and get out based on "I only joined for the college money/ job training." I have personally seen people injur themselves and feign mental illness to avoid deployment. Sarge was a company 1st Seargent he can probably tell a ton of stories about this.
This fact escapes outraged, under-informed Liberals the world over.

Donald Orange Hair Trump Kicked Transgenders OUT of the Military!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ummmm, wrong.

Kinda like nobody "allowed" transgenders to pick what bathroom they use, they were never banned from doing so in the first place.
Kinda like nobody "allowed" transgenders to pick what bathroom they use, they were never banned from doing so in the first place.

This is where you step a bit off the reservation. Correct, there was no ban on bathroom usage. But the Obama administration worked it's *** off to create the perception that Transgenders the country over were being prohibited from using the bathroom of their choice, the dressing room of their choice, the shower of their choice. They created the shitstorm that is the present transgender debate around a situation that didn't exist - that Transgenders were prohibited from using the bathroom of their choice. They were NOT.

To make matters worse, Obama then drove the national push to drive transgenders into using "other" bathrooms, dressing rooms, and locker rooms, especially in schools by referring to Title IX. Obama and his administration tried to force schools to provide facilities for men, women, and those of confused gender by holding back FEDERAL FUNDING to schools. Surely you don't forget...


Obama administration directs schools to accommodate transgender students

The Obama administration on Friday directed schools across the nation to provide transgender students with access to suitable facilities — including bathrooms and locker rooms — that match their chosen gender identity.

The move, which affects all public schools and most colleges and universities that receive federal funds, plunges the administration even further into the country’s ongoing contentious debate over transgender rights.

The real issue was Obama's Admin threatened to hold back federal funding if schools did not comply:

For the most part, state and local officials have reversed course when threatened with the loss of federal funds over their treatment of transgender students. In 2013, the Education Department reached a settlement with the school district of Arcadia in California, on a dispute over whether the district violated Title IX by requiring a student who transitioned to being male to change clothes and use the bathroom in the nurse’s office.

In December, the school district in Palatine, Ill., agreed to allow a transgender girl to use the girls’ locker room after the Education Department threatened to withhold $6 million in federal funds.

Texas and other states battled and won against this Chicago-style thuggery.
You realize that nothing actually changed. He just went back to the policy that was in effect before Obama's Defense Department decided to change it, and that change was still under final review when Trump killed it.

The US military pre-dates the transgender issue as we know it, so any policy banning them would have actually created a policy. Obama was actually the one who went back to the original policy of no ban on transgenders.
I could not care less about their motivation. I am thinking about the readiness of the military. You don't disrupt it to avoid snowflakes shaking their ******* heads.

ayep, ******* Obama acted on his own in letting them in to begin with - bypassing Congress in pushing his radical leftwing Marxist agenda

I'm glad we can all agree his decision to focus on the economics was the correct one

Trump Banned Transgenders To Stop Congress From Fighting Over It

President Donald Trump's sudden ban of transgenders serving in the military may have been stratagem aimed at removing obstacles from defense spending bills, Politico reported

A fight between conservative and moderate Republicans over the government paying for gender reassignment surgeries threatened to derail the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), prompting Republicans to lobby the White House to intervene, according to Politico.

"Conservatives were telling [the] White House they didn't want money in a spending bill to go to transgender health services"

"Each dollar needs to be spent to address threats facing our nation," Hartzler said in a statement after Trump announced the ban. "The costs incurred by funding transgender surgeries and the required additional care it demands should not be the focus of our military resources."



“The Obama transgender policy, which was implemented without input from members of Congress, is ill-conceived and contrary to our goals of increasing troop readiness and investing defense dollars into addressing budget shortfalls of the past"

“By recruiting and allowing transgender individuals to serve in our military we are subjecting taxpayers to high medical costs including up to $130,000 per transition surgery, lifetime hormone treatments, and additional surgeries to address the high percentage of individuals who experience complications.”

“The deployability of individuals going through the sex transition process is highly problematic, requiring 210 to 238 work days where a soldier is non-deployable after surgery"

"This recovery time equates to 1.4 million manpower days where transgender personnel cannot deploy and fight our nation’s wars, therefore relying on an already stressed force to pick up the burden."

"It makes no sense to purposely recruit individuals who cannot serve.”

ayep, ******* Obama acted on his own in letting them in to begin with - bypassing Congress in pushing his radical leftwing Marxist agenda

I'm glad we can all agree his decision to focus on the economics was the correct one

Trump Banned Transgenders To Stop Congress From Fighting Over It

President Donald Trump's sudden ban of transgenders serving in the military may have been stratagem aimed at removing obstacles from defense spending bills, Politico reported

A fight between conservative and moderate Republicans over the government paying for gender reassignment surgeries threatened to derail the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), prompting Republicans to lobby the White House to intervene, according to Politico.

"Conservatives were telling [the] White House they didn't want money in a spending bill to go to transgender health services"

"Each dollar needs to be spent to address threats facing our nation," Hartzler said in a statement after Trump announced the ban. "The costs incurred by funding transgender surgeries and the required additional care it demands should not be the focus of our military resources."



“The Obama transgender policy, which was implemented without input from members of Congress, is ill-conceived and contrary to our goals of increasing troop readiness and investing defense dollars into addressing budget shortfalls of the past"

“By recruiting and allowing transgender individuals to serve in our military we are subjecting taxpayers to high medical costs including up to $130,000 per transition surgery, lifetime hormone treatments, and additional surgeries to address the high percentage of individuals who experience complications.”

“The deployability of individuals going through the sex transition process is highly problematic, requiring 210 to 238 work days where a soldier is non-deployable after surgery"

"This recovery time equates to 1.4 million manpower days where transgender personnel cannot deploy and fight our nation’s wars, therefore relying on an already stressed force to pick up the burden."

"It makes no sense to purposely recruit individuals who cannot serve.”



Key Findings

There Are an Estimated 1,320–6,630 Transgender Service Members in the Active Component, but Not All Will Seek Gender Transition–Related Treatment
It is difficult to estimate the number of transgender personnel in the military due to current policies and a lack of empirical data. Applying a range of prevalence estimates, combining data from multiple surveys, and adjusting for the male/female distribution in the military provided a midrange estimate of around 2,450 transgender personnel in the active component (out of a total number of approximately 1.3 million active-component service members) and 1,510 in the Selected Reserve.
An Amazing Story

Nearly two weeks ago, the House was debating the Defense Authorization Act. Included in the bill was an amendment that forbid Department of Defense from spending funds on “gender reassignment” surgery. The amendment, which in saner times would have been unremarkable and even unnecessary, was defeated 214-209 with 24 squish or morally apathetic Republicans voting with the Democrats.

Numerous House conservatives and defense hawks this week had threatened to derail their own legislation if it did not include a prohibition on Pentagon funding for gender reassignment surgeries, which they deem a waste of taxpayer money. But GOP leaders were caught in a pinch between those demands and moderate Republicans who felt the proposal was blatantly discriminatory.

“There are several members of the conference who feel this really needs to be addressed,” said senior House Appropriations Committee member Robert Aderholt (R-Ala.) on Tuesday. “This isn’t about the transgender issue; it’s about the taxpayer dollars going to pay for the surgery out of the defense budget.” As it happened, included in the Defense bill was money for a lot of Trump projects…including the Wall.

That’s why House lawmakers took the matter to the Trump administration. And when Defense Secretary James Mattis refused to immediately upend the policy, they went straight to the White House. Trump — never one for political correctness — was all too happy to oblige.

After lawmakers went around Mattis to engage the White House, Mattis was consulted before the announcement and knew the ban was being considered, according to several White House officials. But the decision ultimately came down from Trump and was “White House-driven,” Trump aides said.

The president was also annoyed by the Pentagon delay, one person said. A different official said the White House had gotten positive reaction from conservatives, an important factor amid their displeasure with Trump’s recent bashing of Jeff Sessions. So now the gender reassignment surgery issue is mooted.

The president’s directive, of course, took the House issue a step beyond paying for gender reassignment surgery and other medical treatment. House Republicans were never debating expelling all transgender troops from the military.

“This is like someone told the White House to light a candle on the table and the WH set the whole table on fire,” said one senior House Republican aide. The source said that while GOP leaders asked the White House for help, they weren’t expecting — and got no heads up on — Trump’s far-reaching directive.

While Democrats and centrist Republicans are already blasting the move, one White House official said the decision would be “seen as common-sense” by millions — though likely vociferously protested by others.

“It’s not the worst thing in the world to have this fight,” the administration official said.

Had this group of Republicans not pushed the issue, the transgender issue would have been settled downstream and, because Mattis is not a social conservative, probably in their favor.

This is the Law of Unintended Consequences in action. A small number of socially liberal Republicans decided to hold the entire Defense bill hostage and force Trump to make a move…and they won a victory they won’t ever forget.

Thank you General Dunford for slamming the ruler down


Joint Chiefs: No change in transgender policy until Trump sends Pentagon direction

The highest ranking military officer in the country said that the military’s transgender policy won’t actively change until President Trump sends specific directions to the Pentagon.

“There will be no modifications to the current policy until the president’s direction has been received by the secretary of defense and the secretary has issued implementation guidance,” Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen. Joseph Dunford wrote in a letter.

The letter comes a day after Trump tweeted that he would ban transgender people from serving in the military.

The tweets prompted immediate questions about how a policy change would be implemented for individuals already serving.

Thank God we have a system of government, with checks and balances, to offset the drunken buffoonery of the President. I don't see how Trump isn't impeached for utter belligerence. How can a President act this way, tweeting out missives left and right, day after day, like a madman?

Anyone in a sane, sober state of mind can clearly see the damage to the presidency and to the country Donald Trump has undertaken. Defend him on your own whim, nobody will take that away from you. But it's gotta be a tough. Standing by a man who's ripping apart democracy tweet by tweet and you guys worship him like he's a superhero.
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You guys love your false narratives. As a supporter of the Constitution it should appall you when any American has rights stopped from them. It's happening here.

When a government starts taking rights away from people, where will it stop?

That is the hypocrisy conservatives are now enjoying: don't take our rights. Oh it's queers? **** em. Take their rights.

Sent from my Nexus 6P using Steeler Nation mobile app
You guys love your false narratives. As a supporter of the Constitution it should appall you when any American has rights stopped from them. It's happening here.

When a government starts taking rights away from people, where will it stop?

That is the hypocrisy conservatives are now enjoying: don't take our rights. Oh it's queers? **** em. Take their rights.

Sent from my Nexus 6P using Steeler Nation mobile app

This is such bullshit. You need to look at "Rights" and re-define what a right is. No one's rights are being attacked here. There is no "right" to serve in the military.

Ask the people who dreamed of flying an F16 and can't because of poor eyesight. Their rights are somehow being trampled upon because only people with 20-20 vision can fly and damnit that's just not fair.

Jesus man.
oh, so the bureaucrats will have to take some weeks or months time to swallow this...

so how about a book to read in the meantime, hmmm?

Hillary Clinton calling new book 'What Happened'

NEW YORK (AP) — Hillary Clinton is calling her new book "What Happened" and promising unprecedented candor as she remembers her stunning defeat last year to Donald Trump.

"In these pages, she describes what it was like to run against Donald Trump, the mistakes she made, how she has coped with a shocking and devastating loss"






She LOST again

and again

and again!
You guys love your false narratives. As a supporter of the Constitution it should appall you when any American has rights stopped from them. It's happening here.

When a government starts taking rights away from people, where will it stop?

That is the hypocrisy conservatives are now enjoying: don't take our rights. Oh it's queers? **** em. Take their rights.

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I am with Tim what rights are talking about here? I see no issue.

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Ok. White males can no longer serve in the military. That's too vast. Pair it down a bit.

Females can no longer serve. No still too large.

Kick out the gays? Getting warmer, but there are a lot in the military.

OK kick out the transgendered.

If you don't see that all of these statements would be equally absurd, I can't help you.

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I think that anyone who is physically and mentally capable of serving should be allowed to.

As far as the military paying for their elective and cosmetic surgeries, no.


Klinger can go home!

Here is the problem i see. The pentagon didn't know about the ban, Mattis is on vacation, conservatives said they were not asking for the ban, and the whole DOD seemed to be blindsided by the announcement. The problem is Trump said he conferred with "his" generals, but that did not seem to happen. Just another instance ofTrump speaking out his ***.
I do not think the military should be paying for the meds / surgeries and i can see how on certain instances having someone transgender could cause some issues, but this ban does not seem to have many facts / support behind it.
Here is the problem i see. The pentagon didn't know about the ban, Mattis is on vacation, conservatives said they were not asking for the ban, and the whole DOD seemed to be blindsided by the announcement. The problem is Trump said he conferred with "his" generals, but that did not seem to happen. Just another instance ofTrump speaking out his ***.
I do not think the military should be paying for the meds / surgeries and i can see how on certain instances having someone transgender could cause some issues, but this ban does not seem to have many facts / support behind it.

I posted this previously, and it's not my words. A Marine family member sent this to me.

First off, gender reassignment surgery is an elective surgery. It is not performed for life-threatening reasons nor is it a mandatory surgery. It is one's choice. I do not believe people should be allowed to join the military with the intent of having the surgeries and having the taxpayers foot the bill. If you want to become a man or a woman, fine. That is your prerogative, I don't want to pay for it, and I shouldn't have to pay for it.

2nd of all, it is a real and tangible distraction. Why should the troops have to deal with an individual that is more concerned with their own sexual identity and all the inherent internal turmoils being experienced by someone with these emotional and physiological issues? the mind of the military member should be focused on one's mission and that of the others in their unit, not being a man trapped in a woman's body or vice versa.

3rd - the Department of Defense has an enormous amount of time and money invested in recruiting a person, putting that person through basic training, through extensive specialty training classes/courses, and certifying that person to perform their specific military occupational specialty. The trade off for all this time and expense is that one serves in a unit and actually performs the task that they're trained to do. Gender reassignment surgeries and the recovery times subtract from the time one is actually supposed to be performing their specific duties. is this a prudent return on the taxpayer's investment?

Most military units are typically compromised of small groups of individuals with highly specialized skills. The success and the very lives of the members of these units require participation, performance and sacrifice of ALL individuals within that unit, especially of one recovering from numerous gender reassignment surgeries, can place an undue burden on the remaining members of the team and may have a derogatory effect on the performance of their mission. The unit may very well fail in that mission because of the missing individual, or individuals, and that may very well cost the other members of the team their lives. Are we willing to sacrifice life and limb so taht someone can extricate themselves from the crushing burden of being an individual in the wrong gendered body?

All the histrionics coming from the “enlightened” progressives are based completely on the ignorance of the military culture, the mission of the military, and what is actually required to perform these missions. The military does not exist to be some sort of test tube for the progressive social experimentation. It exists to destroy the enemy.

Another reason for histrionics is the blind hatred for the President. Let the President do his job and let the military get back to doing what it is supposed to do.

If you’re a man trapped in a woman’s body, or a woman in a man body, PAY FOR YOUR OWN GENDER REASSIGNMENT SURGERY. Once you’ve completed the physical and emotional transition, and if you still truly want to join the military, then join up and serve with honor.
The facts are when Mattis took over, he used his authority to delay Obama's tranny policy until further study was done. Nothing has changed, that will continue.

Obama, in his arrogance, KNEW Hillary would win. She would be the one to get to put in the tranny policy "officially" this July.

Now that comes into question

Stars and Stripes | 21 Sep 2016

"Defense Secretary Ash Carter on June 30 repealed the longstanding ban on transgender men and women serving openly in the U.S. military, but he gave the services one year to determine and implement many of the changes that would be necessary for transgender service members – ranging from policies on communal shower facilities to physical fitness standards.

It remained unclear at the time whether the Pentagon would consider gender-reassignment surgery "medically necessary" or an elective, cosmetic surgery, a defense official said.



Military.com | 27 Jul 2017

Tony Perkins, a Marine veteran and president of the Family Research Council, praised the president's decision.

"I applaud President Trump for keeping his promise to return to military priorities -- and not continue the social experimentation of the Obama era that has crippled our nation's military," Perkins said.

Former Defense Secretary Ashton Carter, who last summer allowed transgender troops to serve openly and directed the military to develop plans on recruitment, said it's Trump who is engaged in social experimentation.

"To choose service members on other grounds than military qualifications is social policy and has no place in our military," Carter said in a statement.

Earlier this month, a spokeswoman for Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said he was giving the service chiefs another six months to review whether allowing transgendered individuals to serve would hurt the "readiness or lethality" of the force, The Associated Press reported.

The Army and Air Force had requested a two-year wait, while the Navy had requested a one-year wait in part to accommodate a request from the Marine Corps

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You guys love your false narratives. As a supporter of the Constitution it should appall you when any American has rights stopped from them. It's happening here.

When a government starts taking rights away from people, where will it stop?

That is the hypocrisy conservatives are now enjoying: don't take our rights. Oh it's queers? **** em. Take their rights.

Sent from my Nexus 6P using Steeler Nation mobile app

Again you are showing negative knowledge of the subject.

There is no "right" to join the military. The military has standards and practices that by necessity must be enforced. This is why the Predident is the CiC and is given broad powers to set policy in the services independent of Congress. This is why the military operates under the UCMJ rather than state and federal statutes.
That is the hypocrisy conservatives are now enjoying: don't take our rights. Oh it's queers? **** em. Take their rights.

I love the "it's such a small percentage of the population" reasoning. Apply that argument to infringing upon the rights of assault weapons owners and their heads explode.
So what do you call it when you are allowed to do something, you are serving, and you are now told you can't?

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All the services separate people involuntarily all the time. I had to leave the Army involuntarily due to an injury. Some are put out of the service for discipline problems or simply the lack of ability to adapt to military life. Hell in the 90s the Army jacked up the promotion scores to unattainable levels and separated thousands for not being able to get promoted to the next pay grade.