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Trump/Harris Debate

Good summary Sarge. If there's another debate, I doubt he'd do any better. It is definitely not his strength. The only one I think he won was when Biden melted down and subsequently removed but he still got flustered in that one.
Even that one was likely a toss-up in the minds of many Americans until he pointed out Biden can't hit a golf ball 50 yards. After that it was all over but the crying. I'm kinda surprised he didn't bring up golf last night. Has Kamala ever won a club championship? Does she have the smarts to pull it off? I think it's unlikely. I want to know what's in her bag. I need to know what's in her bag.
it is what it is, the standard is the standard.

we are not going to wake up.
As OFTB said, she left him plenty of openings and he just couldn’t go with substance over the show. If he’d just stick to the facts and stop worrying about dunking on her he’d be just fine. He just can’t help himself.

He's never going to be a polished politician. Which is what most people don't want. Another slick talking liar who speaks while saying nothing.

I still wish he would polish up and prepare.This is an easy target.

I'd like to see Vance and Walz go at it. You'd get more of what you're looking for in a political debate.
I have been shot at also, two of my friends still have bbs in their heads from it.
give me $500 on you didn’t watch the Ohio citizens testimony at a city council meeting.
You just believe the bull that ABC just fed you.
Sorry to hear about your shooting.

I'll watch it once I'm home. Busy at work today but I'll watch and reply.

Somehow, though, how will these videos align with the city manager's dispute on the claims???
That's it. It's in the states hands. Child murder should never be an issue in the first place, just like child genital mutilation being performed, but it is. Pretty sad.

It takes a special person to exterminate your own flesh and blood. I can't even fathom what it takes for a doctor to perform it.

You need a broken moral compass.
my thoughts too.
what were the circumsataces? when you were shot. i am guessing i will be too, living in So Cal. I too am not speculating. I dont get it. . Except get used to it.
Waco, TX. Drive by/ ambush on us (4 other soldiers in the car with me). All of us Desert Storm combat vets, who made it back in one piece only to be injured by gunfire at home in the United States.
Only diehards watch debates and they already have picked their horse in the race.
The average voter will decide whether the economy is good or bad for themselves and assign blame.
Were the last 4 years better or worse than the previous 4 years and is the country on the right track?
That is what will be on the minds of most voters IMO.
Waco, TX. Drive by/ ambush on us (4 other soldiers in the car with me). All of us Desert Storm combat vets, who made it back in one piece only to be injured by gunfire at home in the United States.
Thanks for that, and for your service. i mean it. Why can't you get the point? Wrong direction. I will listen to your thoughts.
My take ? inundated. I worry about my kids, not so much me.
I'm going to steal a line from Bill Maher. " I would vote for him if his head was in a jar of blue liquid" Not because I am a forever Trumper but because I am tired of being broke and I think this country has lost it's ******* mind in the last three and a half years'

The Democrats have done everything in their power to give this election to Trump but he is just too **** ing stupid to get out of his own way. This thing should have been over two months ago but Trump can't quit stepping on his own dick, no instead of not steeping on it he has to tell people what a wonderful, beautiful dick it is, it's the greatest dick ever, it's such a good dick and how it didn't hurt to step on it.

The Republicans should have took a play out of the Democrats playbook and put Trump in a basement somewhere after the first debate. It is painfully obvious he will not listen to ANYBODY. Trump is going to say and do whatever he wants to whether it hurts him or not.

Trump should have run his campaign on four things.

1) the economy: gas prices, food prices, the cost of a car or how much insurance has gone up along with everything else in this country since you and Joe took office but now you want to fix it.

2) the boarder: ***** so bad with immigration right now that others gangs are having to fight the immigration gangs that are crossing the boarder. where are you on this Mrs, I am a former prostitutor who believes in the law. would you like to explain to the American people how these immigrants are affording to live if your administration isn't giving them money or they are not committing crimes, because hard working Americans are struggling just to put food on the table. so is or isn't immigration putting a strain on our country.

3) Foreign policy: How many new wars were started under my watch? So what you don't think they respect me, The age old question. " is it better to be feared or respected?" they knew better than to start **** when I was in charge. Why is it ok for a pipeline in Russia but not here in the US of A. do you not understand that even if you did make every car in this country run off a battery that there are a thousand other things that need oil. like shingles, paint, oil for your motor so it don't blow the **** up. you can't get a EV to run across the state without charging it how in the **** are you going to fly a plane on batterys. Oh and BTY if we were producing chips in this country we wouldn't have had such a **** show with cars and trucks sitting in parking lots waiting on chips.

4) Abortion: Own that ****. I believe in abortion if and only if it involves rape, incest or serious consequences to the women's health. The thing is I am not a tyrant so lets give it to the people and let them decide by voting on it and I will live with that.

How ******* hard is it to just stick to policy and to actually tell the American people what your actual plan is to fixing ****.

I have and will again vote for President Trump but he sure **** the bed last night.
Thanks for that, and for your service. i mean it. Why can't you get the point? Wrong direction. I will listen to your thoughts.
My take ? inundated. I worry about my kids, not so much me.
What point am I missing? I guess I was not clear in my comments.

I made a comment that Mr. Trump's ear looked totally fine to me. Because someone said that the Democratic party did something shady (which is probably true) so I countered with my comment (which eludes to "was he really shot?).

Sorry for the confusion.
From what i understand, there is a big conglormerit . And they are pissed. But that is is just me, I believe it is being exposed.... too slowly ,Not enough.
Am I a conspiracy theorist? I don't think so. look around.
I'm going to steal a line from Bill Maher. " I would vote for him if his head was in a jar of blue liquid" Not because I am a forever Trumper but because I am tired of being broke and I think this country has lost it's ******* mind in the last three and a half years'

The Democrats have done everything in their power to give this election to Trump but he is just too **** ing stupid to get out of his own way. This thing should have been over two months ago but Trump can't quit stepping on his own dick, no instead of not steeping on it he has to tell people what a wonderful, beautiful dick it is, it's the greatest dick ever, it's such a good dick and how it didn't hurt to step on it.

The Republicans should have took a play out of the Democrats playbook and put Trump in a basement somewhere after the first debate. It is painfully obvious he will not listen to ANYBODY. Trump is going to say and do whatever he wants to whether it hurts him or not.

Trump should have run his campaign on four things.

1) the economy: gas prices, food prices, the cost of a car or how much insurance has gone up along with everything else in this country since you and Joe took office but now you want to fix it.

2) the boarder: ***** so bad with immigration right now that others gangs are having to fight the immigration gangs that are crossing the boarder. where are you on this Mrs, I am a former prostitutor who believes in the law. would you like to explain to the American people how these immigrants are affording to live if your administration isn't giving them money or they are not committing crimes, because hard working Americans are struggling just to put food on the table. so is or isn't immigration putting a strain on our country.

3) Foreign policy: How many new wars were started under my watch? So what you don't think they respect me, The age old question. " is it better to be feared or respected?" they knew better than to start **** when I was in charge. Why is it ok for a pipeline in Russia but not here in the US of A. do you not understand that even if you did make every car in this country run off a battery that there are a thousand other things that need oil. like shingles, paint, oil for your motor so it don't blow the **** up. you can't get a EV to run across the state without charging it how in the **** are you going to fly a plane on batterys. Oh and BTY if we were producing chips in this country we wouldn't have had such a **** show with cars and trucks sitting in parking lots waiting on chips.

4) Abortion: Own that ****. I believe in abortion if and only if it involves rape, incest or serious consequences to the women's health. The thing is I am not a tyrant so lets give it to the people and let them decide by voting on it and I will live with that.

How ******* hard is it to just stick to policy and to actually tell the American people what your actual plan is to fixing ****.

I have and will again vote for President Trump but he sure **** the bed last night.
Warriors for POTUS!!
Trump did well considering he was debating 3 people. The cackling whoore lied constantly, didn't answer the questions, did not state any policy and proved that she is just plain dumb.
Yes, but she win on the presentation and narrative.

Not facts or policy.

She was more likable than Trump last night.

Sign him up for round 2!
I was hoping Trump's kids, Tulsi, RFK Jr., or someone, would get him to talk policies, answer the actual question, talk specifics and not ramble. Oh well.....
Miranda, Kamala style:
“You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a presidential debate.”

Now we know why, for 7+ weeks now, she’s been pretty silent and MIA to press conferences.
Trump did well considering he was debating 3 people. The cackling whoore lied constantly, didn't answer the questions, did not state any policy and proved that she is just plain dumb
She answered way more questions than Trump did... All Trump could say was how this is the worst or I was the best.... How about backing that up. They were talking about oil and all Trump had to say was what was the price of gas when I left and what is it now. He instead chooses to go off on rants He could talk about the price of milk or bread. He really didn't defend himself on Covid. Trump looked and acted like a fool last night. why not say he won't sign a national abortion ban. Trump really stumbled on the ACA question as well. Kamala had way more substance to her answers. You don't have to like or agree with them but she was way better than Trump
Only to retarded communists.
Yes, but Trump -- like Hitlery in 2016 and Trump in 2020 -- need votes from those outside their base.

That is point of running in an election.

Trump failed, again, to be more likable than his opponent. That is sad, disappointing and a shame. Unlike Reagan, he is unable to swallow his ego and speak to and about the people. It was all "I did, I was, I am....." yeesh. Those who are at the top don't sell others on their greatness; those with esteem issues fail to understand this, and that was Trump last night.

The world would be a better place if Harris loses, but Trump did not help that in last night's debate.
here is warriors Make America great plan:

First off I stated above my opinions on Abortion and oil production so no need to recap that.

Lets start with student loans: nothing in this country is free so why should student loans be. That being said make it affordable. The cost of tuition is out of control. if we cut the amount of money we are loaning to people schools will have to cut tuition or go under, schools do not need twenty million dollar buildings with golden stairways to teach kids. Also make the loans simple interest loans and cap them at 2%, people pay off a $50,000,00 loan for a car in six or seven years you should be able to pay that amount in a student loan in ten years twenty if it's a hundred grand or more. If you want to attend college then there must be some sacrifices, maybe you don't get that new car or big house until you're 30 years old.

Social security: here is a novel idea quit giving our money to our enemies and illegal immigrants and put it in the SS fund. Also do people understand why your 401K or IRA are not taxed from your check? It's so when you retire this corrupt government can charge you tax on your retirement at a higher interest rate than if you were taxed bi-weekly. Speaking of tax how stupid is it that you are taxed on your social security which is in fact just a tax you paid.

Most people already pay into a 401K if afford so lets do away with the social security tax and make it mandatory that that money go into a company matched 401K at 10% when you leave a job that money automatically rolls to the next job and when you retire it is ALL your money. Yes the government will have to fund SS for maybe twenty years but after that it will be self sustaining. and health care should be free for anyone over the age of 62.

Cut the government in half and put all these **** suckers on an hourly wage. if you are not in session working you are not getting paid. if you or your spouse make money off of anyone we do business with in any way shape or form including investments you go to jail. no more fifty thousand dollars or more to decorate you ******* office you need a desk a couch and two chairs. You are on and pay the same amount for heath care that everyone else does.

If you are on welfare and claim you can't find a job I will find one for you, no more free rides, if you can work get your *** out there and work.

Education: get back to teaching the basics. Math, English,Science, writing in cursive, and history, not your idea of history but actual history, what actually happened not what you wished would have happened. no more CTR, if your children want to pray they should be allowed to if they don't want to pray nobody is forcing you to.

I'm getting wore out fixing our country so more to come later if anyone is interested. lol

first off, whenever Harold Ford is on any show and ***** out his opinion, the only proper response should be: "Thank you for that, Mr. Ford. **** you and **** your ******* lying, stealing, law-breaking family. **** you."

that said -

This "debate" - even with the moderators attacking Trump - should have been easily won by DJT.

The first question "Are you better off today than you were four years ago?"

as OFTB said, yes, this was an obvious question. And DJT could have sealed the debate right then and there.

"I cannot say I'm better off, since the Biden Administration and by default Kamala Harris, have weaponized the Justice System to come after me - their political opponent. They do this while also playing political football in Ukraine with our taxpayer money. They have shown they are more than willing to send untold billions to the 2nd most corrupt country in that part of the world, while at the same time saying that spending even a thimble full of that sum to protect our own country was impossible. With the amount of money we've sent to Ukraine, we could have had 25 walls of varying heights and depths built. Which would have made our alleged border czar - who, btw is over there cackling about this - look better, even though we know the only border visit she had was sterilized and a pr campaign. Somehow the Democrats believe that higher inflation than when I was president, lower employment than when I was president and higher crime rates when I was president are going to benefit this country. Of course they've not burned it down in the same spectacular fashion they did in Minneapolis when Kamala Harris was bailing out arsonists and law breakers during the BLM protests. Speaking of protests, when the Democrats bring up J6, keep in mind that those protestors were protesting the government, their officials and taking it to them. Unlike the protestors in Minneapolis who were burning down buildings and livelihoods of American voters and taxpayers."

Boom. Done.

Supe / @Tim Steelersfan - 2024
Vote like your beer and ammo depend on it.