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Trump/Harris Debate

Poor Trump boo-hoo. He has no one to blame but himself. They did question Kamala about her flip-flopping, but Trump clearly came in unprepared. Trump could have easily shut down alot of stuff if he stayed on course and did his homework. They did let him rant a bit as well past his time. I feel like Trump watches tik tok and reports whatever he hears on there as facts. Trump could use enough real facts instead of spewing out un-proven extremes. Unfortunately he just seems incapable of doing that


Maybe not what you think​

SEP 11, 2024

Debate winner: CNN's Candy Crowley. In 2012, she -- the moderator -- interjected herself into a Romney-Obama debate to fact-check Mitt Romney with a lie. But unlike ABC's crack moderators on Tuesday night, at least she only did it once.

I'm exhausted from fact-checking ABC's fact-checkers, so I'm just going to tell you about a brilliant experiment that pretty clearly established who won the Trump-Clinton debates in 2016.

The media say Trump whiffed Tuesday night, but that's what we were told in 2016, too. It also could be that Kamala Harris came across as a smirker -- MSNBC's signature move -- just like Hillary Clinton did. You've probably forgotten this -- if you ever knew it -- but notwithstanding Clinton’s allegedly devastating debate performances with Trump, she bombed. There's scientific proof.

Feminists were ecstatic when Trump called Clinton "a nasty woman" at one of the debates, rushing out with "nasty woman" T-shirts, pins, backpacks and other merchandise. With the feminists' usual finger on the pulse of the nation, it never occurred to them that maybe she was nasty.

Trump was responding to Clinton’s snotty aside -- while describing her Social Security plans, of all things:

Clinton: "My Social Security payroll contribution will go up, as will Donald’s -- assuming he can’t figure out how to get out of it -- but what we want to do is --"

Trump: "Such a nasty woman."

In order to test the feminist theory that Clinton, as a woman, was judged much more harshly than Trump, a couple of professors at New York University and INSEAD designed the perfect experiment. Two months after the election, they re-created the 2016 debates, but with a man playing Clinton and a woman playing Trump.

Professional actors were hired to reenact segments from each of the three debates, using the candidates' exact words, gestures, intonation and stances. During rehearsals, they even had a screen with the actual debate running behind them to ensure a precise replica of the candidates' performances, with only the genders inverted. (For you confused Gen Z’ers, back then there were only two genders.)

The professors and their (sold-out) audiences were stunned by the result. As NYU professor Joe Salvatore put it, instead of confirming their "liberal assumption" that "no one would have accepted Trump’s behavior from a woman, and that the male Clinton would seem like the much stronger candidate," audience members found themselves hating the male Clinton and being impressed by the female Trump.

This is how Salvatore described the reactions:

"We heard a lot of 'now I understand how this happened' -- meaning how Trump won the election. People got upset. There was a guy two rows in front of me who was literally holding his head in his hands, and the person with him was rubbing his back. The simplicity of Trump’s message became easier for people to hear when it was coming from a woman -- that was a theme. One person said, ‘I’m just so struck by how precise Trump’s technique is.’ Another -- a musical theater composer, actually -- said that Trump created ‘hummable lyrics,’ while Clinton talked a lot, and everything she said was true and factual, but there was no 'hook' to it." (Sadly, the Trump bump among the musical theater crowd was short-lived.)

One audience member said she found the [male] Clinton “really punchable.”

I suspect the Trump-Harris debate will elicit similar reactions. Trump is Trump, a known quantity. His scattershot delivery isn't going to shock anyone. If you already detest the man, your view was confirmed. But if you don't hate him, Trump put a lot of points on the board, while Harris said nothing, and said it smugly.

The debate sure didn't give undecided voters what they wanted from Harris. As has been widely reported, they are waiting breathlessly for some hint of what she believes and what she would do as president. After the ABC debate, they're still waiting. About all they learned is that Harris comes from a middle-class family. (That regular guy routine worked great for John Kasich!)

But they know that life was better under Trump. And they know that Harris, like Clinton, is a nasty woman

Click on the link this is some of the lies Kamala told and wasn’t fact-checked on. With videos to back up the fact she lied. There are 4 pages of lies she told last night. Berm you can’t believe a word CBS says.

serious question form anybody considering voting Kamala. What policy of hers is better than Trump's? Follow up, Do you actually believe all of the new things she's saying like how she wants to close the border and that's she's no pro-fracking?
She's going to lie her *** off. It doesn't matter, there's zero accountability for it.

None.Nadda.Ziltch. When you have zero integrity and no moral compass whatsoever, the sky is the limit. And a media that is just an arm of your party and campaign.
She went from being not liked by anyone right to the head of the ticket without a single vote.

The end justifies whatever means it takes to achieve the objective. And the objective is staying in power.
She's going to lie her *** off. It doesn't matter, there's zero accountability for it.

None.Nadda.Ziltch. When you have zero integrity and no moral compass whatsoever, the sky is the limit. And a media that is just an arm of your party and campaign.
She went from being not liked by anyone right to the head of the ticket without a single vote.

The end justifies whatever means it takes to achieve the objective. And the objective is staying in power.

I don't get the corelation, but that was a good movie. Too bad on Belushi. He would have made a lot more great comedy. I really liked watching him on SNL when I was a kid, boy that show sure went to ****.
I don't get the corelation, but that was a good movie. Too bad on Belushi. He would have made a lot more great comedy. I really liked watching him on SNL when I was a kid, boy that show sure went to ****.

You have to think deeply with my responses....
Plain English Translation
Lots of stuff out our control so don't take life too seriously, Enjoy watching the Steelers and our country flounder, and drink heavily
Last edited:

You have to think deeply with my responses....
Plain English Translation
Lots of stuff out our control so don't take life too seriously, Enjoy watching the Steelers and our country flounder, and drink heavily

I don't take life too seriously, but I'm pretty serious when it comes to my sons future in this country.

I wish a millions of people would take this more seriously. My gift is seeing through things and people like glass. My father has the same.

I do enjoy the Steeler games even though I know they're not going to win **** anytime soon..haha.

I don't drink. I find my mental balance in training really ******* hard from weight training to martial arts. It works. Best natural drug a person can ever take. That and fresh air ,sunshine and the ocean as the sun rises.

"Just because you do not take an interest in politics doesn't mean politics won't take an interest in you." -Pericles

"If you do not take an interest in the affairs of your government, then you are doomed to live under the rule of fools."

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here is warriors Make America great plan:

First off I stated above my opinions on Abortion and oil production so no need to recap that.

Lets start with student loans: nothing in this country is free so why should student loans be. That being said make it affordable. The cost of tuition is out of control. if we cut the amount of money we are loaning to people schools will have to cut tuition or go under, schools do not need twenty million dollar buildings with golden stairways to teach kids. Also make the loans simple interest loans and cap them at 2%, people pay off a $50,000,00 loan for a car in six or seven years you should be able to pay that amount in a student loan in ten years twenty if it's a hundred grand or more. If you want to attend college then there must be some sacrifices, maybe you don't get that new car or big house until you're 30 years old.

Social security: here is a novel idea quit giving our money to our enemies and illegal immigrants and put it in the SS fund. Also do people understand why your 401K or IRA are not taxed from your check? It's so when you retire this corrupt government can charge you tax on your retirement at a higher interest rate than if you were taxed bi-weekly. Speaking of tax how stupid is it that you are taxed on your social security which is in fact just a tax you paid.

Most people already pay into a 401K if afford so lets do away with the social security tax and make it mandatory that that money go into a company matched 401K at 10% when you leave a job that money automatically rolls to the next job and when you retire it is ALL your money. Yes the government will have to fund SS for maybe twenty years but after that it will be self sustaining. and health care should be free for anyone over the age of 62.

Cut the government in half and put all these **** suckers on an hourly wage. if you are not in session working you are not getting paid. if you or your spouse make money off of anyone we do business with in any way shape or form including investments you go to jail. no more fifty thousand dollars or more to decorate you ******* office you need a desk a couch and two chairs. You are on and pay the same amount for heath care that everyone else does.

If you are on welfare and claim you can't find a job I will find one for you, no more free rides, if you can work get your *** out there and work.

Education: get back to teaching the basics. Math, English,Science, writing in cursive, and history, not your idea of history but actual history, what actually happened not what you wished would have happened. no more CTR, if your children want to pray they should be allowed to if they don't want to pray nobody is forcing you to.

I'm getting wore out fixing our country so more to come later if anyone is interested. lol
This has always irked me.

You pay your taxes and should see the return in whatever resource is promised to you. You work your *** off only to be taxed more.

Paying for moochers on welfare etc.

Working people need to be rewarded
I don't take life too seriously, but I'm pretty serious when it comes to my sons future in this country.

I wish a millions of people would take this more seriously. My gift is seeing through things and people like glass. My father has the same.

I do enjoy the Steeler games even though I know they're not going to win **** anytime soon..haha.

I don't drink. I find my mental balance in training really ******* hard from weight training to martial arts. It works. Best natural drug a person can ever take. That and fresh air ,sunshine and the ocean as the sun rises.

"Just because you do not take an interest in politics doesn't mean politics won't take an interest in you." -Pericles

"If you do not take an interest in the affairs of your government, then you are doomed to live under the rule of fools."

Nothing beats challenging yourself. The weights look like they move easy. But getting under a barbell and grinding out those last reps are a mental booster.

I have a 12 year old and 3 year old boys. I hope their future is promising. I don’t know how politics will shape out.

I hope it’s just generational and being a crotchety old man on our part. But politics has really looked like a circus and the people who do the right thing are the ones getting ****** over.

And let’s go Pens and Go Dawgs!
Jizzer, Stainless, Bermuda.
Just because we dont worship Trump like most on here does not mean I am voting for or considering voting for Harris. I think she is worse than Hillary in some ways. I personally can not stand Trump, but unfortunately he is the lesser of the 2 evils at this point. If you can not see that he flopped at the debate last night I do not know what to tell you. His approach was very lazy and unhinged. If he would have even spent a couple hours prepping he could have wiped the floor w/ her. All he had to say was something like "They say the economy was so bad under me, but gas was xxxx dollars then and its xxxx now. A gallon of milk was xxxx then and xxxxx now." "Crime rates were xxxx under me and are now xxxx" He could even go further and break it down into crime rates in democratic cities. He could have hammered her on the border w/ just a few facts like how many people have illegal immigrants killed under her administration. As for abortion he stated he was against it except for the rape, incest, life of mother exceptions. When asked about a national abortion ban he balked. He could have said he would not sign it and wanted to keep it in the states or said he would consider signing it if it allowed for the exceptions. Instead he danced around and criticized Vance for supposedly telling the media that Trump said he would not sign a national ban. His best remarks probably came in the closing arguments when he said she had 3.5yrs to do this stuff and has not. That was a good statement and he should have focused on that and elaborated instead of just throwing around sensationalized empty rhetoric.
She's going to lie her *** off. It doesn't matter, there's zero accountability for it.

None.Nadda.Ziltch. When you have zero integrity and no moral compass whatsoever, the sky is the limit. And a media that is just an arm of your party and campaign.
She went from being not liked by anyone right to the head of the ticket without a single vote.

The end justifies whatever means it takes to achieve the objective. And the objective is staying in power.
Kamala is a harlot with a Communist father.
It was a setup. Trump didn't do well. The DNC and ABC got what they wanted out of it. The lies and fake fact checks don't matter. The soundbites and camera shots do. ABC succeeded in making Harris authoritative.

Inflation will rise another 20% under Kamala.
As OFTB said, she left him plenty of openings and he just couldn’t go with substance over the show. If he’d just stick to the facts and stop worrying about dunking on her he’d be just fine. He just can’t help himself.
Pretty much what I said also
He tap danced around it. He got flustered while trying to make the point that the bill would never get to his desk. The vast majority of voters don’t know how bills become law, if you can’t explain why it won’t happen concisely, don’t try. He should have just said “I will veto any bill that bans abortion without exceptions and allowances up to X weeks.” The vast majority of Americans could accept that.
Just because we dont worship Trump like most on here does not mean I am voting for or considering voting for Harris. I think she is worse than Hillary in some ways. I personally can not stand Trump, but unfortunately he is the lesser of the 2 evils at this point. If you can not see that he flopped at the debate last night I do not know what to tell you. His approach was very lazy and unhinged. If he would have even spent a couple hours prepping he could have wiped the floor w/ her. All he had to say was something like "They say the economy was so bad under me, but gas was xxxx dollars then and its xxxx now. A gallon of milk was xxxx then and xxxxx now." "Crime rates were xxxx under me and are now xxxx" He could even go further and break it down into crime rates in democratic cities. He could have hammered her on the border w/ just a few facts like how many people have illegal immigrants killed under her administration. As for abortion he stated he was against it except for the rape, incest, life of mother exceptions. When asked about a national abortion ban he balked. He could have said he would not sign it and wanted to keep it in the states or said he would consider signing it if it allowed for the exceptions. Instead he danced around and criticized Vance for supposedly telling the media that Trump said he would not sign a national ban. His best remarks probably came in the closing arguments when he said she had 3.5yrs to do this stuff and has not. That was a good statement and he should have focused on that and elaborated instead of just throwing around sensationalized empty rhetoric.
Ok, Kamala lover.
Just because we dont worship Trump like most on here does not mean I am voting for or considering voting for Harris. I think she is worse than Hillary in some ways. I personally can not stand Trump, but unfortunately he is the lesser of the 2 evils at this point. If you can not see that he flopped at the debate last night I do not know what to tell you. His approach was very lazy and unhinged. If he would have even spent a couple hours prepping he could have wiped the floor w/ her. All he had to say was something like "They say the economy was so bad under me, but gas was xxxx dollars then and its xxxx now. A gallon of milk was xxxx then and xxxxx now." "Crime rates were xxxx under me and are now xxxx" He could even go further and break it down into crime rates in democratic cities. He could have hammered her on the border w/ just a few facts like how many people have illegal immigrants killed under her administration. As for abortion he stated he was against it except for the rape, incest, life of mother exceptions. When asked about a national abortion ban he balked. He could have said he would not sign it and wanted to keep it in the states or said he would consider signing it if it allowed for the exceptions. Instead he danced around and criticized Vance for supposedly telling the media that Trump said he would not sign a national ban. His best remarks probably came in the closing arguments when he said she had 3.5yrs to do this stuff and has not. That was a good statement and he should have focused on that and elaborated instead of just throwing around sensationalized empty rhetoric.
He would have done better with a simple explanation of economics supply and demand and why his policies are better.
I've been saying for 3.5 years that Biden proves supply side economics works every day.
Just because we dont worship Trump like most on here does not mean I am voting for or considering voting for Harris. I think she is worse than Hillary in some ways. I personally can not stand Trump, but unfortunately he is the lesser of the 2 evils at this point. If you can not see that he flopped at the debate last night I do not know what to tell you. His approach was very lazy and unhinged. If he would have even spent a couple hours prepping he could have wiped the floor w/ her. All he had to say was something like "They say the economy was so bad under me, but gas was xxxx dollars then and its xxxx now. A gallon of milk was xxxx then and xxxxx now." "Crime rates were xxxx under me and are now xxxx" He could even go further and break it down into crime rates in democratic cities. He could have hammered her on the border w/ just a few facts like how many people have illegal immigrants killed under her administration. As for abortion he stated he was against it except for the rape, incest, life of mother exceptions. When asked about a national abortion ban he balked. He could have said he would not sign it and wanted to keep it in the states or said he would consider signing it if it allowed for the exceptions. Instead he danced around and criticized Vance for supposedly telling the media that Trump said he would not sign a national ban. His best remarks probably came in the closing arguments when he said she had 3.5yrs to do this stuff and has not. That was a good statement and he should have focused on that and elaborated instead of just throwing around sensationalized empty rhetoric.
The point that he was making, which was understood by those with common sense, was that there will never be bill calling for a national ban. It's a state issue. You should rid yourself of TDS, acknowledge what is in the the best interest of our country and you'll probably be happier and good karma could come your way. He'll, you might even get a scratch off ticket and win $50.