Reading that bullshit about Trump supposedly calling veterans weak is just that, bullshit. Look at his statement and see how loony libtards twisted it into a criticism of PTSD vets. That is beyond laughable.
If you get PTSD, you can't handle it. That is a fact. Others can. He didn't call them losers or weak or anything of the sort. He stated the fact that they couldn't handle it. Why they couldn't handle it is the question and the one the media and the stupid libtards seem all too willing to put words in Trumps mouth for.
I worked as a paramedic for over 20 years. Quite a few of my peers have committed suicide due to ptsd. You haven't seen or experienced what we have. I empathize with our soldiers and vets who suffer from this. I've personally seen the wrong outcome of this. It's not about who can or can't handle it. It's how you do. Most folks act tough. Others do the unthinkable without any signs of warnings. Try to revive a 4 month old who has stopped breathing and give everything you got for that kid to have a chance. I have...more times than I should have.