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Trump - Make America Great Again!

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I'm 100% sure Trump will release his tax returns.
I'm also 100% sure Hillary benefitted from the esteemed Clinton Foundation.

However, we KNOW one thing and can only imagine another. Our imaginations can be wrong. Facts cannot. So I still do not understand why Libs and Dems can so highly promote Hillary and essentially look the other way when facts show she's as corrupt of a politician as can possibly be.
No I'm not okay with that Supe.

Now let's hear a single Trump supporter say they think Trump should do the right thing and release his tax returns like EVERY SINGLE PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE HAS ALWAYS DONE.

I think the call to release his tax returns should come from Trump's supporters themselves, first and foremost. Why wouldn't you want your candidate to be transparent? Why wouldn't you want to be sure he doesn't have ties to illegitimate businesses and foreign entities? Why wouldn't you want to see if he paid his fair share of taxes? It's exactly what could give him a leg up on supposedly 'crooked' Hillary. Why not jump at the opportunity? But no, it's consistency brushed aside and ignored. I wonder why? Actually, I know exactly why. Because the fear is he's much more crooked than Hillary will ever be. That's the only logical explanation.

As soon as the **** admits to lying to the FBI, as soon as the **** releases her medical records on her Parkinson's degree, as soon as the **** admits to vilifying and destroying women her husband raped, assaulted or coerced into sex[ AND when she admits to a full audit of the Clinton foundation and all its illegal shenanigans.
As soon as the **** admits to lying to the FBI, as soon as the **** releases her medical records on her Parkinson's degree, as soon as the **** admits to vilifying and destroying women her husband raped, assaulted or coerced into sex[ AND when she admits to a full audit of the Clinton foundation and all its illegal shenanigans.

Another fine example of the typical Trump supporter: always looking the other way, always rolling out excuses, always refusing to accept simple facts.
Really? When? It's friggin October...

ever been audited by the glacial pace of the IRS?

Donald Trump says he will release his tax returns when an IRS audit concludes, dangling the possibility of unveiling the documents before the election.

one would think the Obama Administration, who has used the IRS as a guard dog in the past, could speed this audit up, or even end it altogether.
ever been audited by the glacial pace of the IRS?

That whole 'being audited by the IRS' is a bunch of garbage. Simple delay tactics. The IRS has gone on record there's nothing keeping him from releasing, now, or in the past. Don't buy into that crap.
And so it begins...

Bombshell report: New York Times reveals Trump hasn’t paid taxes for two decades

I am no Trump fan, but that is not what the "report" says. The report says that with the $916 million loss, he could potentially have written off income taxes for 18 years, depending on income. But since no one has seen his tax returns we don't know if he did or not. I read the article earlier this morning. Even the article repeatedly states "may have" and "could have" and states there is no way to know for sure. But much like you just did, I fully expect the alphabet news networks to grab on to that and report it as fact, much like you just did.

Let me ask you a couple questions. Who is the bigger crook? The legislature that writes the law that allows such a thing, or the businessman that takes advantage of a law that is on the books? If indeed he hasn't paid taxes, what law did he break? The article lays out why he wouldn't have paid taxes. Completely legal. It cracks me up to hear politicians rail against the very the things they allow. The law is written that way for a reason. The politicians want it that way. I mean, most of them are rich too. They have been talking about closing tax loopholes forever, yet somehow miraculously never really get around to it. Ever. Sound like you should be calling your congressman rather than posting nonsense on a message board.
Sarge, I can't answer that. What I wonder about the most is who the **** even pays taxes in the US? If a billionaire like Trump doesn't, and everyone's cheering him on for 'being a genuis' in not paying taxes, then where is the money supposed to come from for military, health care, etc?
Sarge, I can't answer that. What I wonder about the most is who the **** even pays taxes in the US? If a billionaire like Trump doesn't, and everyone's cheering him on for 'being a genuis' in not paying taxes, then where is the money supposed to come from for military, health care, etc?
middle class america - whom Hillary intends to raise taxes on.
This guy's an *******, I'm tellin' ya...

Watch Donald Trump Berate Americans for Not Paying Taxes

Over the weekend, the New York Times revealed that Donald Trump exploited a legal loophole that allowed him to declare a nearly billion dollar loss on his 1995 tax returns, potentially enabling the Republican presidential candidate to have dodged paying federal taxes for up to 18 years.

This revelation lines up with an improvised remark Trump made during last week’s presidential debate while Clinton was criticizing him for refusing to pay taxes, with Trump interrupting her to say “That makes me smart.”

However, Trump didn’t seem to think it was smart for lower income people to do the same thing. In a 2011 interview with Fox News, Trump railed against tax-dodgers. He said:

Well, I don’t mind sacrificing for the country to be honest with you. But you know, you do have a problem because half of the people don’t pay any tax. And when he’s talking about that he’s talking about people that aren’t also working, that are not contributing to this society. And it’s a problem. But we have 50 percent. It just hit the 50 percent mark. Fifty percent of the people are paying no tax.

The 50% statistic was an oft-repeated Republican talking point during that election. The truth, however, was that 50% of Americans did not pay federal taxes because they were not making enough money to be required to pay them. These Americans still paid other taxes such as Social Security, property taxes, and others.

Trump apparently was so concerned that some Americans weren’t paying their fair share that he continued to repeat this misleading talking point many times over the years on social media and on various Fox News interviews:

“You do have a large percentage of people not paying taxes,” Trump said on Fox News later that year. “You do have a large percentage of people that feel they’re entitled.”

As recently as 2015, Trump appeared on Hannity and repeated the tax-dodging criticism:

The problem we have right now—we have a society that sits back and says we don’t have to do anything. Eventually, the 50 percent cannot carry—and it’s unfair to them—but cannot carry the other 50 percent.

The Trump campaign has denied the New York Times allegations about his taxes, using the occasion to insult the newspaper while also suggesting that Hillary is more crooked than Richard Nixon. In statement, the campaign claimed that Trump “has paid hundreds of millions of dollars in property taxes, sales and excise taxes, real estate taxes, city taxes, state taxes, employee taxes and federal taxes, along with very substantial charitable contributions.”

However, the only way to truly prove these claims would be for Trump to release his tax returns, as every presidential candidate has done since (ironically) Richard Nixon. Despite continued criticism, he has refused, saying that he is not allowed to do so because he is currently in the midst of an IRS audit.

The IRS has said repeatedly that being the subject of an audit does not prevent anyone from publicly releasing their tax returns.
There is a sickening double standard from both sides. Not sure how people who support Trump can easily look past his issues. Hillary is just as terrible and probably worse and will never get my vote, but Trump is not helping himself either. He is going to get caught up in a battle he can not win and sink like the Titanic. Clinton will start digging around in his past and find all kinds of people to say negative things whether they are legitimate or not. Trumps campaign does not seem organized enough or care enough to really dig into issues. My main concern is Trumps lack of knowledge or even willingness to seem to put time into learning issues. He just thinks he knows everything and thats that. That is not a good way to run a country.
Trumps taxes mean nothing. I hope he was smart enough to pay no taxes. That is how our ****** tax system is set up. Everyone on here would do the same. And, anyone who says they wouldn't or criticize Trump for following the tax code are a bunch of lying hypocrites.
Trumps taxes mean nothing. I hope he was smart enough to pay no taxes. That is how our ****** tax system is set up. Everyone on here would do the same. And, anyone who says they wouldn't or criticize Trump for following the tax code are a bunch of lying hypocrites.

I think you are missing the point. Why doesn't trump say that himself...i also believe i heard him say something like he pays more taxes than anyone. Now he is basically saying he is too smart to pay taxes..After the debate he said "of course i pay federal taxes." Then show us....The point is not so much whether he does or doesn't it is the constant flip flopping / modifying of stances / flat out making stuff up. Trump portrays himself as honorable and honest, but has been none of the above. Hard to believe anything he or clinton says
Trumps taxes mean nothing.
If they mean nothing, why not release them?

And, anyone who says they wouldn't or criticize Trump for following the tax code are a bunch of lying hypocrites.
How do you know he follows the tax code? Release the returns and put that to rest. Easy does it.
Trumps taxes mean nothing. I hope he was smart enough to pay no taxes. That is how our ****** tax system is set up. Everyone on here would do the same. And, anyone who says they wouldn't or criticize Trump for following the tax code are a bunch of lying hypocrites.

Exactly. They will deride Trump for not paying taxes( if it is even true), but not the politicians who wrote the legislation with the loop hole that allows this stuff. They always talk about closing tax loop holes on the rich, but it never happens. Why? Because the politicians are rich, and they would be closing loop holes on themselves. Just like term limits and a whole host of other ****. They use it as a wedge come election time, but strangely they never fix any of the stuff they use to divide us. Wonder why?
Sarge, I can't answer that. What I wonder about the most is who the **** even pays taxes in the US? If a billionaire like Trump doesn't, and everyone's cheering him on for 'being a genuis' in not paying taxes, then where is the money supposed to come from for military, health care, etc?

Who is cheering the guy for being a genius? I would call it smart business. The guy lost $916 million dollars. Why not take advantage of laws that allow you to recoup that money? I mean ****, it is, for all intents and purposes, a billion dollars. Guess he should just say **** it, lose the money and just keep shelling out. This is why our country is 20 trillion in debt. Politicians spend OUR money with emotion rather than rational thinking and common sense. It is how a person that made $11,000 dollars in a year and paid no federal income tax, is able to receive $5,366 dollars in a refund. If Trump ran his business that way, he wouldn't have a business.

While he may or may not owe any federal taxes based on his tax return in no way means he does not pay any taxes. Or do you not count property, sales, excise etc as taxes? I would venture to say he pays more in sales tax than most people make in a year.
While he may or may not owe any federal taxes based on his tax return in no way means he does not pay any taxes. Or do you not count property, sales, excise etc as taxes? I would venture to say he pays more in sales tax than most people make in a year.

And his employer's share of all the FICA taxes on all his employees. And state unemployment tax. And Federal unemployment tax. And corporate income tax on all of his corporations.
Remember when Harry Reid claimed Romney paid no taxes as well? Media smoke and mirrors
There is no proof of it, just hearsay at this point. Remember hands up, don't shoot.? Same **** here..

How dare he take legal deductions rather than paying more than he should.

The Neosociallists could support the FairTax and this would not be an issue.
Exactly. They will deride Trump for not paying taxes( if it is even true), but not the politicians who wrote the legislation with the loop hole that allows this stuff. They always talk about closing tax loop holes on the rich, but it never happens. Why? Because the politicians are rich, and they would be closing loop holes on themselves. Just like term limits and a whole host of other ****. They use it as a wedge come election time, but strangely they never fix any of the stuff they use to divide us. Wonder why?

If Trump had run on a platform of changing the tax code, the election would be decided. But he didn't... and he proposed tax breaks for the wealthy.

Trump = Leona Helmsley
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