They've given up on the last three elections. They aren't even trying.
Well, to be fair, Trump is making me appreciate how good a candidate Mittens was.
They've given up on the last three elections. They aren't even trying.
I disagree. This country deserves exactly what it gets. This whole false outrage over Trump's statements that came out on Friday prove it. How can anyone in this country claim to be outraged when we have allowed the utter **** that is in popular culture, whether it be TV, movies music, whatever. I had that epiphany in thinking about this. I have watched that series "Game of Thrones." Hell, one of the recent seasons seemed that every episode had a damn rape in it.
You can't be serious. One is FICTIONAL writing about a fantasy world, the other is a Presidential candidate bragging about sexually assaulting women. False outrage? For chrissake, Game of Thrones has dragons and Giants in it.
Trust me, you didn't have an epiphany about anything.
I'm sure there was plenty of outrage back then on SN, don't quite remember. Surely everyone was as equally up in arms as they are now regarding Hillary, calling for Bush to be thrown in jail et al.
10,000 Supporters at Pennsylvania Trump Rally Chant ‘CNN SUCKS."
Nearly 10,000 voters chanted “CNN sucks” during a campaign rally for Donald Trump in Pennsylvania Monday night.
“I’m telling you, they are so dishonest. Without the media, Hillary Clinton couldn’t be elected dog catcher,” Trump stated. “CNN is a disgrace.”
I expect nothing less from the Communist News Network
You can't be serious. One is FICTIONAL writing about a fantasy world, the other is a Presidential candidate bragging about sexually assaulting women. False outrage? For chrissake, Game of Thrones has dragons and Giants in it.
Trust me, you didn't have an epiphany about anything.
Meanwhile, Hillary calls Arabs "Sand Niggers" -
Oh, the irony....words matter!
Meanwhile, Hillary calls Arabs "Sand Niggers" -
Oh, the irony....words matter!
Are you ****** serious.?
Why would those responsible for an out of control culture be outraged over ***** talk?
You ****** people are unreal.
Meanwhile, Hillary calls Arabs "Sand Niggers" -
Oh, the irony....words matter!
Meanwhile, Hillary calls Arabs "Sand Niggers" -
Oh, the irony....words matter!
***** talk? Ha!
Obama won't say "Radical Islamic Terrorist" Trumpers won't say "bragging about sexual assault".
"Just words" they say when it's clear it's just women.
What the ***** the matter with you?
Everyone and their brother has condemned what Trump said when he was a democRAT.
You lose all concept of priorities and relevance when all you're about is defending your side and bashing Trump.
Islamic terrorism, Hillarys crimes, and Hillary seeking to destroy and degrade those women who were actually abused by her husband takes precedence over words said 11 yrs. ago in private life.
But not to these sanctimonious leftist ********.
Just a simple yes or no test if you and Tibs can ever be forthright.
After all the crystal clear evidence has unfolded in front of your faces, can you now concede that media bias is heavily slanted against Trump?
***** talk? Ha!
Obama won't say "Radical Islamic Terrorist" Trumpers won't say "bragging about sexual assault".
"Just words" they say when it's clear it's just women.
I'm not defending Hillary, but if you're bringing it up, Bill never admitted to anything like the moron Trump did. Seems Bill at least has the sense to know it wrong, Trump thinks he's entitled to it because he's a "star".
People are still endorsing Trump only because it was WOMEN he bragged about sexually abusing. It isn't about just WORDS. As if he could say anything and still get a pass. Or maybe he could, you tell me? Think through it - the hint should be obvious.
Look man Trump DID NOT GRAB ANYONES *****. It was hyperbole nothing more.