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Trump - Make America Great Again!

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I was at a wounded warrior event this past weekend when his McCain comments were starting to take steam. The vast majority of Vietnam era vets agreed with Trump which surprised me. Some called him Hanoi McCain.

I would trust the opinion of a vet over the media any day.
I feel like I'm in bizarro world here
He's a RINO just like McCain and Romney with the same one percenter problem that cost Romney the last election, with the addition of a ridiculous, laughable public persona and appearance.

But by all means, let's get behind him.

We will never learn.

You would never hear the establishment type rhinos badmouth Obama - it's good to see them all squirm

Trump Slams Obama After Chattanooga Attack: Refuses to Say Islamic Terrorism

Trump isn't going to be the President. He's un-electable on a national level.

But I do think his lack of fear at saying things that might offend someone is refreshing and I hope more legitimate candidates learn something about being honest, shooting from the hip, being self-deprecating and sometimes laughing at the system (while being sad it's come to this) is part of the key to the white house. Maybe not this election cycle but soon.

These politicians take themselves WAY too seriously. They think they are god's gift to the United States and are going to solve all it's ills in one fell swoop. We're smarter than that. No one we elect is going to "fix" anything. But someone we elect can act truthful.

Trump might be an egomaniac, but he laughs at himself a lot and knows he's an egomaniac. The others are egomaniacs wrapped in sheeps clothing saying they are completely altruistic and looking out for me. I don't trust them as far as I can throw them.
I wouldn't write him off yet. There's a lot of power in speaking the truth and calling out the ineptness of the corrupt establishment.
Yet we have as CIC a person whose birth status is STILL unresolved, has all his college records sealed....and THAT wasn't an "automatic disqualifier?"
Quit being racist.

But I do think his lack of fear at saying things that might offend someone is refreshing and I hope more legitimate candidates learn something about being honest, shooting from the hip, being self-deprecating and sometimes laughing at the system (while being sad it's come to this) is part of the key to the white house.

I wouldn't write him off yet. There's a lot of power in speaking the truth and calling out the ineptness of the corrupt establishment.
And bingo.
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Jon Stewart returned from his summer break Monday not wanting to talk about the Iran nuclear deal or Greece's economic disaster. Instead, the host feasted on a topic that will likely monopolize much of The Daily Show as Stewart inches toward the end of his tenure. "Donald Trump. The patron saint of topical comedians who are just running out the clock," Stewart said, later admitting, "I so love this man."

<div style="background-color:#000000;width:520px;"><div style="padding:4px;"><iframe src="http://media.mtvnservices.com/embed/mgid:arc:video:thedailyshow.com:5604a572-c736-43a3-9467-0091dda8b242" width="512" height="288" frameborder="0"></iframe><p style="text-align:left;background-color:#FFFFFF;padding:4px;margin-top:4px;margin-bottom:0px;font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size:12px;"><b><a href="http://thedailyshow.cc.com/">The Daily Show</a></b><br/>Get More: <a href="http://thedailyshow.cc.com/full-episodes/">Daily Show Full Episodes</a>,<a href="http://www.facebook.com/thedailyshow">The Daily Show on Facebook</a>,<a href="http://thedailyshow.cc.com/videos">Daily Show Video Archive</a></p></div></div>
The recent poll said 62% of america, under no circumstances, would vote for Trump.

I think you get him one-on-one and have the full brunt of a smear campaign against him with $100 million dollars to spend could really tear him down with some of his hypocrisy over the years. When you talk as much as he has, you're bound to have foot-in-mouth disease that an add campaign against him could just destroy him.
The recent poll said 62% of america, under no circumstances, would vote for Trump.

I think you get him one-on-one and have the full brunt of a smear campaign against him with $100 million dollars to spend could really tear him down with some of his hypocrisy over the years. When you talk as much as he has, you're bound to have foot-in-mouth disease that an add campaign against him could just destroy him.

I'm just afraid that he'll go third party which will ensure that Hildebeast wins.
Bush versus Clinton and a third party billionaire siphons off enough votes from pissed off Republicans that Clinton wins with less than a majority vote. Damn I could swear I've seen that before....
I'm just afraid that he'll go third party which will ensure that Hildebeast wins.
Bush versus Clinton and a third party billionaire siphons off enough votes from pissed off Republicans that Clinton wins with less than a majority vote. Damn I could swear I've seen that before....

Trump says he wouldn't go 3rd party and he knows that means the Democrats would win.

I actually think with the rising popularity of Bernie Sanders and his history of being an independent, maybe he'll run as a 3rd party candidate. He keeps gaining in the poles.

How funny would it be if Trump wins the republican nomination and somehow wins the white house with only 35% of the popular vote because Hillary and Sanders split the democratic vote.
How funny would it be if Trump wins the republican nomination and somehow wins the white house...
I don't think "funny" is the word you're looking for, catastrophic would be a better choice. Actually, I can think of one good thing that would come with a Trump presidency, you would see unprecedented bipartisan cooperation in both the House and Senate in doing everything in their power to ward off the the impeding trainwreck...
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I don't think "funny" is the word you're looking for, catastrophic would be a better choice. Actually, I can think of one good thing that would come with a Trump presidency, you would see unprecedented bipartisan cooperation in both the House and the Senate in doing everything in their power to ward off the the impeding trainwreck...

Congress has been instrumental in creating the trainwreck we have now. What makes you think they could ward off anything?
I don't think "funny" is the word you're looking for, catastrophic would be a better choice. Actually, I can think of one good thing that would come with a Trump presidency, you would see unprecedented bipartisan cooperation in both the House and the Senate in doing everything in their power to ward off the the impeding trainwreck...

hasn't worked the last 6.5 years.....
Congress has been instrumental in creating the trainwreck we have now.
Totally agree, the GOP has spent the the entirety of the Obama presidency brainlessly opposing everything he's tried to accomplish. Thankfully, it wasn't always succesful and the president was able to get some significiant things done for the betterment of the country.

hasn't worked the last 6.5 years.....
Again, I agree, the GOP Congress has been an abject disaster. Thankfully Obama has been able to stand strong and get the job done, for the most part, particularly here in his second term.

Some former Reaganites have taken notice...

Barack Obama’s Long Game

A month of victories has transformed the president’s second term.

From the Supreme Court decisions upholding his signature health care plan and the right of gay Americans to marry, to contested passage of fast track trade authority, the opening of normal diplomatic relations with Cuba and an international agreement to curtail Iran’s nuclear weapons program, Obama is on a policy and political roll that would have seem unimaginable to many in Washington only a few months ago.

“Obama may be singular as a president, not only because of his striking background,” says Kenneth Adelman, who was Ronald Reagan’s arms control negotiator with the Soviets three decades ago, and who has his doubts about the Iran deal. “It may turn out that unlike virtually any other president, his second term is actually better than his first.”


Not so long ago, much of the chattering class was reading the last rites over the Obama administration, and turning to the 2016 election as a test of whether anything would be left of the president’s legacy if a Republican succeeded him. That’s still an open question, of course. But the Court’s recent rulings and Obama’s own seemingly unplugged and swing-for-the-fences attitude on questions from race to criminal justice has given his presidency a sharply re-invigorated viability and relevance.

“It’s an unfinished chapter,” says presidential historian Richard Norton Smith, who is writing a new biography of Gerald Ford. “But he has already defied the second-term curse and the wisdom of just six months ago. ‘What can a president do if he doesn’t have either house of Congress?’ Well, guess what, he can reverse a 50, 60-year-old policy toward Cuba. But, more than that, he can still, even without the traditional televised Oval Office version of the bully pulpit, to a large degree set the terms of the national debate.”


“It is a measure of the times in which we live that we start the legacy discussion a year and a half before the end of a presidency,” says David Axelrod, Obama’s former longtime strategist. “But he’s had the most productive period he’s enjoyed since the first two years: Cuba, the climate agreement with China, action on immigration, fast track on trade, the SCOTUS decisions on health care and marriage and now this agreement on Iran. These are big, historically significant developments, in most cases the culmination of years of commitment on his part.”
Thanks for the link Spike. Well, I watched as much as I could. My first impression was that Trump was drunk, like really drunk - bizarre, run-on sentences, all the typical self-promoting and bravado, giving out Lindsey Graham's personal cell number on live tv (huh?) Then, I remembered he's supposedly a tee-totaller, so I have no further idea what makes this man tick. Whatever the case, if he wins the nomination there's no doubt either Sarah Palin or Ann Coulter should be his running mate. Either case would be a match made in heaven. Not sure what their prospects would be vs. Hillary or Sanders, but it would be a joy to watch.
I wouldn't write him off yet. There's a lot of power in speaking the truth and calling out the ineptness of the corrupt establishment.

I agree. Trump is 180 degrees off from the normal politician who eats, drinks, and breathes political correctness 24/7. There are so many people out there who can't stand politics and are fed up with that type of politician so that on its own might get a lot of voters who normally stay at home on election day to make their way to the polls.
**** Lindsey ******* Graham!!!

Lindsey Graham Says Military Retirees Must Pay More for Health Care



Donald Trump Launches Hotline for Veterans,,,

Trump is establishing a hotline and email address for veterans to share their stories on how the Veterans Administration should be reformed. He pledges that if elected president he will take care of the veteran complaints “very quickly and efficiently like a world-class businessman can do, but a politician has no clue.”

The hotline is 855-VETS-352 and email is veterans@donaldtrump.com.

Trump is 180 degrees off from the normal politician who eats, drinks, and breathes political correctness 24/7. There are so many people out there who can't stand politics and are fed up with that type of politician so that on its own might get a lot of voters who normally stay at home on election day to make their way to the polls.

we demand entertainment!

Donald Trump Heaps Insults on Lindsey Graham, Jeb Bush, Hillary Clinton, Others

A triumphant and unrepentant Donald Trump launched a barrage of personal attacks and name-calling on his campaign rivals Tuesday.

He called South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham an “idiot,” dismissed former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush as “weak on immigration,” and mocked Texas Gov. Rick Perry’s glasses and Hillary Clinton’s hand wave.

“What a stiff, what a stiff, Lindsey Graham. By the way he has registered zero in the polls,” Trump said, at an appearance in Bluffton, S.C. “A total lightweight. In the private sector, he couldn’t get a job.”

Earlier in the day, Graham called Trump a “jackass.” In response, Trump called Graham an “idiot” and held up a card that included Graham’s personal phone number, then asked his supporters to call Graham. “I don’t know, give it a shot,” he said.

There is already a world class businessman at the head of VA. Former CEO of Proctor and Gamble.
and Hillary is too busy raking in the corporate cash to even care

Clinton rakes in Wall Street cash

Employees of five financial firms-Citigroup (NYSE: C), Goldman Sachs (NYSE: GS), JPMorgan Chase (NYSE: JPM), Morgan Stanley (NYSE: MS) and Bank of America Merrill Lynch (NYSE: BAC)-gave about $290,000 to Clinton's campaign committee through June 30, according to a MapLight analysis of Federal Election Commission data. While it makes up less than 1 percent of the roughly $47 million raised by Clinton's committee this cycle, it follows a precedent set in her 2008 presidential campaign, when the firms' employees were among her biggest donors.

How funny would it be if Trump wins the republican nomination and somehow wins the white house with only 35% of the popular vote because Hillary and Sanders split the democratic vote.

Not sure I like the idea of Trump being president, but I think it would be funny to watch Hillary's head explode should Bernie throw a wrench in her destiny.
and Hillary is too busy raking in the corporate cash to even care

Clinton rakes in Wall Street cash

Employees of five financial firms-Citigroup (NYSE: C), Goldman Sachs (NYSE: GS), JPMorgan Chase (NYSE: JPM), Morgan Stanley (NYSE: MS) and Bank of America Merrill Lynch (NYSE: BAC)-gave about $290,000 to Clinton's campaign committee through June 30, according to a MapLight analysis of Federal Election Commission data. While it makes up less than 1 percent of the roughly $47 million raised by Clinton's committee this cycle, it follows a precedent set in her 2008 presidential campaign, when the firms' employees were among her biggest donors.


White man speak with forked tongue...I'm confused (and for whatever reason feel like responding like a stereotypical Indian) I thought they don't want anything to do with corporations. Corporations Bad say Dems
I don't think "funny" is the word you're looking for, catastrophic would be a better choice.

Much like the past 7 years have been.
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