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Trump - Make America Great Again!

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Trump is dead right on McCain. He's a war hero because he was a POW (I get that) and not for anything he did as a pilot.

The word "hero" really has become one which is pretty loosely thrown around anymore, imo, but that discussion really deserves its own thread.

McCain is a hero, but his heroics were displayed after his capture when he withstood unimaginable torture and refused an "out of sequence" re-patriation. Simply being captured doesn't qualify one for hero status to me.....Bergdahl anyone? How about those who have been captured and sang like canaries or turned on fellow captives. Are they heroes too?

But he didn't stop there, he added "I like people who weren't captured." That implies that he disagrees that someone should be considered a war hero simply for being captured.

As do I......many are, and while I feel enormous sympathy for all those who have been POW's, there are exceptions to being deserving of the title.

Whether one likes Trump or likes McCain is really beside the point here. If a Democrat said this, NO ONE on our side would be defending him. Let's not lose all objectivity here.

There aren't many dems that come to mind that I would defend regarding anything. There isn't one currently alive that I can think of whose past thoughts, deeds or actions would help influence me toward giving them any benefit of the doubt......I think taking all of that in to consideration is why I'm not immediately ready to piss all over the Donald about this. Maybe I'm just trying to justify his words or maybe my partisanship is clouding my judgement.....I'm not sure I'm done thinking about this all yet.
As do I......many are, and while I feel enormous sympathy for all those who have been POW's, there are exceptions to being deserving of the title.

They've all served a day more in war and a POW camp than I have, I'm not going to question anyone calling them a hero.
To me, anyone who voluntarily signs up, serves honorably and survives being shot down, imprisoned and tortured is a war hero. Period.
Whether one likes Trump or likes McCain is really beside the point here. If a Democrat said this, NO ONE on our side would be defending him. Let's not lose all objectivity here.

Democrats have questioned his war record. Besides the idiot Franken, in the '08 campaign it was stated that he may have been a screw-up in the Navy, but the rank of his father and grandfather saved him.

What Trump is doing is pushing back right now. He is not being all polite. The Democrats are ruining the country, and he is calling them on it. While he is at it, he is calling out Repubs who say a lot and do nothing. It is refreshing, and moreover it is absolutely necessary. Remember, it is July of 2015. November '16 is a long way off. Hell, to they figure out the nominee is a long way off. Right now what he is doing is good enough. Maybe it will give some of these other canidates a backbone. Probably not, but one can hope. Look at Scott Walker. I like the guy a lot, but in his speech announcing he was running, 45 minutes or whatever, nothing on immigration.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch...

Bernie Sanders Continues to Draw the Biggest WHITE crowds

fixed it for you

Bernie and his followers are racist?


An irritated Bernie Sanders tries to speak as he is shouted down by minority protesters Saturday at a Netroots Nation town hall meeting in Phoenix

PHOENIX—Bernie Sanders is unaccustomed to being heckled by protesters. The self-identified democratic socialist was caught off guard here Saturday when African-American and Latino activists jeered him at Netroots Nation.

Sanders’ inability to control the audience – he tried to shut them up and then he tried to yell over them – underscores his broader struggle to expand his appeal and highlights why his summer surge is unlikely to last.

The huge crowds Sanders draws are overwhelmingly white, and polling consistently shows that virtually all of his support comes from whites

fixed it for you

Bernie and his followers are racist?


An irritated Bernie Sanders tries to speak as he is shouted down by minority protesters Saturday at a Netroots Nation town hall meeting in Phoenix

PHOENIX—Bernie Sanders is unaccustomed to being heckled by protesters. The self-identified democratic socialist was caught off guard here Saturday when African-American and Latino activists jeered him at Netroots Nation.

Sanders’ inability to control the audience – he tried to shut them up and then he tried to yell over them – underscores his broader struggle to expand his appeal and highlights why his summer surge is unlikely to last.

The huge crowds Sanders draws are overwhelmingly white, and polling consistently shows that virtually all of his support comes from whites


he seems relevant to the race in 2016 in the same way the stains winning the preseason is relevant to the SB.....it is a bit hard to champion a grumpy old man who doesn't get along with minorities, but Ross Perot had lots of support too.
An irritated Bernie Sanders tries to speak as he is shouted down by minority protesters Saturday at a Netroots Nation town hall meeting in Phoenix

PHOENIX—Bernie Sanders is unaccustomed to being heckled by protesters. The self-identified democratic socialist was caught off guard here Saturday when African-American and Latino activists jeered him at Netroots Nation.

Sanders’ inability to control the audience – he tried to shut them up and then he tried to yell over them – underscores his broader struggle to expand his appeal and highlights why his summer surge is unlikely to last.

The huge crowds Sanders draws are overwhelmingly white, and polling consistently shows that virtually all of his support comes from whites

Okay, I'm baffled here. Bernie is all about taxing the rich and giving away free **** from the party of Gimme Free ****. Hillary is white too. It's not like there is a black candidate this time to vote for.
I don't get it. Why don't they like Bernie? Are they just pissed that Bomma can't run a third time?
Tibs, 21, help me out here.
Trump's comments about McCain's service record are horseshit.

McCain's father was a highly-ranked member of the United States Navy. If McCain had so desired, he would have spent the war training pilots in the United States. Instead, he flew 23 combat missions in Vietnam before being shot down in 1967.

Know why he became a prisoner of war, Trump? BECAUSE HE WAS FLYING A PLANE OVER NORTH VIETNAM, *******. If he was still in the United States, trust me, he would not have become a POW.

Further, after he was captured, the NVA offered to release him early and he refused, mainly because he was not the most senior POW at the camp and believed it inappropriate to be released while others who had been in the same camp longer remained behind.

McCain realized that the Code of Conduct gave him no choice. Alvarez, who was being held elsewhere, was supposed to be the first man released. "I just knew it wasn't the right thing to do," he said. "I knew that they wouldn't have offered it to me if I hadn't been the son of an admiral. I just didn't think it was the honorable thing to do."


Finally, in 2008, my son - who was then 16 - made a comment about the fact that during his concession speech, McCain "can't even raise his arms over his head." I told him that was because he broke his arm when he ejected from his plane over North Vietnam, and because the North Vietnamese tortured him for more than 2 years. Son has never again made fun of McCain's physical limitations, and will never do so again.
grab the popcorn, this is gonna be fun...

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">When is Donald Trump going to stop embarrassing his friends, let
alone the whole country?</p>— Rupert Murdoch (@rupertmurdoch) <a href="https://twitter.com/rupertmurdoch/status/622558129742573568">July 19, 2015</a></blockquote>
<script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
Trump's comments about McCain's service record are horseshit.

McCain's father was a highly-ranked member of the United States Navy. If McCain had so desired, he would have spent the war training pilots in the United States. Instead, he flew 23 combat missions in Vietnam before being shot down in 1967.

Know why he became a prisoner of war, Trump? BECAUSE HE WAS FLYING A PLANE OVER NORTH VIETNAM, *******. If he was still in the United States, trust me, he would not have become a POW.

Further, after he was captured, the NVA offered to release him early and he refused, mainly because he was not the most senior POW at the camp and believed it inappropriate to be released while others who had been in the same camp longer remained behind.

McCain realized that the Code of Conduct gave him no choice. Alvarez, who was being held elsewhere, was supposed to be the first man released. "I just knew it wasn't the right thing to do," he said. "I knew that they wouldn't have offered it to me if I hadn't been the son of an admiral. I just didn't think it was the honorable thing to do."


Finally, in 2008, my son - who was then 16 - made a comment about the fact that during his concession speech, McCain "can't even raise his arms over his head." I told him that was because he broke his arm when he ejected from his plane over North Vietnam, and because the North Vietnamese tortured him for more than 2 years. Son has never again made fun of McCain's physical limitations, and will never do so again.

I agree with you. I am just trying to explain why Trump is still resonating with people even after saying something that stupid.

I am pissed that McCain basically called me a crazy. I am crazy because I want a secure border? I am crazy because I think the 2nd Amendment isn't about duck hunting? I am pissed at him because he has never made those statements about people who want to kill babies when they are completely viable and sell their organs, for example. Or people who think just anybody should be able to come into this country.

Frankly, how much rope does John McCain being a war hero give him? He can just say **** like calling me a crazy and not expect any backlash? It is not logical, but I feel like Trump had my back a little. I have no intention of voting for him (unless he gets the nomination, cause I will not vote for a ******' Dem), but if he can make everybody sweat for a while, more the better.

Did you see Scott Walker got confronted by an "undocumented worker" the other day. Caught it on video. I thought they were fearful living in the shadows.
Yes, the perfect defense..."But Al Franken did it!" So he's just as much of an idiot as Al Franken is. Oh, ok. Sign me up!

Just for the record...

I think that Trump is a joke.

I was merely pointing out that when a liberal said damn near the same thing, little to no backlash. Trump says it and its a big deal.
Just for the record...

I was merely pointing out that when a liberal said damn near the same thing, little to no backlash. Trump says it and its a big deal.

Gotcha...but that's because we expect a dumbass, disrespectful to the military comment like that from liberal nutjob like Franken.
Trump should apologize

He should make a point about apologizing.

Just as soon as John McCain apologizes to the good people he insulted for getting involved in the political process, attending a campaign rally, and exercising their constitutional rights. For that McCain calls them Krazies, Neanderthals, and Troglodytes.

Good people that included many veterans, hero's who also served, many of these good people, who broke no laws, were his constituents who voted for McCain on multiple occasions at the state and national level. McCain treated these people with contempt and disdain by by publicly insulting them and engaging in juvenile name calling.

Is that behavior befitting of a hero?

No, It is JOHN McCAIN WHO OWES AN APOLOGY, yet there is no one to hold him accountable for his egregious actions.

Who will speak up for the people he insulted? Certainly not the the RNC, nor any of the other Presidential squishes, certainly not the media, or his Democratic friends who both squeal with delight and revel in McCain's conservative bashing.

Who will speak up for those people?

Donald Trump will speak up or those people, and he does not give a flying flip what anybody thinks about it. Do it, call out John McCain for his actions unbecoming of a hero.

You know what is really krazie Senator McCain?

A gazillion dollars in debt that was piled up under your watch and with your votes, a border so porous that it threatens our national security, again under your watch and with your votes, a president that circumvents the constitution, under your watch and with your recommendation, and a republican senator who parlayed hero status into a career of selling out his constituents and throwing his party under the bus, time and time, and time again.

Call him out Trump

This krazie has had enough of McLame.
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Trump has always been an outspoken advocate for the welfare of our veterans and soldiers, yet everyone lets one stupid comment "trump" all that.

It's sad how so many on the right have fallen victim to liberal media hyperbole and sensationalism regarding this matter...you should know better.

My take on this is that McCain offended Trump by calling his followers "crazies", which is the same thing as calling Trump crazy.

That made it personal.
In order to hit MCcain where it hurts the most, he said MCcain was not a real war hero.

His intent was to hurt MCcain, not ex POW's... his slanderous comment to McCain was PERSONAL. We've all done **** like that.

By no means do I condone what Trump said. Trump made a bad choice. He should have thought it through first.

Also, everyone ignores the fact that Trump recanted several times.
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The same old hypocritical liberal flip flopping manifested itself over this saga.

Recall before McCain ran for president, how the libs loved him because he was in opposition to many of Bush's policies and a liberal boot licker.

Recall when McCain ran for president how the libs bashed him, even resorting to muckraking by reporting an affair McCain had some 40yrs. ago.

Now the libs love him again.
grab the popcorn, this is gonna be fun...

yes it is

Donald Trump takes double-digit lead over the GOP presidential field

July 20, 2015 - Donald Trump is soaring over his GOP rivals in a new nationwide Washington Post/ABC News poll conducted amid his controversial comments about Sen. John McCain’s (R-Ariz.) “war hero” status.

According to the just-released poll, Trump — with 24 percent support among likely Republican voters — holds a comfortable, double-digit lead over nearest competitor Scott Walker, who captures 13 percent support.

Jeb Bush, Mike Huckabee, and Sen. Marco Rubio round up the top 5 with 12, 8, and 7 percentage points of support, respectively. Sen. Rand Paul, meanwhile, sits in sixth place with 5 percentage points

Donald Trump takes double-digit lead over the GOP presidential field

Andy Borowitz is on a roll....

Andy Borowitz - Yesterday at 3:53am ·
Trump Campaign Reports $100 Million in Donations from Democrats

Andy Borowitz - Yesterday at 2:33am ·
People are writing Trump's political obituary prematurely. If you are a huge enough ******* to support Trump up to this point, why would you stop now?

Andy Borowitz - July 19 at 6:34pm ·
Nothing Trump says will hurt him with his core constituency: ********.

Andy Borowitz - July 15 at 11:19pm ·
Iran is one thing, but what keeps me up at night is the idea of Donald Trump with nuclear weapons.
Andy Borowitz is on a roll....

Andy Borowitz - Yesterday at 3:53am ·
Trump Campaign Reports $100 Million in Donations from Democrats

Andy Borowitz - Yesterday at 2:33am ·
People are writing Trump's political obituary prematurely. If you are a huge enough ******* to support Trump up to this point, why would you stop now?

Andy Borowitz - July 19 at 6:34pm ·
Nothing Trump says will hurt him with his core constituency: ********.

Andy Borowitz - July 15 at 11:19pm ·
Iran is one thing, but what keeps me up at night is the idea of Donald Trump with nuclear weapons.

Writing in Salon.com, Alex Pareene criticized Borowitz as "incredibly bland" and a "one-man fake news machine" who produces "with soothing predictability an endless stream of topical jokes and sentences that resemble jokes." Borowitz, Pareene wrote, plays primarily to "self-satisfied liberals" with material that "is designed to elicit a smirk of recognition and agreement from your average polite NPR listener." Pareene concluded, "The best humor involves the element of surprise. Borowitz never surprises. . . . Borowitz is perfect for the comfortable old liberal readership of the New Yorker, so long as no one wants to even slightly challenge or surprise them."
I agree with all that Sarge, but I still think he's funny... Too bad the right doesn't have too many jokesters, I guess the base is too busy being angry, leaves little room for levity.
I feel like I'm in bizarro world here, where a guy who has donated to Bill and Hillary's campaigns, has said Republicans lost the last election because they weren't welcoming enough to illegal immigrants, who has been pro-choice and pro-partial birth abortion, who has said he supports universal healthcare, is now the hero of ultra-conservatives and the poster boy for border control.

He's a RINO just like McCain and Romney with the same one percenter problem that cost Romney the last election, with the addition of a ridiculous, laughable public persona and appearance.

But by all means, let's get behind him.

We will never learn.
The Dem strategists, and their folks, like Tibs, just know how to avoid any comment at all about their folks, and simply troll the Republicans with any and all ****....and laugh the entire time.

Sanders is the motion man now, taking all the opposition attention, while everyone in the stands knows the Dems are gonna run the Hildebeast off left guard.

A little context by the right sure would go a long way in the next 15 months....
I feel like I'm in bizarro world here, where a guy who has donated to Bill and Hillary's campaigns, has said Republicans lost the last election because they weren't welcoming enough to illegal immigrants, who has been pro-choice and pro-partial birth abortion, who has said he supports universal healthcare, is now the hero of ultra-conservatives and the poster boy for border control.

He's a RINO just like McCain and Romney with the same one percenter problem that cost Romney the last election, with the addition of a ridiculous, laughable public persona and appearance.

But by all means, let's get behind him.

We will never learn.

Let's not misinterpret delight with and support of his thought and discussion provoking comments as a vote for him......it's still very unlikely to happen, at least on my behalf. My hope is that he exposes the republican party for what it is, brings forth the real views of the actual "viable" candidates and makes the voters actually THINK about things, as uncomfortable as that may be.
I feel like I'm in bizarro world here, where a guy who has donated to Bill and Hillary's campaigns, has said Republicans lost the last election because they weren't welcoming enough to illegal immigrants, who has been pro-choice and pro-partial birth abortion, who has said he supports universal healthcare, is now the hero of ultra-conservatives and the poster boy for border control.

He's a RINO just like McCain and Romney with the same one percenter problem that cost Romney the last election, with the addition of a ridiculous, laughable public persona and appearance.

But by all means, let's get behind him.

We will never learn.

Trump isn't my choice, but I would be lying if I said he wasn't growing on me. I like that he doesn't give a rat's *** and says exactly what he is thinking. The career politicians are so afraid of offending people that they sugar coat what they want to say in order to get votes. I wish the career politicians had the balls to say exactly what they are thinking. (Then they wouldn't be career politicians and we wouldn't be in this mess). Trump is resonating with a LOT of people.
What I find most disturbing is that ONE comment is making everyone, left and right, say it's an "automatic disqualifier" for President. ONE comment. Yet we have as CIC a person whose birth status is STILL unresolved, has all his college records sealed....and THAT wasn't an "automatic disqualifier?"
I was at a wounded warrior event this past weekend when his McCain comments were starting to take steam. The vast majority of Vietnam era vets agreed with Trump which surprised me. Some called him Hanoi McCain.
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