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Trump - Make America Great Again!

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I know this thread has kind of just become people ripping each others viewpoints, but this brings up something I have been thinking about for years. Are we sure the republic can survive that? Are we sure it can't?

I have heard about the national debt since I was a kid too many years ago, and how it was going to destroy the country. Obama has added incredible amounts of debt in the last 8 years. Will there ever come a point it does catch up to us, or is this just a talking point every election season for the party out of power?

Well, unless we get some unrealistic growth rates like 4-5% there is no way interest rates can ever be more than 3% on our federal debt or it will bankrupt our budget by basically adding about 500 billion in spending just for interest.

So when we've made loaning money so unprofitable for banks (which we all learned back in elementary school is how banks SHOULD be making money), is there any surprise huge banks are looking for ways to cheat and scam the system to make 10% profit on revenue like Big Pharma and Big Energy? Or even the 15% being made by tech firms?

Ever ask yourself what the hell the banking industry DOES to make 10-12% returns if it's NOT lend money?

It's a house of cards. All the regulation in the world doesn't change the fact the banking industry does NOTHING to make money. It used to be an honest living. Save people money, loan it to people and business at reasonable interest rates and everyone is happy. The Fed has kind of destroyed that whole dynamic in their attempts to "stimulate" the economy through government spending (which is incredibly inefficient as compared to the private sector).

The only way we have $20 trillion in debt and revenue of $3.2 to $3.4 trillion is if the interest we pay on the debt is under 3%.

Hillary is going to attempt to tax the problem away, hoping she can somehow both RAISE federal tax revenue (to something like $4 trillion/year) AND stimulate the economy at the same time, but we know throughout history that almost never happens. Especially when you look at the house of cards all the other major global economies are.

The only reason our economy is not completely flat lined over the last 6 years is energy is dirt cheap. And that means $1500-$2000 in every middle class pocket more per year. It's been Bush's stimulus plan on steroids just done outside Obama's control (in fact he's been trying hard to prevent it any way the EPA and foreign policy allows him to try). Could you imagine this economy WITHOUT a middle class stimulus package that basically put $1500-$2000 more dollars into every family in America?

Nothing the federal government under Obama has done jack **** to the economy except kept it right at 0.0% growth. Once the fed lowered interest rates to practically nothing, that's all that left for the democrats to do. And now he's going to kick the can down the road to someone else. Because 2-3% interest on loaning money is not healthy. Everyone with cash will want to do other things with it because the rate of return is too poor.

It's kind of a big mess that no one wants to talk about.
as far as the tax returns, do you idiots think Trump would list anything to/from Russia --- EVEN IF IT EXISTED --- on his tax returns if it was not 100% legit and 100% legal?
the ****** is a businessman who does real estate transactions around the globe.

however, what about that shady **** between Russia and the Clinton Foundation?


Yep, everyone cares about the bluster but no one cares about the real, active corruption.


Crowd roars at Donald Trump’s second appearance in Wilkes-Barre Township. People were lined up as early as 6:30am this morning. Thousands couldn’t even get in to the filled venue.

WILKES-BARRE TWP. — Republican presidential nominee Donald J. Trump made a stop Monday at the Mohegan Sun Arena. Flanked by former New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani, Alabama senator Jeff Sessions and several other local lawmakers, Trump made his passionate plea to have the packed arena get out and vote come Nov. 8.

Over 9,000 of Trump’s biggest fans filled the arena for the “great movement.” And he thanked them profusely.

“We’ve broke the attendance record,” Trump said as he opened his speech, over 30 minutes late, mentioning there were still people filtering in from the outside and asking if he should wait another hour for them. “Is there anymore fun than a Trump rally?”

It didn’t take Trump long in his speech to get the crowd amp’d up; all he needed to do was mention Hillary Clinton.

“She’s as crooked as a $3 bill,” Trump said about Clinton’s deleted e-mails.


Hillary: “It’s just awfully good that someone with the temperament of Donald Trump is not in charge of the law in our country...” Trump: “Because you’d be in jail.” mic drop debate over!
I know you don't care, but this isn't a banana republic, some African lawless nation, or even Putin's Russia. This is America. We impeach our presidents that hold Trump's views. And you want this guy to get elected? Unfuckingbelievable.

It's a house of cards. All the regulation in the world doesn't change the fact the banking industry does NOTHING to make money. It used to be an honest living. Save people money, loan it to people and business at reasonable interest rates and everyone is happy. The Fed has kind of destroyed that whole dynamic in their attempts to "stimulate" the economy through government spending (which is incredibly inefficient as compared to the private sector).

35 years ago when I was a young economics major in college, we were taught what was called the "3-6-3 Rule of Banking". Pay people 3% on their savings, loan it out at 6%, and be out the door at 3:00 to play golf."

The people want change in Washington.. Trump better give it to them.

He will have Bomma's pen and phone.

I know you don't care, but this isn't a banana republic, some African lawless nation, or even Putin's Russia. This is America. We impeach our presidents that hold Trump's views. And you want this guy to get elected? Unfuckingbelievable.


And that's different from what Bomma did how?
The news this morning said Hillary had a crowd of 13,000 at her Ohio State rally. No mention of the crowd(s) for Trump....EVER.
But can the republic survive the appointment of more left-leaning Supreme Court Justices? That extends well past the 4 or potentially 8 years that the next President will be in Office.

Said this before, if Hillary is elected, our country is dead. Just like the Roman empire and all major powers before us. Obama has taken us to the cliff and we are hanging on by one hand. They have taken our country so far left that if Trump isn't elected, we will be an even bigger laughing stock across the globe. Hell, Iran keeps attacking our ship and Obama has done nothing. I would have shot them out of the water by now. They shot at us and we just sit there and smile.
I know you don't care, but this isn't a banana republic, some African lawless nation, or even Putin's Russia. This is America. We impeach our presidents that hold Trump's views. And you want this guy to get elected? Unfuckingbelievable.


I think you have that wrong. Obama should have been impeached under these rules and Hillary should never be considered for the job since she could never and I mean never get a security clearance for her actions. Even the FBI chief said she would have a hard time getting a job at the FBI but for some reason decided not to indite her. Hilary, Obama and his entire administration are as crooked as they come and have been proven so yet people like you just ignore that fact.
I know you don't care, but this isn't a banana republic, some African lawless nation, or even Putin's Russia. This is America. We impeach our presidents that hold Trump's views. And you want this guy to get elected? Unfuckingbelievable.

"This isn't a banana republic"...says the crowd with pitchforks as they throw the baker in jail for not baking a cake. "This isn't a banana republic"...Says the mob who sues the "Sisters of the Poor" for $75M for not handing out birth control to squash them into bankruptcy and close the door.
I know you don't care, but this isn't a banana republic, some African lawless nation, or even Putin's Russia. This is America. We impeach our presidents that hold Trump's views. And you want this guy to get elected? Unfuckingbelievable.


interesting ... knowingly misused ... interefered with .... the FBI...

who do we currently have as a candidate who was most recently under investigation by the FBI, who deleted 30,000 email from a private server stored in a bathroom? who could that possibly be? received a subpeona and then deleted emails. circumvented an investigation by the FBI. so ******* interesting. We should have a special prosecutor look into this, wouldn't you agree?
The biggest banking scam today, is ATM fees. Last time I tried one that wasn't my bank, they wanted $4.50 to take out $50.
Banking and Insurance. Hate both of them with a passion.
For those screaming for Obama's head vis a vis the impeachment blurb I quoted, please enlighten me specifically which laws has Obama broken? Thanks.
Bomma's time is done.
There is someone, though, who has interfered with an FBI investigation.
Who is the biggest laughing stock in the Nation at the moment, Trump or GOP?

The truth is Bushes prescription drug addition is more left than anything Obama has done.
I know you don't care, but this isn't a banana republic, some African lawless nation, or even Putin's Russia. This is America. We impeach our presidents that hold Trump's views. And you want this guy to get elected? Unfuckingbelievable.


Oh this is utterly comical to me. As in - fall on the floor and laugh out loud comical. This is where the average viewer stops and says "Does he really believe what he just said, as in "believe" it?"

Let me get this straight.

One, you've been sucking on Obama's nuts for 8 years now, and quote to US "...he knowingly misused the executive power by interfering with...the Federal Bureau of Investigation...the Department of Justice..."...this, a man, who used the IRS to illegally target conservatives, who's AGs impartially applied the law, who's FBI exonerated a criminal? This is a man who leveraged and abused these departments impartially for 8 years, to attack his political enemies with them (worse than any President in history), and you're worried that Trump wants to make sure that Hillary pays for the crimes she's committed that Obama essentially pardoned her for?

Two, you're now sucking off of Hillary's tit...a woman who's husband interfered with the FBI and the AG in his meetings with Loretta "Cankles" Lynch to get Hillary "off" for her felonious crimes around her emails that should have, like General David P., sent her to jail. Or at a minimum, like Martha Stewart, she should have served time for perjury. This is a woman who stole American possessions from the White House. From the Nixon statement, it says, "...in violation of his duty to take care that laws be faithfully executed." HOLY **** MAN...this is a woman who has circumvented and violated the law and the rules over and over from deleting her emails AFTER being subpoena'd to her Clinton Foundation dealings to Whitewater to Cattlegate to Travelgate...you want her to be President and believe she will uphold this tenet when she's spent 30 years with a wrap sheet of 26 scandals of rule and law breaking in her wake??????????????????

And you are worried that Donald said he'd hold her accountable when no one else, mistakenly so to date, HAS? Any of us would have been in jail 20 years ago with the **** she's been pardoned for over and over.

So you are all upset because Donald says "the rule of law will apply and I will apply it to you?"

If you aren't FOR the man applying the law equally to everyone, then you are FOR the further continuation and growth of crooked and corrupt politics in this country, making you very anti-American.
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Trump unloads on Paul Ryan and the GOPe

"Despite winning the second debate in a landslide, it is hard to do well when Paul Ryan and others give zero support!"

"Our very weak and ineffective leader, Paul Ryan, had a bad conference call where his members went wild at his disloyalty."

"It is so nice that the shackles have been taken off me and I can now fight for America the way I want to."



Trump Rally 10/11/2016 Panama City, FL @ Aaron Bessant Park @ 7:30pm ET.
Here's your bananna republic - The Pravda press

MSNBC Deletes Scarborough Criticism of NBC’s ‘Cooked’ Poll Helping Hillary

During the opening 6AM segment of today’s Morning Joe, Scarborough accused NBC of having “cooked” its current poll to favor Hillary Clinton. But at 8AM when Morning Joe replayed that opening segment, Scarborough’s criticism of the NBC poll . . . had disappeared. Instead, the video jumped ahead to Mika Brzezinski’s reading of the poll results themselves, which showed Hillary Clinton with an 11-14% lead.

Scarborough’s point was that NBC sampled only during the height of the hot mic hysteria, but didn’t include sampling from after the debate, widely viewed as having been won by Trump. Joe obviously knew he was skating on thin network ice, prefacing his criticism by saying “we work here. We really love working here. We love this place.



Communists are not really into free speech.
For those screaming for Obama's head vis a vis the impeachment blurb I quoted, please enlighten me specifically which laws has Obama broken? Thanks.

Seriously, you need to go take a time out today, you're really off your game.

First, what law did Nixon break? Did Nixon open the door to that hotel suite and take information? Had Nixon said "I know nothing about it" (a Clintonesque line) in today's world, it never would have stuck with him, so I ask you, what law did Nixon himself break? Some operatives broke into a hotel room and stole information. What did Nixon steal?

One example alone (though there are several) answers your ridiculous question: IRS targeting of conservatives. Did Obama do the targeting directly? No more directly than Nixon broke into that hotel suite. Nixon didn't hide behind "I knew nothing about it." He manned up and dropped out. He had honor. Obama has none. You can not say that Nixon directed the break in while simultaneously saying Obama didn't direct the IRS to target political opponents.

That is illegal.

Best summarized here:

Election corruption threat watch: IRS continues to target political opposition

With the illegal release of Donald Trump’s tax returns, the Internal Revenue Service (and therefore the Obama executive branch) has shown itself to be still targeting and oppressing the political opposition to the Obama/Hillary crime syndicate. After the disclosure of the IRS preventing tax-free status for Tea Party and other political groups in the last election cycle, congressional investigations followed.

However, no convictions or impeachments were obtained, due to weak GOP leadership. Congress failed in its Constitutional duties.

Using the agencies of the federal government to oppress and persecute opposing views used to be something only seen in Russia and other totalitarian systems. Vladimir Putin loves to use the Russian tax authorities to go after his enemies. However, the United States in now no better than a banana republic when it comes to corruption in government. The United States can no longer “give advice” or “push Ukraine and other corrupt systems to move toward freedom and democracy when the U.S. no longer is a free country.

The corruption seen in the Obama administration is simply astounding. Refusing to enforce immigration laws, targeting opposition groups with multiple agencies, corruption in the VA, the Secret Service, the FEC, the FCC, the Labor Relations Board, etc., etc, has shown the federal government no longer works for the people, has thrown the rule of law into the gutter, and agencies are now simply organs for state control.

This corrupt crime enterprise is also now completely wedded to the Leftist media which is no better than Soviet Pravda. The state media apparatus no longer even tries to hide its corrupt cheerleading. Journalism no longer exists, except on the internet.

Mr. Trump didn’t break any laws; all he did was lose some of his own money. What the IRS did is illegal. What the New York Times did is illegal. What Hillary Clinton has done with pay to play is illegal. What Hillary did with her private server and selling out national secrets is illegal. But no one cares about the rule of law anymore on the Left. It’s all about maintaining power at all costs. Even Republicans went after Richard Nixon, who by the way never used the IRS against his opponents. He thought about it but never did. The Left shows no such honor.

I am embarrassed to be an American with the current government in power.
Here's your bananna republic - The Pravda press

MSNBC Deletes Scarborough Criticism of NBC’s ‘Cooked’ Poll Helping Hillary

During the opening 6AM segment of today’s Morning Joe, Scarborough accused NBC of having “cooked” its current poll to favor Hillary Clinton. But at 8AM when Morning Joe replayed that opening segment, Scarborough’s criticism of the NBC poll . . . had disappeared. Instead, the video jumped ahead to Mika Brzezinski’s reading of the poll results themselves, which showed Hillary Clinton with an 11-14% lead.

Scarborough’s point was that NBC sampled only during the height of the hot mic hysteria, but didn’t include sampling from after the debate, widely viewed as having been won by Trump. Joe obviously knew he was skating on thin network ice, prefacing his criticism by saying “we work here. We really love working here. We love this place.



Communists are not really into free speech.

he evolved pretty ******* quickly.
Going for the jugular

Great ad!

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