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Trump concedes Stormy Daniels agreement invalid


Well-known member
Apr 8, 2014
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No lawsuit, no deposition, and she will have to give back the $130,000. LOL.


Last month, Michael Cohen pleaded guilty to violating campaign finance laws involving the hush payment to Stormy Daniels, among other felonies. Trump’s former fixer said President Trump himself had directed him to commit the crime in the lead-up to the 2016 election, which worsened Trump’s legal troubles in a variety of ways. Over the weekend, Trump’s legal team tried to resolve at least one of those matters by releasing Daniels from what has already proven to be a wildly unsuccessful non-disclosure agreement.

On Friday, a lawyer for Essential Consultants, the company Cohen set up to pay Daniels, sought to void the agreement in a legal filing, and to recoup the $130,000 payment. (Trump reimbursed Cohen for the $130,000, and it’s unclear who would get the money if Daniels returned it.)

“Today, Essential Consultants LLC and Michael Cohen have effectively put an end to the lawsuits filed against them by Stephanie Clifford, aka Stormy Daniels,” Brent Blakely, Cohen’s lawyer, told CNN. “The rescission of the Confidential Settlement Agreement will result in Ms. Clifford returning to Essential Consultants the $130,000 she received in consideration, as required by California law.”

On Saturday, Trump’s attorney Charles Harder said in a separate court filing that the president would not seek to enforce the agreement, and would not contest Daniels’s “assertion that the Settlement Agreement was never formed, or in the alternative, should be rescinded.” Harder called on Daniels to “immediately dismiss” Trump from her lawsuit.

Trump’s legal team had initially tried to force Daniels into an arbitration that could have required her to pay the president more than $20 million for breaking her silence over their alleged 2006 affair, which Trump has denied. Daniels sued Trump in an effort to void her NDA, arguing that the agreement was invalid because Trump never signed it, or possibly because its purpose was illegal.

Daniels’s case had been put on hold pending the outcome of the federal investigation into Cohen in New York; following his guilty plea, Daniels’s attorney Michael Avenatti said they would move forward with efforts to make Trump give a deposition in the case. Daniels is also suing Trump for defamation for suggesting she was lying about being threatened to keep quiet about the affair.

Daniels already described her alleged relationship with Trump in a 60 Minutes interview and offered to return the $130,000. Avenatti dismissed Trump’s latest moves as an effort to avoid giving a deposition under oath, and said they would keep pursuing the case until they have “full disclosure and accountability.”
No lawsuit, no deposition, and she will have to give back the $130,000. LOL.

Hmm, you draw your conclusions rather quickly.

Avenatti dismissed Trump’s latest moves as an effort to avoid giving a deposition under oath, and said they would keep pursuing the case until they have “full disclosure and accountability.”

Not sure why you think anything's been settled in this case.

Avenatti: Trump and Cohen Just Exposed the ‘Giant Lie’ They’ve Been Telling for 6 Months

Avenatti said the defendants have a “sudden desire to escape having to defend this action” and have exposed a “profoundly troubling reality” in doing so.

“Defendants have been shamelessly deceiving this Court and the American public for more than six months,” he said. “Plaintiff does not make this claim lightly; it is based on the following undisputed facts. Beginning in February of 2018, Michael Cohen and Mr. Trump, along with their attorneys and surrogates, instituted a coordinated campaign to intimidate and bully Ms. Clifford into silence.”

“[They led] this Court to believe for six months that they had a good faith basis to assert that the Settlement Agreement was a valid contract, that it was not illegal, and that it had nothing to do with Mr. Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign,” he concluded. “The Court cannot simply allow Defendants to exit the case without facing any true consequences or a meaningful inquiry into the truth. The public interest in continuing with this case is self-evident.”
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So she was suing to have the agreement declared invalid, he's conceding that it was invalid, and now they want to depose him anyway?

Um, that's not the way civil litigation works. You don't get to depose someone just cause you want to. Good luck with that.

And of course given that she's already spilled her guts about everything, it would certainly be rich for her to try and argue it is valid now.

She's still suing him for defamation for saying she was lying about having been threatened, but my guess is her case is pretty thin there.
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I hope she sues her lawyer for the bad legal advice that led to her having to repay the money. She could probably win with an argument that he used her case to further his own career at the expense of her best interests,
Hmm, you draw your conclusions rather quickly.

Not sure why you think anything's been settled in this case.

Avenatti: Trump and Cohen Just Exposed the ‘Giant Lie’ They’ve Been Telling for 6 Months

Tibs, look, I know you are new to the concept of litigation and all, but you are ******* quoting THE *****'S LAWYER, not the court.

So Avenatti says that his client/***** should get a deposition, blah-dee-*******-blah.

That and $4 will get you a latte at Starbucks.

P.S. ****** do NOT age well.
The Court cannot simply allow Defendants to exit the case without facing any true consequences or a meaningful inquiry into the truth. The public interest in continuing with this case is self-evident.

So we won the case but we want to try it anyway. For the public interest ya know.


And face the consequences or truth of what exactly? I'm still trying to figure out how Stormy Daniels was wronged here. She ****** someone Willingly according to her. He offered her money to keep quiet about it. She took it. She went to the press and blabbed anyway.

How the hell did this case ever get to court in the first place? How is she a victim? If anyone has cause to sue it's Trump because she broke their agreement.
So we won the case but we want to try it anyway. For the public interest ya know.


And face the consequences or truth of what exactly? I'm still trying to figure out how Stormy Daniels was wronged here. She ****** someone Willingly according to her. He offered her money to keep quiet about it. She took it. She went to the press and blabbed anyway.

How the hell did this case ever get to court in the first place? How is she a victim? If anyone has cause to sue it's Trump because she broke their agreement.

4.1% GDP growth. I don't care if President Trump had sex with a porn star with big ****.
4.1% GDP growth. I don't care if President Trump had sex with a porn star with big ****.

Ayep. No one cares about this. Well, except Tibs, Avenatti, and CNN.
Ayep. No one cares about this. Well, except Tibs, Avenatti, and CNN.
Sure, I can see how reading this board gives you that impression.

The fact is the judge hasn’t ruled one way or another so we’ll just have to see if it gets dismissed. Trump and Cohen are obviously ******** in their pants having to give depositions - and being cross examined by Avenatti. Their fear is palpable, seeing how they want to sweep this under the rug after spending the past six months vehemently defending their position.

This is just a slice of all the trouble that ails Trump, maybe the judge will cut him some slack and bail him out here.

For whatever it’s worth Trump’s approval numbers have been dropping across eight independant polls, by as much as 6 points. With the economy in full swing, that’s a remarkable downturn. I wonder what it is? Perhaps the same character and credbility flaws he’s facing here in this case, and the Mueller probe. Who knows?
So we won the case but we want to try it anyway. For the public interest ya know.


And face the consequences or truth of what exactly? I'm still trying to figure out how Stormy Daniels was wronged here. She ****** someone Willingly according to her. He offered her money to keep quiet about it. She took it. She went to the press and blabbed anyway.

How the hell did this case ever get to court in the first place? How is she a victim? If anyone has cause to sue it's Trump because she broke their agreement.

She probably figured that she'd get more than $130,000 back after Trump was elected President, although that doesn't seem to be the case now. I suppose that most porn stars are not real smart although if you watch interviews on YouTube there are exceptions. Ron Jeremy (masters degree in special education), Randy Spears (seems intelligent), Sharon Mitchell (doctor, actually DID do porn movies to pay for medical school), and Nina Hartley (RN).
they poked
he decided to pay her $$$ to stfu about it
had her sign a legally binding agreement to stfu in order to get the money
she signed
she reneged and blabbed

why would he NOT get his money back?
Sure, I can see how reading this board gives you that impression.

The fact is the judge hasn’t ruled one way or another so we’ll just have to see if it gets dismissed. Trump and Cohen are obviously ******** in their pants having to give depositions - and being cross examined by Avenatti. Their fear is palpable, seeing how they want to sweep this under the rug after spending the past six months vehemently defending their position.

This is just a slice of all the trouble that ails Trump, maybe the judge will cut him some slack and bail him out here.

For whatever it’s worth Trump’s approval numbers have been dropping across eight independant polls, by as much as 6 points. With the economy in full swing, that’s a remarkable downturn. I wonder what it is? Perhaps the same character and credbility flaws he’s facing here in this case, and the Mueller probe. Who knows?

Nice post. You are apparently under the impression that I care about Trump. I don't. Just like I don't care about the fact that he slept with a porn star and paid her to keep quiet. I do not care that he lied about it. I just do not care.

This story is a whole lot of nothing. So he slept with a porn star in 2006. He paid her to be quiet. Who cares? Nobody was going to change their vote over that. Nobody.
I concede that I, like Sarge, don't care. The guy was 70 when he was elected. I am sure there are a ton of skeletons. Brass balls if you ask me.
I concede that I, like Sarge, don't care. The guy was 70 when he was elected. I am sure there are a ton of skeletons. Brass balls if you ask me.

This is all part of a perjury trap... get him to say anything under oath that is a lie pertaining to a relivent court matter and they have precedent ti impeach him... literally taking the Lewinski plan.. where they knew they had something to nail him on and just needed to get him under oath to deny it... again staying away from all court cases is a smart move by trumps team, cause that guy might randomly deny his name is trump... plus he probably has a lot of these contracts out there they have proof on and only need him to deny to nail him on a technicality
This is all part of a perjury trap... get him to say anything under oath that is a lie pertaining to a relivent court matter and they have precedent ti impeach him... literally taking the Lewinski plan.. where they knew they had something to nail him on and just needed to get him under oath to deny it... again staying away from all court cases is a smart move by trumps team, cause that guy might randomly deny his name is trump... plus he probably has a lot of these contracts out there they have proof on and only need him to deny to nail him on a technicality

Whatever happened to the GOP’s traditional support of the FBI and CIA, it’s only with this new administation that it’s gone by the wayside...

Sent from my iPad using Steeler Nation mobile app
Nice post. You are apparently under the impression that I care about Trump. I don't. Just like I don't care about the fact that he slept with a porn star and paid her to keep quiet. I do not care that he lied about it. I just do not care.

This story is a whole lot of nothing. So he slept with a porn star in 2006. He paid her to be quiet. Who cares? Nobody was going to change their vote over that. Nobody.

I guess a person’s moral compass has no consequence here,got it.

Sent from my iPad using Steeler Nation mobile app
How many BJs will she have to perform to come up with the $130K?
The fact is the judge hasn’t ruled one way or another so we’ll just have to see if it gets dismissed. Trump and Cohen are obviously ******** in their pants having to give depositions - and being cross examined by Avenatti. Their fear is palpable, seeing how they want to sweep this under the rug after spending the past six months vehemently defending their position.

Or, maybe they realize there is really no point in trying to enforce a non-disclosure agreement when everything has already been disclosed.

Yes, of course Trump does not want to be deposed and have to say publicly that yes, he had sex with Stormy Daniels. Or maybe perjure himself like Clinton did. Neither one of those are great choices. It's not surprising.
Whatever happened to the GOP’s traditional support of the FBI and CIA, it’s only with this new administation that it’s gone by the wayside...

Sent from my iPad using Steeler Nation mobile app

Welcome back Elfie. What took you so long?
How many BJs will she have to perform to come up with the $130K?

It depends on what part of any given city you are in. I would say on average that’s about 1700 BJ’s. Er, ah, that’s what someone told me. Just now when I asked.
Yes but if it was Obama would you?
Irrelevant because under Bomma's policies we would never have 4% growth.

Whatever happened to the GOP’s traditional support of the FBI and CIA, it’s only with this new administation that it’s gone by the wayside...
Dunno. What happened to the Democrats' traditional suspicion of the FBI and CIA?
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