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Trump - Make America Great Again!

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From gawker...

How the **** does any intelligent Republican think supporting a man who just insulted half of the population can lead a whole country?!

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Someone here had posted how we are increasing jobs. Before obama care we had 1 job at 40 hours per week. Now companies dont want to pay the outrageous healthcare costs or penalties so they just make 2 jobs at 20 hours :friendly_wink:

I own two franchises of a nationally known company. At our annual meeting last year some of the bigger owners (I'm not one) told the company to take their mandatory annual growth targets and stuff them up their *** because they weren't going to have more than 49 employees, ever, because then they'd have to have BommaCare and they'd lose money.
I think Trump bombed. He had a couple good points, but he evaded several questions and once again declined to give a lot of specifics. For someone who really has no record he needs to really start giving specifics. I was pretty impressed with Carson. He gave sharp funny answers and seemed in place for someone with so little experience. I did not like Rand Paul at all. I just did not like his attitude or answers.
I think Trumps popularity goes south.... was surprised by Bush.
Bush did better than expected, especially since he has been stumbling lately. I think everyone did pretty well but Trump and Paul. I also did not like the format of the debate. I think everyone should have been asked the same questions and given a minute or 2 to answer.
Sure, as long as he can sustain it, it's only August. Maybe he can sell off some of his casinos or a couple of lear jets, pump some more money into tv commercials. It may work...

ps - the women vote is not something he needs to worry about, I think he did a great job tonight reaching out to women, showing a kinder, gentler side. For sure his poll numbers will be up with women voters, huge blow for Hillary no doubt...

Maybe Trump can raise money by selling uranium to Russia.
Trump is all talk and didn't lay out any details on any question other than to say "The country is a mess, blah, blah, blah!" It's too bad because I really think if he had a plan with his business sense he could really turn the country around but it's obvious he doesn't have a plan or know much details about certain issues. You can cross him off the list of Republican candidates....he's done!

I don't know what it is about Republicans but JFC they are all pro-life to the extreme and oppose gay marriage. With views like that you can pretty much guarantee they loose the swing states such as Ohio and Florida. You take a candidate like Rubio....who I personally like a lot but because of his abortion beliefs I honestly don't think he could win the election. For me personally I'm pro-life but there is no way.....no frikkin way government can dictate what some woman can or can't do to their body!

Anyway guys I thought that helped themselves.....

John Kasich - smart money guy helped create the last balanced budget the government had and actually created a surplus.....probably the most moderate of the candidates....I hate his beliefs on education though. He can take charter schools and shove it up his ***....they are as corrupt as can be.
Mike Huckabee - another smart, well spoken guy but his extreme conservative views of gay marriage and abortion will be his downfall just like 2008. He really has a great understanding of taxes and his fair tax plan is absolutely brilliant! Eliminates income taxes and only taxes purchases. It's really something that should happen but I highly doubt his fair tax plan ever will come to fruition.
Ben Carson - This guy is an unknown but he's a witty, smart person....we need to know more about this guy
Jeb Bush - I guess I could say he seems much smarter than the father or brother but is that saying much...they were both awful presidents.....his name might not get him elected
Ted Cruz - a true politician but I think he's an honest straight shooter....too conservative on gay marriage and abortion though.
Marco Rubio - Smart guy, young new face but his stance on abortion is going to hurt him a lot.
Carly Fiorina - This chic killed it in the undercard debate....she really belongs with the big boys.

People who hurt themselves:
Trump - What an idiot! Very disappointed in him....if he runs on a 3rd party ticket he will guarantee a democratic president....makes me wonder if this is all a setup by the people who rule the world to guarantee the democratic nominee the presidency. I almost wonder if Trumps presidential run is corruption from the people who rule this world....I'm talking about the real owners of this planet!
Scott Walker - Moron! The guy skirted around the question when asked about allowing abortion even if it meant without an abortion the mother would die. He never answered it but he skirted around it. What is that mother had several kids....he would be ok with the mom dying from the pregnancy....CRAZY!
Chris Christie - While he didn't do bad he didn't do much IMO to help himself out
Rand Paul - I personally like what this guy stands for. Never will be president but I'll say what he can't say on a debate stand...We should be racially profiling all terrorists instead of all americans! So call me a racist!
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I was switching back and forth on the debate. Trump is not a debater so it's no surprise he struggled. I'm still glad he's in there are hope he stays in the race a long time. I think he raises the game of all involved. Without Trump, this probably would have been a snooze fest with everybody reciting prepared answers.

Trump made it feel like fight club and everybody was trying to land punches. I hope there's more of it. I want candidates on edge. That's when truth slips out.

Paul once again shows me why i can't vote for libertarians. They sound great until foreign affairs come up and then they turn to mush. They seem to think the US can go back to pre WW 1 policies of isolation. It's just not realistic.

Christie hurt Paul bad with his comment about the difference between the real world and his committee meetings,

Carly Fiorina may be everybody's choice for VP running mate.
Trump is all talk and didn't lay out any details on any question other than to say "The country is a mess, blah, blah, blah!" It's too bad because I really think if he had a plan with his business sense he could really turn the country around but it's obvious he doesn't have a plan or know much details about certain issues. You can cross him off the list of Republican candidates....he's done!

I don't know what it is about Republicans but JFC they are all pro-life to the extreme and oppose gay marriage. With views like that you can pretty much guarantee they loose the swing states such as Ohio and Florida. You take a candidate like Rubio....who I personally like a lot but because of his abortion beliefs I honestly don't think he could win the election. For me personally I'm pro-life but there is no way.....no frikkin way government can dictate what some woman can or can't do to their body!

Anyway guys I thought that helped themselves.....

John Kasich - smart money guy helped create the last balanced budget the government had and actually created a surplus.....probably the most moderate of the candidates....I hate his beliefs on education though. He can take charter schools and shove it up his ***....they are as corrupt as can be.
Mike Huckabee - another smart, well spoken guy but his extreme conservative views of gay marriage and abortion will be his downfall just like 2008. He really has a great understanding of taxes and his fair tax plan is absolutely brilliant! Eliminates income taxes and only taxes purchases. It's really something that should happen but I highly doubt his fair tax plan ever will come to fruition.
Ben Carson - This guy is an unknown but he's a witty, smart person....we need to know more about this guy
Jeb Bush - I guess I could say he seems much smarter than the father or brother but is that saying much...they were both awful presidents.....his name might not get him elected
Ted Cruz - a true politician but I think he's an honest straight shooter....too conservative on gay marriage and abortion though.
Marco Rubio - Smart guy, young new face but his stance on abortion is going to hurt him a lot.
Carly Fiorina - This chic killed it in the undercard debate....she really belongs with the big boys.

People who hurt themselves:
Trump - What an idiot! Very disappointed in him....if he runs on a 3rd party ticket he will guarantee a democratic president....makes me wonder if this is all a setup by the people who rule the world to guarantee the democratic nominee the presidency. I almost wonder if Trumps presidential run is corruption from the people who rule this world....I'm talking about the real owners of this planet!
Scott Walker - Moron! The guy skirted around the question when asked about allowing abortion even if it meant without an abortion the mother would die. He never answered it but he skirted around it. What is that mother had several kids....he would be ok with the mom dying from the pregnancy....CRAZY!
Chris Christie - While he didn't do bad he didn't do much IMO to help himself out
Rand Paul - I personally like what this guy stands for. Never will be president but I'll say what he can't say on a debate stand...We should be racially profiling all terrorists instead of all americans! So call me a racist!

you seem to be under the impression that a huge majority is pro choice. That's not actually true.

Hillary's views on abortion are actually more extreme than many of the Repub candidates because late term abortion is very unpopular even among pro choice people.

I do agree though that many of these candidates are dumb by not allowing for abortion in extreme situations like when a mother's life is in danger.

I think abortion is the most overrated Presidential issue. I don't think any election has ever been determined by that issue. I don't consider it at all when voting and i bet most people don't either except for the extremists on both sides.
Man, the silence in here is deafening. What happened to Trump tonight? I was expecting a bunch of hooting and hollerin'

Carly won the undercard match by a mile, she should step up to the big stage.

Obviously Trump bashing Rosie O'Donnell was his best.

I told you Trump is entertaining to watch, but when he's up next to the career professional politicians and their governing resumes he can't say much but be negative. I still like Cruz.

Of course the script from the mods was to attack Trump and Miss USA Megyn's eyelashes were as big as fruit bats - she was all lips and legs
(not that there's anything wrong with that)

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I love how NBC makes no attempt to hide their bias with the pictures they chose to show of Trump from last nights debate. I have to admit, they were comedy gold.
They wouldn't even give Trump the opportunity to answer the question about the economy. If he had been allowed to answer with his tax plan it would've been a mic drop moment. I thought Fox News was horrible. The format and the questions were ridiculous. I don't think Trump is going to drop from it, but we'll see. Rand Paul look like an angry little guy with short man's syndrome. Rubio did well. Bush is an idiot. Carson was pretty good. Cruz was ok. The others are all just blah, see ya. I didn't watch the undercard.
I watched a good portion of the debate with Kiddo last night. She will be voting in 2016, so she decided to watch and learn about the candidates. She told me that other than Trump, she had no clue who the other people were. She had heard of the names, but couldn't put a face with the name. She didn't like how Trump talked to Megyn. She was intrigued by Rand Paul's tax plan, and when Ben Carson answered his question about waterboarding, we had a discussion about what the Rules of Engagement are for war. She didn't like Jeb Bush at all, and wanted to know more about Marco Rubio. She then asked me when the Democrats are going to debate- I told her that I thought it was in October. She told me that she has read up on Hillary and won't vote for her, but wants to hear more from Bernie Sanders. (HELP). She then told me that if none of the candidates are what she feels is best, that she won't vote.

She has so many friends (college age and HS) who LOVE Bernie. They think his free college idea is awesome. Bill Clinton tried something similar in 92- that's why I voted for him- and that worked out well. I hope she's smart enough to figure out what is BS and what is the truth. If anything, I am proud of her for wanting to learn about all the candidates.
Jeb said that he earned the right to be called Jeb. What a ******* moron.
btw the clear winner of the GOP debate was none other than this pretty gal. She went right after Trump with both barrels blazing. I couldn't believe it. Looks like Murdoch & Ailes put Donald on the hit list and Megyn Kelly was the hired assassin...

I was switching back and forth on the debate. Trump is not a debater so it's no surprise he struggled. I'm still glad he's in there are hope he stays in the race a long time. I think he raises the game of all involved. Without Trump, this probably would have been a snooze fest with everybody reciting prepared answers.

Trump made it feel like fight club and everybody was trying to land punches. I hope there's more of it. I want candidates on edge. That's when truth slips out.

Paul once again shows me why i can't vote for libertarians. They sound great until foreign affairs come up and then they turn to mush. They seem to think the US can go back to pre WW 1 policies of isolation. It's just not realistic.

Christie hurt Paul bad with his comment about the difference between the real world and his committee meetings,

Carly Fiorina may be everybody's choice for VP running mate.

I think Trump showed the ability to take a political punch. It was as if the power brokers behind the scenes got together and hit him with all the tough questions. Trump passed. Sometimes he used verbal jujitsu and was able to flip the question to highlight his points, often doing it with fanfare. Political opponents need to be careful when attacking Trump. With this debate under his belt, Trump should have an easier time in the next one. People are tired of scripted answers. Trump is not scripted

You could say Trump more than held serve with the tough questions, and was memorable.

I think Kasich did an excellent job and will move up rapidly. I like the fact that he is from Ohio and could likely win his state. Could he flip, a blue mid western state red? Maybe.

Florina stood out in the happy hour event, but who knows who she is? Picking a woman has been a gimmick for Vice Presidency, and it is used best vs. two men, not with the other woman running for president. Having said that I hope she moves up because she can attack Hillary as women without fear.

I also felt Rubio had a good night, but I question if he’s more of a 3rd place type of guy. Rubio could be a good VP pick.
btw the clear winner of the GOP debate was none other than this pretty gal. She went right after Trump with both barrels blazing. I couldn't believe it. Looks like Murdoch & Ailes put Donald on the hit list and Megyn Kelly was the hired assassin...


I disagree. She's a bimbo and all three of the moderators were unprofessional. Fox News should be embarrassed.
Drudge poll results of who won the debate:

BUSH 2.14% (9,496 votes)

CARSON 8.71% (38,584 votes)

CHRISTIE 1.25% (5,549 votes)

CRUZ 13.5% (59,812 votes)

HUCKABEE 3.23% (14,329 votes)

KASICH 4.58% (20,310 votes)

PAUL 6.48% (28,699 votes)

RUBIO 9.28% (41,105 votes)

TRUMP 47.12% (208,747 votes)

WALKER 3.7% (16,382 votes)

Total Votes: 443,013

Return To Poll
She has so many friends (college age and HS) who LOVE Bernie
Your daughter has smart friends, kudos to her. ;) Very cool that you guys watched together, hope to do that with my kids when they get older.
LOL. Yup, that's a real accurate, unbiased snapshot.

Here's another one. Feel free to find your own. They should be pretty consistent. Unless you go to some commie anti-American group.

Donald Trump 41.7% (8,016 votes)

Ben Carson 14.3% (2,748 votes)

Ted Cruz 13.92% (2,675 votes)

Marco Rubio 9.2% (1,768 votes)

John Kasich 6.34% (1,218 votes)

Rand Paul 5.51% (1,059 votes)

Mike Huckabee 3.7% (711 votes)

Jeb Bush 2.39% (460 votes)

Chris Christie 1.74% (334 votes)

Scott Walker 1.2% (233 votes)

Total Votes: 19,222

Read more: http://therightscoop.com/poll-who-do-you-think-won-the-9pm-fox-news-debate/#ixzz3i8PJ4vQY
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