I thought trump won the debate and got under hillarys skin a few times. It was not a knockout win, but he did much much better than the first debate. I do not understand the controversy over the syria problems. They do not have to agree on everything just because they are running together.
Syria is a big issue because it's a discussion on several fronts.
It's an example of Obama's failed diplomatic policies, and Hillary's - the famous line in the sand.
Because our foreign policy there was so weak, and we refused to actually help mitigate the situation (i.e, the line in the sand), other countries like Russia stepped up to do so. Their policies don't mirror ours. So now they are there and it's caused issues. We disagree with their approach, but panty-waist Obama watches from the sidelines.
Because we refused to mitigate the situation, it left the vacuum behind that led to the formation of ISIS, now in 33 countries. Syria is its birthplace.
And now it's led to a massive immigration crisis and leading to people like Hillary and Obama wanting to open our doors to tens of thousands, if not more, refugees from Syria. HUGE issue. Many terrorists have used the refugee crisis to get into places like France (appearing to be part of the refugees) and committed some of the terror attacks there. They prey upon these sympathies and the relaxation of immigration rules and walk into countries. Hillary says "she'll vet them." If you believe he promise, that we can vet them, I don't care who you are - you're dumber than a box of rocks. There is no Syrian Govt left to give us papers on these people. Many of the refugees literally have no papers at all. Many only have partial papers. It's literally an "impossibility" for anyone to tell you they can vet the refugees.
They could spend 2 debates on Syria alone.
Edit: Isn't it rich though...Hillary and Obama helped make the rising problem a disaster. Then they sat back and watched. Then they called ISIS the JV team, and let them grow. Now they want you to give up your taxpayer dollars to help refugees they are partially responsible for putting on the street, AND they want you to believe they have the right policies to fix the problems in Syria and the Middle East. As I said before, you cannot make this **** up.