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Trump - Make America Great Again!

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And Donald Trump continues to rack up the endorsements.

David Duke, a former grand wizard of the Ku Klux Klan and self-described “racial realist,” says Donald Trump is the best Republican candidate for president because he “understands the real sentiment of America.”

Cobb, a hate crimes fugitive from Canada who is currently on probation for brandishing a gun at Leith residents in 2013, joins a number of other individuals with known white supremacist leanings who've expressed their adoration for Trump.

The Daily Stormer Endorses Donald Trump for President
Donald Trump declared “the Hispanics love me!”

Sure they do, Donald.

Hispanics Really, Really Hate Donald Trump

Gallup posted a pretty dramatic chart today. It shows net favorability among Hispanics for the Republican presidential candidates, and for 16 of them it ranges from +11 (Jeb Bush) to -7 (Ted Cruz). That's a fairly narrow band. But for Donald Trump, net favorability clocks in at -51.

Donald Trump declared “the Hispanics love me!”

Sure they do, Donald.

Hispanics Really, Really Hate Donald Trump

Gallup posted a pretty dramatic chart today. It shows net favorability among Hispanics for the Republican presidential candidates, and for 16 of them it ranges from +11 (Jeb Bush) to -7 (Ted Cruz). That's a fairly narrow band. But for Donald Trump, net favorability clocks in at -51.


If there is anything the Clintons and Obama have taught us is that if you say something over and over, even if it isn't true, it will become the truth. So why not say it?
Tibs, Why is it wrong to be against illegal immigration? Why do liberals assume because I am against any illegal immigration I am some racist *** who hates all immigrants? This whole debate has been corrupted by those who purposely or through ignorance take a view, strictly based on US Law, and try to make it something it is not. If you do something Illegal you have by definition broken the law, you are not just undocumented. There can be no argument about that, it is written in US law. How does my feeling about law breaking make me a bad person. If you come here legally and follow are laws and become a contributing member of society I wholeheartedly welcome you. You can argue we need to fix the system to allow more people who can contribute to come in to the country legally. The Immigration system is broken just as any bloated government system breaks down. We do need reform or actually just scrap the whole system and start over with a much simpler one. There is a whole industry devoted to the myriad layers of visas and documents required to come and stay and work here. I have personal experience with that as my Step mother came here from Lithuania and her brother came over later. His experience trying to stay here has been an absolute clusterfuck of governmental bloated insane bureaucracy and red tape. None of that changes the fact that those who skirted the system are law breakers. Many of those who come here illegally are already criminals in their own countries. Leaving are border open would doom us eventually. We need to control the flow of people coming here and fix the system so we can have legal immigrants who will help us not be a drain on our limited resources. Anyone who came here legally should have no problem with that view.

Trump is a wind bag blowhard but he does tell some hard to hear truths that many are afraid to say. What would you do to fix the immigration problem would you open the borders and say come one come all?
Would granting amnesty, or a path to legal standing for only those who deserve it, before fixing the other issues help or hurt things? Truly what are your real thoughts not the liberal talking points.
The immigration system is not broken. We have perfectly good laws. The problem is, they aren't being enforced, the reason being for political favor. We have come to a point in our country where political parties are willing to suspend our laws, and sovereignty for votes. Then they claim racism. ******* despicable.
The immigration system is not broken. We have perfectly good laws. The problem is, they aren't being enforced, the reason being for political favor. We have come to a point in our country where political parties are willing to suspend our laws, and sovereignty for votes. Then they claim racism. ******* despicable.

Well votes and cheap labor anyway. Even skilled labor, H1B visas are the most abused thing in the world.
The system is absolutely broken. It is way to hard to keep track of who is here legally who has been where and done what. It is easy to just fall through the cracks and not be able to ever fix your standing. There are bribes and graft rampant int the visa system. It s just way to complicated. Just like the tax code. I am not saying we need to grant amnesty just simplify the system update into this century and cut the bullshit governmental red tape. This all come from personal experience with family. I dont want to get into details but the corruption and regulations are insane.
Trump kicks out Univision "journalist"


SURPRISE! Jorge Ramos’s daughter works for Hillary campaign

Jorge Ramos, the amnesty activist moonlighting as a Univision and Fusion journalist, revealed that his daughter is an employee of the Hillary Clinton campaign. Ramos Hillary

Ramos was temporarily removed from a press conference being held by Republican presidential front runner Donald Trump in Iowa yesterday.

As Trump called on a reporter, Ramos stood and began shouting questions. Trump asked him to sit down, but instead Ramos continued to interrupt the proceedings. After Ramos was briefly removed from the room, he returned, only to debate Trump for several minutes, instead of asking questions and waiting for answers.

How many weeks, days, hours till Trump gets the boot from the GOP? No way on earth they're gonna let this fly...

NYT said:
Republican front-runner Donald Trump began to flesh out his economic vision for America, and it includes raising taxes on the wealthy. Trump said during a Wednesday interview on Bloomberg’s With All Due Respect that he would like to change the tax code. Trump sat down with Bloomberg Politics’ Mark Halperin and John Heilemann, and surprisingly enough, he voiced his support for scrapping the carried-interest loophole, which tax hedge-fund profits at a lower rate than usual income. Eliminating the Wall Street tax break been a priority for many Democrats for quite a while.

Trump went on to complain that multi-millionaires are currently “paying very little tax and I think it’s outrageous.” After stressing his support for middle-class tax breaks – the Republican candidate has not yet outlined any specifics – Trump added, “I know people in hedge funds that pay almost nothing and it’s ridiculous, OK?”

As the NYT reports, Trump has also proposed imposing a 35% additional tax on carmakers that ship jobs overseas, and Mr. Trump has also been critical of hedge fund managers and the favorable tax treatment they receive. Calling them “paper pushers” who he says often just get lucky in making their money, Mr. Trump said last weekend that their taxes should be higher while the middle class should have their taxes reduced.

Hedge funds are not the only business groups that Mr. Trump has singled out. This month he lamented corporate “inversions” — when an American company acquires an international company so it can relocate its headquarters to a country with a lower tax rate.“They have no loyalty to this country,” Mr. Trump told NBC. “And we have to do something.”
How many weeks, days, hours till Trump gets the boot from the GOP? No way on earth they're gonna let this fly...

Trump just said he's ruling out a 3rd party run. IMO Trump is more conservative than many RINO's
Trump just said he's ruling out a 3rd party run. IMO Trump is more conservative than many RINO's
Yeah, real conservative. His economic plan is right out of Bernie Sanders' playbook.
here we go...

Ted Cruz And Donald Trump Planning Joint Event In Washington, DC

Republican presidential rivals Donald Trump and Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) are planning a joint event in Washington, DC to voice their opposition to the nuclear deal with Iran, The Washington Post reported on Thursday.

“We are talking to Ted Cruz, who is a friend of mine and a good guy, about doing something very big over the next two weeks in Washington,” Trump said after a campaign stop Thursday, according to the publication. He added the event was a "protest" against the deal.

A spokeswoman for Cruz told the newspaper that the senator invited Trump to join him, “to call on members of Congress to defeat the catastrophic deal that the Obama Administration has struck with the Islamic Republic of Iran.”

Important read....


Donald Trump plays a dangerous game: The dark side of making America great again

Fascists always masquerade as patriots -- but their sinister motives are never far beneath the surface

If you want to know what right-wingers mean when they say we must “take our country back,” take a look at the recent exchange between the Donald Trump fan and the Univision reporter, Jorge Ramos. In roughly thirty seconds, you get a snapshot of the typical Trump supporter: white, conservative, and full of nativist rage.

To recap: Ramos was ejected from Trump’s press conference after he deigned to do his job; specifically, Ramos pressed Trump for details on his immigration plan. Rather than answer Ramos’s questions, Trump tried to out-alpha him. When that didn’t work, Trump had his bodyguard usher the reporter out of the room. What you see in the video is a confrontation between Ramos and a Trump enthusiast in the hallway. The unidentified man, without any explanation, tells Ramos to “Get out of my country.” Ramos politely says, “I’m a U.S. citizen too,” to which the man responds, “Well, whatever…Univision, no.”

So what’s going on here? We have a white American telling a brown American to get out of his country. If every variable in this scenario were held constant except for race, is there any doubt it would not have happened? It’s telling that the man won’t even recognize Ramos’ citizenship. For his part, Ramos is an outsider, an alien. As lead anchor for Univision, an American Spanish language network, Ramos represents the new America, an increasingly diverse and progressive country.

This sort of anger is exactly what we should expect from loyal Trump supporters. Trump has tapped into an element of the conservative base that is explicitly xenophobic. All the anti-immigration rhetoric, all the race-baiting, and all the dog whistling has finally found its audience. These people resent the melting pot that America has become. Trump’s appeal is straightforward: He promises to purge their country of the invaders. As he says, his plan is to “find them and get them out.” The people with whom this message resonates are so happy to hear it that they don’t care that Trump can’t explain how he’ll accomplish it. All they hear is “get them out” and “build a wall” – and that’ enough.

The most bizarre part of all this is that Trump is very likely a charlatan. I doubt he really believes any of this – he’s just a performer on a promotional tour. But he’s playing a dangerous game. Stoking nativist fires will, eventually, lead to action, as it did in Boston recently when two Trump supporters beat a brown man precisely because he was brown, and then told police that “Donald Trump was right.”

It should surprise no one that Trump has attracted this sort of energy. In many ways, he’s reignited the cultural hysteria behind the Tea Party movement. The “take-back-our-country” Tea Partiers have found a new channel for their rage. Trump’s strength is that he understands the psychology of his supporters. He knows Ramos, a Mexican-American, is a symbol of the nebulous “other,” whose very existence is anathema to the bygone America Tea Partiers fantasize about.

People like the man in that video believe they’re defending the country, but they’re really not; they’re defending a particular idea of America, one in which everyone is white and conservative and Christian. But that’s not the country we live in today. The Trump-lovers know this and they’re pissed off about it. They knew it the minute a black man and a black family moved into the White House.

What you see in that video are the convulsions of a culturally isolated conservative. Trump offers absolutely nothing in the way of solutions, but he gives men like that the affirmation they need. Tough times are always good to fascists – the people need a boogeyman and immigrants and minorities are default targets. I can’t say the man in that video is a fascist, but I can say he’s behaving like one. Fascists always masquerade as patriots, as defenders of traditional values and traditional ways of life. That’s what I see on the frenzied face of the man who accosted Ramos.

It’s worth noting that the slogan “take our country back” isn’t exclusive to the Republican Party. Democrats have mouthed the same catchphrase countless times. There’s a difference, though. For Democrats like Gore and Kerry, it was a political gimmick, an empty refrain without a human face. When angry men with guns outside of Tea Party rallies say it, we know exactly what they mean.

We know that because they tell us, and they often tell us in rooms full of people who look just like they do.
That wasn't important at all. It was just an example of a typical *****-*** scared pansy libtard.
That wasn't important at all. It was just an example of a typical *****-*** scared pansy libtard.
Nothing less was expected from a typical frothing-at-the-mouth, frenetic Trump supporter like yourself. It's almost as if this article was written specifically about you. Thanks for helping confirm that.
Important read....


Donald Trump plays a dangerous game: The dark side of making America great again

Fascists always masquerade as patriots -- but their sinister motives are never far beneath the surface

If you want to know what right-wingers mean when they say we must “take our country back,” take a look at the recent exchange between the Donald Trump fan and the Univision reporter, Jorge Ramos. In roughly thirty seconds, you get a snapshot of the typical Trump supporter: white, conservative, and full of nativist rage.

To recap: Ramos was ejected from Trump’s press conference after he deigned to do his job; specifically, Ramos pressed Trump for details on his immigration plan. Rather than answer Ramos’s questions, Trump tried to out-alpha him. When that didn’t work, Trump had his bodyguard usher the reporter out of the room. What you see in the video is a confrontation between Ramos and a Trump enthusiast in the hallway. The unidentified man, without any explanation, tells Ramos to “Get out of my country.” Ramos politely says, “I’m a U.S. citizen too,” to which the man responds, “Well, whatever…Univision, no.”

So what’s going on here? We have a white American telling a brown American to get out of his country. If every variable in this scenario were held constant except for race, is there any doubt it would not have happened? It’s telling that the man won’t even recognize Ramos’ citizenship. For his part, Ramos is an outsider, an alien. As lead anchor for Univision, an American Spanish language network, Ramos represents the new America, an increasingly diverse and progressive country.

This sort of anger is exactly what we should expect from loyal Trump supporters. Trump has tapped into an element of the conservative base that is explicitly xenophobic. All the anti-immigration rhetoric, all the race-baiting, and all the dog whistling has finally found its audience. These people resent the melting pot that America has become. Trump’s appeal is straightforward: He promises to purge their country of the invaders. As he says, his plan is to “find them and get them out.” The people with whom this message resonates are so happy to hear it that they don’t care that Trump can’t explain how he’ll accomplish it. All they hear is “get them out” and “build a wall” – and that’ enough.

The most bizarre part of all this is that Trump is very likely a charlatan. I doubt he really believes any of this – he’s just a performer on a promotional tour. But he’s playing a dangerous game. Stoking nativist fires will, eventually, lead to action, as it did in Boston recently when two Trump supporters beat a brown man precisely because he was brown, and then told police that “Donald Trump was right.”

It should surprise no one that Trump has attracted this sort of energy. In many ways, he’s reignited the cultural hysteria behind the Tea Party movement. The “take-back-our-country” Tea Partiers have found a new channel for their rage. Trump’s strength is that he understands the psychology of his supporters. He knows Ramos, a Mexican-American, is a symbol of the nebulous “other,” whose very existence is anathema to the bygone America Tea Partiers fantasize about.

People like the man in that video believe they’re defending the country, but they’re really not; they’re defending a particular idea of America, one in which everyone is white and conservative and Christian. But that’s not the country we live in today. The Trump-lovers know this and they’re pissed off about it. They knew it the minute a black man and a black family moved into the White House.

What you see in that video are the convulsions of a culturally isolated conservative. Trump offers absolutely nothing in the way of solutions, but he gives men like that the affirmation they need. Tough times are always good to fascists – the people need a boogeyman and immigrants and minorities are default targets. I can’t say the man in that video is a fascist, but I can say he’s behaving like one. Fascists always masquerade as patriots, as defenders of traditional values and traditional ways of life. That’s what I see on the frenzied face of the man who accosted Ramos.

It’s worth noting that the slogan “take our country back” isn’t exclusive to the Republican Party. Democrats have mouthed the same catchphrase countless times. There’s a difference, though. For Democrats like Gore and Kerry, it was a political gimmick, an empty refrain without a human face. When angry men with guns outside of Tea Party rallies say it, we know exactly what they mean.

We know that because they tell us, and they often tell us in rooms full of people who look just like they do.


Is it not bigoted for the writer/artist to take one person's actions/disposition and assign them to an entire group of people? "the typical Trump supporter: white, conservative, and full of nativist rage."

Is that act of stereotyping not amazingly similar to what he is accusing man in the video of?
Tibs, Is it not bigoted for the writer/artist to take one person's actions/disposition and assign them to an entire group of people? "the typical Trump supporter: white, conservative, and full of nativist rage." Is that act of stereotyping not amazingly similar to what he is accusing man in the video of?
To a certain extent, yes, I agree with you. On the other hand, help me understand how that is not a fairly accurate description of a typical Trump supporter? Is that not why he's polling so high this summer? Isn't it the blistering "telling it how it is" aspect of his campaign? What is it that he's telling us? And how does that contradict the main tenents of this article?
To a certain extent, yes, I agree with you. On the other hand, help me understand how that is not a fairly accurate description of a typical Trump supporter (black, asian, hispanic, gay, female, P*ts fan)?

change out "Trump supporter" for another group and tell me you wouldn't object to the stereotyping. If you can argue that stereotyping is acceptable because it is mostly true and fits the narrative of the moment, then you have to accept the same logic even when you don't like it.....
change out "Trump supporter" for another group and tell me you wouldn't object to the stereotyping. If you can argue that stereotyping is acceptable because it is mostly true and fits the narrative of the moment, then you have to accept the same logic even when you don't like it.....
Ok, if you want to narrow it down to this, you won't get an argument out of me. Stereotyping is never a good thing. So following your train of thought, we can safely say not all Trump supporters agree with his anti-immigrant rhetoric, nor do they oppose the current fabric of American society, as multicultural as it may be. They stand and applaud him, but don't neccessarily agree with him.
Oh boy... if anyone has a link to the live feed, by all means please share.

In what can only be called the single greatest moment in the history of television—up there with the Moon Landing and the final episode of M*A*S*H*—tonight Sarah Palin will be interviewing Donald Trump.

From Palin's FB page:


WTH, LAMESTREAM MEDIA! STAY OUT OF MY BIBLE WTH? Lamestream media asks GOP personal, spiritual "gotchas" that they'd NEVER ask Hillary, or they'd feed the question to her and/or liberal cohorts before they asked it on-air (we know how these things work, lapdog media... the public's on to you), so good on Trump for screwing with the reporter. By the way, even with my reading scripture everyday I wouldn't want to answer the guy's question either... it's none of his business; it IS personal; what the heck does it have to do with serving as commander-in-chief; and these reporters trying to trip up conservatives can go pound sand until they ask the same things of their favored liberal pals. I'll cover this in my interview with Donald Trump and other candidates tonight on the One America News Network show "On Point." The more the media does this, the more they empower America to reject them and their bias as voters run to the anti-status quo candidates daring to Go Rogue.

ps - is she already drunk, this many hours before going on air?
Ok, if you want to narrow it down to this, you won't get an argument out of me. Stereotyping is never a good thing. So following your train of thought, we can safely say not all Trump supporters agree with his anti-immigrant rhetoric, nor do they oppose the current fabric of American society, as multicultural as it may be. They stand and applaud him, but don't neccessarily agree with him.

Not what I meant. The act of attempting/wanting/needing to categorize at all is hypocritical when the criticism is directed at some group for doing that similar categorization/stereotyping.
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