We're talking about two different things here. A Klansman is wearing his robes and rallying with his friends at the town square. Some BLM types show up and start trouble. Is it morally correct for the BLMs to use violence? Absolutely not. But that is a separate question from "do I feel sorry for the Klansman who got beat up?" And the answer is no. No I don't. Same with the "build a wall" racist ********. You dish out race hate, I won't condone you being beaten, but I won't feel sorry for you either. All the vatos involved should be arrested and prosecuted. All the racist Wall ******** who talked mad **** and got beat down should be mocked and laughed at.
First point: I don't think it's effective at all. I think beating these people up is like using suicide bombs to protest Israeli Apartheid. You alienate people on the fence that you need as allies.
Second point: I been around Mexicans all my life. I've heard every argument against them that there is. Bottom line: people are anti-Mexican because they're anti-Mexican. Not because they really think Mexicans are ruining America. They just don't like wetbacks and hide behind immigration laws to make their hate sound legitimate.
"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
That's who we are, and if the racist ******** don't like it, they can pack their **** and move to Russia. Just because there are a lot of racist ********, that don't make the racist ******** right.